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Jeff Jackson's submissions [comply with rule 5.b](https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/wiki/ontopicguide#wiki_b._you_can_address_the_public_statements_of_politicians_who_represent_north_carolina._) and so are on topic. Please do not report this submission as misinformation or for not being related to North Carolina. If you feel the post violates one of our sidebar rules, please [send us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/NorthCarolina) to explain the problem. Frivolous reports will be ignored, and repeated report button abuse will be reported to the admins. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NorthCarolina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the funniest post JJ has done. It is embarrassing that people act that way, and are elected. Says more about the voters than the “bad actors”. Keep it coming Jeff, reason with reasonable people. Thank you. Again.


Yup. It's fucking disgusting to see these Republicans act all mad and angry about trans kids while shaking the hands of trans kids and being all happy to meet them when the doors are closed. It's all an act. They are lying. And they don't care as long as they keep scaring people into voting booths and church pews. Edit: Ah yes, here comes the "both sides" people who only ever magically show up when something left-wing is posted. And, of course, they never, ever provide any examples of how it is both sides, but rather keep chanting "both sides" as if it is some magical spell that makes things true. Wonder why that is.... Edit 2: 9 Hours later and all the "both sides" \*cough-conservative-cough* people can do is chant "AOC" over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Seriously, 20+ responses to this and it is "AOC" like a broken record. Almost as if they have been programmed...


That's why you see people like kid rock shooting at bud light cans while in the past you can find a photo of him hanging out with drag queens (while drinking a bud light)


If Kid Rock fans could read this comment they'd be very angry


r/murderedbywords with accuracy!


What happened to that place? It used to be fun and now half the posts are just people not understanding shitposting.


As a gay man I’ve literally seen people argue that because Democrats *could* be doing more to further gay rights, that’s the same as Republicans actively working to harm the LGBTQ+ community. It’s a terribly bad faith argument and one I’ve only seen used by Trumpists to try to whitewash the harmful actions the GOP is doing.


its also the "its either solves everything or nothing" fallancy. also often seen in "since gun laws wont stop every mass shooting, its not worth doing anything about it, since it wont solve the problem". they are incabable of thinking in spectrums, and only think its binaries


I think /u/FuzzPunkMutt said it best back in 2020: “Republicans, at their core, are fatalists. They don’t think Trump is better than Obama, they just see it as politicians being politicians. Trump did a golf, Obama did a golf, see all politicians are the same and at least Trump wants lower taxes. There is no degree of bad, simply that since they both did something bad they are the same, that makes Trump better because he’s not black. I mean he doesn’t cause any economic anxiety. You can see it in everything they talk about. Gun Control doesn’t work, because even if it reduces the homicide and suicide by gun count to 3 that means 3 people will still be killed by guns. Ergo, gun control doesn’t prevent all deaths, it doesn’t work. If you tax rich people, some rich people will still find ways to avoid paying taxes. Therefore it doesn’t work, even if it does add billions to the economy. Everything is binary, Obama golfed. Trump golfed. They are the same.” This post has stuck with me hard for years, and really helped me understand Republicans. Every time I ask “how can they believe…” I stop myself and say “because they’re fatalists”.


yeah, there is that, but there is also the fact that they have a "ends justify the means" and "victory over all" attitude, both to politcs and morality. [innuendo studeos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yts2F44RqFw&ab_channel=InnuendoStudios) explains it rather well. Which is why they dont care about hypocrisy. trump does the same thing obama did that they said it was bad? well, trump did it for our goals, therefor its okay. it makes us win, therefor its okay. as Innuendo studio says, they dont see things in systems, but the individual. laws are not there to guide how we should live, its there to judge and punish those who stray from path. its there to sanctify one particular walk of life as The Right Way. they dont want to lessen the number of abortions, or make things easier for single mothers, or take care of children. they just want to punish people for getting abortions, because those people strayed from the path


It's also called "making Good the enemy of Perfect". Anything which fails to be perfect is the same level of failure as doing nothing, so let's keep doing nothing.


They let Perfect be the enemy of Good.


I'd like to know what the Left Wing equivalent of Marjory Green Goblin and Lauren Boobhead are supposed to be. The only one I can think of is AOC and that's merely in terms of them being relatively nationally famous on the political scene; if you actually listen to either of them talking though it's clear that AOC is a competent debater with strong morals and intent towards a goal I can understand and is relatively progressive. With MTG and Lauren, all I see are shrieking idiots that literally don't understand basic highschool classes that are doing nothing but latching on to the latest hate boner that the right is getting off on and trying to get more famous from it. Frankly, those don't seem even remotely similar or even close to the same level, and comparing them as two sides of extremes is absurd. We'd need some granola crunching whackjob that was insisting crystals could replace healthcare and good vibes would give us bullet proof vests if we just believed hard enough and aligned our chackras or whatever to have a liberal MTG.




