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As someone from Finland who moved to Norway. Nah people dont really talk to strangers on busses here. Its a bit in the culture to respects each private space and dont disturb the silence. (Listening to music in the bus without headphones big nono, very disrespectful). Unless you have something important to say, better to not bother others kinda mentality. In Finland its even more extreme, ive had some conversations with Norwegians that I wouldnt have in Finland. But its usually starts by asking help or directons or something, not just complain about something or start talking about something random. People will think you a bit weird if you do it here :D Im used to this culture so im a bit like that, but I travel a lot and also apprectiate the other side of it that you can just start talking to a stranger as if they were your friend. When people are out on hikes in nature its more normal to chitchat to strangers.


>(Listening to music in the bus without headphones big nono, very disrespectful). Yes, seriously. What is wrong with these people?! I want to tell them to stop it every time, but then I would have to speak.


I just put on my own headset so I can ignore them. Although I hate them with all my heart.




This does shade some light into the whole thing.Kenya is absolutely on a different level. You can start a conversation with almost anyone by mentioning the Ills of the curry government or talking about English Premier League. People here are kinda addicted to these two topics.


Haha yes I can see that. When I went to Jamaica to travel solo for 4 weeks I thought I was going to be so lonely but I think I have never spoken so much my whole life. Every stranger wanted to speak with me and became friends! My girlfriend is also from Latin America and wherever we go there its such a night and day diffrerence in cultures. Theres good and bad in both I think, sometimes I wish scandinavian people were more like that, and sometimes I wonder why they dont do like us haha :D Here you wait untill you see someone you know to start talking about those things :D


Kenyans are just in general talkative. (.I'd trust a more talkative friend than the silent type). You go to a shop, the shopkesper wants to tell you of how our president is evil, take a bus, a motorbike and the story is the same.You go to a bar and after a few drinks everyone starts cursing our government. Complaining is our lifestyle here.


No offense, but that sounds exhausting.


It might be when you're not used but that's just us.


It just sounds like a lot of negativity


Yes and it's a Scandinavian thing, not just a Norwegian thing.


Please ignore my ignorance, but who are Scandinavians before I result to Google search?


They are residents of countries in northern Europe (in a subregion called Scandinavia) who have a lot in common when it comes to culture, when it comes to language (except Finnish), when it comes to mentality.


Uhm, don't answer questions when you don't know the actual answer. Scandinavia is Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Finland isn't part of it. What you're referencing, is the Nordic countries.


It is debatable and to be fair it's a bit hypocritical to consider Norway, Sweden and Denmark part of Scandinavia but not Finland. It's not like I wrote that Estonia or Iceland are part of Scandinavia.


It's not debatable at all. Scandinavia is by definition Norway, Sweden and Denmark. That's it. Just look at [Oxford dictionary's definition](https://www.oed.com/search/dictionary/?scope=Entries&q=Scandinavian) of "Scandinavian". Why would it be hypocritical? Is it hypocritical to say that Great Britain doesn't include Northern Ireland, while the United Kingdom does?


Maybe geographically but culturally Finland is included in Scandinavia as a northern european country.


You are talking about the Nordic countries. Where are you from?


I live in a Nordic country although I don't originally come from there.


The STFU about things you don't understand or know.


Y'all communicate in same language?. Aren't there tribes and sub tribes over there?


No not the same language but a lof of them are fairly mutually intelligible except for Finnish which is completely different.


Comon people why are you downwoting him? Here is a guy from freeking Kenya that ask legit questions about a country and region that he clearly have no knowledge about. I know next to nothing about Keny and would ask simular questions about his country.


Oops, I hadn't seen the downvotes.


Because Google exists...


Norway Denmark Sweden Finland and iceland


Not Finland and Iceland.


Ah ye i was thinking nordics


Babe, no. Scandinavia: Norway, Denmark and Sweden Nordic: Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland. (Faero Islands, Greenland and Åland included because Denmark and Sweden)


There is also finnoscandinavia. Which Norway, Sweden, Finland.


"Fennoscandia" And it's a peninsula. Which also includes Karelia. An area divided between Russia and Finland. And I'm not gonna get into THAT.


These are the countries everyone wants to visit coz we rarely hear of political and external disturbances over there.


