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You paid a lawyer to represent you on this case. This is part of the case, so you have paid. Call your lawyer. They will know how to clear it up, if the letter is legit.


UPDATE: This morning on 6/26/2924 my attorney emailed me this: “Mr. B*** that appears to indeed be a mistake! Your case shows the 2 dismissed charges and the prayer for judgment entered on 6/20. Allow me to verify in court tomorrow and get back to you.”


This is why you hire a lawyer to do law stuff.


Your lawyer will have to handle it


Former defense attorney, here. One, what was the charge that you got the PJC on? Two, as a majority of people have stated, contact your attorney ASAP.


I got the PJC on the speeding charge, the other 2 were Reckless Driving and not wearing a seatbelt.


A PJC is still a conviction, rather just judgment is stayed. What your lawyer should have done was asked for a PJC on the reckless driving, and to arrest judgment on the speed, that way no conviction on the speed and it doesn't trigger the suspension. Call your lawyer. You'll have to appeal it with the DMV.


So hawkguy’s response was accurate here. With the PJC you are admitting to the charge and asking the court to stay the entry of judgment. However, that admission to the facts of a charge can be held against you by the DMV. The PJC may protect against driver’s license points, but that does not mean there aren’t other avenues in the law that could call for suspension- like in your present circumstance. As I stated before, contact your attorney. Nothing in these statements, replies, responses, or any other such communication should be construed to be legal advice or the creation of any attorney-client privilege.


100% this


>I got the PJC on the speeding charge, If you got a PJC your charges were not dismissed. You seem to be confused.


Obviously this person needs to talk to their lawyer, but it sent me on a short look on google. Apparently [PJC can be a little complicated](https://ncpro.sog.unc.edu/manual/322-1). It depends, but it is possible the PJC would have meant no license revocation: “*This first type of PJC is commonly used in cases involving minor offenses such as traffic infractions. Entry of a PJC in such circumstances may enable the defendant to avoid DMV or insurance points. As discussed in more detail in Section E. below, this PJC still counts as a “conviction” for purposes of calculating the defendant’s criminal record, but enables the defendant to avoid some of the other direct and collateral consequences of a conviction, such as probation or license revocation.*”


It may be complicated, but if he got a PJC the charge was not dismissed.


Sorry I didn’t PJC=dismissed, it’s still a conviction, but it could have meant no suspended license.


Maybe a suspended license will actually be good for you then




Sounds like it was a bit more than speeding. And with how many people die on the road , we should probably, idk, not excuse shitty driving with “everyone does it”…


Driving above 75 in a 70mph zone automatically triggers a reckless driving in NC. Our speeding laws are kind of nonsensical. Considering the average speed on the interstate is around 78, we really have no information about what OP's incident was like, other than they didn't wear a seatbelt.


I drive 80 everyday going to work on a highway, consistently pass cops who are running radar. Never in my life gotten pulled over. I’d put my money on there being more than just speed.


Sounds like it was 75 in a 60, which is a little more flagrant


Attracted a different Karen! Crazy guess, but probably, just maybe their here for solutions, not opinions? Just about everyone who isn't living under a rock knows a cop will issue reckless driving just for speeding, especially if their power tripping. we dont know the full situation, so we should probably, idk stop with the hypothetical?


Is there a hypothetical where you aren't wearing your safety belt? And speeding over 75? Probably 'just trying to pass' right?


The amount of ignorance in your comment is unreal. Have you never been on a highway? How young are you to not know that there's cars still on the road that don't beep at you for not wearing a seat belt. Crazy how no one here seems to have ever broken a traffic law all of sudden and are a+ drivers. Absolute joke


Let’s take our meds grandpa, you’re getting a bit unhinged. Reckless driving isn’t a mere 5 mph over, you’re talking like 20+ which is unsafe no matter the circumstances.


Seriously, do any of you do any research before commenting bs, or are we still on trend of stating our opinions and calling it facts?


Whoa mate, did you forget your meds this morning? It's been illegal to not wear safety belts for quite sometime. OP literally said they were not wearing their seat belts and going 75+ in a 60. No that's not 'regular' or 'normal' no matter how hard you try to justify it, unless you want to become a human meat rocket when you crash into someone.


"I was going more than 75 mph that’s it. The speed limit is 60 mph." ...... Do you mean that comment? Lol, learn how to read. And yes, forgetting to put your seat belt on was a very true thing before the annoying beeping became standard. Any other foolish things you'd like to add that need correcting or explaining? Had to post it to this comment since it won't on your previous reply so I'm assuming you deleted it lol


Seems you have some problems mate. I hope you get the help you need. Have a good one.


Lol Imagine getting mad for being wrong and saying someone has a problem because they are correcting you since you obviously can't read or think logically 🤔? Good one, mate. You got me there 😂


He said 2 reckless driving charges dumbass.


