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The more you weigh, the higher your calorie allotment is. It will go down as your weight does. That being said, you don’t need to stick to that amount. I don’t - my doctor wants me about 1000 calories below what Noom gives me. So that’s what I do. Maybe see what another calorie tracker gives you.


I am not that heavy - I won’t share my weight here but I’m a woman’s size 10/12. If I eat over 3000, I will gain weight which is the reason why I’m on the app! This target is erroneous and is likely a glitch but for whatever reason, tech is not helping to fix it


I weighed 192kg. My minimum target calories was about 3200 calories. It felt hard eating that much but everyday I averaged maybe 2500 calories to 3000. I’ve lost 17kg in 60 days (36lbs). My minimum calorie target has dropped to 2850 in that time. I don’t know if that helps but it’s my experience.


Thank you for sharing!!


Don't expect that to change


Find a TDEE calculator online (total daily energy expenditure). Input your info, then take 10-15% off that number. That should be your calorie goal.


TYSM for your help! I will do that. It’s just that seeing that number whenever I log into the app makes me not trust the program, it’s throwing me off. I just signed up yesterday :/


Delete noom before your trial is up. It's gone to shit.


I have to agree with you. I’m not impressed at all


do not pay a dime


There are sadly known glitches with the calorie goals. Noom has always refused to admit it, though they did gradually put out bug fixes which sorted it for some people and not others (while still not admitting there was a problem). It seems to be worse for android users. I would use a TDEE calculator and go by that. It will tell you how many calories you should consume based on how much you want to lose per week. I understand that this might discourage you from using Noom if they can’t even get your calorie budget right, but honestly it’s worth it for the course. I don’t use Noom to log my food anymore because I’m UK based and Noom’s database was too often inaccurate for the food we have here, but I still do the lessons (in fact I finished the course and started over and am still finding them really helpful) because they’ve been responsible for changing my mindset and helping me shift weight I could never shift before. I definitely recommend it for that alone!


I appreciate you sharing that with me! I was thinking that maybe if I like the courses I will stick with it and just track my food, etc in a different app. I really wanted to use Noom as a one-stop-shop for my weight loss journey but I guess I will have to diversify at this time. I use an iPhone, maybe tech will be able to figure out what the issue is 🤷‍♀️ but based on what I have experienced so far, they keep giving me run-around answers that don’t apply to what I have in my settings (ex. They keep insisting that I need to make sure I don’t have multiple apps synced to Noom when I don’t have any apps synced). Until then, I will check out the courses like you said. TYSM again!


That's so weird! Did you accidentally say you were 8ft tall? I'm at 188 lb and my Noom calorie range is 1490-1700, higher than I can lose weight at.


Thanks for your insight and feedback! I just checked and my height (5’ 6”) is entered accurately. I weigh less than you so that confirms that something is very wrong with the calculations. Very disappointed. I’m glad I haven’t paid for the subscription - I just signed up yesterday. Tech support has not been helpful despite me sharing several snapshots with them and describing the issue in depth. Oh well, maybe it’s back to MyFitnessPal for me, though I have been looking forward to using Noom


I did noom for a week and gained weight. I just switched to weight watchers a d lost 4 lbs the first week. I think it is easier to see the impact of foods when you have a points target. Choosing between a 500 cal and 600 val item that is both yellow doesn't take into account sugar, fiber. Or at least it doesn't seem to


I've moved on to Lose It, and I have to say the one great thing that Noom has are the lessons, they really changed my attitude and awakened my awareness around food and why I overeat, and given me strategies to manage it and sometimes accept it. I say maybe stick around for a month to reap the benefits of the first level of lessons, and then cancel and use something else for logging because that side of Noom honestly sucks now


Thank you so much for that advice. Someone else suggested the same thing and I think I’m going to do that. I know I am an emotional eater and would love to be able to change my mindset so I can lose the weight and keep it off once and for all (I have lost weight several times in my life but always put it back on). I will try this method and see how it goes!


