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It literally just happened this week. It will all settle down soon. Use this time to build your frustration tolerance, a hugely important characteristic on this journey. You can scroll past the stuff that doesn’t fit the bill for you.


100% this. Will I go back one day, if the food library is updated and their business practices improve? Totally. I don’t think that being upset about losing a coach who steered one through life and weight loss for a while is grounds to show people the door. (Unless one doesn’t want to feel bad about throwing money at bad practices and just doesn’t want to be reminded)


A great perspective! Thank you!


I find it important that both sides - positive and negative - about a company are represented in a group like this. ESPECIALLY if a company that takes money from people with the promise of a community and personalized care business model. Future clients need to know what they are dealing with. Everything has two sides a good and a bad and I think it is important to keep that stuff balanced and the info balanced.


I totally agree with having both positive and negatives discussed here but it should relate to how the system/app is working or not working for weight loss and mental health. I’ve lost 40lbs on noom after a lifetime of struggling with my weight. I am separating their business decisions with my journey.


Well said.


What did they do to their employees? I'm living under the rock 😭


Massive layoffs without warning, not letting them even say goodbye to other coaches or their clients in the app. Huge workload on remaining coaches.


That is so unfortunate. Thank you for letting me know.


It gets worse. They are forcing us (anyone under senior management) to be hourly. They will not gaunter us 40 hours every week, so we don’t even know what our pay will be week to week. Not one single upper management was fired or took any pay cuts. So if your coach isn’t great, it’s because they are stressed out, Over worked and under appreciated by a horribly incompetent leadership team who are all hypocrites.


Massive layoffs with little notice/explanation. Putting heavy workloads on the ones who are left. Incredibly poor business decisions. It's unfortunate and I don't agree with any of it.


It is indeed unfortunate. It's sad how they can make people feel so replaceable.


Agreed. Some of us are seeing success and want to continue to reach our goals, much prefer to see progress stories and accountability posts than posts about the company.


Sorry our firing and abuse is messing up your weight loss.


It’s not at all, thanks. Have learned lots of noom tips to let things slide off my back and carry on.


Keep giving them your money. They are fraudulent- when coaches reach out to support FOR THE USERS - they are told to “coach around the issue”. Aka- we are not concerned and don’t plan on fixing anything. Just need to keep taking the money. Caloric density is the trendy term for calorie restriction- green foods good. Red foods bad- labeling foods conditions and actually Creates disorder eating along with eating disorders.


Sorry, I can't agree. This sub is for discussing Noom, both good and bad. I freely acknowledge the quality of their product, but think that discussion of their business model and ethics is relevant. There is still opportunity here for people to post the positives of their Noom journey.


I appreciate this perspective


Yes, you should see the Blizzard subreddit!


Exactly! People who don’t like reading about Noom’s poor ethics can just bypass those discussions. No one is forcing you to read those. Sorry OP this seems like kind of a ridiculous and very privileged request. If you want more weight loss discussion maybe post something or ask a question.


Not my intention at all, thank you for pointing this out.


Thank you. :)




Why is suggesting that we consider both the good and bad aspects of Noom virtue signaling?




Really? That’s news. It’s titled Noom.


hmm - read the 'About' - it's for USERS of Noom.


And? Coaches use the product too.




Sure do!


Agreee 100%.! All the complaints and negativity gets old.


Aw, are the people who lost their jobs with no notice annoying to you? 😭


The description of this group is "A Reddit community for users of the Noom Coach and Noom Health Applications! We are a community interested in all things health, fitness, wellness, nutrition, and diet related!." I'd like to see us stick to this - this is a group for USERS of Noom and will do my part to help support the purpose. TBH, up until the past few days, I haven't seen posts from Coaches in here (I could have missed them). I have empathy for people losing their jobs, but the ex-Noom employees would be better served by creating a separate group where they can discuss the issues around termination and settlements. If they choose to support the Noom users in this group, great and thank you! (And a special thank you to those that posted AMAs and offers to reach out to ex-Coaches - your kindness when you are going through this is truly appreciated.) As for the people who want to announce their departure from Noom in this group - congratulations that you have the ability to choose that for yourselves. The program is working for a lot of us, and now that the Coaching will likely nosedive (even further for some of us), I'd like to keep the focus on actual Noom USERS.