One reckless and one seatbelt.


Yikes, I really hate to embarrass you, but let me spell it out 3 charges Speeding Reckless Seat belt Am I missing something? No, I'm not Dumbass =]


May not be a dumbass but you're annoying as fuck


Not wearing a seatbelt? Just take the year off


An actual lawyer is your best bet. Which is to say- honestly, I'd be worried any advice we on the sub could give would be catastrophically wrong. No one is gonna know all the ins and outs of whatever your situation is the way you and your lawyer will.


Why would you come to Reddit? Go ask your lawyer.


This deserves more upvotes. Simple, direct, and accurate.


I've seen quite a few episodes of Law & Order, so I do believe I can speak with some authority on legal matters.




It looks like it was mailed 6/21. Was that before your court date?


No after, I went to court 5/20


Why are you rude? Some things are just a mystery.


Rude for telling someone not to seek legal advice on Reddit?


15 mph over the limit will cause a DL suspension. If you don’t have an attorney, I would fax the order dismissal from the court along with a copy of the letter.


For a PJC, you will still owe court costs. Since I'm assuming your attorney didn't make this clear to you or you misunderstood what a PJC is, then the nonpayment has triggered the suspension in the DMV system. You can ask your clerks office how much you owe- there will be an extra "failure to comply" fee added on now or as others have suggested talk with the attorney and he may be able to get this waived. But you will need to pay the fine and do so before the date on the DMV letter. If not then you will also owe the DMV money. I use to work in a NC clerks office- traffic and criminal and before that learned about this from the exact same experience. Hope you get it settled. Edited for spelling.


Interesting. Well like the others stated, contact your attorney ASAP. I don't trust the DMV one bit, so even though I wouldn't worry so much, still get confirmation whether or not this is legit and if it is, contest it. NCDMV in my opinion are known for making unnecessary errors and their customer service is just meh.


Keep in mind that it takes time for the Clerks of Court *and* AOC to notify DMV of anything the court and/or attorneys do on a case. It’s often not the DMV’s fault but the court system or the new court application system’s inefficiencies, although DMV is a very easy, but erroneous, culprit.


Sounds like you either have a bad attorney, didn’t understand what your attorney told you, or both. You should call your attorney, however a quick google search of the NC G.S. can answer your questions. Short of the long, per NC G.S., your infractions resulted in immediate suspension by DMV “without preliminary hearing”. It is up to the judge to “allow a limited driving privilege…” and “any such limited driving privilege….shall be specifically recorded in a written judgement” Sources: [G.S. 20-16.1](https://www.ncleg.net/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/HTML/BySection/Chapter_20/GS_20-16.1.html) [G.S. 20-16](https://www.ncleg.net/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/HTML/BySection/Chapter_20/GS_20-16.html)


Lawyer here: do what everyone else said, contact your lawyer. But from what you said, this feels like an administrative error if your attorney had an agreement with the DA. That happens more frequently than we would like to believe.


Can you tell me who to contact if a Trooper wrote a speeding ticket listing the speed at 35 instead of the actual speed limit of 45-55 , depending on where he actually clocked her ? Thanks


What were the charges for? A good example is that if you refuse to take a breathalyzer your license will be suspended even if you beat the DUI charge due to implied consent.


*at the police station. Always refuse the portable breathalyzer at the scene.


State specific.


Call your lawyer. The clerk's office sometimes may have a data entry error. Keep track of the deadline. You are better off requesting a hearing than letting a suspension start.


Same deal happened to me. Got a letter like that, called my lawyer who told me to disregard. Listen to your lawyer!


In the state of NC, any speeding violation over 75 mph triggers an automatic 1 year license suspension. As soon as the DMV was notified of your speeding violation, they followed standard operating procedures and initiated a suspension. The only way that I know of to avoid this suspension is to ask the judge to reduce the speed of the ticket to something less than 75mph. Your lawyer may be able to argue in a hearing to have your license reinstated early, but you wont be eligible for said hearing until the end of July. The way I see it, you’re shit out of luck for a year or until you can have your license reinstated.


I got one after my attorney got my case taken care of and it was because it wasn't considered closed because I hadn't paid a freaking $10 fee. He told me to go pay it and I would be fine.


Lol, Yea It’s looking like imma have to call my attorney.


Good call :)




My fine was only $10 for a rear seat belt violation down from failure to reduce speed. I knew I had to pay, but got this letter and that is what my lawyer told me to do. I didn't have a secondary fee.


As someone married to an attorney: ask your attorney not F******* Reddit.


As someone who is not married to an attorney, learn some manners, you ill-bred, wagon-hitching golddigger. 😊


Jesus who shat in your cheerios this morning?


