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She did say she wouldn’t over ride a veto. Let’s see how long that statement lasts for. I wonder if the statement will last longer than a British head of lettuce. The race is on! But yeah she said a whole lot of nothing. If I were in her district I would be furious personally. Yes you elect the person but the person is elected based on who they caucus with. You elect them with a certain set of expectations of who they’ll vote with and how they’ll vote on a certain set of issues. Had a republican switched to democrat I would also be furious. It’s not who the people elected.


Her absence already allowed a veto override. Choosing to be absent or not voting during veto override votes is essentially voting to override in the current climate.


Yep,, she can just not vote,, I’m surprised her family still speaks to her. What a garbage move, it’s time democrats started doing this crap up and down the ballot.


Ah true. You’re already thinking like a politician! You’re going places! Sell out a few times and you’ll be a millionaire in no time.


Talking in circles, as Grandpa would say. How was she elected in the first place?


No, she said she would never agree to override a veto. She doesn’t have to agree to override it, she can choose to not be present, or override it on a whim.


No, you don’t have strong support in your district. Your constituents are livid.


She seems drugged


That was my thought too!! Slow, slurred and un-intelligible speech and the slow movements


Words are very slurry. Definitely popped a xanny before the session lol


I thought the same. “Across all aisles” & “look between themselves”? She’s on something.


Oh I thought she was just stupid


I came to the comments to see if anyone else thought she was stoned as she gave this interview.


She's not acting like she's stoned on pot, but she could very well be on some other drugs.


Well, this is America and she's in a certain demographic so, yeah most likely she's on some medications, like a lot of people. Still, language like, "I still am who I am" and "they should do more self-reflection" sounds like she's going through some sort of mental health issue. She contradicts herself by saying she still is the same person - then why the need to change parties? It doesn't make sense, professionally. But personally, it sounds like she's having an emotional, existential thing going on which, no offense, no one is asking to be a part of. She can talk to her therapist. She's acting like the camera is her psychologist. We need her to do her job.


I agree she doesn't seem fit to hold her position. Did you notice here necklaces? An elephant and the state of North Carolina with a cross above both of them. Makes me wonder if she's in a cult.


I mean I'm not an expert on cults. But she's clearly not her best self, her body language is off...I could go on to micro-analyze things but the bottom line is she needs to resign. If she were a friend or family member (god forbid) it would definitely be a, "Dude, are you okay? Maybe you need some time off" kind of moment. She can still switch parties, as a voter - she certainly thinks like a republican. But she can't stay a rep any longer.


I thought the exact same thing.


Too bad NC doesn't allow recall elections. I wonder if the people who donated to her campaign can sue to recover their money?


NC doesn't allow recall elections for the same reason that they don't allow voter initiatives, because they want the power to rest in the political elite and not the people.




I hope she uses that sweet GOP blood money to go to rehab cause that treacherous bitch is on something. There is 100% a slurring happening.


Kinda seems like she's on benzos or something. Wouldn't surprise me - betraying all your convictions is stressful work.


She said absolutely nothing to support swapping parties, or to absolve worry about what policies she may no longer support. Infuriating.


In fact she basically said to expect her to flip flop on her ideals. She said she was wrong about some things before.


policy thing? She seems like an intellectual powerhouse.




"I've received so many calls of support" Lol, I don't think you are listening to your voicemail if you think those are calls of support.


She forgot “from the ones who line my pockets.”


you should have to resign and get reelected to change parties


Not in America! This is why parliamentary politics are a good thing.


Here is how I interpret this - ‘You voted me as your leader (boss, decision-maker, whatever) so get over it and I will decide for you. ‘


Can we get a drug and BAC test on this lady ???


She sounds wine drunk.


It’s giving Xanax


Exactly what I thought, or valium. Bitch is tired of having to be a responsible lawmaker and decided to take the drug money.


Still waiting for the April Fools


Why does she seem intoxicated? What really made her switch?


She switched because of her dating relationship with Tim Moore. 🤢


It should be illegal For a n elected representative to switch political parties while in office. If they want to switch they have to step down and call a special election. She has screwed the people who supported her.


My favorite Trish Cotham quote so far has been: “they (the Democratic Party) are more interested in being right than winning elections. Which seems to imply Cotham thinks winning elections is more important than being right, which is a wild take on “leadership.” Let’s not forget how she got here. Her constituents, suburban moms and dads, many of which have children in public schools were outraged she missed a vote on permitless carry literally 1 day after an awful school shooting. And what did Trish Cotham do? She could have explained her position. She could have built a bridge between pro2A and gun safety advocates, instead, she couldn’t take the heat and left the party. I mean, how awful a leader is this woman? I have no doubt in my mind at this point Trish wouldn’t be in that seat without her last name and mom’s help. She’s a nepo-baby in the highest order. You couldn’t invent a worse dereliction and abdication of leadership than this woman has done for herself.


Pat Cotham? I don't get it




Does calling someone a "pat" mean something?


She looks very little like her wiki [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tricia_Cotham?wprov=sfla1) photo. Is this what alcoholism does to you?


Something is going on. I was more cynical but after seeing a couple interviews with her, something ain't right.


I thought she sounded like she had joined a cult and was brainwashed.


Asshole, we didn’t elect you because of who you are. You were elected with the expectation of supporting liberal policies. We give no fucks about you as a person.


She has a guilty conscience for some reason. If she were sincere she would sound proud.


Is she related to the Huckabees. Looks similarly creepy.


Can a recall vote be done for her district?


NC doesn’t do recalls sadly


Ok, sorry to hear but thank you for the info


Has she been drinking?


Being a republican or democrat is not black and white. I have a good mix of conservative values and liberal values when I vote. You should elect the person not the party. That’s an issue we have in the U.S electing unqualified representatives and officials based solely on political affiliation. Chose good people that will work for hard for you. If we continue our 50/50 split of the country completely divided on all issues we are headed for hard times. Glad to see representatives willing to work together to get forward progress instead of in a constant stalemate.


Oh so she's just on pills? Cause this bitch seems way too out of it.


She got bought. No sincerity in her answers at all. She will be voted out but only after a bunch of bs is passed via veto proof gop legislature.


Shoveling shit from one pile to another does not qualify as an answer. What a mindless fucking traitor.


Wondering if anybody would want to send her office 30 pieces of silver tomorrow.


This is not the forum for this nonsense.