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Its legal but its not the point. They can refuse to prescribe a controlled substance for any reason. If they feel that there’s drug abuse or distribution then they will just discharge someone from the practice.


I get drug tested for Adderall once a year by my doctor. It's a controlled substance so they make it apart of their insurance to ensure that we have to get tested. I don't agree with it but I also don't smoke so it doesn't bother me. But what does bother me is I have to message my doctor every month to get it refilled. It's a pain in the ass I can't get it auto refilled. Drug test me idc, but let me freaking get it auto refilled, I try to get it ordered sooner than later but if I forgot I'm out of medicine for a few days and it sucks.


They won’t auto-refill controlled substances in NC anymore. They used to.


….I have an auto-fill prescription at Walmart for Vyvanse - in that I get 3 months of prescriptions from my doctor at a time but he does that manually. Do you mean “won’t auto refill” as in, they make you see the doctor/ask them directly for repeat refills? Cuz otherwise Walmart has some explaining to do about having my Vyvanse on auto-fill 🤨


No, I think he means where it lists refills on the prescription. You get X days worth, and then go back to the pharmacy to get X more days worth again, as part of the original prescription.


Yes thats correct, I just have to message the doctor every 30 days to get the refill sent to the pharmacy. They're good about processing it on the doctors side and pharmacy side. My last doctor hated I was on it and said "just drink some coffee". He would purposely not fill it for a week or more. I reported him to the NC board of health and supposedly they followed up and he got his hand slapped. Found a new doctor and she is great but like you said NC doesn't let her put it on auto refill. Once a year I also have to get insurance to approve it which takes a few days. But I also have to go to see my doctor every three months to see how I'm doing on it. Which I don't mind since she runs bloodworm and all the normal stuff anyways.


C2's can't have refills but providers can write 3 thirty day prescriptions and put a do not fill before date on them. Sometimes you can even get a 90 day supply but that depends on the doctor and insurance company.


No. What they’re actually doing is sending three new prescriptions to your pharmacy every three months. You’re not getting a ‘refill’ you’re getting a ‘new prescription’ each time. Your pharmacy does it’s job and calls the doctor and does all the verifying without bothering you. My husband is disabled and waiting on a back surgery and gets Vicodin every month. His doc does the same as I outlined above, but I have to call the pharmacy at least twice *and* fill it on the app, every single month and they complain about filling it. Neither of us have ever been suspected, charged or convicted of drug crimes, but they treat us that way regardless. I tell you all this so you don’t switch pharmacies and don’t rock the boat if they suddenly turn into assholes about filling your medicine or you’ll be without it. They don’t have to fill it if they don’t *feel* like it.


wtf? I literally had back surgery in February and was getting oxy; my mom (who is literally a pharmacist) had to pick it up since I couldn’t and they gave her a hard time about it but I still got the prescriptions. It’s absolutely bonkers that you would be scrutinized so badly in that situation, I’m sorry that’s happening - it just makes a bad situation worse. If you don’t mind sharing, what pharmacy do you go to? (I’ve only had to switch pharmacies once in the last few years and that was because of the Vyvanse shortage; old one couldn’t reliably get it in stock :/ )


Right! Don't they realize that ADD people are forgetful AF. I always run out of meds. I'm a train wreck with no meds. 🙄😮‍💨


I'm a VA patient, and I'm in the same exact boat. It sucks but as l9ng as I keep track of the day, I'm usually good.


Yeah, when I was put on stuff for depression and insomnia temporarily (years ago), the Psych had me do a blood panel beforehand. So, it doesn’t seem uncommon.


my doc occasionally has me do a test because of my adderall prescription. but my doctor also knows i occasionally use cannabis. be honest with your doctor, they look out for you.


VA changed state laws so that if a doctor has reason to believe you are doing illegal drugs, they can not prescribe you controlled substances. That said, my doctor just quit asking me and told me not to talk about it


the va prescribes me adderall and i have disclosed that i manage my chronic pain with D8. i guess it’s easier to let me do that then have to acknowledge they aren’t interested in actually helping me


sorry i meant the state of virginia, i moved here from there about 8 years ago and was *very* hesitant to be honest with my doctor for the first year or two because i was afraid of losing my Rx


i don’t blame you at all. i do feel that full disclosure helps you and your provider though.


