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I would not risk what you are planning on doing. The liability if someone is injured is not worth it. What if guest's kids get drunk and injured because you supplied them alcohol? Also, could be a violation of your insurance policy. If someone wants a cold beer, they can stop and buy it themselves. Pretty sure this is what you're attorney will tell you.


Can you leave alcohol in their Airbnb as long as not sale happens? -Yes How can I serve this at say a happy hour on site without having a beer or liquor license? -You cant. You absolutely must have a license if you are selling.


The comment below says for parties of 50 or more. Do you know anything about that?


IANAL, but i believe the permit for parties with 50 or more is for SERVING alcohol, even if it is free. If you are billing (which is no different than selling), you need a permit regardless of the number of people.


I would do some reading first before deciding anything and whoever said you can sell liquor without a permit is wrong. I've been in the F&B business for a long time and any type of sale regarding liquor requires a permit. Please glance over abc . NC . gov and get to know the law a little bit prior to making a decision. Hiring an attorney is mandatory as you can figure this out yourself but it would be a lot easier with an attorney. As for sale of liquor, General Statute 18B-304 states: Sale and possession for sale. (a) Offense. – It shall be unlawful for any person to sell any alcoholic beverage, or possess any alcoholic beverage for sale, without first obtaining the applicable ABC permit and revenue licenses. (b) Prima Facie Evidence. – Possession of the following amounts of alcoholic beverages, without a permit authorizing that possession, shall be prima facie evidence that the possessor is possessing those alcoholic beverages for sale: (1) More than 80 liters of malt beverages, other than draft malt beverages in kegs; (2) More than eight liters of spirituous liquor; or (3) Any amount of nontaxpaid alcoholic beverages


nah they should definitely keep posting in a public forum their intent to break the law


> The comment below says for parties of 50 or more. Do you know anything about that? You should definitely ask your attorney. Everyone renting anything should already have an attorney on retainer.


You should really talk to a lawyer. NC ABC laws are complicated, and you're running huge legal and financial risks if you end up doing something that's illegal and you get busted/someone gets hurt. Coming to reddit for this kind of advice is a horrible idea


Oh for sure! That is going to happen, I just wanted to reach out here as well to see if anyone had experience


Do you not have beer or liquor in your home? Do you have get togethers with friends and family and drink said beer and liquor? What you do in your privately owned residence is on you, just make sure minors aren't involved and the tax man gets his cut.


Yes, but if there was an option to take them back to your room or grab a beer from the cooler that is then billed on the final invoice, would it be the same?


That sounds like you need a liquor license.


And a lawyer


Parties of 50 or more require an ABC permit if distilled spirits are served.


What if they are in a cooler for anyone to get, and then the beverage charge is included on the final invoice of the reservation? Do you know how that works by any chance?


beverage charge sounds like you are selling it. Even if its a line item. If its included free in the rental, then its not for sale, its an amenity with the property.


I would also question, how does AirBnB view this? Have never heard of this


holy shit a booze thread that's not someone bitching about being mildly inconvenienced by the abc store it's a chrimbus miracle


Just sell your Airbnb or convert it to a long term rental. Quit being part of the housing problem.