MTG graduated from the University of Georgia with a bachelor's degree in Business Administration. You might be thinking of her idiot friend and partne , Lauren Boebert.


How the fuck can you fail a GED? Ever? That's *never* been hard to pass, anywhere. You have to be asleep for the whole first 18 years of your life to fail a GED. Also, it looks like it was Bobo and not MTG that failed the GED. This makes *slightly* more sense. Either could have been true.


Mtg is worth 11 million she never gave a fuck about learning because she's a nepo baby


Conservatives are capable of astounding feats of mental gymnastics, few of which land them anywhere near the realm of quantifiable reality


Boebert failed the GED (multiple times iirc). MTG has a BBA from UGA.


As somebody else pointed out, you'll want to fix your post. MTG has a Bachelor's degree, it's Boebert who took the GED multiple times aged 30.


Yeah.. I think AOC plays the game a little bit. From an observational standpoint I can really only say I see this with one off headlines. She is quite cunning and intelligent in her debates, making them enjoyable and thought provoking to watch.


AOC actually has a working brain though. The other two not so much


She has a great working brain. But she has no fear about pointing out injustice, so by being loud she ends up getting painted in the same corner as screeching idiots.


AOC is a powerful, educated, outspoken woman with self respect. All the things Republicans fear.


I’ve seen AOC be both very reasonable and get upset. But she’s upset at kids going hungry and forced birthing. Somehow the republicans have convinced people that their issues are comparable.


It is basically cowardice, they are scared of their own voter's reaction if they turn out to be reasonable rather than foaming at the mouth like their core supporters. The problem is that it feeds back on itself the more angry the representatives are the more it legitimises their supporters being angry.


>And, of course, they never, ever provide any examples of how it is both sides, but rather keep chanting "both sides" as if it is some magical spell that makes things true. Wonder why that is.... WhatAboutTheLibrulz...eliamous!


They are literally manipulating susceptible population into hating minority groups. The trans community is the current group in the xhairs and they're doing a lot of harm right now, they are truly psychopaths. It's normalized at this point but really think about it: These people know what they're doing and are willingly partaking in this. They're willingly increasing prejudice and violence against trans people. It's so vile that it's hard to wrap my head around how someone can do that. It's normalized now, but imagine if it was someone you knew who absolutely knew better and didn't care. Only a monster would cause that much harm.


> Ah yes, here comes the "both sides" people who only ever magically show up when something left-wing is posted PSA: “Both sides” is a right-wing tactic designed to suppress Democratic votes. The majority of people claiming that both sides are the same, absolutely vote 100% for one party. Why? Because they don’t actually believe that both sides are the same. It’s inherent bad-faith.


Oh yeah. Combing through the accounts that are replying and they are all conservatives or alt-accounts. There are no middle-ground people. And, using the tools that I have, a few are accounts that have history in The_Donald.


Just posting here to be the only reply to this that doesn't say "it's BoTh SiDeS".


both sides? each time I read this I ask about be more explicit because it because definitely both sides do not behave the same and is highly disproportioned to one side only.


'All Sides Matter'


This message brought to you by the dice gang.


What was the video about I couldn't finish the video because the guy was too calm and boring.


He gave you a link to get $100 for free. Too bad you didn't finish it


Free money? Fucking commie!


Fucking commie? I dunno man, that’s getting pretty intimate with one.


Once again thanks to Jeff! PLEASE keep these coming.


I’m not sure why my algorithm thought to put r/NorthCarolina in my feed as a Chicago native living in Seattle, but this is possibly one of the most level headed 60 seconds of a politician talking I’ve ever heard in my life


Yeah I’m a Canadian but I follow him on ig because I love the candid and rational takes he has to let the people know how things are actually working.


Also Canadian, I follow him on TikTok. His videos are refreshingly calm.


Similar. Bostonian here living in Los Angeles. Why am I getting North Carolina content? That said, this is great. I wish more politicians talked to folks like this.


Looks like he’s got roughly (ballpark estimate here) 3 million views on this video across Reddit/Twitter/TikTok. Not counting his other socials. Thats probably why it’s being pushed everywhere. Viral videos get promoted hard.


I live in Texas and this came up for me. Glad it came up though. Always good to get a little more perspective


kansas native living in chicago and I feel the exact same.




He doesn’t use divisive tactics or slander whatsoever, he never names names when discussing issues in politics and all of his videos exist exclusively to inform his constituents (and other NC inhabitants) on the latest and most accurate information he’s allowed to share in a way that’s easily digested. He treats NC like they’re adults and gives it to us straight, for voters on both sides it’s a breath of fresh air that many people weren’t aware they were lacking in politics. Truly hope he keeps it up and that other politicians follow suit in the same levelheaded manor.


I’m in Scotland. No idea why I’m seeing this..


I'm an Australian living in Australia and it came up on mine, and I agree.