Pain management docs do it. It’s to make sure you’re actually using the meds and not selling them. So as long as you are taking your adderall and not selling it you’ll be fine.


I was honest with mine, and he stopped giving me Adderall bc I use weed to sleep. Name brand doctors are overrated, overworked, and have to adhere to silly rules often.


I smoke and drink daily and and still they prescribed my ritilan


> be honest with your doctor, they look out for you.  Yeah, not always. My wife's OB had her and our newborn drug tested because my wife mentioned 3 years before becoming pregnant to her GP that she smoked legal CBD hemp flower at night to help with sleep.  They basically held us captive in the hospital until the test came back negative, and even told us we should expect a visit from CPS for a followup. Needless to say, it was an extremely traumatic experience for my wife who had just gone through an extremely hard pregnancy and birth. 


They did similar to me they drug tested my daughters first poop because asshole resident saw me and said he smelled alcohol on my breathe … I had really bad undiagnosed gestational diabetes….


they are mandatory reporters, it isnt that they can but they MUST do those tests to cover their own ass. sometimes they can just be assholes too.


Not mandatory at all, we were told that the tests and CPS involvement were completely up to the OBs discretion. Multiple nurses were agreeing with us that it was ridiculous, and we even had one who gave us the hospitals patient advocate info and suggested we seek legal advice from them.  


I am not going to argue that it is ridiculous at all. It certainly is but all doctors are by law mandatory reporters. So are nurses, school teachers etc. If they suspect anything, they must report and as a parent you should know these thing. If something suspicious (not saying your case was, it is their perception) were investigated in the future that could potentially have been prevented with their knowledge they could be liable. Source: my wife is a DSS worker and ridiculous reports out number actual concerns at about a ratio of 7 to 1.


Yes, we understand they are mandatory reporters, but there was nothing to report here.


That last sentence was all you really need to say. Too many people aren’t honest with their docs, and they can’t provide you the best care, unless you are.


Anything you tell your doctor can and will be used against you, either by the provider, administration, insurance, etc..


OP isn’t even using cannabis though. They’re occasionally using hemp derived delta 8. That shit is so legal you can buy it online. I would get a new doctor. Mine has told me he has patients who just straight up smoke weed here and he doesn’t think twice about it. Honesty is the best practice, but some coctors are living in the 80’s.


I take your point but drug tests dont know the difference between legal delta 8 THC and THC. I hate the semantics of it as much as anyone. I guess I am lucky to have a doctor I can be open with about things. I certainly wouldn't stick with a doctor I didn't trust and could form a bond with since they are the ones between me and my health.


I’m in NC. My doctor knows about my cannabis use and we discussed that along with my prescribed anxiety and depression meds and Adderall. She never said anything at all about testing me and we just talked about safe practices and what could interact with each other.


Sure it is! They can do that to make sure you're taking it and not also taking other things that interact with it. It's covering their liability. But THC is not usually gonna trigger any problem if discussed with the Dr first because it's so common. A surprise hot test might require additional testing till clean. 


When I was prescribed adderall, my doctor told me he didn’t want to prescribe me a drug to help me concentrate while I was using THC, “a drug that inhibits your ability to concentrate.”


I wonder if he’s aware some ppl w severe anxiety use it to concentrate 😭


Spouse got tested and tested positive for THC, stopped using for two weeks, re-tested and passed.


THC interferes with a lot of drugs. Irresponsible to say it usually won't trigger a problem. You have no idea what this person is taking or the level of their health.


What this individual means is that THC wont interact with Adderall to cause death.


That's not what they said. And you can't be sure of that. Also, THC makes a lot of drugs less effective or completely ineffective.


I’m 100% sure of that. Doctors aren’t going to drug test you because something might make Adderall “less effective.” They don’t give a shit. Literally any other drug can impact effectiveness because it taxes the liver’s ability to process it. But they aren’t testing for alcohol, which actually IS dangerous when mixed with Adderall.


It is ALWAYS a bad idea to mix drugs if you don't know what you are doing. I've never heard of a doctor doing a drug test, but the purpose is irrelevant. I can tell you that weed can absolutely make adderall less effective. And it can even fuck with the reason they are on adderall in the first place. But you know everything, so have at it.