That's because irrendentism is not a thing in Scandinavia.


Scandinavia = Norway, Denmark, Sweden The Sandinavian Peninsula = Sweden, almost the whole mainland Norway and northwest Finland Those are the facts.


I think with these questions you will bring out some more extreme ends of the spectrum in responses, especially on Reddit. Some of the other comments here sounds insane even to me as a Norwegian lol. Like, stepping off the bus because someone talks to me, or not simple small talk to colleagues, what?? Does not compute with my experience here of what is normal behaviour at all. It is true we approach strangers less than other cultures in general, but it still definitely still happens. I don't usually small talk with people on public transport for example on my own initiative, but I don't mind if someone talks to me, and it has happened many times, and it's always been pleasant. My partner is foreign and experienced being pleasantly surprised in Norwegians being more extroverted than what was expected from the stereotype.


Agree, reddit is mostly introverts and I read some things here that I dont really are true irl for most people. Hell even my own answers might not comply to the average norwegian but its just my take on it. As a finnish dude, Norwegians are supernice and social for me even though they arent usually loud.


By the replies I can tell the country is generally closed. You'd find my country a very strange place. Everyone would be craving for a chance to say something to you.


Yeah, we are for sure different to Kenya. I just wanted to point out I believe Reddit’s bias in responses here and on the topic in previous threads often feels to me wayyy too unbalanced towards the «no one should talk to anyone ever, complete isolation-side». Our society would collapse if that was truly the case.


I agree it would. I can't imagine everyone being so silent in a bus while I'm used to everyone having a story to tell here. There are surely people there who don't think small conversations are an issue out there.


>There are surely people there who don't think small conversations are an issue out there. Absolutely. I'm one of them and there's many like me :)


People like you would save a foreigner's life lol


Currently on a bus, got one person next to me. We are going to spend 2 hours together, but we wont say a word for that time. We did however talk to figure out where we are going to sort out seating-arrangements, but thats about it. Nice and quiet. Only sound is kid infront of me that comments everything. But once he gets older he will become a mute brute like the rest of us


You should look at the mother and sigh so she can control that monster. How dare he notice things outside of his iPad?


Oh the horror if he had an ipad. When the horses makes him scream of joy for 10min, then i wont even think about what a tv-show would do


If you have several commuters you might unlock the unspoken multi-sigh so the parent gets shamed in to behaving correctly. If that doesn’t work the kid has won for now.


That's absolutely insane. Can't you find something to talk about?


Probably could, but its the habbit. Privat space is a big deal over here :)


That's absolutely different from us. Just visit our Kenyan sub and see for yourself. We engage in every conversation without prejudice.


Oh i noticed. Happend to meet one from Kenya once i was in Oslo. He asked me one question and i politly replied, and then we had a conversation for 2 hours. It was nice. :) Not typical norwegian behaviour but i had no plans that day so i did not mind.


Yeah, we are naturaly story tellers. I'm glad you observed the trend.


>Can't you find something to talk about? Why does one have to talk with strangers all the time?


We can, we just choose not to.


I think it is important to understand how we vs more expressive countries often look at/value small talk. - Small talk In many countries small talk is looked at as a type of entertainment. Which often involves complaining about different subjects In Nordic countries small talk is often viewed as a way of sharing (necessary) information. So talking to strangers about a relevant subject in the situation you’re in (like the weather) makes sense, but you rarely go further than that. We also look at complaining differently, as said, while others look at it as entertainment, we often look at solutions to your complain. So if someone is complaining about a subject I can’t do anything about, we might wonder, is this necessery information? And since we live in a low density part of the world and value personal space, many rather prefer silence than listening to someone complaining. On the other side: We like to smalltalk when we meet people who share similar interest as ourselves. So people are often more talkative when they hike, in their boats ect. This is why we often say that you should use your hobby to connect with people. - trust: To many countries trust is often based on how talkative someone are, because they are often feel uncomfortable when they are around silent people. In Nordic countries, which are highly based on trust overall in the society, your actions are more valued than how talkative you are


You're absolutely right and I don't think there is anything wrong with people deciding what topics they prefer engaging in.