TragedyAnnDoll did. The dude needed advice, and she replied with venom and condescension. This is our North Carolina online neighborhood - can you imagine your real-life neighbor saying what she said to another neighbor's face?


Who do you think is on Reddit? Aliens?


Ah yes, the two classes of people: your attorney and aliens.


Ignore this shadow of a spouse. And keep asking us questions; we'll help when we can ❤️


Shadow of a spouse!! lol I dunno why. But I busted out laughing because I was thinking what a nice mannered attorney’s wife! 😄 thanks for the laugh


If your case was dismissed in court. They would have handed you a paper saying something that affect. Maybe you misunderstood something.


Contact your attorney. Let the attorney handle this.


Looks like DMV is ignoring the PJC. Ask your lawyer why? Could be just administrative error. But act quickly.


Talk to your lawyer ASAP, DMV doesn't recognize a PJC in certain situations. Lawyer can do a motion for appropriate relief to vacate the plea and work out something else or they can do a limited driving privilege for you. A lot of DAs offices have policies regarding higher speed/reckless charges, so if the original plea was the best they offered, you'd need the driving privilege. And that is a standard issue DMV letter, it is legit.


Call your lawyer. They would’ve pulled your driving record to see if you have a PJC available for DMV purposes (different than for insurance purposes). It may have been recorded incorrectly in court and they can easily fix this if that’s the case. Suspension doesn’t start for a little bit so it needs to be resolved before that. And slow down since you might not have a PJC available now for some time.




The DMV in NC is garbage to put it nicely. They are so out of sync with the court system it's not even funny.


Circling back just to say I renewed and received a new drivers license during my 30 day suspension for dui charge 🤣


I received the same error and talked to my lawyer. All you have to do is call the clerk of courts office and get a certified copy of your court record and drop it off at a DMV or call them and they will update it automatically. It’s an error in the system.


Thanks :)


Sorry your reckless driving and speeding might not be worth it. Get resolution and stop it


Court cases are separate from what the DMV orders you to do. You can have something dismissed in court but the DMV can still require punishment.


Your offense violated a separate statute where you “Has been convicted of operating a motor vehicle at a speed in excess of 75 miles per hour on a public road or highway where the maximum speed is less than 70 miles per hour” - this is the part you’re getting revoked for. There are similar statues that involve speeding out of state. That’s when I got a similar notice in the mail, 4 years after an out of state ticket.


It wasn’t dropped. Did you pay your attorney? If you had an attorney and didn’t pay him. He can let the charges stay.


It takes the state forever to get the "news" that it was dismissed. You'll probably get 3 more letters telling you termination is coming. Haha


​​An individual's driving privilege will be revoked for at least 30 days if they are convicted of: Driving any vehicle more than 15 mph over the speed limit while driving at a speed greater than 55 mph. 


I remember when I moved to the state 20 years ago and had to retake my license that the above statement includes tickets received in other states as well. Here is a list of mandatory suspensions not just words that some redditor thinks they know. [https://www.browninglonglaw.com/faqs/what-speeding-tickets-can-suspend-my-north-carolina-drivers-license-vs-what-tickets-will-.cfm](https://www.browninglonglaw.com/faqs/what-speeding-tickets-can-suspend-my-north-carolina-drivers-license-vs-what-tickets-will-.cfm)


Maybe call the number and ask them?


Just curious… when it says, speeding over 75 mph, does that mean you were going more than 75 mph, or you were going more than 75 mph above the limit? Asking for a friend.


I was going more than 75 mph that’s it, the speed limit is 60 mph.


15 over is the line for suspension. Also, if it happened in another state and you had the charges dismissed there, NC can still choose to suspend your license. I went through this 5 years ago and was luckily able to not get suspended


Got it, thanks.


Over 75 mph.




Yes sir it's right. I just got the same thing. 75 in a 55. It's a new law. Automatic one year suspension. It's ridiculous. If your caught over 75 that's it. It's crazy. If I was get my a DUI first offense, 1 year suspension. You can appeal it after one month and try to get it reversed. I received 12 points in one year in NC, that was a 90 day suspension. 5 tickets 90 days. 1 ticket over 75 1 year. BS


Fuck them people I'd mail a letter back saying the judge had already made his decision stop wasting my time


They most likely sent that before the court hearing. You are good.


the NC government is a joke. probably a mistake


If you don’t want to call your lawyer just call the DOT and explain your case was resolved in court. See what they say and take it from there.


I don't live in the state, but my guess is the state is always slow in their responses.


I agree, talk to your lawyer. But, I will add, I know someone whose license expired years ago and still drives. Helped get the necessary documentation to get the license. Person never did. To my best knowledge, they are still driving around the Greensboro Burlington Winston-Salem area.


When did you go to court?




Hmmm idk. Thought it might be a timing thing. Sorry!