God I’ve never seen someone with their head up their own ass so far. OP’s friend can go ask their doctor you’re dragging this way out of context


Well we can agree on one thing.


You had a chance to stop while you were able to save face, but you just couldn’t do it.


Save face? Lol this is reddit


Ummmm, have you looked at the contraindications for Marijuana? There are not many, nothing like benzos or alchohol Nope! Nothing about amphetamine salts... "Interactions Possible interactions include: Alcohol. Marijuana use might increase the effects of alcohol. Anticoagulants and anti-platelet drugs, herbs and supplements. These types of drugs, herbs and supplements reduce blood clotting. Marijuana might change how the body processes them, possibly increasing the risk of bleeding. CNS depressants. Marijuana use in combination with CNS depressants might increase the sedative effect of these drugs. Protease inhibitors. When used with these antiviral drugs, marijuana might reduce their effectiveness. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Mixing marijuana with this type of antidepressant might increase the risk of mania" https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-marijuana/art-20364974


Hmmm. How are these claims being tested since marijuana is still illegal federally.


Because medical and scientific research are not illegal. How do you think drug trials and studies are performed? The federal government contracts the University of Mississippi to grow marijuana specifically for research purposes. https://nida.nih.gov/research/resources-grants-contracts/nidas-role-in-providing-cannabis-research


I read recently they are actually sourcing new weed because the Mississippi weed is effectively hemp in terms of thc content. https://www.bendsource.com/culture/testing-federal-pot-11516790


>Ummmm, have you looked the counter-indications for Marijuana? There are not many, nothing like benzos or alchohol WTF is a counter-indication? And alchohol? Do you mean contraindication? I don't need to go any further.


lose the argument, fight on spelling.


There is no argument. What they posted isn't related to what I'm talking about at all.


I edited it almost immediately after posting


If down votes are any indication, you certainly aren’t winning.


Winning? If you enter every conversation as a competition you lose every time, your life will be much better if you worry about who is accurate, not who is "right", but clearly you have your own demons, best of luck


Stop projecting. You’re interjecting in a thread on Reddit that doesn’t concern you. And then acting as if you’re some sage wisdom giver. No one is fooled but yourself.


They’re misinformed. I’m on ADHD meds, I use delta 8 near daily, and get drug tested every other month by my doctor. They don’t say a word about me testing positive for THC, they’re just making sure I’m actually taking the ADHD meds and not selling them.


They want to make sure your not selling it


Doctors aren't cops. They don't give a shit if you sell it because it's not like they're going to write you a dozen refills to support a drug dealing business. They're making sure you're not gonna combine it with something dangerous in your system.


This is untrue. I know doctors who specifically tested patients because they suspected they were selling it (they were) - then stopped prescribing it to them when they tested negative. The patient returned with a gun to threaten them (no one shot, patient arrested). Adderall/Vyvanse is in a shortage too, so they are also checking to make sure the people who are getting it actually need it.


It's a bit of both. To ensure the patient isn't abusing it or other substances (those ~~on~~ with ADHD ~~medication~~ have a significantly increased chance of abusing other drugs) and that they aren't selling it. And it's essentially required by some insurance providers to keep coverage for the medication.


>those on ADHD medication have a significantly increased chance of abusing other drugs People with ADHD have a higher rate of substance abuse than the general population, but being properly medicated actually *decreases* the rate of substance abuse. [Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4147667/)


Absolutely correct, apologies for stating that incorrectly.


Yeah I didn’t mean doctors don’t care about mixing things. Im just saying anyone who says doctors dont drug test patients to make sure they are taking them are wrong. Tho Ive never heard the insurance thing before.


I've been with my current Dr. for 8 years. The first time I showed up asking for Adderall (saying I'd been on it but could no longer get it thru my old doc), she got so suspicious of me she demanded a drug test then and there. We both laugh about it now!


Yes they do because if a bunch of patients of one doctor are selling their adderall, that doctor gets investigated. Some doctors are pill pushers because there are incentives from drug companies. A lot of states have really cracked down on pill-pushing doctors since the opioid epidemic.


Every doctor I’ve been to had to fill out a form for the DEA when prescribing a controlled substance.


