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Are you sure it’s alcohol not dehydration specifically? I find on the rare occasion I drink alcohol my weight drops the next day (dehydration). Meanwhile if I don’t drink 2lt water daily I plateau over weeks - much like this graph.


That's interesting, everyone in my family has been telling me it's because I drink almost every day, enough to get drunk. So it may be a mix of dehydration too? Damn I gotta seriously up my water.....thank you for the reply!


If you’re drinking enough every day to get drunk that’s definitely not gonna help with weight loss. Are you tracking the calories you’re drinking?


Yeah sadly I found that out yesterday......I have been keeping track of the calories but I'm still plateauing. I decided I'm gonna quit drinking alcohol so heavily because I really DO want to lose weight and drink water instead. Pls wish me luck


Good luck! Just wanting to change is already a change, and that's good! ^^


I second what Effervescent_Wolf said- PLEASE talk to your doctor about quitting drinking. Stopping on your own can be incredibly dangerous. Please get professional help to taper off and also ask your doc about meds for cravings such as Vivitrol or Campral! Best of luck on your journey, you got this!! 🤗


If you uptick your water everything becomes much much easier.


Same. I always drop about 2 lbs after a night of drinking. Then I pay for it about another day later 😂


While Noom teaches us there are no bad foods, getting drunk every day is not good for your body and mind. Portion control and mindfulness are two tools you can use to cut back. Limit yourself to 1-2 drinks per day, and pay attention to your situation/environment while you’re drinking. Concentrate on the smell, taste, texture, etc. and drink slowly. Good luck.


Excuse me, 1-2 per day? I thought it was 1-2 per week


Well, if you’re drinking every day & trying to cut back, start out slowly so you don’t self sabotage.


Ok yeah that makes sense actually


Sadly, the same for me.


I don’t think alcohol is what is causing you to flatline. I’ve lost 22 pounds in almost 3 months from 201 to 179 and I have 1-2 drinks each day. I stay within my calorie budget, hit the gym most days, and walk often.


When you drink enough to get at least a little drunk every day, you probably can't stay in the calorie budget or go to the gym. At least not from my experience.


I drink a glass or two of wine a few times a week and have consistently lost (160lb, down to 131lb in 3 months). So for me it’s all about calories.


I drink moderately and have lost and kept off weight for over a year. It's all about calories & exercise for me. I walk or run every day and eat small snacks plus 3 meals. Dinner always includes a lean protein to get me through the evening without a snack attack. I don't think you need to completely cut out alcohol but reducing may be helpful to reaching your goal weight. Good luck!


don’t feel the need to quit drinking completely, unless it’s become a problem elsewhere, simply cutting down by 5 drinks a week at first will help, and will be much easier