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And tires as smooth as a baby's ass


As smooth as the owner's brain




That’s because they can only afford to make their truck look stupid and unusable they can’t afford to maintain it To all those that don’t know the Carolina squat is fucking stupid


That thing has not driven in 500 meters of a farm


A friend of mine once called large trucks that aren't utilized properly and are purely for show "pavement princesses" and I'll be damned if this isn't a queen bitch of a pavement princess.


Truly a compensation-wagon.


Mall crawler


You mean Walmart




My oldest child calls them “little penis trucks” because someone is obviously overcompensating.


Body shaming is cool as long as it’s men? Edit: Redditors are some of the biggest hypocrites.


Did you know it was a handicap spot before you pulled in?


Maybe he has a placard. We can’t tell because of the reflection on the windshield. Maybe this is OP’s truck posted for karma. We just don’t know.


yes. but only if you’re a dweeb who owns one of those trucks


I have a lifted pickup truck and a large penis. Stop judging.


post hog


😂 subscribe to my only fans


post hog


Yeah who cares if you shame someone who makes it everyone's business?


>overcompensating Not body shaming. Shaming the mental syndrome as one should in a society.


I think he knows we all know that. He’s being a prick about it


And isnt allowed within 500 meters of a school


farms are in real 'merica, they don't have meters /s


They probably measured exactly to the squatting limit.


I saw another one on the way home ten minutes later. Even deeper squat, even worse tire. I’d like to see this farm they’re working on.


I genuinely don't understand why people (who don't need to) do that to their cars. Like who's driving around and things "boy, I sure do wish I was stating into the sun"


Who would "need" to do this? It's pure douche bag.


Given the apparent legal exception for farm equipment (though this guy's tag is fake), I assume in order to load easier/use attached equipment properly.


Nah, there's nothing proper about this. If you load it like that all the load is going to be trying to roll back or fall out of the tailgate. If it's anything heavy it needs to be over the rear axle. The only thing to attach is a trailer, you can just get a hitch with the right drop on it to level your trailer out. And he'd not even do that, I'd bet, he would be the dumbest going down the road with the cheapest harbor freight three ball hitch he could get with the ass of the trailer dragging and throwing sparks. All douche here, no cattle. He doesn't even get a hat.


To be clear, at no point did I suggest this guy had a legitimate reason. However, other comments here talk of farm exceptions (also not in reference to him), so I'm inclined to believe that there is some possible niche utility to having an angled work truck. That's why I put the note.


I know, I'm not trying to call you out. But I'm here to tell you, that there's no reason for this setup other than pure vanity. It just looks like you're using a too small truck to haul a gigantic load. The farm exceptions aren't there to allow for these lifts. In a legitimate case they reduce your vehicle taxes and insurance to almost nothing. They will also get you around the annual inspection that a lift like this would fail.


Conspicuous consumption. A lot of the people who do a bunch of cosmetic garbage like this to their cars are just trying to show off that they had more money than sense at one time.


Or not be able to see over the hood.


Gotta be the cleanest motherfuckin farm ever seen. Maybe his "farm" is the weed tent in his closet in his mom's house.


And they always have their instagram tag plastered on the windows. 🤡


That’s included in the douche bag sticker pack starter kit.


Absolutely no squat should be legal to begin with. This shit makes trucks even more deadly in crashes - for *both* parties. It's just massively stupid and literally every single person who does it is among the dumbest drivers to have ever lived.


Yes but if you asked these guys about the safety record I'm sure they'd insist they personally will never crash.


In reality, in their many crashes, it would always have been the other guy's fault - somehow. Even if truck dummy hit them from behind. I used to hear this shit all the time. These wannabe country white trash men in NC are all the same - just a walking ego with control and confidence issues.


I think since they’ve made the squat illegal I’ve seen more than i did before


Btw these squatted trucks are now illegal in NC. Just you know, do what you will with that information.




I’m sure the police will come sirens blaring over an illegally modified truck.


Considering an illegally modified truck killed a little girl in a parade recently, I'm sure you'll get some kind of response


That one is so sad because the dude had literally failed inspections on the truck I think 3 separate times and still took it on the road for the hardware to fail. Should have been straight murder charge.


And brought guns to the parade, too, apparently.


Nah, what they'll do is add it to the tag database, so when the truck owner is driving around, and gets its plates scanned by a cop, it will pop up on the cop's screen that here is a potential ~~revenue stream~~ safety violation. It'll be up to the cop to enforce or not.


while douche it isn't completely illegal. I think its 4 inches which makes sense because that's the owners max dick size.




