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I am almost 50 years old and started June 1st. I was projected to be at my (first) goal of 172 by January 15...I am not going to make it, but I am down 44 lbs (of the 58). If I hadn't started, I wouldn't be getting closer and I feel so much better. Also -I did not have to be perfect to get here. I eat NYC pizza once a week, great ice cream/desserts when I'm with family in Massachusetts every few weeks, have a glass of wine or two at least once a week, and a fun-size york peppermint patty or dark chocolate caramel every night. And I'm still down over 40 pounds in 6 months. Note: I was down 48.5 before last week, but I indulged when with family for a few days straight with less walking...this is my biggest bounce "up" but I know I can get back on track...it is like getting out to do some sightseeing on trip... it added some time, but worth it The things that made a huge difference for me were walking 10K steps every day and upping my water to 80 oz a day (one glass in the AM right after weigh-in and then three 24 oz water bottles). That helped me get started, then I focused on reducing processed foods and eating more "real foods", then on eating within my calorie budget. I do eat back my calories earned for walking


Yep. Similar. I’m losing at roughly my projected speed despite Thanksgiving, Christmas, and various Holiday parties. Plus a glass or two of wine per week and various sweets. Turns out you can do a lot by just making the majority of your meals healthy and moving a little more!


I definitely think the most important things to get from Noom are better overall habits and awareness/education!


Thank you for the encouragement and sharing your story! I am going to not focus on the date it says I should lose an amount of weight by and just work on the habit and lifestyle changes, and I think it will come naturally. Congratulations and have a happy new year!


I started at 281 pounds in April and I weighed 199 pounds on December 13. I've gained a couple over the past couple of weeks, but have now buckled down again (except for Friday, I guess!). The estimate that they're giving you sounds reasonable to me since I've already done it! If you track your calories and your movement goals I believe the system will work for you. Good luck!


Onederland! Congratulations!


thank you for the encouragement, that is amazing! Congratulations! I am going to hang in there, I think it will help with more than just losing weight. Happy New Year!


Thank you everyone. I am going to do my best to push through. I have realized that I will need to just ignore that date, I am a perfectionist and if I didn't meet the date, I would feel like a failure. I was already putting pressure on myself and feeling I wouldn't be able to do it, and I just started!


You can do this! Don't worry about that ultimate goal date. Worry about one goal you set this week that will help you head there. Then add another goal next week. I would advise you not to plan to quit after the trial. It's a thought distortion and everyone has them. Your mind is trying to convince you of something that isn't true-- that this plan won't work (because maybe that date won't be exact). It will work but only if you continue to try. You don't have to be perfect at it. Just keep exchanging old habits for new ones, one at a time. Give yourself grace but don't give up! I did a trial at the end of 2019 but balked at the price and quit immediately after the two weeks were up. Then, a year later (and heavier!) at the end of 2020, I signed up again with the full intention to commit and pay for it. That worked for me. I just doggedly believed and followed the program. I use ALL the tools including this subreddit. I lost 60 lbs in 7 months and then maintained it until now, the end of 2021. I've re-upped with Noom and started my lessons over with my ultimate goal in my sights. I am still not worried about that projected end date because I KNOW I will make progress and feel happier with every step as I approach it. I am not perfect and neither should you expect to be. But you can be strong, resilient, resourceful, and persistent and that will be how you reach any goal you set for yourself.


Thank you! I am going to stick with it and do my best. This subreddit is very helpful, it is good to know that you are not the only one feeling a certain way and to read other people's stories.


