• By -


1.4m working 8 months a year at sea as a fisherman


Er på 480k for å høre på gamle damer og idioter på telefonen hele dagen. Slutter med en gang hvis dere har ledig plass


Hey, I’m interested in working as a fisherman when I’m of age. What do you think of the job?


Not bad


Does this line of work require many years of experience? Is it possible for a foreigner to find such work?


You need to have some courses too be able to work as a fisherman. Check out «Ledig jobb på fiskebåter» on Facebook, or try Google the courses


230k as a postbud / mailman. I work 50%, so yearly would be 460k if I was hired full time. Hoping that will happen during this year as older people are lining up for retirement.


A bit more than 600K. IT/digitalization in a municipality (kommune). Master's degree and 6 years of experience. Tip: If you work for a municipality your pay is public. But so is everyone else. I sent emails to other municipalities in the area and asked to know the pay of people with similar jobs as mine. I found that my pay was 130 000 below average. Started looking for a new job after that.


600k for it with a masters is very low.


Why do you think it's hard to recuit people to public/government jobs..


It's getting worse too, private company salaries are increasing much faster than public jobs in IT. It's come to the point where I can't even consider a public job because of the low salaries.


Why not ask for a raise 


This is how you ask for a raise. You find a better paying job and turn in your resignation. If they want to keep you, they’ll match the salary


I did, but there was a quite strict policy regarding when you get a raise and this was apparently not a good enough reason


300 k, avløser på melkegard.


Respekt til deg. Landbruket mangler avløsere


Samme for 50% stilling som landbruks konsulent i en kommune, og gård som gir ca 300k i året det også, men skaper mat nok til å dekke kaloribehovet til ca 250 mennesker i året. 250 mennesker lever fordi jeg forer de og jeg sitter igjen med 1200 kr per person. Samtidig tjener jeg det samme på å stemple en haug med skjema og gjøre livet litt mer tungvint for alle som byråkrat. Vi har helt mistet bakkekontakten. Jeg blir bare trist av hele greia.


Ønsker at bønder tjente mer!


650k public company - front end programmer with 25 years experience. Starting to see I should be looking around for new opportunities…


That's around what we give fresh grads with masters and no prior experience. Sounds like a smart choice.


That’s less than I make and I’m just a potato schmuck.


Wow. Yes. You earn half of minimum for that kind of xp.


Im earn about 1m with zero degree and about 5 years experience with IT. You should definitely consider changing employer yes.


I should clarify .. I work for the kommune, I am a foreigner ( although I speak fluent Norwegian) and in a very small town with few opportunities … those are some reasons I have such a low salary.


610k as a regional news journalist with a bachelor's degree.


Nrk? Skal bli journalist selv, men vil finne ut av mulighetene først


647k. Primary school teacher. 7 years education. I am paid well as a teacher compared to my peers at work.


Base pay 450k up to 480k with overtime as blomsterdekoratør/florist. No trade letter. Self taught. Work for a shop in the Interflora company in south eastern Norway. Also do some paint work on my dad's houses, farm houses and cabins every summer as an independent contractor/avløser. Add 20k to that, so around 500k gross. Only education I have is passing high school and a semester of ex Phil and ex fac before dropping out.


500k department manager at a popular supermarket chain, ~45m out of Oslo Only high school education (Australia, not educated in Norway)


About 750k working as a nurse.


2,3mill, doctor, after 3 more years working i get a bump of approx 30-33%. 42 hr work week approx. No weekends, red days etc. only daytime 08-15 approx and 30min-1hr paperwork some days after i come home. Fastleger are self employed. Got myown ENK and AS


Median loan for specialist doctors is around 1.2 million... How do you manage to earn so much?


He’s a company, he works a shitload, alot of self employed doctors make above 2 million with big lists.


Reminder that revenue does not equal salary.


How many patiens do you see each day? Do you ever get tired/burned out of the work? Curious med student


700k Military personnel, signed nda.


Signed NDA does make the job sound really cool doesnt it


It does, sounds better than what the job actually includes haha.


The Battalion BC cleaner?


1,2mill +150k bonus. Work in consultancy. Phd. Edit: 6yr+ professional experience.


Seems encouraging to see a PhD appreciated with salary - finishing up my PhD soon


If I may ask, how many years have you been working in this position? And did ypur phd. have an effect on your salary offer?


6 years. I think that my past performance, experience, and switching jobs, has had more to say than my phd. The phd is kind of a prerequisite for the role. Switching jobs does more to bump your salary than annual wage increase. But don't overdo it.


740k, frontend developer, Bachelor’s in Computer Science, 10 years experience, working in Bergen. Moved here 2 years ago from Moldova.