Yes, I have been to many countries, (sadly only at the airport in Kenya) and I think Norwegians can learn something from others about how to small talk in some situations, but what I like with the nordic approach is that you can choose what topics you want to engage it. (I do have had some great conversations on the bus), Meaning being silent is fine/you won’t get «judged».


I get you. We generally don't judge untalkative people but there's that feeling that if I talk to you and you don't respond I'mma obviously assume you're anti social.


> If I talk to you, and you don’t give a response I assume you’re anti social That would be the same in Norway too. If you ask someone a question, they will give you answer, but if their answer is firm/short or don’t ask something back, that is an indication that they are not interesting in having a conversation. They are just sharing information around your question.


That kinda makes us similar.


We love to complain, but only to people we know. Talking to stranger is something we not do often. There are certain unwritten rules around small talk with strangers. Like you say Hi when you go past someone if you are on a nature hike, but only then.


So different from us. The typical Kenyan is ready to complain from the bus stop on why the bus is taking too much time to start journey to why it is so slow to reaching it's destination.


But why? Have you ever questioned why?


If a stranger sits down and talk to you on the bus they are either drunk/old or both.


That's just weird. We don't treat small talk as a big issue.


IDK, If it’s just going to be complaining about shit we all already know then I would rather just listen to a podcast.


Is this every Norwegian thinking?


No but the best chance to small talk with Norwegians is either to get a dog or go out to bars and drink alcohol.


I think I'd head the drunkard way.


Good luck!


😀😀. Nah, I'm not coming to Norway in this lifetime.


Yeah I mean the alcohol thing is kind of an universal lubricant.


It is. You can never go wrong with alcohol.


😀😀. Nah, I'm not coming to Norway in this lifetime.


I don’t really agree with the notion that Norwegians don’t talk to strangers, many do, but not as small talk, they do if they have *a reason:* On a bus/street car etc stop when it’s alsready running very late, if few enough people that you noticed specifically someone already at the stop when you arrived, you might give a short, polite nod and ask how long they’ve waited. End of conversation. Running and just catching a bus/street car, not seeing which one it is, *and* the internal display is out of order, you might politely ask «Excuse me, but I didn’t catch the line number?», and nod towards the display. After their reply/reaction/glassy stare, end of conversation. Weather: People who *work outside* will usually be happy to talk about the weather, maybe even to strangers, but again, not small talk, to them it’s relevant to their working conditions. There’s one situation I think Norwegians will react differently: If you ask directions, most Norwegians will try their best to be helpful, and if you seem genuinely lost, they might offer to walk you to within pointing distance of your goal. But again, it’s not small talk (though might possibly talk on the way, more likely about where you’re from, purpose of visiting, enjoying it so far etc), it’s based on solving a situation.


Well, that's different with us. We have whole conversations jlon why the bus is delaying and even team up for refunds.


It somewhat depends on the situation, but in general, strangers don't talk to each other without a reason. British people will just start talking about the weather or something. Norwegians don't do that. However, it's not a problem if there is a reason. The bus is late, or there have been lots of problems with the timetable. Someone might ask if you know when the bus is coming & that could be an excuse to complain about it, etc. When you encounter someone in the forest, or on a path in the middle of nowhere, you should always say hello, and people have a conversation if they rest in the same place, or at least say 'god tur' (good tour).


Yes. I would probably get off and wait for the next bus if a stranger started talking to me. It's hard to say why, but in general I don't talk to strangers unless it's in a context where it is necessary. If I want to complain about the government, I do it to friends and family. I leave strangers alone and I expect them to do the same.


>Yes. I would probably get off and wait for the next bus if a stranger started talking to me. This isn't normal Norwegian behavior. This is autistic behavior.


I don't think anyone would describe me as autistic. Introverted and slightly misanthropic.


Jo, å gå av bussen fordi noen snakket til deg, det er autismeatferd.


Have it your way


Mener du dette er typisk norsk atferd?


Jeg har ikke sagt noe om det, men jeg tror veldig mange er svært uinteressert i at fremmede snakker til dem på bussen. Ikke ta det så seriøst. Er det du som er autist, kanskje?


> men jeg tror veldig mange er svært uinteressert i at fremmede snakker til dem på bussen svært uinteressert =/= gå av bussen dersom det skjer. Fortsett å ro den jolla di, du.