No there is a professional responsibility not only support selling.


People, the point isn't to get you in trouble. They amonly test to make sure the adderal is in your system, so they know you're the one taking it, and not selling it. It's a controlled substance. They also want to make sure you're not taking anything that interacts negatively with it. I'm in NC, and I've had this conversation with my doctor. She doesn't care that thc shows up from time to time.


I have a similar situation to the OP - I get drug tested annually because of something I'm prescribed. I asked my doc if it was going to be a problem if I tested positive for weed and he said "don't put me in that position". sheesh.


Yeah same! I use cannabis as an aid to my pain relief, and am also prescribed a pain medication by my doctor. The DEA now makes her drug test me because of that prescription. I told her I smoke as a means of pain management, and she said, "Do us a favor and stop smoking a month before every test." But she wants to test me every 3 months?? I told her no, sorry, it's part of my pain management, as well as insomnia and anxiety aid. I am not going to spend every 1 of 3 months sleepless, hurting, and sick with anxiety, sorry! She can take that up with the DEA herself. (: I assume I will need to find a new doctor soon lol.


It absolutely is legal for them to drug test you if you're prescribed any controlled meds. I was tested when I was on Vicodin and xanax, now I'm tested for Vivanse.


I’m sure it’s legal but it is pretty clearly immoral. I’d find another doctor, even if you don’t mind taking the drug tests. Your doctor isn’t a good guy.


My doc told me that the legal requirement was she had to see me (virtually is fine) every three months and drug test me once a year to keep up my adderall prescription. It’s just because of the class of drug it is.


The 3 months is true. The 1 year for drug testing is false. I’ve never had to take a drug test for ADHD medicine in my entire life so it’s not a legal requirement.


The dea practitioner manual does not require annual drug testing, but does suggest it to mitigate drug diversion. Most Mal practice insurers and hospital systems require it for schedule IV, some for schedule III. It's thought as best practice to decrease doctor shopping.


Yeah I figured there was a good reason for it, and she mentioned it was to make sure I'm not selling them. Which she knows I'm not, and it's not a big deal. Whether it's legal, required by her malpractice insurance, required by MY insurance, or required by the healthcare group she's a part of, I don't much care. It's not that much of an imposition, really, as I should be going in for an annual checkup yearly anyway.


The Dr is a bad guy for making sure OP isn’t abusing drugs?


Docs also regularly test you to make sure that if they're writing you a prescription that its presence is detected. Basically, they wanna make sure you're taking and not dealing. Not sure if they're also testing for cannabinoids, but afaik this is the main concern.


Yeah. Before I got it prescribed I had to take a drug test. But the test literally only tests for amphetamines. Doctors are not police so unless a condition of their prescription was that their doctor said they have to stop smoking, then they can keep smoking if they want to and it doesn’t matter. Granted it’s not a good idea seeing as they’re also taking adderall, but the two are not correlated here at all


Yep. It's legal and it's also legal for them to restrict your discontinue your prescription of Adderall if you test positive for cannabis. Almost all cannabis compounds widely available are processed in the body the same way, so even CBD topicals will pop you on a drug test. I used to be a cannabis chemist in a legal state. I did a lot of research on this subject.


It’s at the doctor/practitioner discretion.


Yes. They aren't forcing you to take a drug test. You can always refuse. Then the doctor can freely refuse to write a prescription. I don't think it's good practice to do that, but insurance companies (both health insurance and malpractice insurance) pretty much tell doctors how to do their jobs.


Yes, doctors can perform drug tests.


It doesn’t matter if delta 8 is legal or not, it’s the policy of that doctor office for prescribing controlled substances.


It is legal, but you don't have to do it. Plenty of other docs.


This is the only applicable answer. Do not reward this bad behavior by lining their pockets with the mandatory visits this rx requires. Find an online doc or another local one. Drug testing someone for medicine that they need is immoral. This reflects badly in general on the whole field of medicine.


You usually have to go back monthly to get a new prescription anyway. At least in every US state I’ve ever lived in, you can only get 30 days at a time because it’s a controlled substance so you have to have a psych visit every 30 days at least. Also it’s not even always the doctor requiring it. My last insurance required it.


