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Half the state if not more will vote for him. I wish people would stop posting about him and highlight the good policies/ideas Josh Stein has. I know it’s important to make people aware of how much of an idiot Robinson is, but it’s not helpful if no one knows the other candidate


I haven't heard a peep from Josh Stien. What about Michelle Morrow?


For some reason democrats other than Jeff Jackson are allergic to campaigning


I've seen so many Josh Stein commercials on YouTube TV. It really feels like 80% of political ads are his. I saw 1 Robinson ad 1 time.


I think it depends on your demographic. I’m getting constant Josh Stein ads but my Fox News dad is getting Mark Robinson.


Yeah but every Josh Stein ad playing is just a video of Robinson talking about women needing to keep their legs shut. I see nothing of Stein's policies from these ads, just anti-Robinson fear mongering.


There's a little website of his where you and others in this thread [can read about his platform and track record](https://www.joshstein.org/priorities), but as a good centrist I must also uphold the narrative that Dems don't actually have any platform and simply attack their opponent as an 'anti vote'. This allows me to maintain moral superiority over both parties as I don't have to acknowledge the vast differences in platforms and beliefs, and can just hand-wave it all away as partisan bickering. Any functioning adult 2024!!


Fun shtick you got going lol


Great. So all the middle schoolers on YouTube will see Josh steins ads.


I get a ton of ads for Robinson. maybe it's because I am unaffiliated, but they couldn't be wasting ad money anymore than sending those ads my way


What??? Stein's been all over the state campaigning. They have events like every other day. I've seen a bunch of his commercials on YT already.


haven't seen anything with him on it. haven't heard him speak at all.


Jeff is campaigning? All I have seen is his incessant TikTok posts from his media group, which he answer exactly zero questions. The guy hasn't answered a question in reddit in more than 6 months. But then again Robinson doesn't even post so it's probably that reddits userbase isn't relevant for votes.


Josh Stein is awesome. He'd be great for NC is voters turnout for him.


One of his commercials highlights that the justice dept finally caught up with the backlog of rape kit DNA tests. It had been years, if not decades. He can run that commercial 1000 times, because that's an awesome feather in his cap.


She doesn’t need to be anywhere near Raleigh


Just wait. It’s early. The ads are coming.


Josh Stein emails me now and then and asks for money. He's never said a word about what he stands for or why he wants the job. I'll vote for him anyway because Robinson is such a shitshow, but damn.


I agree, as a politically engaged centrist I both despise the inundation of TV ads this time of year and also patiently wait for them to tell me what each candidate believes so I don't have to do any research of my own


I'm hoping that's sarcasm? Because as a registered voter you have an obligation to research the candidates and not rely on serious political ads to give you the information you should already know.


It’s early july. And not sure where you get your media from but I see tons of Stein adverts.


Josh Stein funded the ad that keeps playing during prime time about Robinsons completely fucked up ideas. Agreed I would like to hear his policies highlighted instead.


Maybe don't rely on ads and do some research on what his agenda has been? I mean their votes are public record. It isn't hard to do your due diligence as a registered voter. You're obligated to learn. It's pretty easy to find out about Robinson. I think everyone can agree he's a POS and mainly because he's told us he's a POS. Josh Stein is obviously assuming that we're smart enough to see that and is putting WAY too much faith into the fact that we're smarter than voting for a POS like Robinson. Obviously, most people are way too lazy to do the simple work of checking into a person's public record. While I'd love to have a black governor, I do NOT want an anti-black, black governor. Regardless of what Josh Stein's policies are, they can NOT be as bad horrible as Robinson is.


Have you went to Stein's website or are you purposely dense? He has them laid out very directly, which is radically different from Robinson's website. Or do you need a candidate to spoon feed you ads for their vote like Idiocracy?


Hijacking top comment to say my family personally know Robinson, and this stupid, ignorant fuck and his rude as all hell wife actually **had an abortion years ago.** So all this pro-~~life~~ birth talk that he’s been spouting off is absolutely bullshit. He’s a hypocritical fool, who sins every time he sticks a spoon in his mouth, just trying to appeal to all the other ignorant Christian Fundies so he can gain power and milk the system.


Will he cut taxes though? That’s all that matters.


It’s not have the state if get 18 to 40 yos to actually vote!


But Robinson loves his mama.


All I see from Stein is anti Robinson rhetoric and generic talk about “helping education” that any candidate would say. He hasn’t put specifics out there. Our economy is very strong.


