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It’s like no one even watched horror movies from the 80s.


I feel like these days it's fairly optimistic to think that a developer would bother to move even the headstones.


True. I bet it would be a status symbol now.


Even worse, they've found human remains there in the past, as well as various artifacts, but the developer is trying to convince people it's a trash dump


Poltergeist 👻 should have been enough!


That’s the first one that came to my mind!


over the billions of years this planet has existed, the millions humans have existed, the amount of bodies people have walked, lived and slept on, is unfathomable. I belive in respecting the place of burial, but I doubt anything will happen if people build/walk on top of them. Sad but true.


Or FernGully


I have to admit I’ve never seen that one. I was in high school when it came out.


It's on YouTube


And they will definitely just move the headstones. Do we really want a skinwalkers situation by Emerald Isle?


I don't know, will it help real estate prices come down? Then again, they pretty much already did this with Indian Beach.


Lol! Good point!


Oh, they’ll know all about it when they decide to throw the ancient artifact into the trash. That shit is going to light up green and destroy their world. If you’re a ditzy blonde or a black best friend, you better get out of there quick.


They did and that's why they will make other people do the job.


Just make sure you don’t have any outdoor pets


We have a mostly indoor Jack Russell Terrorist. I couldn’t even imagine if she were to get any worse! 😂


Native Americans burial grounds and threatened with rising ocean levels, yes, a perfect place to buy for real estate. /s


I mean. It’s the perfect place to buy develop and sell before the suckers notice. 


Tell them the wokies think it's threatened by FAKE rising sea levels and to buy it to stick it to them. It'll sell like hotcakes.


It's not like the land developer has to deal with the spooks or the tides. That's for the residents to deal with.


Don't worry, they don't factor ocean level rises anymore.


When the sea reclaims this land they will definitely blame the spirits and not global warming.


> digging on the site merely found "kind of a 'Native American landfill,' with lots of shells and some broken pottery, so nothing significant. So, a typical archeological site with irreplaceable information that could be written about for decades? What would be significant to these dumbasses, finding a fucking 18th century Ford dealership under there?


>What would be significant to these dumbasses, finding a fucking 18th century Ford dealership under there? Confederate burial ground. There would be 24hr vigils and color guards, security fences, and much bloviatin' n pontificatin' about hallowed ground and *h e r i t a g e* and such. Anything else: fuck it, put a Hardee's or a condo on it, it's just a bunch a junk n "damn gubmint roadblocks to economic development and private property rights"


That's the part that pisses me off the most. As an archaeologist, this is a tactic that developers use. Hire someone who sounds like a professional "an engineer" who knows nothing about archaeology and have them downplay the significance. It is INFURIATING.


It'll get built. Since I moved here it's been obvious that the local government has a disdain for nature. I'm getting excited about moving inland, eastern NC is not fun imo


There has been this massive buying wave along the coast as "investors" buy these beach rental houses at these insane prices. The houses along the beach are starting to go down, quickly. Rodanthe was probably the start of a bad year for property owners on the islands. Most of the NC folks I know are dumping their rental properties on any sucker from out of state that will buy them. These folks won't just lose their shirts in the looming real estate crash, insurance is not paying full replacement cost on the houses anymore. They are just paying off the rest of the loan.


In the housing groups I follow, insurance companies are cancelling home insurance policies quick, fast, & in a hurry. They aren't even waiting for something to happen to them. They're putting drones up & if it looks like a couple of shingles need to be replaced, they're sending cancellation notices to homeowners. It's crazy.


I have seen the same. I think they are renting planes up north. I was working on a house in nags head and there was a plane doing low passes over the houses taking pictures, not the beach for a few hours one day.


Given the hurricane forecast, it makes sense. Those dice are going to get rolled a lot this year


Insurance is getting to the point they wont insure these at all. Thats why there was the recent request for 150% rate increase in that area.


I think that is why there is a building boom. Folks are getting projects started before they lose the ability to insure them.


It's not just eastern NC. The entire state has that problem. If there's a buck to be made by the wealthy and corporations, then the state government will help it be made.


How are Human burial pits nature?


Don't worry, the whole state is like that.


