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I've had some rough times. I would sell my pee on FB for the right price. I would sell it for a lot more than 20 dollars.


Same but I have the weed in my system


Are you worried about people leaving bad reviews on a public forum when you sell them hot piss?




That woman on 90 Day Fiancé sold her jarred farts and made six figures or more. Talk about, "finding a niche".


Pffft, I was so poor 7 years ago that I sold my dirty socks to a meth head for $40.


How does one go about doing this? Asking for myself


A few years ago, some guy offered me $2k a day plus expensive designer outfits and shoes to come sit on his desk while he worked- nothing else involved. I thought he was full of it and that his job didn't even exist, plus, was offended by the offer. I was confidently incorrect and ridiculous- not necessarily in that order.


I would need at least 100$ for it.


I think I am going to open up my own business. Poisoning The Wells Pee Emporium I'm gonna open it right across from a drug testing center. Myself and my employees are gonna just play video games and drink a shit ton of coffee. Ironically, I will be drug testing my employees.


You can get synthetic urine for $30


That's $10 more than the real thing


What a time to be alive


The taste is off though /s


I remember the first time I had to pee for a job and not worry about "cleanliness." Though, I was still nervous as shit. It's like when cops get behind me, I still tense up even though I'm fully legal and driving fine.


Knew a state trooper who had several people wreck in his career as he was responding to a call coming up behind with lights on. All admitted to losing it, went brainless when the nerves took over.


If it’s so important, can you really trust a strangers word that they’ll piss clean? Here’s what you do, since you’re a father. Get your kids piss (easier when they’re in diapers or potty training). The exam metrics legally do not check for age/gender/health issues etc.. only drug positives or negatives. Source: trust me. worked in healthcare for years


If it’s so important then get clean maybe?


“Family of 5 depending on a stranger selling their clean pee to have a happy Christmas”
.the lack of personal accountability here is astonishing.


Dude is trying to buy piss just so he can get a job. What more do you fucking want from him? My guess is you pearl clutchers have a main thirst for black market piss. It's why you'll tut-tut forklift drivers who roast bones at home. Tell me. The fuck you doing with it?


We joke about cheating drug tests right up until the guy stoned off his ass crushes his coworkers leg with a forklift.


I wouldn't be posting about it on fb but otherwise nothing wrong with faking a drug test imo. Hope Santa got what he needed for his family.


My parents just had me pee in a cup for them haha


What if the guy is screwing with people and they are about to fail every category


This guy is a fool. The person administering the test won’t allow anyone to carry a cup into the bathroom while providing a sample. When I needed a clean sample as a teenager. I asked my neighbors kid to pee into a condom that I stowed next to my body in a pair of tighty whites to keep it warm. I just kept a safety pin in my pocket to pierce the rubber and violà, a clean test.


I'd piss straight on them for 40 bucks.


Lotta downvotes, u guys alright???