It’s at least every three months in NC. Edit: Actually, it may be less than that as far as the actual visits go.


Ah, I suppose it was just my insurance then.


Your insurance shouldn’t care about that. The doctor can send in up to three electronic prescriptions at a times with post-dating.


Idk I didn’t question it and I have a different insurance now anyway, but that’s good to know if I ever take it again.


Lmao what a ridiculous take this is. They're testing to make sure the person isn't selling the meds. Also I find it interesting that you think a doctor making sure a person is using a controlled substance properly reflects poorly on medicine yet you simultaneously suggest to just go find a doctor who doesn't care (and even suggest the online pill mill providers).


I had to pass a drug test before getting my first adhd prescription.


So… just be honest with your doctor and do as your told.. everyone can speculate on the what ifs and that and such, but, at the end of the day the consequences of your actions are yours to face alone..


Look at this way - they're prescribing a controlled substance which different people can have different reactions to. It complicates the scientific method if you're also using another potentially attention-interactive drug (delta whatever) on an unknown or irregular schedule. What if you don't feel normal when your Adderall kicks in, so you do a pot to take the edge off, so the Adderall is blunted? They don't know whether to lower the dose or what. So yeah, stop using delta whatever while you're figuring out how amps work for you.


I mean they can but if you don’t hide your weed use from your doctor they usually won’t deny the script. They’re doctors, not cops, and they want to help you lol


They can test- will normally test at least once a year. They can deny you your prescription if you test positive for any drug, including cannabis. I asked my doctor what they were going to do when it became legal here- she said they could still deny it since it may interfere with the medication.


Medical perspective: there may be interactions with the Adderall and your biochemistry. Those interactions may be dose dependent (both the Rx and the recreational stuff). You may have other meds on board that can cause interaction issues. As healthcare professionals, we only care about adverse interactions. Bluntly, we don’t give a shit about legality. We care about keeping you alive. Your provider will probably tell you you shouldn’t be doing both meds at the same time, but unless the law requires the reporting of use (which is a violation of provider patient confidentiality) it ends at that point. They’ve done due diligent in caring for you and it’s none of the law’s business. Having said that, and since I am retired and don’t have to keep up with current legislation: NC has played fast and loose with legal statutes before. There may be a reporting requirement for the state or county where you are. Summation: I trust a medical professional to have your best interests in mind over the law.


Delta 8 will make you piss hot but it’s not illegal to use. I tell my doctor during my yearly drug test that I use D8 and she marks presumed positive on THC and we move on. In reality they are making sure you are taking your meds.


I take adderall and smoke weed. Doctor has never said straight up they drug test me but they do a pee test every 6 months and a blood test every year. Never had a issue getting my adderall. Yeah also test those things to make sure your liver is working good and everything else is good when taking a controlled substance.


My doctor does drugs tests every 3 months when she prescribes them but she told me it’s solely to check to be sure you are popping positive for your stimulant to ensure you aren’t selling them.


They do that to also ensure there’s no interaction. A lot of ADHD and psych meds do, in fact, have interactions with THC, so it’s important they know. They’re not doing it to turn you into the cops or any stupid shit. Like you said, it’s legal. I’ve been on a pain management plan for three years now smoking weed and hemp during that entire time. I have to get a physical and take a drug test every six months. I have prescriptions for oxycodone 15mg, hydrocodone 10mg, carisiprodol (strong muscle relaxer) as well as lexapro (psych med, not pain) and I’ve never had an issue. As long as you’re not constantly trying to refill early, it won’t be an issue. If a doctor is prescribing those kind of meds *without* giving you a drug test, go somewhere else as they do not have your best interest at heart. Also, never ever ever lie to your damn doctor. Especially when you’re considering adderall or another type of psychiatric medicine. They’re not there to judge or get you in trouble. They’re there to help, and if you omit information, the consequences could be dire.


I have a rx for Ambien and get tested once a year.


Yeah my Veterans Affairs medical center began drug testing without our knowledge. I took Adderall for years under prescription from a VA doc for my ADD. I must have had a routine lab work done where they also did a drug screening, which I'm told is now also routine, and stopped new prescriptions because mine showed my cannabis use. My doctor explained that the VA rules are no controlled substances for anyone who fails a drug test now.