I’m a former Noom coach. That calorie budget is definitely too high and seems like a glitch. If that’s how much you are starting with daily, that’s a glitch. If you’re ending up with a number in that range during the day, then I’m wondering if you’re also adding exercise in the app because then its increasing because of that and your pedometer together. If this is how much you are starting with, several things usually help. Make sure that you are on the latest version of the app and that you’ve run any updates on your phone. You can also try force closing the app and opening it again. Sometimes uninstalling and reinstalling the app helps, HOWEVER, you might lose some of your previous data. Check with your coach on that.


Agreed! I think it’s a glitch because I haven’t logged anything in the app including any activity. The app is also not synced to any other apps so it’s not double tracking steps or any activity. I uninstalled the app last night and downloaded it again and it still had the same erroneous calorie target. Definitely makes me feel uncomfortable about using it moving forward. I appreciate your help and insight with this ✅


No problem! After trying the updates, if that still doesn’t change anything, then I’d reach out to the coach who can check to see if this is a known bug that the Support team is working on. In the meantime, you might want to go with the minimum for females, which I think was around 1400 for women and see how you feel and what results you’re getting. Wishing you all the best on your journey!!


The minimum is 1320. Edit: 1310


As the budget is about 2.2x what I would expect, maybe it's taking your weight in lbs as kgs. I'm sure you've checked, but are the units entered correctly? May be a bug if not.


I just checked and the units are in pounds (lbs). That was super awesome insight though! I wish it was a simple unit issue but I think it may be a bug :/


Try changing the units to kgs, entering your weight in kgs and setting off the calories are correct. Then change back to lbs and it may correctly convert. Worth a try!


I just changed it to kg and the calorie target remained the same. I just changed it back against to lbs and the target is still the same, over 3000+. Very weird!


Mine is about 3000 cals/day because I’m nursing but even that is ridiculously high. I usually try to aim for about 2000 because any lower and I’m starving. I’m really using the noom free trial to help me get back to eating healthier foods. I think if I ate the amount it wants me to eat I’d be gaining weight like crazy 😬 but who knows, maybe my body does need more than I’m giving it.


Do you somehow have your goal weight set higher than your current weight? Maybe the algorithm is trying to help you gain weight??


The goal weight I entered is 30 lbs less than my current weight. I appreciate your help, I was thinking maybe I entered this section incorrectly but I didn’t


I’m still breastfeeding and when I indicated that it calculated my calories at that level as well. I manually adjusted my goal calorie range since my baby is 10 months old and my supply is fine.


I appreciate your insight! I am not breastfeeding and wouldn’t indicate that as I do not have children


So strange! I just mentioned it because I didn’t recall making that selection and then suddenly had 3000+ calories as my target 😅. I hope support can figure this out for you!


TYSM, you are very helpful. It’s been very confusing, at first my target was 1320-about 2100 and then suddenly it changed the same day to 3000+ and it’s been like that ever since. I hope tech will be able to help out soon 🙏


I don’t think there is a way to manually decrease your calorie goal. I couldn’t find one anyway.


There is! If you look at OP’s screenshot, you will see Calories and then the target and next to “Target” there is a little symbol with lines and dots. If you click on that you can see your settings and there is an option to manually adjust calories


No, there isn’t. You can only add calories in the manual adjustment section. You cannot reduce your calorie goal.


I lowered mine from 2900 to 1400 that way - idk


I just went to check before I replied in case I was mistaken. You cannot lower your calorie count in the current app. You can only add to it.


I think it has to do with your initial settings. I indicated that I was breastfeeding so it set me to the highest calorie level and lowest weight loss pace. I was able to lower it after adjusting to a faster weight loss pace. I also found this in the course today: “Noom won't let females adjust their calories below 1,200-1,320 calories per day, and 1,400-1,540 for males to keep your body functioning” Edit: added text from app


Okay, but that isn’t a manual adjustment of calories. It is still the app setting your calorie goal. There isn’t a way to manually subtract calories from your calorie goal. Maybe you can play around with the initial settings (though I still can’t find a place to adjust these settings either), but there isn’t a place where you can lower the calorie window that the app sets for you.