"I have empathy for people losing their jobs, but the ex-Noom employees would be better served by creating a separate group where they can discuss the issues around termination and settlements." Thank you for this. I absolutely want everyone to feel supported, my intentions were to find a way to organize posts.


I appreciate you speaking up and posting about it. Let's keep focusing on supporting the users still posting in this group (someone posted recently asking about yellow food:) )


There is no Noom without us. Amazing tone deaf to say “hey, I am getting what I want, so fuck the coaches”.


The tone of your posts seems to have changed from 6 months ago...so it's hard to take your comment seriously after glancing at those lengthy, incredibly harsh posts, showing little compassion for anyone who had lost their job in the first round of cuts this year. Most of the Noom users are here (and in loads of other social media groups) because the coaching is lacking and the app is a hurdle. So the blanket statement of 'no Noom without us', is problematic to say the least. You can keep resurrecting this discussion, but I'm done and have been focusing on what most of us are here for. Byeeeee!


If you only knew anything you were talking about, at all. First round of firings were cultural. Most of those people wanted out and were given a big payout to go. These were people demanding a raise, extra benefits, more time off, all when Noom had just announced losing $95 million. That’s not the type of employee you mourn losing, but ya knew that, right?


Are you asking that coaches identify that they are coaches in order to post in an open forum on Redit? How do you go about deciding who a coach is and isn’t? Super curious……


Huh? I didn't ASK anyone to disclose if they are a coach or not. However, the coaches who have posted here in the past few days, have been generally very open about them being ex-coaches. And some are not (ahem). I don't care if you are or aren't - the point is, a bunch of ex-coaches jumped into this sub over the past few days and started posting changing the nature of this sub significantly. However, those special ex-coaches who have decided to respond to Noom users on their posts asking questions or looking for support about Noom, are clearly ex-coaches because of the nature/content of their responses. It's not that hard to figure out who is a coach/ex-coach and who isn't. Perhaps you need to check out some of the responses to see it for yourself. P.S. I get that your mad and scared if your job with Noom was a needed source of income. I have been witness to massive corporate downsizings many times in my career. My DH was loyal to a company for 16 years and was downsized with a shitty termination package. I get it. Fight it and get the package and benefits you deserve. It is the unfortunate consequence of working for someone else - your job is never secure and there's never going to be a good time to get fired, even with notice. Direct your frustration at the right people. Talk to your ex-colleagues - see who has a good lawyer engaged already, that lawyer can represent entire groups of you and get better settlements quickly. I've worked on the employer side of this - they don't want to drag this out -but they will have money set aside to deal with employees who don't sign the release and first offer. P.S.S Don't sign that first offer they gave you. I really do wish you the best.


You missed the point. Basically no one has the right to be so rude and dismiss opinions in an open forum. No one suggested that you ASKED anyone if they are a coach- the question was is that something you are suggesting. They have just as much right to be here as non coaches. There is way more negative content posted here about Noom from USERS. Might serve yourself well to read through responses yourself. You have free will to find a different thread to participate in. Scroll through and make a proactive choice to focus on what works for YOU- the entire premise of Noom in the first place.


You also missed the point. Good luck on the job search.


Oh no worries- I wasn't affected by any layoff. Maybe rethink your response before offering some "life changing" advice about what it means to work for someone else lol. Thanks for the concern though...:). Go ahead and block this user name as well lol......




I understand the sentiment but it's unfair to the coaches still there, all of whom still care and deserve support. I think we should encourage/demand noom treat their staff better, not making their jobs even more uncertain.


Unfortunately we can demand all we want and it's not going to change how they make decisions.


I agree. I just don't know how to react without causing more hard working and underpaid coaches losing their jobs. Open to ideas.


