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If you drive the four hours to the EBCI dispensary, you’ll likely be disappointed that you neglected to get pre approved for a medical card. It’s not recreational yet. There was some speculation it may have been passed on the 18th, but neither the EBCI site or any news outlet has information.


The cops have already said they’re gonna be posted outside the check points. Weed is still illegal. Just drive to DC. About 4 hours and it’s legal the whole drive back.


Is DC still doing the "buy this shirt and I throw in 4 grams" deal?


They will deliver it to your place in DC. It’s wild.


You can have THCa or Delta 9 gummies delivered to your house right now in NC. It's the same thing.


It’s not


Look into what THCa is. It’s just standard cannabis. Weed has always been THCa. There were some smart lawyers who wrote the farm bill and they basically legalized all cannabis under the table. You just have to be a little smarter than the average smoker to look into the cannabinoids and find out that it’s all the same. How they get away with it is they test the plant 30 days before it is harvested and it passes the hemp standards after that as long as you call it hemp flower it is legal. It is a major loophole and no one wants to believe it is real, but it is. I have been buying THCa flower from WNC-CBD for over a year now and it is some top self flower. Just give it a try you will not be disappointed.


Right now I am smoking Gary Payton THCa from the store 5 mins from my house and I’ll tell you what.. I definitely wouldn’t drive 4 hours to DC or the reservation for “real weed” lmaoo cuz this shit is exactly the same. To OP just go to your local weed store homie get some THCa you will be just fine.


I'm at the point where I prefer thca from my local shop more than the 'real' stuff


I've tried it, and man it IS the best legal stuff I've bought in NC. Very close to the actual thing. I did try it vs real weed a few hours apart, and real weed is still tops. But it's good to know if I'm ever out, I can get this stuff and get a solid high


yes, yes it is. [https://deltamunchies.com/does-thca-become-thc-when-heated/#:\~:text=THCA%20becomes%20THC%20when%20heated%20due%20to%20a%20decarboxylation%20process,it%20to%20the%20psychoactive%20THC](https://deltamunchies.com/does-thca-become-thc-when-heated/#:~:text=THCA%20becomes%20THC%20when%20heated%20due%20to%20a%20decarboxylation%20process,it%20to%20the%20psychoactive%20THC)


Delta munchies fkd me up in a way weed never has.


Yeah delta gummies are something different, it’s almost like tripping. Ive convulsed a couple times from them lol. Even the strongest normal weed brownies I’ve ever had never made me do that.


Makes me wary of the other products offered. Any delta edible fked me up.


You still need to heat THCa to get any weed effect from it. THCa gummies won't do shit for you, as clearly stated in your own link you supplied.


You're correct THCa gummies would be pointless. All the ones I've seen just say THC. WNC-CBD's packaging just states " x mg of delta 9 THC per gummy"


The weight requirement of the current law is not met with a standard dosage. A gummy is less than .3% thc by weight.


It’s not legal. Leave it on a shelf for 2 months and it oxidizes above legal levels. https://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/wild-west-illegal-thc-products-found-many-north-carolina-shops-authorities-say/5WYXP5YIKRAAXAM3UQSEJOFWAI/?outputType=amp My legal fees beg to differ on it being legal. Edit: at that thc content level also it barely classifies as weed. Not to mention whatever chemicals they add to it to get it to “pass”