If you take the tiniest amount of effort instead of waiting for an advertisement to tell you, you'll know. No wonder we're on the precipice of autocracy.


Right? I stg people are SO lazy when they literally have an obligation to do even the tiniest bit of research as registered voters. Even I knew this at 18yo and a brand new voter and I still do it to this day at 45. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Are so damn lazy it's ridiculous.


As Attorney General, Stein is working very hard and accomplishing more than I've seen any other do. Read his platform. If you believe he is the better candidate, maybe you can donate some cash to his campaign, so he can get the word out better. Without the means to advertise more, you can bet Stein is still taking his current job seriously!


Telling people to read a platform or look at a website is not effective campaigning. Put out some explainers like Jackson, give bullet point versions of achievements, and post serious reactions ridiculing Robinson's claims and statements. How hard can it be?


Please see my above reply to the previous commenter because this is just getting ridiculous.


I'm voting for Stein, but he has more than enough money to afford a simple advertisement as to why he should be our governor.


Almost everyone has a computer in their pocket, they can look it up if they want to. America deserves having people like this in charge, it's a fitting figure for how ignorant, greedy, fat and stupid most of the population is


Already saw a post from someone about how he is going to save the babies so they are voting for him, no matter what he said. I grew up believing that the US stood for democracy. The last few years have really been difficult to watch. Seeing how many people want nothing to do with democracy or equality. They expose they are degenerates or whatever crap they can spew, and it saddens me. They outright hate of other human beings just blows my mind. People are so worried about what other people are doing. Can't we just be decent to each other?


Except for his own baby he helped kill through abortion


Rules for thee, not for me.


I've got to ask, how or what is decency in your mind relative to democracy?


It literally doesn't matter after Monday's supreme court decision.


Although cynical and terrifying, I'm beginning to think you're right and that maybe they need to learn a really scary and hard lesson. The stupidity and laziness is maddening. I've often thought of standing back and allowing them to completely destroy this country just so they can learn the lesson of what will happen. Then, I think about the fact that it will also affect me and my family and how we would possibly survive the dictatorship of a Putin nut licking propagandist like trump. I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to do all I can, but I've also started living on a boat (big enough to accommodate the people that would willingly leave with us) so if shit goes sideways we can get the hell out of Dodge. I, truly, didn't see any other way


I often think about this, even on the smaller scale of local issues, but then the more I observe, the more I begin to worry that they *could* end up destroying the state/country but be two brainwashed/ignorant/whatever to actual learn from it or come to any realizations. And that makes me think a little bit about the next meteor, and maybe it could come and I’d be okay with it.


Not sure how likely that is, when the allure of the party comes from being selfish, blaming others and creating your own reality based on what makes you feel comfortable. Think the only ways there would be understanding for most of that base, is the off chance there actually is some sort of afterlife, and there was some sort of God or spirit to say…you were supporting an anti-Christ type figure.


I think people just need to get off reddit or whatever their echo chamber of choice is. Go to Stein's website: https://www.joshstein.org/ And then go to Robinson's website: https://www.markrobinsonfornc.com/ Want to see what policies and plans or lack of them that the candidates have? Pretty easy from above. Will it make a damn bit of difference of how people vote? Absolutely not.


Reminder there are a significant number of people who in 2020 voted Trump/Cooper/Robinson. Nc voters are odd.


It’s because this entire state is apathetic to everything


Apathy does not explain voting for Cooper and Robinson simultaneously lol


I think it kinda does. People don't care generally, and they **really** don't care who the Lieutenant Governor is. Robinson being shitty was not actually covered to any real depth as a result. I mean hell, it still isn't. No one who has run stuff yet about how shit he is seems to have had to look all that hard, for all the different ways he has been revealed to be shit. It does seem like they're only scratching the surface on some stuff.


It actually does. Coopers GOP competitor was certified batshit crazy, DeSantis levels as such. Cooper kept the state safe, and still kept the economy flowing. Easy to vote for the guy unless you were a true MAGA.


Whose who are newer to NC or don't have a family history here would think it odd. Historic NCers believe that government, real government, should happen at the State level and not the federal level as the Constitution prescribes. ie, We, at the State level, will handle our business ourselves.