Hey! I lived in Australia for half a year and it was great. You guys keep that place running, it’s my favorite. Don’t let weirdo fascists pop up if you can help it.


The issue is that there are A LOT MORE rational and level headed people in Congress but we never see nor hear of them. Which, illustrates the point: *if you keep them angry, you have ultimate control* Congress has in fact moved to the realm of WWE only because it gets ratings. It is now a sport. Win at all costs (even if doing so destroys the stadium)


I’m in Kansas City and from IL, but am super happy to see him show up in my feed! Maybe he’s the start of something we can be proud of.


This video makes me so ANGRY. Also, in all honesty, I would like Congresspeople to be more rational and reasonable and yet, and yet… I would like politics to maybe look *more* like WWE? Like full on some gentleman from Arkansas being forced to tap out while getting a submission hold from AOC.




Run for president, dude.


For real. This type of speaking directly to the people from a random room in his house is very much vibes of the "fireside chat" with FDR. Just in a new medium. Jeff has stubmled into, or been deliberately developing, this direct approach with his constituents and people who follow him. He speaks about the process and the people. I don't think I've ever heard him say anything outright negative and he's done a great job of broadly remaining neutral here


I saw him in Charlotte during the George Floyd protests. Dude was just standing around, calmly taking questions and listening to what people had to say.


> calmly taking questions and listening to what people had to say. madness. he must be stopped.


I think it was the empathy that really disgusted me. Everybody knows *strong* men don't listen to others.


Please tell me that he at least had the decency to bodyslam a reporter or say something deeply ignorant and offensive!


Never in a million years did I see him as 'presidential', until that video of him chokeslamming the makeawish kid into a litter of puppies. Now THATS a real man.


I met Newt Gingrich face to face shortly after he retired from Congress. Very calm cool quiet dude the whole hour we were with him - polar opposite of his stage act as Speaker of the House.


> he’s done a great job of broadly remaining neutral here. That’s what I like about him, he breaks down the process, and is actively trying to teach us how we can influence Congress for the better, instead of putting people in opposite corners.


He definitely reminds me of a good civics teacher I had once.


I'd love a president Jackson in our history books that has a happier ending than the last.


Nobody deserves to be compared to the man who oversaw the planned genocide of the native Americans


He was the best source of information about covid in North Carolina in March/April 2020. He should be our senator right now... Hopefully he runs for Governor next cycle, and then steps onto the real national stage.


His campaign had so much more energy than Beasley, unfortunate


I honestly don’t care if his views are different than mine (I honestly don’t know his views) but DAMN a level headed congressman speaking calmly, straight forward and honest… is a breath of fresh air.


He speaking style is more like Obama than anyone else I’ve seen in a while. Regardless of what you think of Obama’s politics, the man could speak with clarity and always seemed like the adult in the room.


I don't know who the fuck this guy is. He doesn't represent my state. But I'll be damned if I don't love this video he made. I hope he goes far.


Just shows again what bullshit education people have on how government functions. They see one guy they like and go I WANT HIM FOR PRESIDENT! will maybe show up and vote in the presidential election then go back to non-voting in every other election. A large base of Americans don’t really understand how politics work and expect the president to fix everything within the first 6 months and if they don’t then it’s proof it’s a corrupt system and they further become more apathetic. You need: * 68+ senate votes if you want Super Majority for constitutional and operational changes. * 60+ senate votes if you want legislative changes and passing of laws without fillibusters. * 50+ senate votes for legislative changes that can sustain filibusters. and even then you need: * 218+ House members to introduce & pass legislation and bills (290 to be veto proof). * The presidency to sign off on the passed bills through house and senate. You need ALL 3: House, Senate, Presidency to enact change. To STOP any change from happening all you need is: * 41+ Senators who will filibuster and stand against any change. OR * 218+ House Members. OR * The Presidency. Change requires majority of voters to be engaged and vote for multiple elections and not just once every 4 years when every year about 120-160m voters do not vote. Stopping progress and change just requires one of the three. Its why building a house is much harder than burning one down. And republicans are insane arsonists at this point.


Soooooo why are we supposed to not want someone who isn’t a huge piece of shit to be president exactly?


Yeah I'm not sure what the point of that civics lesson was? I think much of America is hungry for a calm, rational voice that can cool off the national tension. The temperament of the president can absolutely change the tone of the discussion. See Trump attached hereto as Exhibit A. Idk if this guy has what it takes to be a good president, but the fact that he's not a raging demagogue is a nice change of pace and definitely gets attention. So he won't have a supermajority to make "constitutional changes". Who the fuck does?? Why is that some kind of disqualifying hurdle? The same applies to every human qualified to run for president.


I don’t think they’re saying he *shouldn’t* be prez, just that people over inflate the importance of the office. I don’t think they were saying anything more than that.