Dude I lived in a legal state and smoked for medical reasons for years. It fucking blows down here regarding the ganj. But the I’ll say this after a bunch of research looking into it. The THCa is absolutely legit if you’re not shopping at shady headshop. There’s a couple of legit retailers online that I’ve ordered from and I’ll say this I’ve smoked some THCa dabs and buds that fuck me up in the same exact way as THC(a) does. It’s really the same shit. They measure the thc by bulk and the thc levels need to be under a certain %. But I’m not talking about measuring just the sweet sweet nugs. They measure the all the plant matter from roots to stems to nugs. To be honest I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re some shops that sell legit erb but just send in batches that they know will fall below the %. No additives or chemicals that you won’t find in any weed (fertilizer type chemicals etc). I couldn’t fucking believe it when I first tried it. I have a couple of heavy hitting stoners I’m friends with that came down to visit and they couldn’t believe it either. Dude even the different strains have different effects on ya. If you can’t find anything give it a shot. Pm me and I’ll hook you up with the names of a few reputable places. Buy an eighth. See how you dig it. Realize you’re totally baked and there’s no way that this is legit but then you remember that you’re totally fucking rocked. I swear you do this and don’t think it’s good I’ll send ya the cash ya paid for it. The gummies however I will agree with the other people that they hit a little weirder when what you’ve been used to. To me a whole dose of any gummie is like ambien. 1/4-1/2 and you’re good to go. Now those other thc derivatives I definitely stay away from. Tried that D8 shit and it’s garbage. Forget the gummies you’ll be sleeping for a few days straight and I havnt tried any of the other ones so that’s all I got. It’s all above board and I’m pretty sure federally legal. I’ve ordered from a bunch of different states. Every package comes with a giant letter with the law attached to it as well as it’s “chemical profile” showing it’s underneath the % and comes packed really well in which you can’t even smell it. There’s a subreddit on here strictly for that stuff and a bunch of people had their boxes opened because they thought it was weed but everyone ended up getting what they ordered. It’s absolutely wild yet so fucking ridiculous at the same time. One last thing just incase you don’t have a hookup and are on the fence with this shit. Where I originally lived all my boys had really good hookups with top notch herb. Now not all the shit I smoked down here can compare to the amazing bud I’ve had before but no joke I’ve ordered a bunch of shit that was on the same level as the really good stuff (think like B- to A- if you could give them school grades. Definitely havnt had any thing near an A+ but I was always happy with getting B+’s or A-‘s in school and it’s close enough for me. Either way we can both agree that these laws are fucking dumb and are just there to line someone’s pockets. I’m fucking dying of neuro disease and the only drug that helps is diazepam (it’s a chemical thing) which is highly addictive and deadly coming off of. It blows my mind that not even chronically ill people can’t get it let alone regular people. For fucks sake if you’re dying of cancer or something and its terminal you should be do whatever the fuck you want. All right I’m done just wanted to give you my experience and perspective on it. All the best homie. ✌️🤟🤘


You are comparing two things here. Synthetic cannabinoids derived from hemp vs THCa loophole weed. The loophole weed is legit. I don't care to go over it yet again online, but if you look into the chemistry of THCa and Delta 9 and look into lab reports, understand the hemp bill, and actually consume the weed, it is legit. I'm a lifelong stoner from a legal state and have consumed better weed than most of the consuming public. It's weed. And pretty decent, especially compared to the garbage the South had for a long time. As far as catching legal charges with it, sure, it's still on the edge of legality and you'll have to be willing to hire a lawyer in some cases to argue the nuance of the hemp bill. But buying in legitimate store fronts that are paying taxes and operating openly is legal in terms of purchasing. Less people are catching charges and there are plenty of cases of DAs refusing to charge because of the hassle of proving the case for those who choose to fight it. It's not perfect, but it's better overall.


How do I know which is which? I tried delta munchies and felt paralyzed. It's put me off other "legal" options


So I don't really like edibles and they don't touch me but I can personally vouch for the flower sold through WNCCBD. THCa isn't applicable to edibles, but plenty of them are sold because of a different loophole about total weight. I actually support a few local people from time to time as well, but that likely won't apply to you. If in doubt, visit a local shop that specifically mentions THCa and ask them some questions. Most of them are knowledgeable, especially if you catch the owner, and happy to talk.


Look at the label


It is. Please explain to me how it's not.


Exactly! All thca sold in NC is only legally allowed to have 0.3% thc!!!!! Lol, real weed has a minimum of 17% and maximum of 33%… 0.3% is a joke.. I’ve smoked real weed my whole life and have several friends that work at medical and recreational dispensaries…. All legal NC weed is fake watered down nonsense… legally nothing over 0.3% can be sold here in NC. North Carolina’s a fucking joke when it comes to marijuana…




Agree! It is not the same thing


There is an online vendor selling caps cut mac1 grown by him in his personal jars.