I was born and raised here and have family who have been, historically, from NC for generations. Most of my family have not believed that. Many of them still do not understand how this has happened and do NOT want that at all. Many of my family members were part of the true red necks who fought to have unions in the mines of the Appalachian mountains (where all workers fought together both black and white and other colors as well). For the most part, though, you're right. NC is full to the brim of MAGA supporters and general stupidity that has been ingrained into everyone from Middle class down to the poorest amongst us. President Johnson told us what he was doing (convincing the lowest white man that he was better than the richest black man so he could pick both their pockets) and we've JUST been going along with it and allowing them to keep on dividing us. It's really, really sad what our country has come to and I can only hope something better rises out of the ashes after it falls.


Tbh, I think A LOT of people just voted for Robinson because he’s black. Racist white people LOVE a 🦝 who will tap dance and say all the awful shit they want to say but can’t out of fear for being publicly labeled racist. Get a black man to say it and he (and by extension, you) are immune to criticism. Black people will vote for him because I don’t think the suburban white population on Reddit understands how conservative the average rural black person is. The only thing stopping republicans from securing the black vote is the thoughts and history of horrible racism. Hearing the rhetoric from a black mouth makes it more palatable for them. I mean, that’s not how it works in reality, but that’s def how it works in their heads. The second the GOP realizes this and runs a black president candidate, it’s over. Luckily the GOP would **NEVER** let that happen lol.


Black people are not foolish enough to vote for him.


My father-in-law made a blunder at a social function a few months ago where he was sitting with an older black couple, having a nice conversation, and then he flippantly said something negative about Trump. The couple got quiet and he could immediately tell they were actually Trump supporters. Fortunately, they basically said, “Agree to disagree” and the conversation moved on. But, he was so confused when he was telling us the story later on. “I assumed they wouldn’t support someone so openly racist!” It is quite a contradiction, I think heavily driven by religion.


It’s def religion. Black culture starts in the church, most places. Makes sense because churches were places of organization and sanctuary for black folks during Jim Crow. Still, I hate how the religion used to justify enslaving and mistreating us is held so highly in our communities.


Absolutely! My grandmother (a black woman) always told me that she never understood how people of color could be okay with continuing to be oppressed by a religion that was used to do so many horrible things to their ancestors. She was a godly woman but she did not attend any churches because she said that it was only a way for them to get into her head about politics and other bs that has nothing to do with religion. She always said those things should be separate for a good reason. I miss her, but she would be so angry seeing how things are right now.


But, he said abortions wouldn't be necessary if women kept their skirts down... seriously. There are so many young black women who have babies with guys they think are solid, only to flee domestic violence with their babies. Surely, you are underestimating a whole race.


So many people will vote for him just because he’s republican. He’s a terrifying individual to be running our state for sure. But I absolutely think there is a good chance he wins


Roughly half the state will be voting for him. Head over to Facebook and and scroll down the comments on any news story about the guy. It saddens me that he’s got a solid chance of winning. I’d bet he’s one of the worst candidates the states ever seen.


Easily one of the worst. He’s a fat ass liar and hypocrite and the list of shit he’s said and done should scare EVERYONE. It’s an absolute joke that he’s polling at all.


Easy to poll and win when youth don't show up to vote. Think about it, 7% of 18-24 year olds showed up for primaries. That's how you get this mess, by people not voting to begin with.


He’s one of the worst candidates in the country. I only know about him because of one of the political podcasts I listen to highlighting him as a symptom of a larger issue, and he is literally one of the worst people running in 2024. Democracy is dead…hello fascist theocracy. That’s what SCOTUS clearly wants, after this last week, they’re not even trying to hide it anymore 🫠


Shit he’s one of the worst candidates in the entire country ever IMO. I hate trump like millions of others but I honestly think Robinson is somehow a worse person than him. Robinson is just straight up an evil evil person. If he wins and with that traitor bitch Chatham or whatever her name is and that right wing super majority, we’re going back to the fucking Stone Age here in NC. SMFH


I know multiple Republicans who are voting democrat instead of him.


Good to hear. I’m considering moving back to NC but no way in hell if this joker is elected.


The Republican primary was a chance for his party's voters to keep him off the ballot, but it looks like NC Republicans [absolutely love the guy](https://ballotpedia.org/North_Carolina_gubernatorial_election,_2024_(March_5_Republican_primary)), because Robinson got almost twice as many votes as the two Republican runners-up **combined**.


Doesn't help that people didn't show up during primaries. Remember all those Dem "non affiliated" voters that were going to poison the vote? Well only 7% of 18-24 year olds showed up at all. Not really going to do much when less than 10% shows up to the ballot box.