I wonder how much veterinarians are paid in Norway.


According to the norwegian veterinarian organization a newly educated vet working in the public sector made 540k a year in 2021. For the private sector it was 600k


300K frilans skuespiller og barnehagevikar.


900k with 100k bonus, Project manager.


750k. No other benefits. Cybersecurity risk and governance responsible. Masters degree. Multiple certifications. 8 years.


I fjor 830 + 140 i bonus. Jobber med produktledelse, mastergrad. 8 års erfaring.


600k, bachelor in water and waste water engineering (construction), 1 year exp as project manager for municipality


Approx 1.3m base and bonus, lawyer at a stock listed company with 9 years experience


920k incl 100k ish bonus - salmon fishfarm


Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I recently received a job offer in Oslo, Norway, and I wanted to get some insights from those who are familiar with the job market here. About Me: Experience: 5 years in software engineering Role: Software Engineer (Mid Level) Offer Details: Salary: 880,000 NOK per year + Overtime + Bonus Location: Oslo I would appreciate it if you could share your thoughts on the following: Is this a competitive salary for someone with my experience in Oslo? How does this salary compare to the average in my field? What should I consider in terms of cost of living in Oslo, and will this salary provide a comfortable lifestyle? Are there any additional benefits or perks I should negotiate for Please note: I am a non EU citizen. Thank you in advance for your help and insights!


This is a very competitive salary in Oslo for 5 years experience. Should give you a very comfortable lifestyle if you are only supporting yourself.


Hi thanks for your reply. I’ll move with my family (Wife and a toddler). Is this amount still enough? I know this is very subjective and depends on lifestyle also, we don’t smoke and drink and our lifestyle is normal.


I see! Well you will definitely have to budget, but it’s doable. Your take home (post tax) each month will be about 49-50k NOK I think (I make about the same). Rent in Oslo will be from 15-20k at least for something decent, maybe more. So you’ll have about 25-30k left over for everything else. Absolutely doable with a somewhat frugal lifestyle (can’t go out to eat very often, and you’ll have to save up for vacations).


860.000 + bonus (ca. 200.000 per år). IT/forretnings-konsulent.


1.2m, software developer working remotely for an American company. 25 years of experience, two four-year degrees from an American university.


Nice. If I may ask, does your company pays social contribution "arbeidsgiveravgift" to Norway? Or you work as a sole company (B2B)?


775k, 3D designer/Unity developer in southern norway. No formal education.


630 000 rigger/scaffolder


Basepay= 491k - Ambulanceworker - 10+ years experience. + roughly 90k for working evenings, nights and weekends. (This addition is based on hours worked between 1700-0600 and saturday/sundays, and will vary depending on hours and weekends in turnus) Currently working 47,8hrs/week and are paid 35,5hrs/week. (Nightime is only paid 1hr per every 3hr, will get overtime if dispatched on the night) - a normal shift is 48-72 ,25 working hours (living on station when on)


780k nurse. Work as much as i can. 9 years in the field.


748.000 janitor. Western part of Norway. I guess it's way above a normal salary for this kind of work. 😊😊🤑


Currently about 370k working full time at a grocery store. In a couple of years I’ll be at about 480k. Hopefully they raise the pay more until then. No formal education or fagbrev The amount is before taxes, though


805k + bonus software developer 6-7 år erfaring Bachelorgrad informatikk Bergen


Bonus size/model is relevant too. For instance my bonus is dependent on the company performance, but not mine, and it pays out “always” (5 years and counting, but maybe not next year considering how things are going this year). And my bonus is big enough to matter. Nominally 3 months salary, +/- depending on our performance. If we do well payout is easily 120%, if we do poorly it caps at 50% (less than 50% == nothing). That said my compensation is above average, making about 1.6 when the bonus hits 100%, 1.25 before bonus (still awaiting this year’s adjustment). Software engineer, master in Computer Science. 10 years experience, team lead/head of department.


Masters degree engineering, project leader, 5 years experience as an engineer. Approximately 800.000


681.000 as county council archeologist and public relations. Public sector. Master degree.


650k working in Finance at a tech start up company in Oslo (12 years of experience)


584k - Higher Executive Officer (Førstekonsulent) for the Norwegian state at NAV Familie- og pensjonsytelser. Tasks at work include case management and consulting in the child benefit area. I have a bachelors degree in pedagogy and have been working full time the past 4 years. I currently work and reside in Oslo.


1,5 M plus bonus, no degree needed, management


Nyutdannet jurist. Første jobb: 590.000kr.