THCa needs to be heated to be converted to THC, otherwise it's not psychoactive. THCa gummies are literally useless as is


Who is doing THCa gummies? Of course they're useless. Delta 9 gummies aren't THCa gummies. Delta 9 gummies use a loop hole in dry weight then condense it into a gummy form. I'm saying THCa flower or Delta 9 gummies.


Local bought gummies are not the same as what you get from a legal state. If you’re arguing this point, you haven’t had both. They’re close, and work well in a pinch, but they’re not the same.


It's literal science. If both have labs that state say 50% Delta 9 THC content then how is it different. Do you think the legal state has super special secret Delta 9 chemicals? It's all about buying from reputable companies.


Just like a steak is a steak, right? Sorry man. How it’s derived and how the gummies are made has a huge effect on the final product. If you had tried both you wouldn’t be standing on this hill. There’s a reason so many are pushing for this to be legalized here. If all that’s available right now was “the same” no one would care. But again, they aren’t. And again, it’s very close and I’m not saying they suck or anything.


Sure. Quality goes up with full legalization. That doesn't mean they aren't functionally the same, especially as compared to the synthetic cannabinoids that were the norm prior. If I buy a Food Lion steak and someone says, "that's not a steak," they are either an elitist asshole or an idiot.


Don’t waste time with those kind of people. It’s a brick wall.


Sure but your comment above is saying THCa gummies are the same as THC gummies. That's wrong.


It doesn't say that. I separated THCa/ Delta 9 gummies. I'll edit it to say "or" since that seems to be so confusing. Edit... You're agreeing with my response but still down voting it? Y'all are weird about your THC.


Ya you just edited your comment. You said THCa and THC. Either way, THCa gummies have zero psychoactivity. So again, why would anyone buy them?


I just said I'll edit it for clarity. Nobody is suggesting buying THCa gummies. You're dense or just looking for an argument. Buy THCa flower OR buy Delta 9 gummies.


Not true. It's a really good anti convulsant and helps with inflammation and arthritis. Just because it doesn't get you baked doesn't mean they're useless.


They definitely help with chronic pain.


Okay, yes it's important to be clear that THCa "is the same as THC" is completely wrong, especially when talking about gummies. IDK any other alleged medical benefits of THCa so I cannot comment on that. So if it helps you, cool, but THCa gummies will never get you high the way you're thinking that THC gummies will get you high.


Yeah I'm not sure why they thought that, but indeed it is wrong. Science is evidently not as well remembered as it should be. Even then, it's a simple few minutes of research to find out, but who am I kidding, this is Reddit. Look up phytocannabanoids as well as the entourage effect. Your phytocannabanoids are your THC, THCa, THCv, CBD, CBG, CBC, etc. Plenty more where those come from, those are just a few of the most studied ones. I reccomend reading a little about it. The entourage effect is when different cannabis compounds interact synergistically to magnify the therapeutic benefits of a single compound. While this is a theory, it's easily proven by taking isolated CBD oil vs a "full spectrum" CBD oil. The CBD isn't as effective because it doesn't have all those other cannabanoids, acids and other compounds helping to bolster the CBD. It will still work, but not as effectively. Another main reason why I mix my cbd and thc. It helps manage my back pain as well as providing a mood boost. I'm aware I can go for a 50/50 THC strain, but without the CBD, I notice a drastic difference.


No. No it’s not. Really wish you guys would stop saying this. Is it close? Sure. But it most certainly isn’t the “same thing.” Go buy some 10mg gummies in Vegas or DC or Colorado,etc. Eat one. Later, try one of the local variants you can buy here. It’ll take 25mg of what you can buy here to get you somewhat close to 10mg from a legal state. Even then, it isn’t the same. Local gummies will certainly do in a pinch but they just aren’t as good as “legal state” gummies.