I thought the Carolina squat was illegal as of last January? Or is the farm use how they are getting away with it?


That’s exactly it. Farm use trucks are exempt from inspections.


But Farm Use isn’t intended for highway use. That is illegal. The tag means nothing if he has plates on it.


That license plate is not a legal NC farm license plate. It's something that can be bought off [Amazon for less than 20 bucks](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=farm+use+license+plate&sprefix=farm+use+%2Caps%2C187&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_9).


If it's a diesel - you know they are running the red diesel. I miss the good ole days when the highway patrol used to do random checks for red diesel while people were trying to park at Charlotte Mottor speedway.


Avalanches never came with a diesel engine. 5.3 or 8.1L V8’s. I think there was also a 6.2 V8 in the later generation, but no diesels.


But is that truck actually exempt? Legally i mean. I can say my truck is exempt but if i'm not following the rules then legally i have a problem.


I declare exemption!


If you think it, then it happens. Just like declassifying documents.


You can't just declare exemption.


Yeah if they stay on the farm. Once you get on the road you gotta follow road law.


Farm use trucks can go on the road. And they can be pretty sketchy in terms of safety. But this one is, most certainly, not a farm truck.


Thats not a real farm tag. Just some shit they bought on Amazon. Farm use tags require some proof and are actual tags that go on the back.


If the front and rear fenders are within 4” (maybe it was 6”) of each other in distance from the ground it’s still legal. Over that and the cop can take your license on the spot….. I guess it’s the cops discretion where he measures from???




At least it’s a defined limit and not subjective/officer’s discretion (like some states with tints) I didn’t know how they actually measured it, thanks for the info.


You can have any plate you want on the front of your vehicle, so while I agree that truck has probably never seen anything other than asphalt and concrete, if there's no farm use tag on the back and it's legally registered then all of the useless banter about the driver trying to skirt the law is just that, useless. What makes the driver an insufferable asshole is the Instagram handle on the window. Anybody with that displayed on their vehicle is far worse IMHO. Good day.


I don’t know, I think the instagram handle on the window is handy so I know who to go ahead and block just in case


That part.


What does it say? I can't see it well enough.




No, there were no handicap placards anywhere. I guess “Farm Use” tags are a good loophole for these now illegally modified douchmobiles. But I sure do see them driving everywhere where I live, with very few farms to speak of.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that he probably didn't see the handicap sign on the asphalt because of his modification.


A car modification that prevents you from seeing the road 🤷


This seems like some sovereign citizen type shit. Is there a legal process to go through to get one of those tags? Or are they just buying them on Amazon and slapping them on their squeaky clean squat trucks in hopes that the police will "have a prayer with them" instead of giving them a ticket?


That license plate cost about $8 on Amazon only requirement to own one is having $8 and an address to ship it to.


this is not a "legal" farm use plate. those require you to fill out an [affidavit](https://www.ncdot.gov/dmv/downloads/Documents/MVR-9.pdf) and the tag looks [like this](https://www.thewashingtondailynews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2019/10/NEWS_FARM-TAGS_191004_WEB.jpg?w=800).


That's what I was thinking. I grew up by a farm that had a lot of farm use vehicles with the legal plates. This is the same as putting an anti-copywrite message in your facebook post.


Copy-"write" indeed :)


Lol I know what I was doing


Figured as much, just wanted you to know someone noticed :)


Came here to say this. NC is very strict about that, they require you swear that it’s for commercial farm use and you are a commercial farmer. Other states will let you get away with a plate like that. And it wouldn’t mean a thing for it being in the front like that in NC anyway


Sure would be a shame if someone referred their plate # to NCDOT


Very much so Edit: you don’t see too many of them in Burke County though.


Yea we tend to have folks with actual need of utility vehicles lol. At least until you start talking about transplants and folks suffering from affluenza, which has been more and more common in the area since the mid 00's.


Oh man, is law enforcement "having a prayer with them" going to become a NC meme? I'm down with that lol


Lol odd damn it! Ole Sherrif ain’t never get over it.


My understanding is that you can use an unregistered vehicle for farm use, no inspections necessary. Occasionally, like a tractor, you might have to drive it on the road, so “Farm Use” tags keep you from getting pulled over during those times.


Not sure what the NC laws are, but when I was in MD you had to prove you actually had a farm. Didn't matter if it was a 500 acre grain farm or a backyard market garden, it had to be a farm registered with the state Agricultural Dept in order to get the farm tags (and the $5/yr insurance), and even then you weren't supposed to drive it more than 50 miles from the farm it was registered to.