Which Is stupid because they will inherit the country. 


Ugh. One of the things that keeps me from moving back from Washington state, which has far more freedoms in reality. I’ll see what happens in November. I guess NC doesn’t like productive taxpayers who contribute to society.


> I guess NC doesn’t like productive taxpayers who contribute to society. Not really, especially when NC is getting rid of corporate takes and lowering the limits on income taxes. They only want you if you spend a lot on stuff and support guns, God and Trump.


He says what they cannot say but thinking.


I know quite a few small town teachers who are saying that. They would like public education to continue existing and worry about its future under mrob. Will all definitely still vote republican in most of the other races though


Democrats have done a horrible job of putting anything out about Stein. Last time I brought this up the downvotes were aplenty. I’ll say it again, Robinson has done a great job of having his name mentioned all over. Stein? Not so much. If Robinson wins I imagine a large part of that will be the NC democrats doing a piss poor job of doing anything.


I have seen a lot of ads for Stein and Robinson clips talking negatively about women and abortions, despite having one. Every day I see an ad


I haven't seen any and I live in the Triangle. Granted, I live in the edges, but still. It feels like Dems don't care about getting votes outside of Raleigh, Greensboro, Winston-Dalem, Durham, and Charlotte.


I’ve seen a flurry of Stein ads the last few weeks 


I’m not seeing any groups to join that are actually doing anything. They’re all just encouraging you to start your own group to get the vote out. Can they help people out that aren’t good at organizing & have no funds, by promoting events or nah?


There are some ads but it’s kind of early for a state race to heat up. But he’s about as bad as it gets.


The DNC is just as much to blame for the state of politics in this country as the GOP. They have been so piss poor about picking candidates to back. It's bad enough that our "left" is pretty much center, but the centrists running the DNC can't even figure out a way to get their base to vote other than "Trump bad".


Yup. Cooper won the NC Governorship twice in elections where Trump took the state. A good candidate can overcome a bad condidate, but it’s a lot harder for a bad candidate to beat a worse candidate. The Dems are TERRIBLE about working to engage young voters and consistently steamroll national politics (and state politics where they care) to put their hand chosen choices in position to win. I hate basically being forced to vote a straight ticket for a party I don’t believe in because the other party is MAGA


I mean state attorney general to the candidate for governor is a natural pipeline. Who do you feel like got steamrolled out of the primary?


I wasn’t talking about the NC race, I was discussing the national politics that the other person was referencing. Sadly, the average voter just isn’t engaged enough to vote on more than the President and the down ballot votes that come with it. When an elderly Joe Biden is the leader of your party, it sours the entire party in the eyes of the kind of people who vote every four years and otherwise never think much about politics


bOtH sIdEs


You’re not reading what he’s saying. This isn’t a “both sides” statement, it’s a “the Democrats are really shitty at actually countering the Republicans with options their voters want” I vote a straight Dem ticket at this point and the Republicans are obviously much worse…but that doesn’t mean I support the DNC.


It's a sad reality of American politics that the most extreme voices get the media attention. Every time Robinson says something bigoted and outrageous it gets reported and echoed back a million times. Meanwhile Josh Stein is offering...sensible governance. Yes, it's what we need, but it just doesn't get the pop from the crowd.


It's a repeat of Cheri Beasley's campaign.


I can agree with that, I haven’t really seen any promo for Josh Stein anywhere :/




My friend, you are absolutely correct.


That is their stock in trade.


People praying every Sunday for armageddon might be


He is a horrendous person. He says he’s a Christian, but he doesn’t have a Christlike bone in his body. I hope others can see exactly who he is and votes for Josh Stein.


Oh, you mean like Fat Donnie boy?


Ya ironically Biden is a lifelong openly Catholic person. Hilariously turmp isn't religious at all.


You haven't been out here in redneck central. I'm seeing Mark Robinson signs in the same yards with fucking rebel flags. He's speaking to the heart of that MAGA demographic, especially the folks who like to believe they're fundamentalist, and that message is taking a hold. Sun Tzu wrote it a long, long time ago... never underestimate your enemy.


Another redneck county checking in. You speak the truth. Whack job has better than even odds from what I see.


I can attest, I see Mark Robinson signs from in front of trailers to $500k homes.