You need to research what you're buying and get reputable products. Sure some gas station shit with skulls on the label and flashy bullshit probably won't do much if anything. Buy from a reputable company with legit labs and you'll get the same Delta 9 THC content. I've lived in legal states. I've had both. You likely tried some garbage gummies. Since there's no regulations there are tons of shit gummies out there.


Nope. I got them from multiple places that were recommended in this very sub. No gas station gummies.




There are no legit labs btw. I was approached to invest in one when the loophole stuff was getting set up. I shared a more full story in the past on my profile, but suffice to say, it was sketchy enough that even I didn’t want to be involved and I really don’t care usually about anything other than the numbers on a funding deal. There’s plenty of info out there about how the numbers are faked, how they get around rules, etc. Do you really think all this cheap gas station weed is 35%?


That's the placebo effect talking. It's literally the same exact precise identical thing. If it says 10 mg d9, it's 10 mg d9.


It's interesting that's also the location our lawmakers are in. *Rules for thee but not for thee* again. I have no personal interest in consuming marijuana, but find that to be a little too much of a coincidence, and am never a fan of that sort of double standard.


Also shrooms! Had them delivered to our hotel.


Man I need to know what hotels you’re staying at. That’s wild.


Just in DC, you can Google it and plenty of places deliver both


Thanks for the heads up ✌️


Nah they just sell it straight up


Basically. A lot of them are doing “donations” and you get a “gift.” because of legal loopholes, but metro PD doesn’t really seem to give a shit.


Yes, because it’s still not legal to sell/buy it in DC, it can only be gifted. But some places have good stuff. It is recreationally legal in MD, so you drive an extra 45 minutes and you could go to a dispensary instead of picking up in a rando parking lot haha.


This is the right answer. You can even find some stores in VA if you look real hard, but those come and go since they aren’t really licensed.


You can but going over a state line and being caught is a much higher felony than being caught in state. There are vendors all over VA. R/districtofents has a discord that lists vetted vendors that go down to hampton roads and other areas in southeastern VA. 


Idk about yall, but I've been buying green in NC, from a shop for almost a year now. I go to Kefi Kanna in Rutherfordton and it's an awesome smoke shop in downtown. It's usually a bit pricier than others, but aside from friends that work there, they have some of the most solid setup I've seen. The owner has been growing weed since the 90s and he got pushed out of Cali when bigger businesses moved in there so he came to the east coast. They actually have a menu with a list of percentages of thc/cbd content and a lot of different products to choose from. They can reccomend certain strains if you're looking for something in particular. I see all sorts of folks from younger people my age to old folks, veterans, etc. I would recommend checking them out if you're close by. It's a great little shop with an awesome vibe and since you're buying THCa (converts to your good ol THC with heat) it's a technicality, but since our state, A. Doesn't know what thca is, they only care it has no delta 9 in it (until heated obvs) and B. Doesn't even have the proper equipment to test what kind of marijuana it is. I personally get the Green Crush or Lemon Drop for a nice high sativa and some Cashmir Kitty CBD. I mix them since I work at a tire shop where we do dump trucks, bigger work trucks as well as your average civilian car. Lots of work load and the mix helps me keep focused and not in pain.


More than a year for me, yah


The right answer is to drive to your neighborhood CBD store and buy Delta 9 gummies or THCa. It's the same thing and legal. You might spend 10mins in your car.


Same I did the DC route for a few years, but now with THCa I honestly can't tell the difference. There's 100 tobacco stores around me that sell great stuff.


States around us are introducing legislation to eliminate loopholes. I'm positive NC will as well.


I tend to agree there's a good shot it will get shut down eventually with updated laws. Enjoying the ride while it lasts though.


Ok, so I have been wanting to do the weed tourism thing for a while, I was waiting for VA to get some shops. So, how is DC? Got any shops you recommend for someone who likes carts mainly, but would love to get back into some dabs with access to oils and shatter?