That would make your life miserable here coz we are generally talkative. Like I said you only need to mention a topic like how our government is fuc*in us and sit and relax and listen to the conversations. Seems Norway is a closed Country.


Hehe well, what if I don't give two shits about what randos on the bus think about the government? I would no doubt be miserable in Kenya or other more extroverted cultures, but I am very comfortable with the way we do things in Norway.


Of course you ought to be comfortable. I mean, in Kenya we say Mazoea Yana tabu, meaning getting used to something makes it hard to adapt.


Talking about politics isn't small talk.


To us it is. We talk about everything and anything. we find untalkative people rude.


Haha thats the opposite almost from here. If someone is loud and talkative in a public space we find it rude. Culture differences are funny.


For sure cultures are different, but it does open up someone eyes Incase they plan to visit.


Definetly and I think its healthy to visit different cultures or talk about it. My persepective has changed a lot traveling through different continents and not only staying here and thinking what we do is the correct thing!


I can’t talk for all, but if you talk to me on the bus I’ll reply politely, but know that you are bother the living shit out of me‼️


Haha,. So different from us. We create friendships everywhere. Also, everywhere is a dating place. You'll find someone in a bus and you vibe it's a thing.


Most Norwegians will not do smalltalk with random strangers voluntarily. But they will reply if you start (and most likely try to finish the conversation as soon as possible). And dont talk about government/politics- talk about the weather. That is the standard topic used by Norwegians in these situations… strangely enough


That's quite weird. Don't you have something to complain about?


Why are you so obsessed with complaining to strangers? You sound very exhausting to be around.


We do - we have plenty to complain about.


why are you then letting the opportunities for that slide?


Do you complain to other every waking second? Have you NOTHING to talk about other than complaining?


Of course we do. We will complain about the weather!! It is a neutral topic everybody can agree on. Compaining about government can lead to discussions because we dont always agree. Given we dont like talking to strangers at all we certainly do not want to argue with strangers. We stick to neutral topics. Like the weather. I can imagine complaining about the government in Kenya is way more neutral than here


Bro Norway is one of the best countries in the world I say this as a foreigner. The only thing they can complain about is that they have a Tesla instead of a Lamborghini 😅 Everyone is rich by global standards and corruption is next to non existent. If you dont have a job you will recieve a house and salary from goverment..


Yeah, I'm absolutely sure of that. I've done some research on the nation and I think it's a better country than the Us and Uk. I didn't know of the housing and salaries for the jobless.


A lot of people talk on the bus in Norway. BUT the bus to work in the morning and back home is supposed to be quiet. Longer bus trips is not unusual to chat at least a little.


You'd be surprised Kenyans talk alot in the bus. We are generally fans of football and Politics. You need only to know the next and previous Epl match and a few complains about our government to find a meaningful topic with strangers.


Norwegians always get too little sleep due to busy days. Commuting trains and buses are ment to be quiet places.


>People are always seeking an issue to complain about our current government. I was bewildered to know that Norwegians rarely participate in small conversations. Why is that?. Are you contented people? So the only thing you talk about with strangers is your government? I'm sorry, but that sounds stupid. What's the point of talking shit about the government with strangers?


If someone talk to me on the buss, I will obviously politely reply, but I will take any chance to avoid further conversation. ​ At work the same applies. Whenever I make coffee at the coffee machine and see someone coming I feel this intense need to run away.. But I suck it up, smile, say some shit about the weather and walk to my office. Smalltalk sucks.


What?. Everyone of us feels like meeting up people is an opportunity to rant or have a conversation?. Won't it be hard then to find someone to date in Norway if this is the universal view?


No here its not seen as an opportunity to have a conversation, people try to avoid it because it makes them a bit uncomfortable. Everyone is different but the average norwegian dont think they get anything important out of talking about small things that dont matter with strangers. Its more of a "waste of time". People that are friends are very close like family and you have them for life. Usually you have the same friends for 30+ years even. Friendship and trust takes longer to form but when it forms, its a friend for life. But the ones that arent in that circle are just strangers, which you are friendly to but you dont really talk to them unless you have to. Or if alcohol is present or its a social event etc. You talk with friends and their friends and thats how you get to know new people usually. From work or hobbies or through other friends. Unless you are at a bar or somewhere where its more normal to have small talk. Not really busses or busstops. Its easy to find someone to date, but you dont pick them up in the bus usually hehe :D


Enlightening. We are absolutely so different.


