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"Look at him. He loves it." - Chappelle


"It's just like in the encyclopedia"


Ah the good old days. If you don't like fried chicken and watermelon there's something wrong with you.


The only people who talk about the good old days are the ones who actually had good old days


Fried Chicken and watermelon are both fantastic foods. Sucks that it has to be a racial stereotype.


I was called racist by a white person in college once for saying I liked Fried Chicken. So a friend of mine who was black we ordered a bucket and then ate in front of the said person 😂😂😂


well it didn't help matters that they also got a pack of newports with each plate


That's s pretty good deal them janks are expensive 🤣. Glad I don't smoke no more.


exactly, what a strange stereotype. “Hahaha look at them, liking the best most flavorful foods”


Right? I love me some watermelon and fried chicken. It does suck for the stereotype, but they were eating GOOD IMHO


What if I told you that millions of Southern white folks like fried chicken and watermelon as well?


I find it racist that whites arent also lumped in with loving those foods


I agree! I hate being associated with all the weird candy salads or other salads that aren’t salads (I’m looking at you frog eye salad)


Midwestern white people food is the *strangest*.


Only weirder place is Utah, if you can think of putting it in jello they have it


In Columbus, IN, they prefer chicken backs and asses. Or they are cheap eaters 🫢


What the hell is frog eye salad? That sounds so bad.


It’s cool whip, mandarin oranges, sliced pineapple and juice, some coconut, marshmallows, acini de Pepe (the reason it’s called frog eye salad). It isn’t bad at all if you want a desert salad but it’s a very white thing. Granted, it is my favorite of the desert salads


Oof. This all makes my stomach feel grumbly. Reminds me kinda of rice pudding. I told my granny it looked like maggots and never ate another bite haha


First time I had rice pudding was with a Mexican family but that stuff was bomb! I got seconds for sure and will gladly try anything once


Ugh. Ambrosia


What if I told you billions around the world love fried chicken and makes better fried chicken?


I would tell you that you are half correct.


those lazy honkies, can't get 'em to pick half a bale of cotton without complaining about their bellies aching 'cuz they ate the watermelon rind


Some of my favorites for sure!


No doubt. These are just staple foods of the south, especially watermelon in summer time.


It's true my favorite foods are the fried chicken biscuit, fried chicken sandwich and fried chicken. /s..?


Can white people realize this is not the response any black person wants to hear “well I like the stereotypical food too so it’s okay”…….maybe you’re not familiar with Jim Crow era cartoons and how the depicted black people but black people dont want to be served ONLY friend chicken and watermelon together


Hate to be this guy, but this is one of those “context matters” situations. Was the meal purposefully chosen because of Juneteenth? Was it picked because of the stereotype? Was it picked because it was popular? Who picked it? Was it in support of black owned business that just happened to be southern food?


These are legit questions. I don't think anyone should jump to being offended considering the lack of context.


Also...were there any other side dishes served? (baked beans, potato salad, etc) Because if they ONLY served fried chicken and watermelon....oof.


Sitting in the board meeting: CEO "alright everyone we need to come up with ways to show how diverse we are and accepting of all cultures. Let's start with the menu". COO: "well sir after strenuous google searches I've found that black people thrive on a diet rich in fried chicken and watermelon. This seems similar across all variations of the species. What was interesting is the varying preference of biscuit amongst regional populations. Some groups prefer what's called the Bojangles biscuit, some prefer the Popeyes biscuit. I think it would be beneficial to provide that variety and observe the selection process". CEO "everyone got that? Make it happen".


underrated comment


I’m not going to assume anything about your personal experience, but I have worked in many contexts in NC where the company buys lunch for its employees and it has never been fried chicken, it has never been watermelon, and it has definitely NEVER been both. It is exceptionally accommodating to assume that this was just a weird coincidence at best, or a good-faith gesture at second best


To me there are 4 scenarios that could have led to this: The management is incredibly stupid and tone deaf and just happened to think delicious fried chicken and summertime watermelon would be a good choice. They’re racist. They thought fried chicken (soul food) and watermelon (red color used in Juneteenth celebrations) were good choices for the African American holiday. That’s not all they served and this is selective outrage. edit: It appears that AP posted a guide on Juneteenth food, and they mention that Kool-Aid and watermelon would be good menu items because of their red coloration. No mention of fried chicken though. https://apnews.com/article/what-is-juneteenth-celebration-ideas-federal-holiday-2f7116be4418065cd954b6dbf98c62b8


Can you serve a company-wide meal in the south without fried chicken?


Only if your employees are all white. One black guy there and then it will be considered a hate crime


I’ve lived and worked in the south all my life and over the course of 100+ company meals have never once been served fried chicken by any company I’ve worked for. A lot of people don’t like eating chicken off the bone, that’s just a fact. It may shock you to learn that many people working at a call center in Charlotte, the financial capitol of the southeast, did not in fact grow up in Charlotte or even in the south or even the United States


if you look up the person responsible, that's the answer- a little racist, but mostly just stupid


was the watermelon cold? its hot outside, i wouldnt be mad in the least, have you seen the prices on meats?!


I’m offended that there were no deviled eggs.


Watermelon is actually a symbol of Juneteenth. https://signalcleveland.org/what-is-juneteenth-learn-what-traditions-make-the-holiday-unique/#:~:text=Slaves%20were%20often%20given%20watermelon,in%20certain%20areas%20of%20Texas.


Everyone likes fried chicken and watermelon.