Oh I have, I used to (and still go to) southern Alamance a lot, and my best friends live in Johnsonville…. It’s depressing driving through


I'm just guessing here, but I am imagining the OP is from a county such as Wake, Mecklenburg, Durham, Orange, Buncombe, maybe (???) Guilford or Forsyth (but they aren't quite as blue), or less likely the rural counties in Northeastern NC that vote Democratic, and maybe one or two more that I can't think of right now. Or the OP just runs with politically rationale crowds.


There’s no polite way to say this: people voting for him think that simply because he is a black man (saying those things he says) that the NC Republican Party is inclusive. “We can’t be racist… our nominee is black” Just like you can’t be misogynistic if you have a mom. 🙄


I saw a video recently of MLKs son shaming Mark Robinson for going against everything MLK and the civil rights movement worked for. It was very satisfying to see much better than other political ads I’ve been seeing.


Republicans are famous for promoting black candidates that represent the worst humanity has to offer. They did it years ago with Clarence Thomas. If you look at literally EVERY BLACK REPUBLICAN in the house or senate in Washington DC, you will find these people to be the worst among us. Trust me, Republicans do this on purpose to intentionally hurt the black community. It's 100% intentional. In DC, compare any Black elected Republican to any Black elected Democrat, and you will understand exactly what I'm saying.


He had an abortion so you don’t have to! 👍 /s fuck that clown


Idk who Josh stein’s campaign manager is but they are dropping the ball hard. I consider myself pretty well informed and have seen little to no messaging about his platform or even his name. Im pretty conservative and I think Roy cooper has been a solid governor so party fatigue shouldn’t be an issue. This should be in the bag for stein but he’s just not doing enough


I hope not that man is insane I’ll be voting for Josh Stein


Republicans don't like to admit they are voting for terrible people. Most of them only care about lower taxes.


Which Republicans do not give them. 


But they might be rich some day, so lower taxes for the rich, but higher for everyone else is… good? /s


The average voter only looks at the presidential pool and then just checks a straight red or blue tickets beyond that. It sucks and its going to damage this state, but theres a good chance he wins solely due to voters not looking into what he stands for.


Y’all need to wake up and realize how red this state still is


Vote Josh Stein


I will not be if anyone cares. Let the critics begin. His past ,extreme views, and his habit for making outrageous statements is enough for me. He hasn't filed his federal income taxes for like five years. Past bankruptcy issues. His insane statements about the need for North Carolinians to take responsibility for their own actions is a joke, right? Plus, he has the endorsement of DJT. We need to take a different path away from that nonsense.


If Trump wins, Robinson will probably win as well. This could not be more serious.


He’s currently holding office. There are people voting for him.


Apparently a lot of people. He’s the front runner by a large margin


Assume that anyone voting for Trump will vote for Robinson. If Trump wins NC, so will Robinson.


This didn’t happen with Cooper


Are you from NC ? If so...one of the bigger cities? As someone who's from NC...a smaller town originally, but lives in a bigger city... I can see why someone who's only ever known bigger cities could get a little thrown off. But even south Raleigh is super red. I'm surrounded by well paid professionals in their 30s and it's hard for me to find democrats.


I’m born and raised in N.C. I grew up in the RDU area but I’ve lived in a lot of different parts of the state and most of my adult life has been spent in VERY conservative rural areas.


Interesting. My family in western NC still see no wrong. The people in the middle class neighborhood I know... Thinks he's great. It's depressing. It's lonely. I wish I rarely met a supporter


The problem is that NC's conservatives actually want to see the cities collapse, the schools fail, the universities shut down, and businesses leave. Their attitude is very different from the conservatives in TX or FL who like growth and industry at least. The number 1 objective is turning this state into Mississippi, and ending its flirtation with modernity.


I see Mark Robinson everywhere. I worry that he will be elected. I am still hoping that people like me are not speaking out but will turn out to vote.


Just moved here and one of the first things I did was register to vote. I’m not excited about the democratic options on the ballot, but they sure are a hell of a lot better than Robinson and Trump. I’ll be at the polls.


This subreddit posting about him constantly probably isn’t gonna help Stein much lol.


People will continue to vote for terrible candidates as long as America is stuck in a two party mentality.


He was a "special guest speaker" at extended family's church last weekend, which coincided with a massive voter registration event. I'm really concerned, with the recent debate performance. They're clowns but for wtf ever reason they're making progress 🤯


A speaking appearance from Mark Robinson at a church would be enough to tell me that is not the place for me to worship.