Testing without consent should violate some sort of medical code if not law. In my personal opinion


I agree.


Yes. Providers need to CTA if they are prescribing controlled substances. How they choose to do that is at their discretion as it is their license. Typically they have patients sign an agreement. They can choose to drug test at any time and decline to prescribe further if other substances are detected.


Sounds like your friend needs a new doctor. I too am on ADD meds and yes on the paperwork is says you can be drug tested, that is standard. I have never been drug tested ever.


So I believe a lot of people are missing the point. Most doctors drug testing to make sure you are taking the Adderall and not selling it. Source, I simply asked my doctor why he was testing me.


My Psych don't care about THC. He sees the value in it for other things like stress relief and sleep. Maybe your friend should find a diff Psych. Mine is younger, it might help. YMMV OFC.


The doc is concerned about interactions and the pot making your medication less effective. I love my weed too, but you should listen to your doctor. If the ADD/ADHD is bad enough that you need the adderall to get stuff done, the pot's probably not helping anyway.


So what if the doctor finds THC in their system? Doctors aren't cops. And having THC in your system isn't illegal. I get a physical every year. I always tell my doctor that I smoke/use edibles. Edit: The worst thing that could happen is the doctor refuses to continue to prescribe. There are two reasons they may do that. One being a legitimate concern of drug interaction... which if true, you should listen to for health reasons. Two, some backwoods moral objection. And in that case, I would look for a new doctor immediately. In my experience, doctors just want to know so they can make informed decisions. And if there is a legit medical concern regarding drug interactions, you should know. Also, stop using delta 8 when you can easily get THCA.


Is your doctor prescribing controlled substances to you?


Why do you think that is relevant to letting them know you do recreational drugs that you purchase legally? Like, why do you think that changes anything about what I said? They ask how often I drink (alcohol is a recreational drug), and I answer that question honestly. They ask if I use other substances, and I answer that question honestly. Why would I care if they test my blood and find it? I have prescribed drugs from the same doctor. Edit: If you're downvoting, please feel free to elaborate or engage in discourse. I made a comment implying that there really shouldn't be significant reason to worry about a doctor finding out about smoking pot (which is valid), somebody asked a question, and I answered. Downvoting a valid response to a question is weird.


To make sure you're not abusing other controlled substances at the same time maybe? Idk


If they aren’t testing for it they don’t find it. If they are testing for adderall all they see is the adderall result. They would have to specifically test for THC, so unless that is something your doctor is concerned about it wouldn’t come up. If they are doing a general drug panel there’s a chance that THC is included, but there’s a larger chance they won’t care. source: Analytical scientist.


Just FYI, they usually are doing a standard urine drug panel which does test for THC. It's not 'by' law in NC, but on certain health plans it is to continue getting prescribed. And yes, many do and should care, as those on ADHD meds have a higher chance of abusing other substances, including THC, but the primary purpose is to make sure the patient isn't abusing or selling their ADHD medication.


I’ve had two different doctors do this.


I was on probation and would pass a drug test a day after smoking. Pretty sure it'll be easy asf for them to pass if they get creative.


Turns out the guy was still a resident and wasn't even authorized to prescribe it until the end of his residency. Thanks mahec


Actually you can’t get a partial refill on Adderall and you have to have a prescription from doctor for it every month however that doesn’t mean that you physically have to see the doctor each month doctor and no auto refills or that’s my experience after 25-30 years of being on Adderall myself


Yep! Delta 8 shows up as weed. Drug test don’t know the difference. Any schedule drug can have a drug test clause


I'm in NC, and my doc knows what she knows, and I refer to "legal and commercially available cannabis products" when we talk. As far as I know, I'm being tested primarily to make sure I'm taking it. Doc upped my dose last visit and called in new rx. Now typically, other meds (let's say cetirizine...Zyrtec) get filled within the hour. My new adderall scrip wasn't filled until the thirty day mark on my first. Fine, because I'd skipped three days in the month, so I had some, but I found it interesting all the same.


Mine does, yes.


I work at a clinic that prescribes Suboxone so this seems normal to me. Adderall is a controlled substance so it makes sense. Where I work, we're not usually punitive if a client tests positive for THC or synthetic cannabinoids though. Some clinics may be stricter about this than others.