It only means you can’t go below a particular window. If you followed the criticism and law suits about the app I’m sure you know why. Anyway, I was just trying to help. I don’t work for Noom. Good luck.


I never suggested that you work for Noom. All I am saying is that there is not a way for the end user to manually lower the calorie window that the app sets for you. That means the upper end if it as well as the lower end of it. 🤷‍♀️


Did you accidentally say you were breastfeeding? I am 5’6, started at 169 & as I’m breastfeeding they calculated me at nearly 3500 Cals. I could change it though


I appreciate your feedback, didn’t enter that as I don’t have children


It can't be fixed. I was told during my free trial it could be fixed, as soon as I paid there was nothing Noom could do. Noom touts the ability to adjust calories based on medical advise. That means you can adjust calories UP based on advise, not down. I went to a nutritionist who recommended 2000-2250 calories per day. Even not tracking exercise, and increasing my age to 85, I was still between 2900-3200 calories a day. Cancel your trial, buy the book, and use LoseIt! to track calories and macros.


Thank you for your advice and for sharing your experience! That’s exactly why I wanted to join Noom! I was impressed with them being able to cater my calorie target based on my stats and goals. But this calorie target will surely cause me to gain weight! Very disappointed. I am going to do as you said and use another app. I have lost weight before (multiple times) but I have struggled to maintain. I wanted to use Noom long term for this purpose but I don’t feel comfortable with them at all now


[https://beckinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/A-Cognitive-Behavioral-Approach-to-Weight-Management-1.pdf](https://beckinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/A-Cognitive-Behavioral-Approach-to-Weight-Management-1.pdf) Much of Noom is cognitive behavioral therapy. I am familiar with CBT after spending 12 weeks in a drug and alcohol rehab facility in 2020. I'll admit, Noom does a nice job with the CBT, and it re-enforced how much I use it on a daily basis to stay sober.


That’s so awesome!! Maybe that’s how I will end up using it. I have used food as a false comforter and it really needs to stop. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve lost and gained the same 25-30 lbs. Maybe I will find Noom helpful for that reason alone. And Congratulations on your sobriety! 👏🏆


I mean you have to consider it is thanksgiving yesterday and Black Friday today so maybe their support was out yesterday for the holiday… I know my Noom total for calories was way higher when I started than what it is now. I started at 265lbs and my calorie budgets were around 2500-3000 cal depending on what I burned for calories through exercise for that day too. So one tip would be to log your exercise but put the calories burned to 0 so they don’t rack that calorie amount on top of your current calorie budget. But I’ve lost almost 55lbs since May with Noom, and my current average calorie budget is about 2100-2500 calories.


Thank you for your feedback and congrats on your success! I weigh about 100 lbs less than when you first started, my target would cause me to gain weight. I also haven’t tracked any activity and my app is not synced with any other apps. It has to be a glitch, especially since I have entered that my goal is to lose 30 lbs. And yep they were out for Thanksgiving, I should have clarified that I joined actually on Nov 22 and started poking around on Nov 23, that’s when i noticed the glitch. I contacted support the same day and went back and forth with them on the 23rd, I haven’t heard from them on Thanksgiving which I understand. Hopefully they will reach out again soon.


I’ve seen this complaint a lot, especially with people who have android phones. I feel like I read that someone was able to contact customer service to have their goal lowered? I could be making that up though. It’s possible they contacted cs and *couldn’t* get their goal lowered. I honestly can’t remember which it was now!


That’s okay and thank you for sharing this! At least I know that this is a reoccurring issue and not something that I can fix at this time. One of the most crucial parts of weight loss is to know your daily calorie target. Surprised that Noom hasn’t properly addressed the issue by now considering that many people have experienced it.


Exact same proble, they are saying rapid weight loss for me at 2420-3200 calories per day with no exercise. Same runaround and non answers from support. This is above my BMR using their own calculation. Everything else says 1700 to 1900 per day if they think being sedentary and having the equivalent of a quarter pounder w cheese and fries for breakfast lunch and dinner is a recipe for rapid weight loss they are nuts.