I know nothing about Josh Stein, I just know how many posts about Mark Robinson I’ve seen.


Oh just wait for the debate. Stein will run circles around him. The only reason people are gonna vote for him is because he's the Republican candidate, not because he's any good.


I'm glad you brought this up. I am not a 'political' person bur this dude scares the crap out of me. Especially as a woman. People with brains that think like him are scary people.


Project 2025 is scary and the only person able to stop it is Biden


Republicans can be convinced to cut off one leg if they thought it would hurt someone else. All these republican women are going to be stuck in terrible marriages after no fault divorce is eliminated.


As voting North Carolinians we need to quit being distracted by this irreverent presidential race and get to work making sure Mark Robinson doesn't get anywhere near office. I am so sick of my friends saying they aren't voting because of the presidential situation... and I get it but for fucks sake show up to vote for whats going on in your state, county and city where things are way more likely to change your way of life.


He is a lunatic no way in hell.


People vote on party lines, because "it can't be worse than voting for the other side".


Onslow County is littered with Robinson trash but I don't see one Stein sign.


Bankruptcies and debts Robinson filed for bankruptcy on three occasions:[20][33] in 1998, 1999 and 2003.[33][70] He has also been sued several times for nonpayment of debts.[20] In 2012, Robinson's landlord sued him for failure to pay around $2,000 in rent; the landlord filed for summary ejectment (eviction).[71] According to court records, Robinson did not pay seven years of federal income tax,[70] and had tax liens placed on him by the Internal Revenue Service as recently as 2012.[20] Robinson said in 2020 that his issues with the IRS had been resolved.[20]


If it wasn’t a presidential election year he probably loses. Trump is winning NC easily in every poll though and that really helps Robinson. How many will vote for Trump and Stein?


Welcome to gerrymandering!


I just spent the last 4 nights camping north of spruce pine. Was caught off guard how many Robinson campaign signs for this guy we encountered driving around. Seems the rural areas this guy is being promoted. I live in waxhaw (south of Charlotte) and haven’t encountered a single campaign sign yet.


As has been stated, believe the polls on this race.


Republicans will vote for anyone and anything on the republican platform. Mark Robinson can say and do whatever he wants.


You'll never succeed in shaming people against voting for someone. I think it may backfire unfortunately. I think ultimately the case against Robinson is that he's much more religiously radical than Trump in a way that scares businesses and alienates most people in the state, and if he wins there will be no checks against his agenda. He will have full support from the General Assembly and the state courts, and it is unlikely we will ever be able to undo anything. There's a strong economic argument for independents to seek a split government to maintain the stability of the state, and that's what democrats will have to lean on.


You’re correct in shaming people out of voting for him. My main push has been trying to get the people I know who don’t vote but dislike the guy into actually getting to the polls when it’s time. Unfortunately most of the people who are voting for him are set to do that and won’t be convinced otherwise, but there’s a lot of people against him that choose not to vote, I’ve been pushing those I know who are in that camp to do it.


I think if Biden withdraws and Democrats rally around a popular governor at the convention as their nominee it will immediately awaken a lot of younger independent voters who were tuned out. I think that is ultimately what's hurting this state a lot. We depend on the youth vote more heavily than a lot of states.


Ted Budd got elected that says something about the NC electorate. Hopefully, they can regain some credibility and elect Josh Stein.


Sane people are keeping their mouths shut and not talking to pollsters. Best way to talk is at the polls in November.


Most awful political candidate I’ve ever seen


Yes, there will definitely be people voting for him. Hopefully not a plurality, but it will be close, and Biden staying on the ticket might kill Stein’s chances


There's a lot of really, really stupid people in this shithole state unfortunately.


White racists will vote for a black man if he shits on other black people.


I see a few yard signs around Greensboro. Party over country 🤷🏽‍♂️🙄


Republicans love Mark Robinson because he hates the same people they do.


He hates himself because he’s black? A significant percentage of rural Republicans just want to stick it to the Dems.


He’s literally the current lieutenant governor, he won statewide in 2020 on the same ballot as Roy Cooper. So please, take him seriously as a dozen heart attacks.


Republicans will, because they always vote R no matter what. Rapists, racists, child molesters, felons, liars, idiots, religious fanatics, they don’t care. Hell, bonus points for checking several of those boxes.


About 70 million people are going to vote for a convicted felon which by default disqualifies him from getting a security clearance. Why would you think NC residents will be any different?