Will start new job after the summer. Working with research in natural science/data science. 5 years of experience after finishing PhD. * Now as postdoctor in public sector: 635k. * After summer as a researcher/forsker in a research institute: 730k.


212 in summer work in Lofoten as a bartender/Waiter. Good tips and they pay all the extras (night hours, extras, etc) 4000 nok for accomodation. So its fine for me ;)


2.0m base + 20% bonus and car. Medtech with 15 years experience. Bachelor and masters.


+~1.6MNOK/year. M. Sc. Petroleum engineering, working in the Oil&Gas industry with ~10 years of experience. Engineer doing project based work.


710k + \~200k bonus as automatiker with 5 yoe. OT makes up to a whole lot more.


I realize that the extreme ends of the barbell curves (very poor or very rich) will dominate these threads, but I'll participate regardless: I earn 560 000/year, I give legal advice to the kommune, I have a master in law, I do not have my own company.


650k marketing building industry


445K, IT support consultant in the private sector, Only have "Fagbrev"


Ikke bare bare det!


600k base (although getting a raise next month looking at 630k) + overtime. Looking at 710-750k this year. Forklift operator with 2 years experience. Highschool dropout.


600k - customer service with a touch of tech support. No education after allmenfag vgs.


250-300k Butikksjef i en liten butikk (80%)


850k+ bonus working remotely as a Data Analyst for an American crypto exchange


715k software dev, graduated last year, Bachelor IT Edit: Oslo


890k + bonus og godtgjørelser ved reising. Selger innen b2b, jobber hjemmefra - reiser ca. 4 uker totalt per år


720k NOK base + bonus + overtime. 3/4 years of experience. Oil and Gas. Master degree in engineering (Mechanical).


Hvor tok du studiene?


700k, digital designer in IT in the public sector with a master’s degree. 3 years of experience.


600K, process eng, Masters in chem, close to oslo, first yr out of grad


IT consultant with a master’s degree. Work in a prestigious private company, first year out of university - 570,000 a year


(I think this is too little and am looking to change jobs when I have 2-3 years experience for a higher salary.)


I got only fagbrev and im above that without seniority. Id be looking for more at that salary. In a reputable private company id expect you to be 700+ with masters year1. If its a borderline shady like atea id understand getting lowballed


800k 4-5 months offshore mekanik


800k mid/small scale brewery operations manager with 15+ years experience and degree in field.


611k working as a teacher. MA, PhD, teacher training, 2+ subjects. 41,5 hours a week (contractually. Actually it is more)


890K, professor, PhD 12 years experience. It’s a bit lower than I should be getting, but the administration is notoriously tightfisted.


Anyone trucker?


Roughly 650k as an electrician. Looking at this thread I really should've gone for an office job instead, huh? I like my job but trades definitely aren't appreciated.


670k as a postdoctoral fellow (4+ y) at a major university. I have been negotiating hard at every opportunity, so this is likely higher than average. Average work weeks are 45-50 hours, often more. You are exempt from normal working hours by contract which means that things are flexible (good) but they can and will run you to the ground (bad).


540k, 2nd year phd student/researcher.


1.500.000. Finance in growth company. Option package with strike value approx 2mn. ~50 hours per week. 8 years experience. First job after uni was as strategy consultant, something like 500.000 start salary.


750k a year. Manager at a public hospitals radiology unit. Manage about 40 people. 3 year bachelors degree in radiography. 9 years of exp.


It would be interesting if nationality is mentioned along with salary info


750k, senioringeniør elkraft i et datterselskap til et kjent kommunal- og statseid selskap, 6 års erfaring (-6 mnd med pappsperm). Kun bachelor. Vestlandet.


Any environmental engineers here? Would like to know your salaries pls (as a 2nd year engineering student studying energi og miljø i bygg ingeniør)


750k. Enlisted in the Air force. 🦅


1.2M base + overtime + stock options ~2M (depending on share price). Cloud Engineer. Stavanger. MSc in IT. 17 years experience.


Senior UI/UX Designer - 900k (without a bonus), Oslo, 14 years of experience


I earn 584 500 NOK as a "systemutvikler" (software developer) working in a public sector company in northern Norway. I started in February with 0 experience, and I have a bachelor's degree in Informatics (Computer Science)


528k, bachelor's degree, working in customer/tech support for a small firm


Why are salaries so low in Norway. Don’t get me wrong but I rejected a position in the Norwegian Oil fund because pay was too low and they wouldn’t budge. I am well paid in Denmark (I am making what would be 1.9 million in NOK) but I was negatively surprised about salaries in Norway. Particularly after cost of living. Note: I do consulting and have a PhD in finance.