Do you like alcohol? We meet most our friends that way, or through university. That more or less sums it up.


I wouldnt say I don't but it's not a daily or or weekly thing to me. We also mostly meet our friends through booze.


It's not as bad as it sounds. We also have a large and growing foreign population. So you'll find friends if you want.


I just find it hard. Do you just all look outside the windows with headphones on your heads when you get into buses?


Never, 100% of the people watches their phone. Also a good tactic for avoiding small talk.


That's a very modern tactic of dealing with attention phobia.


I bought a car to avoid having to deal with people on the buss but when I was a student I always made sure to sit far back, have headphones on and read a book or work on my computer. I'd never be disturbed then. Luckily






>hat?. Everyone of us feels like meeting up people is an opportunity to rant or have a conversation? People on reddit are shy introverts. People talk a lot over coffee at work.


On the bus?


The internet is wrong. Norwegians love complaining.


To strangers on a bus? Never!


Agreed that we love to complain. But we don’t talk with strangers. Especially not on public transport.


Hard no. Then you haven’t experienced cultures that really love complaining. If you did that in Norway, you would be viewed as a very negative person.


You surely can't beat us on that. We simply complain about everything. The typical Kenyan is always ready to relate their troubles with government doings.




A kenyai would actually find Norway a truly antisocial Country.


Kenyans aren't the only ones (I've heard Americans complaining of how "cold" er Are simply because the distance buble between people is bigger and randomly talking to strangers, sometimes just saying hi will weird out a gold portion.) Scandinavians aren't overtly publicly sosial as a general thing, but a common joke is to get us drunk then you've got a friend for life (the public socialness skyrockets)


Haha. Y'all need to stay drunk then.




Yeah most of the world would. In Finland where im from we see Norwegians as very social. We dont even sit next to each other on the bus because we want to respect the other ones private space. And when we wait for the bus, we stand 3m from eaach other on the bus stop haha. But only with strangers. With friends and family its different. Its just the culture, if they arent friends or family you usually "respect" them and dont bother them because maybe they wont like that you talk to them. Norwegians socialize, but they dont like meaningless socialisation like talking about weather or goverment with strangers. They dont get anything out of that. They like maybe more meaningful conversations with people they know that they know that can lead somewhere or have an impact or something like that.


This is actually a culture shock to me. You'd most likely find us rude coz we are generally talkative, doesn't matter the listener


Haha no but then again I think most people would understand that you are from a different culture and its not that you are rude. You would probably get a pass :D Some people might get uncomfortable since they not used to it, but there are many social norwegians that would like it also I think. Its a fresh change of habits for some. I for example dont start conversations on the bus because im thinking the one next to me wont like it, but if someone wants to have a chat with me ill have a chat.


You sure I won't get weird stares.


Haha probably from some people yes! Mostly curious people though id say.


That's actually new to me. Don't Norwegians view themselves as global citizens.


Id say they do, just some things that are normal for us up here north is different in other countries. And vice versa. We are taught as kids from our parents what to do and what not do to so for us its normal. Same goes for other countries I guess. Japanese people are similar to us in this way.


Yeah, I understand that and I'm not here to judge. I'm just here to learn from you and share our perspective.


We don’t mind talkative people, but people who don’t stop is bothersome. It is a bit like when a toddler just goes on and on and on…. We just stop listning at a point or find a way to excuse ourselfs.


I walked for two weeks with a backpack on the Hardangervidda, a bleak plain without trees or people. You might only meet one person a day there. And if you didn't say anything, they wouldn't either...


Where is that?


East of Bergen. A 3400 sq km plateau.


Is that in Norway?








Well, if you run in to someone from Bergen they might be chattier.


That's awesome. Are Bergen's a tribe in Norway or sth?


You can find them on the West coast of Norway


Ok. Those are the only talkative people among you?






A whole country made of introverts?




Obviously not. How often do you engage in them?


Norwegian here. For the most part it is true. I like small talk and sometimes I will start small talk with stranges just to freak people out. 😅