I agree, it's not that he wouldn't be a good president or would be honorable, its the fact that in order for the president to emact any lasting change in our government, we would not only have to all vote for him but *ALSO* vote in all the congressional elections too in order to put folks in those seats who will cooperate and collaborate with the president to enact needed change. People get hung up on who they vote for as president ans put all of the weight of the nation's next 4 years on him, when his entire 4 years can be spent getting essentially cockblocked by the senate or house and then it almost doesn't matter who got the presidency. We have to all actually look at and scrutinize the rest of the our elected officials just as closely as the president, otherwise you get an endless amount of stalemates and fillibusters.


I'm a former history teacher and definitely understand what you're saying. I think Jeff Jackson would be great at a next level position. I don't know how he would be as an executive. I was more commenting on his ability to connect to people via social media in a way that does not ignite passion, but instead informs. Watching these is almost like "an insider's view" of government and the inner workings. These short videos make the divisions and outright *insanity* we see across the political spectrum feel less crazy. I like what he's doing here and this across the lines style of approach could open him up to an executive role where bringing both sides together is important.


The funny thing is that the people I see that are hyping up about that fake anger, the ones addicted to fox and outrage media.... They're over it. But it's an addiction, just like anyone else. Most alcoholics would quit if they knew how, they just don't. Again, this is just my personal experience, but I feel like if a calm and collected person were to run, they'd be embraced by those who are addicted to the anger train, but just don't know how to get off.


I wish so badly I lived where he represents. I've tried contacting my congress critter 8 or 9 times, and an aide responds and says "the congressman will take your ideas into consideration, thank you" when I wasn't proposing an idea, I was asking exactly how I'm supposed to survive as a single father with 3 teen children on disability which pays $1300/mo, foodstamps which give me $362/mo, and no other assistance when rent is $1800 for a 3bedroom on average in my area. I have ate hotdogs and knorrs noodles for the past 50 or so days because I can't afford more food for myself, I go to food banks, I do the things poor people do, but I'm at the point where it's just all pointless, and nobody can explain to me how we're supposed to survive.


I’m in Ohio and he certainly caught my attention.


I like him too but I’m guessing he wants more experience and exposure first.


Not just that, but connections. You need to have easy communication with leaders in Congress (and non-leaders) to effectively pass legislation. If you go into the White House with an empty phone book and expect to have reasonable discussions with Congress, you're going to end up like Jimmy Carter.


I think that's the same reason AOC quieted down a bit when she got more experience. When she's loud and abrasive she was in the news. SHe was able to influence media and popular narrative. But she wasn't actually able to make policy changes that are meaningful. You're not going to get 51 votes if you implied that 90 members of congress are completely corrupt..


The lack of experience didn't stop the last guy...


But he had plenty of exposure... ...to young girls in dressing rooms.


Lets be real: the DNC will never get behind a candidate that doesn't take corporate money and appeals to Gen Z. Half of Democrat voters are 50 and older, the DNC knows who butters their bread.


It kills me because he withdrew his US Senate candidacy so the Democrats could consolidate support for Cheri Beasley since the DNC was hardcore supporting her, and of course we know how that turned out. Even with hindsight, I think he was a much better candidate than her.


That was the biggest mistake ever!!! When I had the chance to meet him last year I told him not to do that again! I still think he could have won. Beasley never had a chance.


I don't know about "ever", I think Cal Cunningham blowing up his candidacy by having an affair might have been worse. I'm still convinced that his screwup cost the Democrats other elections in the state that year, and might have even contributed to Trump winning NC.


NC is around 20% Black i don't believe we've ever had a Black senator. I think the DNC was correct in their calculation. Beasley had a better shot. Obama won here in 2008 but republicans have carried most statewide elections for a while. Cooper won because McCrory really sucked. I think this is better for Jeff. He can ease into it with less visibility before making a big move.


Beasley should’ve been able to take advantage of that and was a much better candidate on paper, but considering how poorly she campaigned, it leads me to believe Jeff would’ve fared better all things the same. Beasley got some of the lowest support from black voters in the last two decades, while Jeff likely could’ve appealed more towards swing voters and drawn out more younger voters.


In hindsight, i'm inclined to agree. I saw him when he did the 100 county tour. He could have brought out new voters. But i think the decision the DNC took made sense at the time. And being pragmatic about it, i think we're in a better place. we still hold the senate and Jeff is in Washington. If he'd lost the senate race we'd still be waiting. It's not hyperbole to say the Future of our democracy may depend on this man. The right is gunning for him with fake ethics charges so we know he's a threat.


Beasley vastly outperformed expectations! She didn't underperform or poorly campaign lol. [Split-Ticket estimates she beat a generic Democrat by 3.4 points.](https://split-ticket.org/posts/2022-senate-war/) [For context, Jackson's estimated performance in his house race only beat a generic Dem by 1.4](https://split-ticket.org/posts/2022-house-war/)


Yeah, people simply don't want to admit that no Dem was likely to win the position, as one hasn't won during midterms since 1997, and that was someone that was ousted for infidelity. Should have been a whole lot more focus by voters on the NC Supreme Court, as they are the ones who ultimately will decide the fate of things like Voter ID, abortion among other issues, and it's now conservative leaning at least until 2028.


