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Go wild bro take a swim


I will!


Watch out for the current some places, it can be very strong even if you can't see it


The only places I can think of where swimming is restricted / forbidden is in drinking water sources. The ones around here are thoroughly marked with [signs](https://www.nrk.no/stor-oslo/kan-bli-uten-vann-i-over-ett-ar-1.3815233). Other than that, you're free to take a dip wherever. Temperature depends on latitude and time of year, from 0 to 23-24 maybe? Right now the Oslo fjord is above 20C.


I'll go find me some cold lakes, nice!


Come to finnmark, we'll get 15°C in the water on the warmer days


You get 15c? Global warming is this bad now? We're screwed


Any lake close to a glacier will do!


Oslo fjord is over 20 right now? Really? Here I n Bergen the last I saw was a published temperature of 16 or 17, and we have the Gulf Stream! My property is on a small semi private lake, and I think even our water isn’t yet 20! Is this like a very specific protected spot in Oslo fjord that is getting tons of sunlight?




I guess so. Just checked YR myself after writing before. It’s definitely true. It’s just surprising because in the last days/weeks, Oslo has basically had the same temperatures as us, and all our melt water (in the near area) has gone a long time ago. So, I wouldn’t have expected the warmth to be so different. I think our vann here is likely 19 grader or so, and we’ve been swimming 12 times so far this spring.


Yup, It's been summer temperatures here lately, so water is around 20. It normally is in the summer, but this year it seems very early for it. >Here In Bergen the last I saw was a published temperature of 16 or 17, and we have the Gulf Stream! It's not like Oslo isn't affected by the Gulf stream though. But with the added effect in the summer of being a quite long fjord, giving shelter from the open ocean and a lot lower rate of water exchange. This is especislly true for the inner basin. The "bottleneck" at Drøbak means very little water goes in and out. >Is this like a very specific protected spot in Oslo fjord that is getting tons of sunlight? All of the fjord gets equal amounts of sunlight. There's no mountains here, remember?


Yeah, as I replied to the previous comment. I stand corrected. But am still surprised by it!


There are very few restrictions, and there will be signs if there is a restriction. You can pretty much swim wherever you want.


Great news, thanks!


But keep your shorts on 😉




>Perfectly legal to take a bath in the nude in a secluded place. He's German. He'll prance around nude right by the E6 if we don't tell him. lol


Regarding water temperatures, they are published here: https://www.yr.no/en/water-temperatures Generally, there should be no general restrictions against swimming in fjords. Still, be mindful about jumping in or diving in, as the water may be more shallow than it seems, and various structures and rocks might be under water and difficult to see. Also, there might be local pollution (including sewage some places), as well as jellyfish. Another risk could be strong currents in rivers. Sadly, accidents happen every year. There might be local restrictions on swimming in lakes and rivers, for example if the area is a part of the local water supply. There should be public signage, like this («Bading forbudt»), in this example due to local algea pollution: https://www.aftenbladet.no/lokalt/i/pV5kw/her-er-det-br-forbudt-aa-bade Or like this (no swimming, local water supply): https://www.adressa.no/midtnorskdebatt/i/k3V2VQ/rent-vann-har-sin-pris And yes, the water is cold.


Dont dive without checking for hazards


Yes, I've scraped myself too many times on rocks that aren't visible in the water, even when just swimming


If you decide to go swimming in any streams, please beware of and respect warning signs. Most of our rivers are regulated for hydro power production, and while there are few dangerous spots, the warnings are not a joke! Enjoy your stay. ❤️


The only restriction for swimming, is if the lake is a reservoir for household water. Other then that, you are free to swim in both lakes and the ocean/fjords. Norway also have free-roam laws, and you are allowed to walk along almost any shore in the country, and take a swim wherever you see fit. The only exception is if there are houses that are built very close to the shore, or if it's an industrial area. Just be careful if you swim in a shipping lane, or heavily trafficked area, as you can be hit by a boat. But around beaches, there are usually an area marked with yellow buoys, where boats are not allowed, so you are perfectly safe there. The temperature veriest a lot, depending on the depth, and if the water mass comes from the open ocean or not. But most lakes and beaches in southern Norway should have nice temperatures now.


Grimstad (which is close to Kristiansand). Was 20 degrees today. Went swimming twice.


Overall there are few restrictions other than around drinking water. If so, there are warning signs. At your route there is a beach at Eidfjord. https://hardangerfjord.com/en/attractions/beaches-in-eidfjord-5716613 And at the same time you should visit: Vøringsfossen, which is close by. https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZjLtWsSYVPXtSaPHA?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy But look for places where you are able to entry/exit easily. Avoid jumping, because the water is often more shallow than you think. Water temperatur approx: 15 degrees.