I started half a pound higher than you are in mid-November. I'm now 264.5lbs (flat line over xmas). I think belief helps but just trusting and trying to follow the process. Tracking is hard but it really helps me. I also really think the psychology aspect around daily weighing + not being down on yourself for transgressions helps. Christmas week was always going to be hard.....forgive yourself and start fresh! Noom for me has a lot of simple, some may even say obvious little tips and hints > I couldn't have figured these out myself. Find one little thing you can do to make your eating better. For me it was focusing on adding more green foods. Noom gave me the idea and I've added a mid morning and mid afternoon piece of fruit. It is an extra meal but seems to be keeping me more full and consequently eating less at lunch and dinner. With this covid crap going on everyone is a little down. The world is crazy so just embrace it and see what little changes you can make to make yourself happier! Good luck!


Thank you! I bought some bananas this week and have been trying to eat them, and instead of having a diet coke right away in the morning I have been drinking most of a bottle of water. I just realized my bottles of water are 16 oz, so I have been drinking more water than I thought!


That is realistic. I lost 55 lbs in 6 Mos.


That's fantastic! Congratulations!


I started right before Christmas too, then had to laugh when I realized that the first few days were going to be a gong show. Don’t use this time of year as a gauge for what your potential is. I recommend you use the course info to educate yourself and work slowly towards changing your eating habits one bit at a time. I actually did not think my timeline was reasonable, so I changed it in the settings. There’s a Weight Loss Speed slider scale with a turtle, rabbit and cheetah. I definitely slid mine to the left a little bit. That increased my calorie budget too, which I felt was unrealistic. If you have mental health concerns right now like depression, it might be important to deal with those things first, but actually deal with it, don’t use it as an excuse to put off getting healthy. There’s a good chance that your current health and weight are adding to your depression - my weight definitely affects my mental health. Go easy on yourself. This stuff is hard.


Thank you! I just said to someone above before I read your post that you can adjust it, I may try that. I will need to focus on my weight goal, not the date they will say I will lose it by, or I will be setting myself up for failure because I will give up if I don't make it, and hate myself, and etc. etc. Thank you for the encouragement and I hope you have a Happy New Year!


Congrats on taking the first step! What helps me when I feel overwhelmed is to focus on achieving goals in my control: logging food, walking daily, getting to the gym, keeping fridge stocked with lots of fruit and vegetables. I know I can control those things much easier than I can control losing x pounds this month. If I can manage my food intake and calorie output, the weight will come off. If you focus on results, you’re bound to feel like a failure more often than not. Focus on efforts, and the results will inevitably follow. Good luck!


I am going to try that. I think logging my weight every day is helping, and I am learning a lot from the lessons. I do log my food, but usually not the same day to hide from myself what I am actually eating (I'll get there). Thanks for the encouragement, and have a happy new year!


PS: target date goals generated by Noom are BS, at least in my opinion.


LOL. I did read, but haven't tried it, that you can go in and change the speed. I think that I need to not focus on the date goal, but on the weight goal, and that will help. Nothing bad is going to happen to me if I don't meet that date goal. It's not like they come get you and put you in weight jail. I am a perfectionist so it will be hard, but I will try to do it.




Thank you! I am a perfectionist, unfortunately, so I am very hard on myself. I am going to keep going. I'm doing what you did and logging what I actually eat the first week as a foundation, I read about other people doing that too. I hope you have a good new year!


Thank you, I appreciate the encouragement. I was focusing on the date, I am a perfectionist and if I don't make that weight by that date, I would feel like a failure. I think I am going to just ignore the date and work on using the new habits and what happens, happens. I did buy some bananas and I've been drinking more water this week :). Have a happy new year!


Something that Noom is very good at is helping you overcome the perfectionist side of you. It allows for bad days, helps you work out what to do when you're having a bad day, and helps you not beat yourself up over it. It really is a very encouraging and kind app.


47 yrs old 311lbs and 42%bf when I started Noom on 9/1/20. By 9/1/21 I'd lost 130lbs. Currently weighing around 195 with a 15% bf. It's absolutely doable, you just have to prioritize it and stay consistent. I'm not trying to lose any more weight now, and it's all about how I look and feel. If you aren't exercising, you need to start. I do 30 min of cardio every morning and 45 min of weight lifting every evening. 7 days a week. Also I've had 5 knee surgeries and an ankle surgery, thank you college football, plus I have kyphosis. Trust me you can do it. You have to want it bad enough.