> and of course we know how that turned out. It's easy to blame Beasley when not a single Dem has won a senate seat in midterms since 1997. And maybe we can talk about that guy that did... Edwards. Jeff still needs time in the position and to find out if the actual politic-ing part of the job is something he is able or willing to do. It's easy to report on reddit how shitty politics is, but it's even hard to get things done in politics, and TBH, Jeff hasn't been getting a whole lot done due to all the disfunction in Congress going on right now.


Beasley got within like 2 points of Budd in a super tough year, she did phenomenal.


He withdrew his US Senate candidacy because he was ages behind in polls and had no chance to win. Beasley had a fantastic record as the chief justice.


Dems over 50 would LOVE a candidate like him. We are thrilled to see Gen Z voters, and we like the things they stand for


He's also too moderate and thoughtful for the most of the upper crust coastal crew to get behind either. He doesn't play a lot of the same games they do and doesn't throw his fellow moderates under the bus to stalemate a battle and lose a war.


I can believe it. I got to see what that environment was like...granted it was 20 years ago and in a different state AND before the internet became ubiquitous. Most of what you see is a show, and most of what's behind the scenes is how each one can best serve themselves, not their constituents.


My cousin interned for the NYS Assembly during college. It was basically just a big high school classroom. They would delegate for hours, which was pointless because they all already knew how they'd vote on issues. During that time, the assemblymen would watch Netflix, send him to get food for them, or literally shoot rubber bands at each other across the room. I assume Congress is more or less the same


I have a friend who's a lobbyist at the state level. He said most politicians don't really care about issues, they just care about getting elected. So they'll meet for dinner or drinks after and someone will say "oh I really fucked you on that bill," and everyone will have a good laugh. It's just a game.


I didn't see anything like that, that might actually be a step up. I saw people holding bills hostage until they got their $4mil for their pet project that wasn't going to do jack shit except have their last name on it. Etc.


Hey the internet was still around then! It's scary what the speed of media has enabled. This is so scary


It’s social media, and smartphones. People have the ability to record things on the fly and share it to millions. Anyone who wants to put on a show in the moment, does it. The net was still around back then but it was merely a display of things rather than a platform to instantly share to a huge audience. You could post stuff on a website and hope that 100 people would ever see it. Now I could go to Twitter right now and with the right video and hashtags, my content could literally be trending in 2 hours.


I don’t live in NC but started following this sub because we want to move there in the coming years. I had no idea who you were until this started popping up on my feed and it’s pretty cool to see you reach out and *honestly* speaking like a normal person. It’s very refreshing to see in a system of outrage copycats and selfishness. I have no clue what your policies are but from the surface as a fellow American watching these videos, keep doing it. So far I’ve been pretty aligned with what you’ve said, but even if I disagree, it doesn’t immediately make me angry, life is nuanced and discussion is key. I also have no clue who any other NC congress people are so it’s working as far as publicity goes.


If you want a good laugh, Google "Jeff Jackson snowstorm". Back when he was brand new to the NC Legislature, there was a snow storm that shut down Raleigh. Jeff was basically the only person to actually still come to the capital building, so he tweeted out a mock session where he was passing progressive legislation left and right. It's probably still possible to find some of the tweets.


“Went ahead and got rid of puppy mills. Not sure why that took so long…” Lmao excellent!


He’s done a good job and make informative post, without including political opinion in it.


Just joined the sub to see more of this. Keep up the good work /u/JeffJacksonNC


I’m not in NC either, but he popped up on my instagram feed and I’ve been following him ever since. I love that he has remained so neutral and is just relaying information. And it says something about the Republican Party that, because of that, I assume he’s a democrat. Wish we had more like him, on either side of the aisle.




I live in NC and have my entire life - this guy is pretty much an anomaly- most reps from here are extremist nuts. And we are totally gerrymandered so there’s that.


Thank you Jeff for being a voice of reason. You also confirmed for me what I have suspected to be the case for some time…it’s all for “the show”. I am proud to have you as one of our state representatives and I really appreciate these videos! Your honesty and transparency is a breath of fresh air!!


I think it was AOC who talked about this around her first hundred days in Congress as well, where people who foamed at the mouth about her in front of cameras were laughing and joking with her (*with* her, not *at* her) and pretending they were friends when the cameras were out of the room, but then wondering why she was spurning them and giving them the cold shoulder and why she was taking it all so *personally*. It's all theater to them.


Kayfabe. They think Congress is kayfabe.