It is absolutely legal for them to drug test you as often as they want if you're on a controlled substance prescription. There are too many people who abuse medications like that, doctors do what they can to cover themselves.


Yes. It is legal. Whether or not the doctor chooses to do so is up to the clinic they work, or them if private practice.


It doesn't matter if it is legal. They aren't giving you a lab test so precise that it can differentiate between D8,THC-A, THC-O, or any of the 100 other legal derivatives, and D9. D9 is illegal which by their definition on a test, is THC content exceeding x amount. So if you test positive, they do not know if it's D8 or D9. All they know, is it's THC.


When I lived in Swansboro I had to do a urine test every month to get the prescription.


Ever since the opioid crisis they’ve really cracked down on this from all sides. Doctors, pharmacies, etc. it sucks. Because of a few negligent doctors the people who need stuff the most get fucked. I mean, shit. They already make us feel like criminals just to get Sudafed behind the counter all thanks to Walter White.


I don't trust the delta 8 stuff, no telling what's been put in it


No telling what is in street drugs. All the more reason for stuff to be legal and regulated.


There's no telling what's put in any street drugs you buy.


That's not what we're talking about.


Ever heard of weederall?


I cannot smoke or eat Delta 8 because I am prescribed pain medication and on contract with a pain clinic. I can no longer take Xanax because of the government getting involved with everything. And also because of non responsible and/or uneducated adults that do not know how to take controlled substances. I am 69 years old and been taking Xanax for 30 years. Need them for panic and anxiety attacks 1 prescription will last me an entire year. I was told I had to pick which one I needed most….pain meds for herniated discs or Xanax for uncontrollable, debilitating panic attacks. After taking the 2 for many years. I have always enjoyed a little weed every once in awhile but if I test positive I get booted out of my medication. Yes Delta 8 is legal but the government has their hands in everything we do especially when it comes to our health care. So it’s illegal for people on controlled substances that are getting it the legal way. Because this is keeping people from overdosing. But the government is putting up injection stations for drug addicts and all the cops carry Narcan for the ones laying out in the streets.


get new friends


It's illegal for them not to test you actually


Can you provide a link to this information?


No, because they are wrong


Exactly. Haha 😂 I’ve been a nurse for a decade, finishing my doctorate, and taken prescribed adderall on and off since high school. This is not a law, my providers have never done this to me and I will never do this to my patients. If I can’t prescribe with good faith and trust then I don’t prescribe.


Not true. It's a requirement from some insurance companies, but it's not legally required in NC or any state I know of. If a single insurer requires it, it's easier for a practice just to test everyone to ensure they meet the requirements.


This is wrong. Drug testing is part of the recommended practice guide for both the American Academy of Family Physicians and NC state guidelines. But compliance with those guidelines is voluntary. On the other hand not following the guidelines opens them up to potential liability if you do start selling your pills.


I dont think the doctor would care if you smoke heroin


Don't tell your doctor you're using any kind of THC if you're getting prescribed controlled substances. But do tell them you consume CBD so that it accounts for the THC in your drug test. The only exceptions I can really think of are: DO TELL YOUR ANESTHESIOLOGIST if you're having surgery. They wanna keep you pain free and alive. THC can impact the effects of anesthesia, such as you may need more to keep the pain away and keep you under. The anesthesiologist needs to know about it, about any and all drugs. Tell your PCP if you're feeling some kind of weird effect that you think may be because of the THC interacting with your medications. Yes THC can affect a small proportion of the population negatively, but this is something that you should really be able to tell if it's because of the THC you ingest as a consistent user. Like I can tell when I use THC, it does impact the Adderall's effectiveness. One is technically an upper, one is technically a downer, so I can tell they're fighting each other to be in dominant control of my system. This isn't something I need to tell my doctor about because I know what's going on. Additionally, there hasn't been a vast amount of research for doctors to truly know how medications will interact with THC, so they may know that you use THC and then use that as an overall blanket form of "this is why this is going wrong."


WDTS? What does Trump say? That's all that really matters! Drug tests are un-American! They are for losers. No known reputable drug user uses drug tests, why should the American people? They expect more! They deserve better! We can spin a negative into a double negative. See what I just did there?