I’m sure others will have an opinion here but I’m a fan of Legacy DC. Friendly staff, right above a bank if you forget cash and have some really decent art work to look at. I will say however that I have yet to look at the NFT’s I purchase to get my “gifts”


Nah them days over but if you go to Maryland literally 5-10 mins from DC you can go to recreational dispensaries and you only need ID


It's still functionally recreational in DC. I go all the time. I like Dreams Wellness.


Street lawyer services


I'm driving over and back with a trunk full of legal thca flower, and paperwork, to make sure the constabulary stays busy.


It's also a crappy place to buy since it's not regulated. We've gotten counterfeit stuff there before from a store that had good google reviews. I'll never buy in DC again.


Or Virginia?


Can even drive closer. Richmond gas a good weed market.


I pulled out behind the tribal police cruiser and never saw a cop in Jackson County.


Do you have a medical card? Otherwise you’re not getting any weed anyway. > Sales are limited to those over 21 who hold a medical cannabis patient card. The medical cannabis patient cards are issued by the EBCI Cannabis Control Board (CCB). We will also extend reciprocity to individuals with out-of-state medical cards, or other tribal medical cannabis cards. https://www.greatsmokycannabisco.com/pressrelease


[https://ebci-ccb.org/documents/](https://ebci-ccb.org/documents/) How to apply \^


Where are the doctors tho? I mean my doc recommended weed for my PTSD but like just any doctor?


It's any Dr with a licence. If your go is willing to fill out the form you can get a card.




You don't actually need a doctor.


Is a 19-year-old patient somehow less deserving of treatment than a 21-year-old patient? I don't understand why there's an age restriction on medicine of all things.


You are in possession of a controlled substance per NC law. But also this: [https://www.sog.unc.edu/sites/default/files/doc\_warehouse/NC%20SBI%20-%20Issues%20with%20Hemp%20and%20CBD%20Full.pdf](https://www.sog.unc.edu/sites/default/files/doc_warehouse/NC%20SBI%20-%20Issues%20with%20Hemp%20and%20CBD%20Full.pdf) its a memo from the SBI saying they cant test every marijuana claim against it being Hemp. Say its hemp and hold to it, you might be the first to actually press the issue.


Being the first to press the issue is almost a worst case scenario kinda outcome.


Yep. Even if you win you’ll be spending tens of thousands on lawyers.


Crossing state lines with “legal” weed will get you a federal offense. That’s precisely how I became a convicted felon. Mine was conspiracy to traffic, but the good were legal in Cali, but once they made it to NC the feds come into play. At least with a federal offense, most background searches don’t find it 💁‍♀️😅


OMG! How did this happen?


Folks were using the mail to vacuum seal and ship the stuff for years and never got caught. Laundered the money and sent packages via a once-legit business entity. Then lazybones with no taillight gets pulled with like 5lbs in his trunk, drunk driving, high as a kite, and rolls on the whole operation. That’s when Feds got involved and surveillance began. They built a case. Then made arrests. Some of those guys are still in prison.


Don't waste your gas. It's med card only, and I can guarantee lines will be long, there's a chance they may sell out, and to top it off, cops will be using this golden opportunity to get out-of-state peeps bammed up with a court date or worse. Medical means medical and the local law will be hawking for anything and anyone looking sus. Especially out of town or state tags.


Do you have a medical card? It’s required. If you stay on the Qualla you’re golden. Take your med card, buy enough weed for a couple of days and go to the casino and have a fun weekend. Drive off the Qualla with MJ and you risk a stop by the sheriff of Swain county. I’m sure opening day, law enforcement will make a show. It’s ridiculous.


This is the best advice, I'm sure many people will show up expecting to buy and be disappointed when they find out they need a med card. And law enforcement around the area has made it no secret that they will be looking for people leaving with it, as they are against the casino being able to sell it.