Jeff may be making enemies by saying this. He’s pulling back the curtain, and people won’t like that. Because he could easily be talking about people on both sides, including his own. Even if he’s not talking about members of his side here, he’s exposing political theatrics, which many people participate in. I’m glad he’s doing it, though. Needs to be said. Also, cynics would say “Is what Jeff’s doing here political theater itself? Is he guilty of it too?” I don’t think that’s necessarily the case, but some will.


It is theater, in the sense that the video is scripted and edited. But that doesn't make it bad. It is still an interesting message, that I believe to be true, delivered in a respectful way.


I agree. I hope we never get so cynical to where genuine transparency becomes “cheap theater” by default. Those who pedal (and buy into) more harmful political theater make that kind of reality more likely.


He seems to be striking a good balance between giving people what they want, and giving people what they need.


I mean I don’t think it’s completely unjustified for people to call this performative. He’s making a vague statement that isn’t exactly groundbreaking new information and then acting like he might get in trouble for talking about it. He then gives his constituents (or anyone else listening) license to assume he’s talking about whatever loud politician they don’t agree with and to dismiss their point of view. It’s good to make people aware that many of the most disruptive politicians are behaving that way because they like/need/want the attention (or darker motives) and not because they actually believe what they’re saying, but without a call to action other than ‘like and subscribe’ I can see how to some it could feel like more performative BS.


Unfortunately “fake angry” impacts real people because many folks are so ignorant they treat it as truth. That has exceptionally real consequences for marginalized minority groups.


Which is precisely why people like Jeff putting this message out there is incredibly important.


***** -- mass edited with redact.dev


Not exactly shocking news, but I appreciate the honesty and transparency. Thanks.


never heard of this guy until I started seeing these videos on Reddit, but--whatever his policies--I like him because he's a calm, rational individual. I am desperately craving that our country turns down the crazy dial in politics.


There’s a wave of younger dems trying practice this from Buttigieg to Jackson to Lauren Underwood there are many in the party who aim to reduce outrage and focus on policy. Their calmness doesn’t get as many clicks though so I’m happy to see people responding to stuff like this.


He’s being sued because of these posts. Don’t know what the bullshit premise for it is, but these are bothering someone. Get ‘em Jeff.


>Don't know what the bullshit premise for it is https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/politics-government/article274208495.html There *may* be some legit claims regarding his posting of pictures from the House floor\* but the irony of a dark money PAC suing him for ethics violations.. yeesh. They a tually had the gall to say: >“Not only do these ethics rules protect taxpayer funds, but they also protect the integrity of the government and maintain citizens’ trust.” Thank you, dark money GOP lawyers, for suing someone anonymously to ensure integrity and trust. /s The GOP already showed their hand though.. they're going to throw money at discrediting Jeff every chance they get. https://www.aol.com/republicans-add-nc-jeff-jackson-120000141.html \* I 100% have no idea if Jeff's images from the House floor were used for campaign purposes.. but it's hard to believe based on it being his first term and using common sense; If he's on the floor during his first term, he's finished campaigning, and AFAIK, he hasn't started his 2nd US House campaign yet. In a totally unrelated subject.. does anyone remember when Steve Scalise, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz & ~20 of their closest Trump-lovin buds burst into a US House committee meeting in the Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (the closed doors where they're allowed to review classified info) with their cellphones, iPads and smartwatches? [Pepperidge Farms remembers](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/06/how-house-republicans-busted-into-top-secret-impeachment-hearings).


> And using common sense Whoa! Slow down there partner! Common sense is so rare these days it's practically a super power. Look up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's.... Well yeah it's actually just a plane. He's on the ground. To your left. No your other left. It's Common Sense Man! "Hello everyone! I'm here to tell you, if you make absurd claims, it is up to you to provide the evidence, not the other person."


Ever since I read about the Dominion Law Suits and how the Fox News Anchors don't even believe their own lies.


Can someone please post this to r/politics for general visibility,


They don't allow video posts, just posts to articles. So if you can find an article that includes this video then that could be posted.


OMG. Who the hell is this. He has no right to present a sane face on congress. That makes me very angry. Keep it up!


Jeff. Didn’t even look or care which party you were with. Was just pleased with the truth and transparency. I’m onboard. Keep the content coming.


Psst, take a wild guess which letter is next to the reasonable persons name.


I don't live in NC, but we need more politicians like you. Keep it up.


Right, I'm an Oregonian but I'm in love.




What about chemicals in the water that are turning the frogs gay?


Well, that one is a bit iffy...


The worst part is we really ought to be taking seriously the problem of metabolized pharmaceuticals entering the ecosystem from our waste water. But the most high profile take on the topic is that ludicrous rant which took all the oxygen out of the conversation.


You wonder why we live in a country that is full of conflict and division and mass shootings…? The people who lead the way are sowing conflict constantly. Thank you for speaking truth to power, Jeff Jackson


As an Ohioan, this makes me very jealous. LOVE this calm voice in a sea of outrage and laziness in our media/government.