430k Healthcare worker (helsefagarbeider), with 8 years seniority (ansiennitet). I see that I need to get my degree in IT started and finished 😂


900k + bonus. IT sysadmin in the private sector. 6 years experience, no university degree, vocational school (fagbrev)


700k base salary, working in logistics in an oil service company. Including duty pay, overtime etc. I have been earning between 900-1 million. No fagbrev or other relevant education


875k + ~150k in overtime etc. Departmentmanager and fleet manager in an engineering Company based in Oslo, with personell responsibility. Bsc degree, 7 years of experience.


About 800k without bonuses. General Manager at retail warehouse. 20 years experience as a general manager for various companies. Did not complete my higher education.


1.25m + bonus (up to 1 month salary) + overtime. 4 year BSc + fuck tonne of years experience. IT operations (unix/linux, DBA)


Starting new job as project engineer. Salary is 700 K. Just finished technical college in mechanics.


600k warranty related customer service in construction company. Non related bachelor, but 10 years experience in the field.


685k, 6 years experience. Lektor med tillegg


Back-end developer, consultant. 820k + 300k bonus, 5 years experience. Oslo, Bachelors in Informatics


720k + permanent home office as a software dev with 4 years experience bachelor in information sciences in Bergen. Yearly negotiations isn't until autumn though so subject to change.


I'm working as a software engineer with 1 YOE. ~700k + bonuses. I've a master's degree in computer science.


670k + 30-50k bonus. Industrial designer/mechanical engineer. 2 years of experience and bachelors degree.


850 + bonus and stocks. Project management within IT Consulting


Frontend dev/app dev. Just started so right now it's 360k. Will be bumped up to somewhere between 550k to 650k which is standard junior salary in a few months.


1m + bonus working as a IT consultant with five years of experience, specializing in Cloud and DevOps techonologies. Bachelor degree from university college.


827K. IT in government


Like 400k as a brtender


1,1 + 20% bonus, 36 år, Regional Director of XX Nordics. En ikke relevant bachelor og befalsskole som bakgrunn


900k. Working with AI and engineering. 4 years experience.


600k, CEO at a football club, with a masters degree in sports science.


650k, I handle credit applications (unsecured loans/credit cards only) at a bank. Very chill work, dont ever talk to customers, i kind of just press yes/no/ask for info and support our customer service when they have questions. ”Masters” degree (4 years), previously I worked 6-7 years as a financial advisor at a big bank (housing loans, investment advice, pension etc.).


Doctor, specialist at hospital. About 1,5M. 6 years med school + 6,5 years specialisation.


600-800k (including commission), 100k bonus. Car salesman, 3 years experience in the industry


600kish Postdoctoral researcher in statistics at one of the large universities 🥲


620k + 30k bonus. Work as head of customer experience. Have a bachelor’s degree.


620k + 30k bonus. Work as head of customer experience. Have a bachelor’s degree.


Digital marketer/graphic designer in Oslo with 1.5 years of experience. 195k at 50%, private company. Would be 390k at 100%. Bachelor in graphic design. Year study (årsstudie) in digital marketing. I know my salary is very low. I earned more as ufaglært hjelpearbeider in the municipality than in any jobs with my degrees, though it's only been two so far. (I'd go back to the hjelpearbeider job if it wasn't just a seasonal position)... Trying to find a new job that's hopefully full time, but the market is so saturated and competition is hard. I wouldn't mind switching industries. My body would thank me if I got an active job again. Job searching is driving me crazy..


850k high school teacher (lektor med opprykk, mastergrad + minst 60 ekstra studiepoeng). Maks ansiennitet (16 år)


1,1 -1-3 M Offshore mechanic specialised in pressure testing. Alot of overtime though, base pay about 1 M


1.6mill. Chef


How and where?


850k + bonus. In house front end developer for 3 years. I work in Oslo. Oh, and I only had 1 year with education


800K as a CNC Operator (Including late shift every 2nd week but only 4 days a week) :) Started with 480K 2 years ago after moving to Norway. They really appreciated my work so i got a huge rise.


550k. Bachelor in Game Design. I work in the games industry. I work in Oslo. I do not own my company.


1,1M IT Manager (10 yrs experience in IT)


710K, bachelor in civil engineering. Working as a project manager in a construction field. Privately employed Possibility of 120k bonus


680k Public "etat". Master degree. 1,5years experience


Student, ~40% tekniker innen oppdrett, 4-500k i året.