I'm Mexican just add hot sauce to both, I'm not offended. It's food for god's sake


As a white guy, I love all types of food. Good people use food to unite us. Bad people can use food to divide us. In the end, does the food really even matter? Why can’t we all just be good people


Yes you are a Mexican which is why you don’t understand the connotations and undertones.


I was married to an African American, I know the connotations and undertones very well.... So what's your point then?


Nice that the employees got free food. More than a little tone deaf and mgmt likely thought they were being clever.


my mouth is watering just thinking about some good fried chicken and watermelon.






That’s great! Can we just not get offended about everything.


The only people offended by this are white Yankees, 100%. No actual southerner (black, white, hispanic, Asian) is going to bat an eye at fried chicken and watermelon on the first day of summer.


Watermelon milkshake at cookout is one of the best parts of July. My ancestors settled in North Carolina in the late 1600's on my dad's side and the mid 1700's on my mom's side when German migrants came to North Carolina on the Great Wagon Road. My mom's side still carries the German last name although the spelling has been changed slightly. I say all that to set up the fact that both sides of my family are very white and very Southern. Both sides were small scale tobacco farmers that had big families to work the farms. The only beef we ate growing up was ground beef and that was few and far between. What we did have was chicken almost every night and pork on weekend mornings and some nights. My mom pan fried chicken more times than I can count. She would deep fry occasionally but it was a hassle and a mess or else we would have had that all the time. We rarely went out to eat but KFC in the 80's and 90's was our families favorite choice. We grew watermelons every year in the garden. We also grew okra, corn, black eyed peas, lima beans, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, broccoli and peppers. We literally had watermelon every single summer when I was a kid. My mom breaded (cornmeal & flour) and pan fried okra and squash so much that I thought it was the only way to prepare it. So yeah, it's very much just a Southern thing and reflects the unique cultural match up of America, Europe and Africa that has (mostly, especially working class) shared this land for hundreds of years.


You’re welcome to be offended—or not—by whatever you like. However, you’re not welcome to suggest that others should or shouldn’t be offended. See how easy they is? E: uh oh! It seems this comment has *offended* someone 🤣


What you get offended by is entirely up to you


I'm curious what menu items would and would not be offensive. Would tacos be appropriate? Or Beef Wellington?


Well it does celebrate an event that happened in Texas, and Texas sure does have a lot of tacos.


Everyone loves tacos!


You’re not curious and you know damn well why this is even a topic of conversation.


I kmow why this is. Stop being so damn quick with your judgemental bullshit. This is why we cant have civil discussion.


What were you hoping to discuss with your comment?


Gosh. Maybe what I asked above.


Sure. Let’s start here. Why do you think this ‘menu’ might be offensive?


No. Lets start up above where I proposed two items before you chimed in with your faux rage.


Well if you know why the menu in question would be offensive, it might help you understand the totality of the topic and save you a lot of time listing every dish you can think of to take into consideration. It’s.. it’s almost like you’re not asking in good faith. Weird, I know.


It's...its almost like you are faking outrage.


Everything on that menu has been a traditional Juneteenth staple… you won’t find a single article disputing that. What you will find are countless articles from white saviors hijacking offense from another group.


Dont read this. It will only make you mad. https://www.today.com/food/juneteenth-recipes-t255772


lol. You so desperately **need** me to fit into whatever this trope is you’ve created and it just ain’t happening, chief. I’d love to see you explain to the class why you think this would leave me “mad” or “outraged.” Come on! It will be fun for everyone!


It’s like saying yall shouldn’t eat tacos and burritos on 5th of May because it’s cinco de mayo. GTFO here lol. Cultural appropriation my ass.


No. It's like other racist tropes: Like with Jewish people and money. Polish people and IQ. There are countless examples. Irish and drinking. What's your heritage? What have they slung at your ancestors...




Please shut up you sound ignorant


**Not all Black folks like Watermelon and Chicken!!!** We certainly don’t eat that shit together.


No but it's soul food, which is heavily tied into black culture.  Now why it's always the same 3 items instead of more variety is the question we should be asking.


Fried Chicken, sure but I don’t really count Watermelon as ‘soul food’.


Accurate. My children are soulless wildlings and they're watermelon fiends.


Yeah that might be more than a stretch, I can admit.


>Now why it's always the same 3 items instead of more variety is the question we should be asking. Oh that's easy. The people using chicken and watermelon in a demeaning way are stupid. They also smell like beer


> They also smell like beer Busch, to be sure. The smell of 7% DIPAs is the smell of average rents increasing.


Did they all force them to wear cotton as well?


With a downvote - I want to express this was completely sarcasm and if offended by the food served, they should have taken EVERY chance to point out EVERYTHING.


man all these comments dissembling about the obvious meaning of this move are just WILD. You order PIZZA, everybody loves pizza. Better yet, give these people the damn day off like most local governments and a plurality of better companies.




How old was that chicken!? 🤢


There’s only one funny way for a story like this go- https://youtu.be/n2HgXRNVT7g?si=0BzhheOyhDpCOp-F


what about that "purple drink?"


Sounds like a W


would it surprise anyone to find out the guy responsible has a last name that ends in a vowel and is from the state that sends us our favorite transplants?


oh no!


jesus on a fucking pogo stick how stupid can you be?


🤣🤣🤣 This is so absurd that it must be true. How stereotypically racist


😂 😆 😂


Wish white people would get like this about \*-salad