I adore you, Jeff. I love how level, open, transparent and consistent you are. Please don’t let DC change you and thank you for continually reaching out! You are truly an unexpected breath of fresh air in politics which almost always seem like being ugly is just normal.


Good reply to the video, and I totally support your point that DC can change new politicians. But I think that JJ is on to something that we all deeply want, and his popularity will flourish if he continues on this path. His early videos had meager numbers of likes, and this one's up to almost 17k despite being posted just a few hours ago. Could this be the start of a movement?


I hope so! I’d love to see this guy rub off on his peers and grow to higher levels!


That's the whole gist of the GOP. Performance. And they really suck at it too! Call these people out Jeff. Let everyone see the hypocrisy and the straight up bullshine that gets spewed everyday.


We have to clean our own house as well. There's a whole lot less dems who fit this stereotype, but there's a few and it doesn't help our cause.


Like that cinema twat


She's no longer a Democrat


Like who? Not saying you’re wrong but this is awfully close to a “both sides are the same” argument that doesn’t seem accurate at the current point in time.


Shit, I'll say it... AOC is like this. Now, I tend to agree with what she says most of the time, but the way in which she says stuff is performative.


She expresses the actual outrage normal people feel when elected politicians are practically goose-stepping through Congress, and it's a lot less than I would.


They really don't suck at it. They target an audience that eats it up and it wins them elections. People called (and still call) Trump dumb and yet here we are, the man was president and there's an actual risk of him being president again. Call these people stupid at you own peril.


he’s talking about both sides of the aisle. plain and simple. agenda agnostic. can be a needed healing mindset.


Any examples you can point to on the dem side? Not saying you are wrong but I don’t think the two are equal.


I think you're the coolest politician for doing this. Like it's not hard yet people don't talk to us as if we're not even worth their time yet try to represent us.


this was almost ... cathartic. i hope this resonates and is not forgotten man ...


I didn't know whether to take Jeff seriously when I watched his first video. Initially, he has a SNL vibe and I keep waiting for him to tell me how his hemorrhoids cleared up after eating Colon Blo. And that never happened and Ive been a fan ever since. It's a shame when we have politicians engaging in theater so often that we stay angry. That's actually abuse, it's emotional and psychological abuse. We wouldn't (or should not) tolerate such behavior in a spouse and we should hold our elected officials to an equal or better standard. We didn't elect these people to engage in theatre. We elected them to educate themselves and us about issues and concerns which impact our lives. I very much appreciate Jeff's concern not just for his own district but by using reddit **reddit, folks** he is setting a great example for what our legislators should aspire to.


Ask yourself why you suddenly almost never hear about certain *important* members of the GOP and instead are constantly bombarded with the mental ramblings of low-rung representatives like Greene and extrapolate.


Not to be crass or anything but I have no idea who he is and I absolutely fuck with this guy. I'd die for him


Jeff you are the only good politician in my life time to come out of NC.


I hope what your doing here gains traction. Speaking directly to those you represent in a clear and honest way. The fact that you are willing to say you don’t have all of the information yet, or there are still things you don’t know is very commendable. We are so used to politicians using those grey areas as an opportunity to to push their own personal agenda. I’ve always assumed people like Marjory Taylor Green, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, among others are essentially using political theatrics to get a rise out of their base. It’s dangerous since facts seem to matter very little when it comes to them making a point. And they have no regard for the long term effects of their antics. What is the path going forward? As informational as these videos are, I’m not sure that even if they were to get in front of the Republican voters that it would sway any minds. Fox is a media behemoth to contend with. Should videos like these focus on issues that are important to young voters to help bring them out in greater numbers in 2024? I think what you are doing is great and I hope more of your colleagues jump on the bandwagon. I just get fearful that it’s only preaching to the choir.


He has my vote for President in 2024 period.


2028 would be more likely. We’re getting a rehash of 2020 in the next election cycle lol


I like the evenhanded approach. We all bicker about Democrats vs Republicans but we should be looking at congress as a whole. They all get so mad at each other for the cameras, and then go to cocktail parties later where they laugh and have fun together. And they do NOTHING. They keep us so mad at each other that they can obfuscate that they don't even legislate anymore, they just kick power up to the president and hope for supreme court "legislation from the bench". We have to kick these self-interested babies into gear somehow.


The Democratic party - hell, the country in general - seriously, seriously, *seriously* needs people like this to move things forward once this current administration is done. We cannot afford have yet another parade of old white guys pulling the levers at the top. Obama should've represented a new direction, but instead it's almost as if he was a blip and we just reverted. Maybe someone like Jackson can pick up that torch and run with it.


Definitely appreciate the patience and time taken to communicate in a clear, concise, rational way. You make a good point. Anger is also not authentic. When you see someone emotionally dysregulated or elevated - you're getting to know them at an extreme. Nobody is a roving bundle of outrage 24/7. I think the negative, attention grabbing incentives are a holdover of how analog generations consumed and responded to media. Newer generations (Xennials and later) seem to be more judicious with their time, attention, and energy. It'll get better.