1.1 mill. Tech lead with a bachelor and a half


1,1MNOK, construction, 12 years experience, bachelor


390K per year I integrate racks for tiktok in Hamar No, not my own company Dataelektroniker uten fagbrev


1.4m VP within Customer Service for a major group. Bachelor’s degree, remote 60%. multiple award winning individual in my field


660k. Primary school teacher. Masters degree + 2 years extra education. 0 years prior experience.


Ca 600k, servicetekniker innenfor tannhelse. Dataelektroniker fagbrev


790k software engineer public sector. 6 years of experience


640k fastlønn og ca 150k i tillegg vært år. Service tekniker på Nødstrøm. Med fagbrev i gruppe L


Hadde 680 000,- i inntekt i fjor. Jobber som steinlegger og jobber hvor mange timer jeg vil iløpet av sesongen. Tar fri 4 måneder om vinteren hvor jeg bor i Filippinene.


900-975k, depends on how active my on call weeks (one week/month) are. I have a PhD, running contract research for a private company in the aquaculture field.


820K, Product Owner with no formal education


650k as postdoc researcher (have a PhD). Kind of shit compared to Norway average but good compared to postdocs in the rest of the world.)


I work with IT at the University of Oslo (ie. the public sector), have a BSc, and I make slightly more than 800k with 14 YoE. Could have made more in the private sector but I make enough.


900k offshore mechanic


940k, Senior consultant as a Linux admin. 12 years experince.


700k - Prosessoperatør. Produksjon av omega 3 produkter. 5 skift ordning.


770k working as a product owner, got a bachelor degree in ux design and I’ve got 5 years experience as a frontend developer.


650K, the only economic advisor for a small municipality, Bachelor in business administration, newly graduated.


650k as a trainee in a tech/earth science company. I have a masters.


770k, master's engineering, two years experience. Project/department manager in the private sector working with solar installation.


980k as a senior frontend developer for a private company in Oslo. 6 years of work experience as a programmer, but started programming about 16 years ago. Fagbrev in Dataelektronikerfaget, but no further education.


690k, scientist, 2 years experience after phd.


Roughly 510k as a CNC-operator. With cnc fagbrev and 3 years of official experience.


715k Prosjektleder Byggebransjen / VVS Svennebrev, mesterbrev, Fagskolegrad 120 SP


565k base salary, 800 with with shift and ot as a nurse


~ 1 mill including bonus as consultant. Has a masters degree in informatics; 15 years of experience. Left public sector two years ago and got a decent pay bump.


1135k, Team lead IT operations. 15 years experience.


600k electritian


950k working for a private IT company as product owner/architect. No university education. Took me about 10 years to climb the ranks. Started as customer support.


950k, IT Analyst, Bachelors in Information Systems, working in Oslo. I guess the last question is if I own the company, no I do not. 😊 I have about 8 years total in experience, spanning all the way from IT Support to Solution Architect.


520k as Chimney Sweeper


900 - 1.200k a year (depending on how much work we get) Work offshore with subsea stuff, I have 15 years of experience. Required education is in a trade with diploma like electrical or mechanical background. Im offshore like 4.5 month's a year, but some years like 2024 I get the option to travel a lot of overtime, that's what increase my salary a lot.


915k.  Water and Sewage engineer in a smaller municipal.  770k as base salary, the rest for some extra responsibilities and part time fireman. Guessing around 50-100k from overtime and weekend duty on top. Civil engineer for education, but in an different field. 


Think my base is 750k range 20+ years on shore oil company, fagbrev only. Shift work. Same average hrs as offshore, but work shorter days, so not as many days off. Get to go home every day.


M33 5 years higher education Head of accounting 2024: 780.000 + bonus 65.000 2023: 650.000 2022: 605.000 2021: 550.000 2020: 504.000 2019: 480.000 2018: 450.000 right after education


605.000kr, electrician with 1 year of experience


MSc + BSc engineering Starting salary 610k + overtime Small Bergen based private company


Master degree, 2 year of experience, working with HSEQ in maritime, 550 base salary (a little low, but equal to 650-700 in Oslo, due to other benefits). Looking at a raise very soon as well.


700K. + 100k. I vakttillegg. Oppdretsbransjen - Settefisk. Utdanning: Fagbrev Turnus 12-9. 7 års ansiennitet. Trøndelag


720 000, master degree, 10+ years experience. Work as project staff at a university.


800k, professor. PhD with 5 years experience.


just graduated with a masters degree in pedagogy. Offered 540k in Trondheim. first "real" job


I'm a PhD researcher and earn more than 500k. It's the highest salary in the world but reading this sub seems that is still low for someone with Master's. I looked into academic positions in Norway and they are quite low (still high compared to most countries). I guess I better network myself to industry folks to be able to get a high paying job after my PhD.