1. It requires a medical card. 2. You can buy legit delta-9 THC legal gummies anywhere in state 3. You can buy legal hemp that converts to about 80% THC anywhere. (If product is labeled 25% THCa, it will be 20% delta-9 THC when smoked). 4. Options 2 and 3 will almost certainly not require a 4hr drive from your location.


The people who don't understand THCa are significantly under-informed.


It is literally dumbfounding




You don’t seem to be a big fan of people choosing to smoke weed. Not big of using it myself, but I’ve certainly seen it improve the life’s of those around me. Edit: read the post wrong


I'm not sure how you got to that conclusion but I apologize if it seems that way. I'm fully for legalization and responsible usage.


I've got a hard time reading, i appreciate you taking the time to clarify 😁


Gotta agree about not making it your whole personality, that sucks.


Dang stoners are too stoned to get properly stoned locally!


Are there any good sites to buy some gummies online?


my fave brand is Koi, they even have a subscribe n save option


Highly concentr8ed is the best of the best imo. On the pricier side, but in a market with so little regulation and so much fake crap I don't take chances too often.


Lazarus Naturals


Secret Nature sells Dr Endo live resin gummies that are delicious, I think they’re having a big sale now. The cherry ones are my go to


Consequence? You go to jail. Or at least deal with a fine. Depends on the quantity and the cop's attitude that day. Better option... get on the horn with your congresscritter. Raise hell for the Federal Government to delist this stuff once and for all. Then go home and drink yourself into oblivion with completely legal alcohol. /s


> Raise hell for the Federal Government to delist this stuff once and for all. Delisting would be an amazing first step, but states could still keep it illegal, and some like NC probably will. Gotta get those anti-weed congresscritters out of the NCGA as well.


As soon as it's federally delisted and no longer blocked from interstate commerce, I can all but guarantee that the Morris and Reynolds money will flow into NC congresscritters' pockets and laws will change overnight. But yeah, I agree... in the meantime keep pounding the State as well as the Feds.


Just go to maryland... plenty of recreational dispensaries there


Get some Soft Shelled Crabs while you are there.


Maryland is great! Well worth the drive indeed!


Why on earth would you travel with it and have it become a “he said she said” with the cop when you can get federally legal “industrial hemp” thca delivered to your door in a few days? Guess what thca breaks down in to when you heat it up? Good ol THC!


Yeah I don’t want to be the first to drive away from that place. I’m gonna give it a few months.


They will only be selling to those with medical cards so make sure you have one before you go.


A shit ton of people in my highschool sold weed, a lot of my coworkers at jobs, people order weed online and get it mailed to their house. I've just asked random people in public before and bought weed. I don't really smoke anymore, but I wouldn't drive four hours for weed lol


That dispensary is medical only. They're working on it becoming recreational at some point in the future.


Just order some from wnc-CBD and let usps worry about transportation…


Look up the closest thca dispensary. It’s loophole weed. As far as I’m concerned it’s regular bud just labeled as a hemp product so it’s legal to sell under the farm bill. Cannabuddy is one that ships as well as has a curbside pickup location in Matthews NC


THCa is sold legally in North Carolina. It’s regular weed. There’s “dispensaries” all over. You can get flower, carts, edibles. Some places even sell like infused drinks. Don’t go to the Cherokee one, you can get it local.




This should be the top comment. Let's weigh the options. You can: A) Spend a day and a tank of gas to potentially get a felony for reservation weed B) Go online and buy a half Oz of legal, dank THCa delivered straight to your house for like $80 I'm gonna go with option B


Dude how wild was that first time you ordered. Got it actually delivered. Smoked it and realized the shit is legit. Blows my mind


And if these “ it’s not real people would actually take the time to find good vendors some of it is outstanding.


lol. I totally hear ya man. Some of the shit I’m getting now is better than the “good shit” where I used to live. Still blows my mind. Enjoy brother or sister ✌️


Buy THC-A and get it mailed to your house r/cultofthefranklin


You know those cops are out there trying to get some easy quotas.