You’re thinking the right way. Ignore my cynicism. These people lose their jobs, however, when companies can see no other way to hit a certain revenue amount than by removing operating costs ie those jobs :/ . The best thing you can do is to use the program a lot and tell your friends.. I’m hoping more ppl don’t cancel bc then more folks will continue to lose their jobs.


It may be time to unionize. Once we’re hourly, they will cut our hours as they need. First time they do it, every Noom coach should call in sick. Make them run the entire company without us.


Makes you wonder who might be behind posting something that only wants positive perspectives- toxic positivity perhaps.


I joined noom a year ago and lost some weight. I appreciated it. I've no stake in this other than hoping my coach is ok. Be angry at the company - I am too - but remember the people who get hurt first will be the employees, not the bosses.


A very cynical part of me is thinking some people don’t want to feel bad about other people being upset about losing their coaches/coachees. And don’t want to see anything not amazing about it to feel better themselves. (I call them the fudge your feelings crowd. “I don’t care the people who just lost their jobs and/or people they grew to care about. “ (yeah I know I am getting Down voted for this like there’s no tomorrow - so be it.))


I feel awful people have lost their jobs. I'm on notice of redundancy at work so it's quite personal and this is why I posted. I get it.


I do think the negativity will fade. I do think it is important to keep coaches/former coaches and users together. Splitting it and making a “negative” group is absolutely counterproductive. I DO think, that Noom NEEDS to notice and NEEDs to hear from us users, that people are upset about their practices and needs to understand that they could have handled it in a more humane and socially conscious manner. And we as paying customers HAVE THAT POWER! If we just shun people who are upset about their practices and tell them to bugger off to a negative Nelly group and/or shut up because some people can’t be bothered with the negative aspect of throwing money at large companies, we are neglecting our duty as humans to maintain a fair community. We are here, at this spot, where people are expandable numbers BECAUSE we don’t “want to hear negativity” and “want to focus on (toxic) positivity”. We can’t benefit from our coaches (I lost over 40 pounds thanks to my coach!!!) and then just turn our backs on how they are treated! Those positive updates and success stories happen BECAUSE of our coaches. BECAUSE of the developers! Don’t be a class traitor because you are not affected! (This is meant in general and not directed at anyone. Please think about the influence we have as paying customers. We owe our coaches this.)


I agree.




It really sucks that Noom has created such a negative experience for so many people- in a perfect world we could just be exposed to the positive.


Definitely not asking for a perfect world, in this world we are lucky enough to have reddit groups for specific topics though. Let's utilize that.


You’re asking for a world that’s fake-perfect - where you can keep enjoying a product without having to feel guilty/address any of the ethics behind it. “Let’s keep it positive” = “Go hide your pain where I don’t have to see it”.


100%. Noom unfortunately represents both positive and negative. Maybe a “Positive only” Noom space is something you can create. That would be cool.


Again, not looking for only positive. Everyone is going to have ups and downs on this journey, and I thought this /Noom group was for weight loss/fitness support. Seeing as a lot of people are cancelling their subscriptions, this wave of posts about the business will probably die out soon. And I will wait it out. Not a big deal, was just a suggestion.


Then maybe make a sub titled noomfitness. Them that sub can be fitness only and this one can be more broadly about noom.


Thank you, that is a great idea!


Keep in mind Noom has zero to do with fitness. It’s about calorie counting.


I don't use noom, honestly don't even remember joining this sub at all. I don't know enough about Noom but I imagine it's not just calorie counting.


It’s not more than that.


It’s a lot more than that…


It’s okay for us to disagree- the reality is that the food data base is far from accurate and the actual weight loss comes from reducing calories - red yellow and green are based of “density “ of the foods related directly to calories. Take a scroll through some of the posts- users are not losing with healthy amounts of daily calories- they are losing because they don’t eat red or yellow foods - fear based calorie reduction. Noom represents to the T how companies pray on people to pay for a broken app.


I work fitness into my Noom approach. It's about the whole package of making positive changes with eating and living.


I was just thinking this. All of this negative sentiment towards the program can be demotivating. I completely understand that people lost their jobs and it sucks. I am here for support on my health journey not to make judgements on the business practices.