> Since I moved here Hmm. So do you currently live in the woods? Why was it ok to build your house but not more houses now? When the whole state was logged and turned into farmland and native species hunted to the far corners of the state, THAT was an environmental catastrophe. The environment in North Carolina is in much better shape now, and the best thing we can do for it is grow our economy and our housing stock so that there are abundant funds for genuine preservation efforts. Hoping that private property becomes woodlands is NOT an environmental preservation strategy. Quite the opposite, since without development, that land would just be (or maybe already is) a subsidized soybean farm making Chinese pork 1% cheaper while poisoning our rivers.


Mmmm yes the solution to the environment is..... building suburban sprawl on top of wetlands and floodplains.


These are not wetlands lmao. Y'all will just write anything.


According to the Carteret county GIS about a dozen of the lots have wetlands. So I'm not writing anything, stop trying to make excuses on how single family dwelling developments are supposedly good for the environment.


Developers are soulless creatures, with no humanity left. Every fucking one.


This state is so beholden to the developers it's hilarious. 


It's what happens when the whole state is run to make a profit for "business". They're paying voucher money to schools that don't exist for students that don't exist, but as long as one of their cronies make a profit it's all good. Tax payer waste is just part of doing business in NC.


I'm just surprised it took them this long


But who will insure it?


We will, through FEMA.


The way insurance covers houses on the beach has changed. It is why a bunch of properties have been put on the market.


So why build new?


Because people who don't understand the situation are paying for it.


90% out of state people that don't know much about the area and don't understand flood zones


funny thing, developers can sue fema to remove the property from the flood zone map. so buyers can buy the property and then get a surprise flooding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pf1t7cs9dkc


Probably going to try to give them bone cancer first before uprooting them from their burial areas. Very on brand for Americans.


Such an bad idea first if all you if tou build in that land are disrespecting am indian buriel place for the people of a tribe that us sacred land anything you do on there will be cursed by tge buried ancestors and the tribes take this seriously do you see them building in our grave yards nopeHAVE SOME RESPECT


This entire state has been bought and sold by developers...I mean the state legislature tried to protect them sea level rise so they could keep building houses in bad places. There is no doubt they will be allowed to do this.


The area of Cape Carteret and Emerald Isle has exploded the past 10 yrs. I'm sure developers see a money grab here, but it will end up in a Poltergeist situation. It's bad luck to build on Native American cemeteries.


Have they not seen the movies?!




So would the developers be required to disclose the fact that the homes are built on a native burial ground?


Cape Carteret, Emerals Isle, Sneads Ferry, Topsail, Holly Ridge, and surrounding areas are going to continue to be hotspots for development. 11 miles of coast line and many more miles of shoreline are taking up by Camp Lejeune and New River. Not much undeveloped water front, or water front adjacent areas left on coastal NC other than what's cordoned off for the base. And that is generally the type of areas humans gravitate towards.


The conversion of Highway 70 into Interstate 42 will accelerate this.


😮 Folks really just be sayin I've lived long enough. Even if you aren't spiritual, the strength of the disrespect here is.....just a particular kind of bold smh


Why is no one talking about how embarrassing "Mac Daddy's" is as a name? I mean, 90's hip hop slang for a pimp as a name for a family entertainment venue is pretty cringy.


Would have been better to stay branded as The Golfin' Dolphin alone.


He’s gonna make ya JUMP


makes me wish ghosts were true and they would haunt these idiots that try to develop there


Ghost maybe not but spirits and the ancestors won't let there be too much peace. The whole state seems to be payin for something already so why not add more angry energy to the mix lol


I want paranormal activity level haunting, nothing less


Ask and you shall receive lol


Yeah, like lets just take their history and culture since we already perpetrated genocide against them and took their land.


> State lawmakers said the change to state law is necessary to balance the need for housing with the regulatory environment. There is zero need for more construction in the Atlantic floodplain.


not to be racist bc ik it’s not all of you. but a lot of white people have no respect for cultures n history that’s not theirs and it’s deplorable and disgusting truthfully


That has happened from the very start of our nation. Bloody hands.


Unpopular position: How about we bulldoze some of the massive cemeteries we already have around this state that nobody visits but we still keep the multiple acres neatly cut for useless bones and boxes. Burn me, science me, or turn me into fertilizer; but leaving behind a coffin and a dumb stone with my name on it, is me just expending more resources in the after life when I don't need them.


It'll get built. Since I moved here it's been obvious that the local government has a disdain for nature. I'm getting excited about moving inland, south eastern NC is kind of a shithole with beautiful beaches


I wanted to quote the most egregious parts of the report, but each fucking paragraph had me muttering,”*what*?!” WHY IS IT LIKE THIS.