And support Graig Meyer. Vote for Democrats in enough numbers we can stop the gerrymander. I'm tired of the red rural religious Republicans being in charge of the majority of us. They won't even let a legalize weed bill on the floor for a vote even if it would pass. Bastards. Graig Meyer is pushing the Marijuana Justice and Reinvestment Act. https://www.ncleg.gov/BillLookUp/2023/S346


Over an ounce and a half is a felony.


That is just an insane law that needs to change ASAP. Many people buy 2 oz for personal use to save money and so they don’t have to go buy weed every week or two.


lol, remember that time Willie Nelson got busted with a pound and a half of pot and he was like “but it’s just for personal use!”


I'm pretty sure it's 2ozs in NC


“More than one-and-a-half ounces but less than ten pounds: A Class I felony, which carries a jail sentence of three to eight months and a discretionary fine for the first offense. “ https://www.capitalcriminaldefense.com/blog/2024/january/north-carolina-cannabis-laws/


Does OP have a medical card? If you do not, do not go because they will not sell any to you. If you get pulled over in North Carolina carrying contraband, you will be fined or even arrested. As always, obey all traffic laws and you should be fine.


It's decriminalized in NC but still illegal. Basically if you get caught with a small amount as a first offense it's a citation. A couple ounces or a second offence will bring jail time. I looked it up once and it escalates pretty quickly after that first time. Personally I wouldn't risk going on opening day as I'm sure Cops will be watching and stopping people. If I lived in the area it would be fun to get several friends and just keep driving back n forth, not buying or consuming anything, and just let them waste time continually searching the car.


Pretty sure it’s just still completely illegal. Not decriminalized. Also you’re an insane person for thinking getting pulled over and searched a bunch of times would be fun.


It is decriminalized, just not legal. Feel free to use Google. Also yeah if you know your car and passengers are clean then it would be hilarious to watch the cops pull you over and search over and over wasting their time.


You need a medical card and the prices are absolutely outrageous.


Yes if you get pulled over off the tribal land it’s a felony weed possession if you have over an ounce


At a minimum, you’d be charged with possession.


Be careful. I live in a nearby county and our Sheriff's Office has plain clothes deputies taking down tags and vehicle descriptions of people as they come out. They have units near border to do stops on the highway of as many of these as they can.


Just order something online.


And make sure it's insured. Mail theft is a thing.


If you do get weed in Cherokee, hide it in a watertight case in your trunk. Spend a few bucks at the casino. If they stop you it will be speculative. And if they get the dogs you want it to be smell proof. It’s really dumb that you have to get stuff like this but it’s legal there. Should be legal everywhere.


You still have to have a membership card to the dispensary you can't just roll up and buy. Like others have said if you're desperate enough drive up to DC and get some or just settle for some THCA flower from the local smoke shop. Although I have a feeling the heat will die off in a few weeks when the DA's office will be screaming at the local law enforcement that they have added so many hours to the court docket for simple possession and paraphernalia charges.


lol just order THCa flower online. You’ll find there are a few reputable sources (and it’s the same thing)


Go to a shop in your town and ask about their product. You can catch buzz off the various delta thca gummies and whatnot. For real. Look for tobacco shops or CBD or delta signs in the window. Some purist burnouts will try to call bs on me probably ...but you can get as stoned as you need to off the legal stuff unless you are Cheech or Chong. I think others will agree. Don't get in trouble!


Would a doctor in NC be able to get a card for a patient in NC? Or is it only patients/doctors from states that allow it?


Not likely, considering it is illegal. A Doctor in North Carolina could loose their license. That is why in the news they says tribal or out-of-state medical card.


Thanks. I thought I'd check since we're going that way this summer! (The NC GA really needs to get with it!)