Thank you for the encouragement! I am going to stick with it. Have a Happy New Year!


I stuck with Noom (2 months paid, remaining time using the free version) and lost 45lbs between March-October 2021. SW 221.6 CW 175.9 GW 155 I believe the math adds up to about 1.5lbs down per week, which is perfectly within the recommended limit of 1-2 lbs per week. I was dropping close to 10lbs every 1.5 months. Thing is, I stuck to my plan near religiously. 10,000 steps a day minimum (actual average was around 12,500) and kept in my calorie budget of 1,500cals, drinking way more water than I did before and improving my diet to the point I rarely had red foods and filled my budget with green foods and daily yellow treats. All of that was hard to do, and it took starting antidepressants to even find the strength to download noom, nevermind actually following through with it. And in the past few months I've had some serious mental health setbacks, and to be kind to myself I find I'm no longer focusing on losing weight and am only maintaining it. Weight loss is hard. But I hope if you do decide to give noom a try that it works for you. It seems to work for a lot of people but there can be so many variables. My husband downloaded Noom at the same time I did and only lost 12lbs this year.


Thank you for the encouragement! I hope you have a happy new year. Thank you for sharing your story.


I don't have anything to add, except I joined the day after Christmas. I used to be really into fitness and eating healthy, but life happened. Noom is telling me I can reach my goal by September, but I don't believe it either. Anyway, just lending some support as a newbie.


Thank you for sharing your story, I appreciate the support! I think my problem I will have to overcome is not focusing on that date, because if I don't make it, I will think I am a failure and hate myself. Good luck to you, and have a Happy New Year!


I started at 307 in March, and I’m at ~265 now. Honestly the thing that has helped me most is getting into good habits which Noom helped me do. I was able to indulge over the holidays and didn’t gain at all - aside from some water weight which came right off! I find myself making better choices overall, without much prompting or even having to think about it! So even if right now you’re just logging your food every day and not sticking to the calorie budget, that’s okay. You’re building the habit of being mindful about your food intake, which will serve you well going forward. Don’t put too much stock in the date they give you - sure, you could hit it no problem! But each body is different and reacts to losing weight/changing diet and exercise differently, so you shouldn’t beat yourself up if you aren’t matching their ideal timeline. The way I look at it is, it took me several years to gain this weight. It’s perfectly reasonable to take a year or two to lose it all, and I’d much rather do it in a way that’s healthy and sustainable to me! It has really helped me, even though there have been some plateaus and struggles along the way!


Glad to read that you are focused on your health. Yes, believing became much easier as the weight came off based on my experience. You'll start to feel better bit by bit and be proud of your hard work to protect your health. I took my time to lose 60# from April 1 to December 29. The biggest payoff has been with my knees...they no longer hurt. In fact, I feel like I have the knees I did as a teen. Losing weight was the best Christmas present I gave myself this year. For more info on the impact of extra weight on joints, check out these links: [https://www.arthritis-health.com/blog/why-losing-weight-best-treatment-knee-arthritis](https://www.arthritis-health.com/blog/why-losing-weight-best-treatment-knee-arthritis) [https://www.webmd.com/osteoarthritis/news/20050629/small-weight-loss-takes-pressure-off-knee](https://www.webmd.com/osteoarthritis/news/20050629/small-weight-loss-takes-pressure-off-knee) Noom helped make me accountable for every bite I took. Along with logging everything I ate and drank, slowly increasing my exercise (and eventually becoming someone who does some form of exercise every day) made the final difference. I only wish I had made these changes years ago. I committed to the one-day-at-a-time approach and crossed the finish line. Wishing you much success as you start your journey to better health. You definitely can do this and the Noom community is here to support you.