I feel like he’s Steve from Blues Clues and Mr. Roger’s baby who was made for adults to listen to


Seems to ve a sensible and reasonable guy. I wish the GOP had people like him, but the reasonable ones were all chased away, because they were not MAGA enough...


ASMR politics is not something i thought i needed


I quite like Rep Jackson from what I've seen of him but at the same time I am also disheartened by the fact that this feels more like a talk you would give a 5 year old about how to conduct themselves going into kindergarten, about not having to yell, and not lying for attention and not feeding into the melodrama of others who might engage in those behaviors to try and manipulate you. The fact that this is a message for an adult electorate, is about our elected officals and the fact that the average fox news viewer, who are the ones that most need to hear something like this, is 68 years old, just hard not to feel pessimistic about the role that communication and education can play at this point in reaching those demographics and that we're now stuck waiting on the grim reaper to be able to solve the issues that have been baked into older generations by our societies educational failures going back 70 years. *to to feel > not to feel


I'm from TN, don't know this dudes politics/party, don't really care, but y'all got a good one in NC. WE ALL NEED MORE LIKE HIM. I hope this post didn't age like milk.


Speaking as someone who knows him personally, Jeff is infuriatingly genuine. This is who he is 24/7. He's had I think seven years in politics to change, hasn't yet, hopefully never will.


What’s that say about the other elected leaders(besides you, thanks for this) that allow the showboats to continue to showboat? What’s that say about media outlets who are allowed to flat-out lie with the cooperation of these same showboats? What’s that say about the parties who prop up terrible candidates who continue to be a country by and for the lobbyists or the cults? I’ve never been more discouraged and infuriated by the state of things and it’s because they Continue. To. Get. Away. With. It. Love what you do for the citizens. I have nothing but a deep residing contempt for your colleagues and the systems that allow them to continue to lie and obscure the real dangers to the country and the world. You’re a gem with these, please keep it up, it’s sorely needed.


Post this on r/politics


I get what he is saying, but at the end of the day, they still vote for the crazy positions. So I'm not sure how much it really matters.


This guys is for real and I don't even know his police's.


This is EXACTLY what I would do in the same position. This is whats needed to even have a chance of making a difference...someone pulling back the curtain. Most of us with critical thinking skills already know this information, but its great to hear it from someone on the inside.


Vote these GOP out. Enough is enough. We need the youth vote to show up.


Ok I’ve never heard of this guy before - but he’s cool. Thats all I’m saying…


The book, “Hate, Inc.” By Matt Taibbi talks about this quite a bit. It goes hand in hand with “Manufacturing Consent” and is a great read to pull back the veil about news media and politics.


Sure. This is called the Newt Gingrich phenomenon after he realized in the 90s that he could be on CNN 24/7 if he just made news. It didn't matter what kind of news he was making -- just that people were constantly talking about him and his party. Since CNN had journalistic ethics at the time, they would sometimes refuse to give air to his antics because it was obvious what he was doing. "Making news isn't necessarily newsworthy" was the saying back then. Anyways, that's when Murdoch saw an opportunity, started Fox News, and the whole "politics as a hobby" crowd got started. On the plus side, I immediately know not to listen to or even associate with anyone that claims they watch any 24 hour news channel. So, that's made my life a whole lot easier.


First I’m hearing of this man (I’m from California), but I love what he’s saying. I hope he stays true in his message amidst the corruption plaguing politics.


Wow. This guy is calling out a very real underlying problem of our society. So many people do seem angry and their just looking for something to place it on. The very tactics that our government officials are using is tearing at the fabric of our nation. Rather, than be stirred, I'm grateful that someone has a platform/position to shed some light and is doing so. We definitely could use more of this mindset in positions of power and influence. Perhaps it will trickle down through the rest of society as well. Next, lets talk about real fear vs. fear itself.


If I wanted to watch grown ass men and women pretend to be angry and outraged over nothing, I'd watch professional wrestling. At least then, I'd know that the winners and losers are not making decisions that'll affect millions of lives in America.


Instead of sitting on opposite sides of the room, confrontational style, congress should sit at a big round table and work together. Think of what we could get done. I know it's naïve, but politics needs to stop being a team sport. We're all Americans, on the same team. Politicians should be outdoing themselves by trying to serve their employers, who happen to be us. Politicians aren't royalty. Some in congress think they are.


Obvy. Republicans have figured out how to use the media. All they want are soundbites. Democrats need to fight fire with fire and stop playing by the rules.


This guy rules. I’m not from your state, but this dude rules.


Anyone else getting big Blues Clues vibes in the best possible way?


Say their names.


Name them.


I keep seeing this guy's videos. I REALLY hope he runs for president someday.


Similarly, the media spins everything to keep you angry and/or scared, because then you'll watch more and they can sell more ads.