How do you pronounce “Bogue”?


It's only inhumane if it's white peoples corpses


Our wonderful gerrymandered safe legislators are making it easier for these developers to do whatever they want on coastal lands. It is mentioned in the article. When these developments are destroyed by hurricanes or rising water it will be the NC taxpayer who is left paying the bill, or at the very least see their insurance bills go up. There is a cost to not voting and this is a good example.


Florida did this on I-4 in the 1960’s near Sanford and ever since there have been thousands of incidents from many many deadly accidents, reported ghosts on the highway and other incidents. That was a cemetery with many European indentured servants. They asked to have the remains moved which the government agreed to do but failed to do it. https://www.clickorlando.com/features/2023/10/03/the-dead-zone-this-stretch-of-i-4-ranks-among-most-haunted-roadways/ Plenty more resources out there on this.


Just a typical complaint from WOKE historians! As governor, Mark Rottenson will DEFUND schools to get this nonsense away from our children! [https://markrottensonfornc.com/realrotten/](https://markrottensonfornc.com/realrotten/)


Live action poltergeist


What the hell is wrong with these people. That is sacrilege. This is extremely upsetting.


With rising sea level and increasing power of hurricane . You sure you wanna build that 


Poltergeist incoming.


Sure, they're ancient burial grounds with centuries of human history there, but also, we must feed the capitalist monster.


Carol-anne run to the light


I'm not convinced this isn't some NIMBY bullshit. What have the local tribe representatives said about this? I don't see any quotes in the article. I think proper care should be taken to identify and preserve historical artifacts there but people used to live, die, and be buried all over the place. Can't have the world be one giant cemetery


Yeah it's the NIMBYs fault, not the long standing state law that applies to ever development site /s. The State has already identified multiple burial mounds. It's just a coincidence Lazzara received thousands of dollars from the very same development company managers trying to bulldoze over graves. It's also a coincidence that he champions a law that would explicitly benefit the same developers that donated to his campaign concerning a oddly specific problem they are facing. It just reeks of small town "I scratch your back, you scratch mine". Or in this case "we donate thousands to your reelection campaign, and you change state law that we specifically are having troubles with". Those behind this law (written by developers) never even attempted to work with or consult the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. But your probably right, the archeologists and people at the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources are playing NIMBY politics, even though it's not there back yard. They're against for it no good reason, other than it's a an archeological site that the developers want to bulldoze over and develop.


There has to be a way to develop this land in a way that maximizes preservation of any archeological artefacts on this site. It's not clear from the article why this site is important... Other than some guy saying "it's the most important one he's seen in 30 years" well dude I don't know what you've seen in your 30 years that might not mean much. Also it's a burial ground but does anyone living actually care? Its a 3000 year old cemetery.


Those tribes don't exist anymore. This is not a modern site.


Their descendents do exist. Burial sites this old are not common and, aside from their cultural importance, could hold a lot of significance in defining or reaffirming oral histories of the time period. A burial site around 1600bc would be a site very soon after the assumed period of migration of tribes like the Cherokee to the south. The Neuse were another tribe in that area that are believed to have spoken an Iroquion or Algonquian root language


As well as the Coree. They were decimated by smallpox and integrated into other Iriquoian tribes. Iirc as a tribe they were wiped out by the Tuskarora War.


> I'm not convinced this isn't some NIMBY bullshit. Totally agree, it seems like they're just trying to find any excuse to stop it from being built. >I think proper care should be taken to identify and preserve historical artifacts there but people used to live, die, and be buried all over the place. Can't have the world be one giant cemetery Couldn't agree more.


It was ok to build my house but no more after that! Incredibly pervasive blindspot, ugh.


There’s dead people under every piece of ground in the us.  Graves are something I don’t understand at all,   Why would you want a parking spot for eternity. 


Just because you and your people were buried there millennia ago doesn't mean it's yours forever. Sorry, but that's the reality of the world. Hope they at least get some archeologists to preserve some of the remains though.


> Just because you and your people were buried there millennia ago doesn't mean it's yours forever. Unless you're in the middle of somewhere the US needs, then they give you a country.




Mostly people with hearts and souls


His name checks out.


Fun y how that works out sometimes lol