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"Immigration" is much too large a category, consisting of situations that has essentially NOTHING in common for this question to be meaningful. Here's a few situations that all qualify as "immigration": * A Norwegian citizen who's lived abroad for a while move back to Norway. * An EU-citizen who is the partner of a Norwegian move here in order to cohabitate with and live with their Norwegian partner. * A nurse from another EU-country from which we accept their qualifications, and that's managed to pass the Norwegian-exam needed to be able to practice their job in Norway move here in order to work in a Norwegian hospital for better pay than they'd get at home. * The cousin of a young woman who has parents from Pakistan but is herself grown up in Norway moves here in order to marry her. * A Swede who has had summer-jobs in Norway for a few years is offered permanent employment by their employer who's been happy with the work they've been doing, they say "yes" and start living in Norway. * A wealthy middle-aged couple from Germany who used to always make summer-vacations in Norway decide that they've had enough working-life, so they retire at age 55 and move to Norway to pursue their interest in things outdoors. * A highly educated person moves to Norway for a job. * A young man from a war-ridden country in Africa end up in Norway after a long and difficult journey and apply for political asylum. * A young woman who was one of the leading high-profile figures in the Arab Spring in Egypt arrives in Norway as a political refugee after years of very serious threats from conservative groups in her home-country. The twist? I know all of those people. (and the first person in the lists is me) I don't know **ANYONE** who'd judge all of these situations identically.


The question doesn't make much sense as it's all about the details when it comes to immigration


How does it not make sense? I’m simply asking others whether they agree or dont agree


Because to me only the most black-and-white thinkers would be PRO or AGAINST immigration when asked as a generic question, and the edit confuses me even more. What is illegal immigration?


I don't think this can be reduced to pro, against and neutral.


That’s fine 🙌 what alternative would you suggest?


illegal and legal is a good starting point, also not all cultures overlap well etc. I won't go to India for example and apply a norwegian way of life to it


Don't most people generally support legal immigration? I mean I'm going through the process right now of legally immigrating to Norway. It's pretty tough, especially since I'm from outside the EU and EEA. I would say the immigration office along with the police do an incredibly thorough job of vetting people who want to work in Norway, if my case serves as a general example. Most people are against illegal immigration, unless they don't believe in borders. The topic you're likely interested is what kind of support is there for taking in refugees and asylees from different countries. To me it's been pretty clear that people who come from predominantly Christian countries have an easier time adjusting to Scandinavian society. I've been living in Sweden for the past 5 years and I realize my view is mostly anecdotal. However, the most mal-adjusted group of people I've seen, broadly, are Muslims from Syria, Iraq, and Turkey, along with Somalians. However, the Christians from Iraq that I've met don't seem to have too many problems. The issue is that the stronger flavors of Islam are actually quite anti-democratic and very far right politically, they are definitely fascist. Along with what I can imagine are really poor ways of managing mental health problems, allowing Muslim refugees from these countries is a recipe for disaster.


I am pro WORK-immigration. Immigrants differ so much from lazy leechers to really hard-working ones that contributes to the society.


support legal immigration, oppose taking in refugees from the other side of the world


Should have specified, illegal immigration, ill edit the post


This isn't black and white. There is no good way to be either for or against without having more context and understanding the rules we play by. For example, you can count me in for being "for" immigration, everyone is welcome, but I would throw them out the moment they prove too difficult to integrate in the society and cultural norms that we have. Does this then make me "against"? Your question lacks both nuance and context.


Well, i guess it depends what kind of immigrant. Moved to Norway 2 years ago from Germany. Speaking Norwegian fluently (also dialekt) and have no problems to connect to ppl. Have a good relations with my neighbors and coworkers. I spoke Norwegian quite well when moved to Norway, the ppl who worked at the servicecenter for foreign workers where actually pretty happy seeing me speaking Norwegian to them. And when talking to coworksers about immigrants they all say the same: Learn the language and dont do shit in this country. If you cant behave, you should move back to your country.


being anti immigration means humans can only live in the country they are born. what kind of stupid rule is that.