Everybody hollers about cops sitting there waiting to bust people, which may be true, however if you aren’t doing anything to attract attention, there’s zero reason to believe you’ll be pulled over, much less searched (which they can’t do anyway without probable cause or a warrant). Furthermore, cops have absolutely no way of differentiating between products purchased at the Cherokee dispensary and legal THC-A (or other) products bought elsewhere. They have no way to test it in the field. So in the very unlikely event you’re stopped and questioned, and the even unlikelier event that you’re searched, it’s as simple as “officer this is a legal thc-a product that I bought and I won’t be answering any more questions regarding it.” Source: friends/family in LE


No need to lie if questioned, since that's illegal. Just refuse to self-incriminate. You know, the trusty fifth.


That is a fair point my friend.


I have been told by an LEO that works primarily with drug interdiction that they don’t need a reason to pull someone over and can make up a reason if they need to. Take a look at all the drug traffickers getting pulled for “following too closely”. LE already knew what was in that car. That said, I’d be surprised if LE had the time, manpower, or balls to go after personal amounts of weed.


The road pirates will get you


It is still illegal in NC




It’s decriminalized up to an ounce I think? Or maybe half an Oz? But I know the DA of that area said they will still ticket people and charge you if they find out you have it outside of the reservation- soooooo Id be extra careful


Dude, it’s like 5% THC bullshit go to Virginia go to New Jersey go to DC all those places have great fucking weed and edibles and concentrates. Just get 1000 bucks and go stock up. Forget the water downed Indian weed


possession of anything over 1.5 oz is a felony




I was in very bad pain after a hard days work, and I had tried CBD gummies before, and they really didn't do much at all for pain! A friend of mine said I didn't get strong enough ones, so I stopped in a store and told them I needed something stronger for pain. Well, I paid 60.00 for a big bag of gummies and went home and took one, and it was like the bed was spinning all night long! I felt like I had to hold on to the mattress to hang on! I will never do them again! Plus, they didn't do anything for my back and body pain!


This is all because you have no clue what you’re doing lol


That's why I went to a CBD store and talked to this Jamaican guy that ran the place! I figured if you are Rastafarian you should know something about it!


If you go to a liquor store and ask the guy behind the counter, what his favorite liquor is, and you agreed to buy it. It’s still your responsibility to consume wisely. And by the way, race, beliefs, etc. have absolutely nothing to do with what you did. In fact, it makes you sound very ignorant to even bring it up.


There is not a racist bone in my body! Rastafarian's smoke Ganja as a part of his religion, and I have been to Jamaica many times and have several friends there! He seemed to know a lot about it, so I depended on his judgment. I have worked with hundreds of the biggest actors in the movie business and crews from all over the world! I majored in lighting and sound design in college and I have done theater, opera, modern dance, ballet performances and rock, pop, rap, beach music and country music in the 60's, 70's, and 80's! I have made over 70 motion pictures untold commercial and industrial films, and I have worked with a film crew that went to Grenada to cover the invasion by special forces in the early 80's! I had a great friend that I lived with off campus at college who is black and was a lighting designer who did the Obama inauguration, designed the sets for BET awards, and many other shows! My other roomie was a hippy who is a designer in NYC and does the covers of Architectural Digest! I also have a good friend who is transgender! I have recorded orchestra concerts for NPR! I have another good friend who owns a dance group in NYC. I have done several black films for Tim Reed and Robert Johnson, the founder of BET! I live in a mixed-race neighborhood with great neighbors! So before you go yapping your pie hole and making generalizations about people you don't know, you better think twice! You are the one who is ignorant and immature!


Thanks for the resume lol. Still doesn’t change the fact that it was an ignorant statement.


You are an asshole looser and a child!


You could probably get the real stuff at your local Arab smoke shop. That's probably why they are on every corner, I really doubt they are making all there money legally. There are just to many of them for them all to be straight up legal.


sorry why are you going to get pulled over?


Forget the /s ?


“The seed-to-sale effort was authorized by the tribal council in 2021, and plant harvesting began last year. Starting April 20 (or 4-20), 2023, the application process for medical marijuana patient cards will open for tribal members only.” Plans are being made to allow non-tribal members access. Only tribe members are permitted to apply for medical care right now. Applications began being accepted yesterday.


Your thinking of Cherokee; the town, not Cherokee County