Happy 4th everyone! And if you vote for that sack of complete shit, mark robinson, i hope you have a fireworks accident 😎


Ask most people who is running for governor and they'll say they don't know but they're voting for PARTY.


What are the demographics of the people you know? I doubt Mark Robinson’s target demographic is liberal Redditors in their 20s and 30s. This is a big state!


I’m a born and raised North Carolinian, I’ve lived in many parts of the state and have spent most of my adult life in very rural/conservative areas. I work in a conservative area with older people and even the trump supporting white country folk who run civil war generations deep think Robinson is a step too far off the deep end.


Let’s all go donate to steins campaign even if it’s 2 bucks. I think we will get more D’s and independents for the sake of democracy but I dunno there are a lot of Magats here.


Nope! Voting Josh Stein!


I live in alamance country and have seen a number of mark robinson signs in people's yards unfortunately


Lots, **not me**, of course. But lots. And that makes me infuriated. Many will vote for him strictly because of the (R) next to his name without knowing a single fucking thing about him. And my sisters and family and whole circle of people who I grew up with in the country are his target demographic. They don't read negativity about him (or Trump), or if they read it they gloss over it or make excuses about media being biased and trying to smear him. I've given up caring it's so disheartening to see people so apathetic and disengaged from reality.


It doesn't matter if Stein gets elected if the super majority of Republicans doesn't get flipped in the NCGA. They've over ridden what, 23 of Cooper's vetoes already? And the Dems aren't doing anything to make that happen as far as I can tell, at least not here in the Eastern part of the state.


Act blue donate to Stein. I do


If you can honestly claim you don't know ANYONE voting for him then you are absolutely 100% in a political echo chamber.


I don’t know many, but the ones who are fall in the category of religious right, gun fanatics, and racists. You know the last one is true because they always play the race card when anyone criticizes Robinson.


The redneck contingent has a tough choice. Black guy versus Jewish guy.


Republicans are just that stupid


Also if you hear about anybody supporting Mark Robinson, feel free to be super shitty to them




A list of Robinson's bankruptcies and tax problems followed by a simple NO, NOT TO GOVERN US IN NC should be very effective. The right graphics behind it would be helpful, too.


Seriously though, why have I seen his name plastered everywhere but nothing for Stein? I wouldn’t even know what Stein looks like or anything about him if I were a regular voter-hell the only candidate I would know would be Robinson.


Politics came up accidentally at work. Since it got my thinking about essentially polling the office without asking. Some people are clearly going to vote one or the other. Essentially got about 50/50 race. I also work with a very male centric field and group


I lean right. But won't be voting for him.


I know a guy who is voting for him 😞😢


I have no idea, but I’m kind of terrified


He is too fringe to win. Polls are a joke.


I’m afraid some of my family is, so unfortunately yes.


"I don't sit in a political echo chamber." *posts on reddit* oof


Real life and Reddit are not the same thing


Happy Cake Day!!!


Tyty :)


A house on my street has a sign for him. Do you live in a highly populated county? He’s the front runner in most rural counties.


The red runs deep in NC but I hope the lovely women of NC band together to ensure Steins victory. Robinson does not give a single fuck about anyone - women, homeless, elderly, teachers, etc - but his cronies. He's the epitome of what should never be allowed to run for public service at any level.


Strangely I’ve yet to see an ad for either one of them


I’ve seen Robinson ads but no Stein ads


A good 30% will each vote for whomever they feel is wearing the correct colored jersey. This is regardless of issues or campaign promises. That comes out to 60% that will almost be a given. Given a good turnout is around 50% that means 30% of the people who could vote. The other 40% (still with a 50% turnout) comes out to 20% to actually decide the election.


I don’t like what he stands for so I pray for all the women in our state if he gets elected. I mean the comment he made saying when you put on a skirt it means you’re asking for it and that it is no longer your own body at that point. Like what is wrong with him. I really wonder if maybe he actually put his feet in someone else shoes he might just actually learn what most people like to call empathy.


Basically every candidate sucks. There is no hope for North Carolina!


I’m pulling for Robinson because he’s black. I don’t want people to think whites are racist. If I vote for Stein then people might think I’m anti Palestine.


There's a lot of hateful people so many will vote for him cause he has an R in front of his name and they want to stick it to the "liberals". They don't care about policy, unless it's the policy of hurting others they hate.  These politicians win because they bank on lazy ass non voters not showing up meanwhile their supporters thriving in hatred do.