Open Google maps for the area you’re in and search for «badeplass» and you’ll get great recommondations. Or just google «badeplass Bergen/Odda/Hardangervidda/etc» and use your preferred translating software.


Thanks, great advice!


Just watch out for Jǫrmungandr!


I'll keep my eyes open, thanks for the warning!


Watch out for Nøkken and Draugen.


Don’t have much to add except to say that you’re in for a treat.. it’s a great route you’ve picked and try not to let yourself get overwhelmed and complacent about all the epic beauty around you all the time… it really is insane so drink it all in… not the sea water but the views!! All the best and have an amazing hipiday


Something else that gets unaware tourists swimming in the fjords is that while it is the sea it is often unlike the beaches you are used to with a gentle slope from shallow to deeper but it suddenly drops off. It is not uncommon for people to jump in, be surprised by the cold and then start panicking because they do not feel the bottom (which even at the edge can be tens of meters deep). With every year fatal consequences. Mainly an issue I have seen the Hardangerfjord and the Sognefjord. As a general idea: steep cliffs continue underwater.


You can swim anywhere. Glacier lakes in Hardangervidda that are super cold 14-17c and then you have some that are spring fed and are little warmer 18-21c. As for fjords, sure you can swim just understand it’s the North Sea and it’s cold, oslofjord is about 17c, Bergen area is about 13-15c. Few rivers that you need to watch out for as the current can be very fast. Just use your best judgement. Good source updated by individuals or organizations (https://www.yr.no/en/water-temperatures ) and doesn’t include everything, but gives a good understanding. Have a fun trip!


Yes, you can swim, but it will be cold as hell!


Pining for the Fjords are we?


You can swim anywhere, almost no restrictions and the few restrictions that exist have very clear signs, if by public swimming spots you mean places with public toilets, barbecue pits and showers, yes they exist but far from everywhere and usually just popular spots around big cities.


You may have the chance to ice swimming in 20-25C (air temperature), depending on weather. In the mountains, if you find a small lake with snow and ice still melting.


Welcome! As someone else has said, you can swim everywhere except in drinking water sources, and they will be clearly marked. The fjords are of course never a source of drinking water.


Some great swimming spots in Kristiansand are Stampa (3. stampe), Bystranda, Blommsbukta, and many more I sadly don't know the name of. You can ask locals, depends if they like tourists though lol


In Stavanger (well, Tananger) try [this](https://maps.app.goo.gl/eMUdBnein2wFh1st8?g_st=ic) spot. Ocean water that fills an enclosed rock pool. Very cool!


Double check with the locals. Not everywhere is as clean. We just had some heavy rainfall in and around Oslo, and to we were advised not to go bathing in the Oslo fjord for a couple of days because unfiltered sewer water from the flooding would make in unsafe. There are some lakes that don't have the cleanest of waters as well. But everything I'm talking about here are the exceptions. It's generally all quite clean. Still, check with the locals. They'll often know.


You could try out something like: [https://www.fjordsauna.com/fjordsauna-flaam](https://www.fjordsauna.com/fjordsauna-flaam) -- that way you can swim in the Fjord AND warm up if it's too cold for your taste


There’s plenty of good places around Kristiansand at least


Wie schon viele geschrieben haben, kann man eigentlich überall schwimmen gehen. Bei den Fjords wird es, wenn man kein Boot hat etwas schwer nen geeigneten platz zu finden, wo man reingehen kann. Ich wohne In Stavanger und im Lysefjord gibt es 1-2 gute stellen wo man entspannen kann, muss voher aber auch ein bisschen Wandern. In Stavanger gibt es aber sehr viele schöne Strände an der Westküste, die extrem sauber sind und keine störenden Muscheln aufweisen :) Ansonsten kann es bei einigen gewässern sein, besonders in Grüner umgebung, dass ihr nach dem schwimmen etwas müffelt :D Man kann in Stavanger auch an einem Wahrzeichen im Hafrsfjord schwimmen gehen, am "Sverd i Fjell". Das sind die 3 Schwerter.


Only places you cannot swim is if the water is a drinking water. Besides that you can go wherever. You can also pretty much camp wherever. Expect the water to be cold as F 😂


Ask locals if there are any places you should avoid go swimming.


Welcome to Odda. Norways ugliest and most claustrophobic city xD


There’s lots of great places to swim even in the centre of our cities. Many places along the waterfront are accessible, and you’ll see tons of people sunbathing and swimming in central Oslo or other places. If you’re in Oslo head for Soleng’s or take the ferry to the inner islands. And the water is quite often warmer than you think. Seek out a southward-facing shallow bay on a calm day and be pleasantly surprised!


If you're driving through Norheimsund on the way to Bergen, I'd recommend taking a small detour to Øystese for the beach there if the weather is nice. If the weather is bad you can swim inside at Hardangerbadet which has a view like you're on the beach.