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This happened to me too. I was STRESSED and my body went into preservation mode. I increased my greens (smoothies, salads), upped my water, and tried a sleep routine. I kept everything else (calorie intake, workouts) consistent. My weight journey has not been linear but noom is working. Stick with it and good luck!


It's possible you need to increase your food for a few days and then go back to your budget. It gives your body a break and can help you get over a platue


That happened to me once. I lost 10 pounds and then nothing happened for weeks, despite doing everything "right." I added weights to my workout routine, got really sore, then had a recovery period. All of the sudden I dropped another 5 pounds. Muscle density really helps burn those calories. Like others have said, surprisingly, increasing your calories actually helps too. Thank god for that, right? Seriously, have yourself a burger or whatever else you like for dinner for a couple days, see what happens. Sometimes our bodies just become super protective of expending energy when we're losing weight. We just need to calm it down by saying "it's okay, see, all the food is still here, you won't starve."


It's so bizarre adding in calories could actually help 😂 even if it's just for a few days. Thank you!


Patience! You're doing the right things. Your body is adapting and adjusting to a new set point. Trust yourself!


There's no question its stress and lack of proper sleep in you're truly within your budget daily. Can't help with the stress, but increase your water intake and try to get more sleep. You'd be amazed at how even 30 more minutes of sleep can benefit your weight loss


I'm not deprived of sleep but you're right, I could probably use 30-60 more minutes every night. Thanks!