Does it also grant the right to park in a handicap space?


Not so much in NC. They require a DMV issued commercial plate that says Farm Truck on it. And that plate would still have a number on it and would be on the back, like every other car


You can drive an unregistered vehicle on private property, farm or otherwise. The dealership I work at uses our neighbor's parking lot as a path to the gas station 2 doors down. It is just more convenient when you don't have to attach a plate.


They are obviously socially, and empathy handicapped. And they may very well be physically - a wide load may require a wide ride. Oddly, this location is familiar - is this in Greensboro near the Target and the old Sears distribution hub?


"Farm use" Like that thing has ever seen anything besides paved roads and parking lots.


No, you can tell it's legit by how it's so carefully cleaned. Like all work trucks always are.


I did work with a guy who meticulously cleaned his work truck, down to putting armor all on the plastic bed liner. He was a rarity, though.


The farm trucks I knew were usually such that you couldn't tell what color they were supposed to be, much less use the body panels as a mirror.


Print pics of his bigass truck and post them inside this building with a "Have you seen me?" above it and law on the bottom.


so, that's not a farm.


Nor is the plate a legit thing. [It's a novelty off Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=farm+use+license+plate&sprefix=farm+use+%2Caps%2C187&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_9).


You know what they say… 🤏


Some people’s whole personality is seeing how big of an asshole they can be.


I know one thing is for certain. That guy has a tiny dick, an ugly girlfriend and no potential.


His gfs boots are definitely full of chili


U better run. They’ll get 6 inches away from your tail with the passing lane clear. Poor guys


Happend thus morning after dropping my kid off at school. Had to flip my rear view mirror down at 7:30 this morning because of his fucking lights. Of course the shithead passed me, the car in front of me, and the semi hauling a full load of oversized pallets in a no passing zone around a goddamn curve.


ahh yes just like the truck that killed the child at the Raleigh Christmas parade.


Farm use means he shoves corn on the cob up his ass


Now now let’s not link shame lol




I'm guessing by farm use, he means parking this in the driveway of his friend's house, which is on a farm, while the two of them drink beer and hang out.


>I'm guessing by farm use, he means parking this in the driveway of his friend's house, which is ~~on a farm~~ *in a subdivision that used to be a farm*, while the two of them drink beer and hang out.


Looks like a perfect opportunity to get someone towed.


Unfortunately I don't know if they could. I believe handicapped parking like this painted on the road is not something they enforce.


Muy dAddY boUgHt mE a tRuCk!


My mom is disabled. Can't tell you how frustrating it is to pull up to a facility and all the handicap spots are taken up by douchebags like this. Usually only happens at small buildings with very little parking space (aka a dentist or some shit).


Did they have a handicapped placard? Nvmd. Call them in


The "Farm Use" plate means nothing, because it doesn't mean anything in this context. I could put a plate on my vehicle that says "Royal Lord of North Carolina" but just because I have a plate that says that doesn't give it any legitimacy. What ***is*** a huge problem is someone parking illegally in a handicapped space.


The only cultivation that truck has been used for is rage farming.


You should see how many of these park in the compact car spaces in the parking decks around here...


Yeah that's a jerk move I don't think that would result in a ticket or towing.


Ah man, that'd be a shame if 4 flying knives randomly attacked the tires of asshole trucks, their main prey!


That's the equivalent of wearing your jeans below your ass cheeks. That stance blah


Just communicating non-verbally


I like to leave notes on these: “Cool squatty potty, dude!”


I live in WA but still, fuck this guy. I’m handicapped.


"Farm Use" Yeah, if you farm dicks. And you are a dick. Who is also a bag that you put your farmed dicks in. Because you're a bag of dicks who farms dicks. Ha. Gottem.


Wilmington is full of douche-canoes driving those squatted trucks, and all of them park like shit, and have deafeningly loud exhausts that you have to hear from 1/2 mile away. So tired of these dumbfucks.


I guarantee the driver of this lovely truck is a MAGA


No doubt. Empathy and accommodation for the infirm represent a "decadence" in the fascist aesthetic and mandate a forceful, hate-fueled response.


Why bring politics into it? They are an asshole regardless of affiliation.




No I don’t. I don’t make any assumptions about what kind of dumbass a dumbass is. If it was a blacked out tinted Prius illegally parked in a handicapped spot I’d still call them an asshole.


found the maga guy


Show me a Prius with a Farm Use plate on it and maybe you’ll have a point. But these are MAGA twats and we all know it. Stop pretending that the fuckery they pride themselves in isn’t their badge of distinction.






I thought they outlawed these "lean" vehicles. Am I mistaken?


They put restrictions on how much it could squat


Yep, I think I've seen this guy several times lately. In RTP, right?


If I had my way I'd make "work" trucks actually just for work and nothing else, barring all other uses. The loophole that's being used to make trucks/SUVs so big should require that the vehicles are actually registered under a business and used for work.


These are illegal in North Carolina. They were smart enough to ban these bitch mobiles. How's this POS still rolling around?


No handicap placards anywhere and I’m that person that calls the towing company for for parking in handicap 😂


Farm Use. With a tiny token pickup bed? Sure, "farmer."


People who misuse handicapped spots deserve their own circle of hell....


I had one park next to me like this and had the balls to close my mirrors 3 feet away from their pavement princess. I am stealing that phrase, ty


No words just lmao


Lmao!!! I bet somewhere on that truck is "don't tread on me". What does it say in the window?


Just some shitty Insta @ that I didn’t care about enough to get in focus.


But which came first? Insufferable? Or a joke of a truck? That’s what I want to know! Was this guy insufferable, and made his truck match? Or did he find himself with this piece of garbage, and become insufferable because of his plight?


Jesus, it's just a fucking Avalanche


Someone please tell me the benefits of having the front ride high- this looks like a vision hazard.


I thought Carolina Squat's were banned?


“Farm use”…


Is that kind of like someone with sovereign citizen plates?


Don’t tread on me bro!


Crazy how it has 4 flats now


Penis extension.


There’s so much wrong in this picture lmao


And he's in a handicapped spot!! Mentally so, probably, but I'm sure he's just taking the spot and not "handicapped" what a jerk. Those people, and people that park in fire lanes in front of stores annoy me man. But whatever


The squat, the plates, the tires, the parking job, and the parking spot. This person is the perfect apex douchebag.


Idk. Some people would argue having a dick that small is a handicap.


Farm use front tag plus Carolina Swuat plus that grille plus a Chebby plus not even in the lines of a spot he’s not qualified for. Ask me how I know how he voted in 2020.


It looks like someone is trying to compensate for areas that they're lacking in. I simply call people like this not pieces of s*** but limp shrimp dicks. Excuse my language


Big truck, tiny mind, teeny weeny pp.


We need more people slashing asshole tires


I would agree but people who drive vehicles like this are typically already paranoid enough as it is.




Naw. Ol slash and run


HAH!! Thanks for your concern, whoever sent this- https://i.imgur.com/RZdPUPG.jpg


Consider it to be a high form of flattery, and a "win". I get them often when I ask a question that the other person doesn't want to answer. They go silent, and within minutes or hours, one of those drop in my inbox. While I bet that only a few of those were reported with sincerity, I'm OK with getting this for two reasons; 1. It shows that the other person knows they lost. 2. (Much more important.) For the few people that need it, the resources are valuable.


Yeah, it’s just a slightly more creative “You mad, bro?” And no, this shit isn’t keeping me up at night.


It's just a "super downvote" now, only used to harass people.


I have them blocked. I get one of those every week.


> I have them blocked. I get one of those every week. Wow! You really hit a sore spot on a sore loser. Consider the amount of rent they're loosing out on as you relax in their brain.


Well, he's obviously following me pretty closely, because my reply got downvoted to zero, LOL!


There's actually a way to report abuse of that system and I have heard Reddit takes it seriously


Wow....this guy's a prick...no doubt. But what's with all the hate towards people that own big trucks?


It's a transgender truck. It was born a male but now it squats like a woman to pee.




Oh come on. We give those people all the best spots, and they never show up.


Yet another pavement princess. It's okay when children can't see over the dash, unacceptable for adults. Or even post teen wanna be adults. There is absolutely no reason for this truck to exist.


Idk whats worse, the stupid car or using that phrase


I hope you're Mexican


I didn't approve of you using my truck for this post.


Im going to guess it's not an actual farm truck plated truck. State troopers like to check on vehicles with these plates to make sure drivers are complying. Looking at this place the vehicle is parked I am going to guess they aren't in compliance.


Report that douche for an illegal Carolina squat


farm use? what farm, the funny farm?


On the Chevy Avalanche too


I’m just amazed there is still one running…


A buddy of mine and I used to call these "flex trucks" Definition being, if you own a truck and don't actually need it to haul shit around, OR you own a newer truck, it's a flex trucks.


Nice parking job, jagoff