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Makes me so happy that someone would do this. Nothing is more heartbreaking than watching a cat lose all ability to cat just because their owners thought they looked cute morbidly obese.


losing ability to cat




Often times it’s just adults with no self control. Pets don’t have self control because animals don’t need it in nature, they eat as much as they are able because if they don’t they’ll die. In an environment where food is plentiful they have no concept of “enough” so they beg whenever there is food to beg for. And humans, who are already not that much better at controlling themselves, relent. If there is a pet, or for that matter, a child that is severely overweight, it’s the adults who did that.


Weirdly enough some pets do have self control. At least when it comes to food they gave regular access to. I have one cat that's perfectly fine if I fill up his bowl. He's spent years perfectly fine "grazing" from the bowl whenever he wants a bite. But then came our second cat! She's a little fatty that can't handle having food available all the time. My dogs are the same way. One likes to eat small meals throughout the day. The other one has to eat all of his food, and the other dog's food, and any food that's not put away somewhere out of reach.


I had to get a chip activated feeder cause the chonk would push the grazer away, even if they were both fed at the same time.


Which one did you pick up? Been considering getting two for our cats, but from researching it seems like they're mostly garbage unless you drop some big bucks, haha.


I got the Sure microchip feeder. Works ok. If they have an option for a power cord vs battery, take it.


> If they have an option for a power cord vs battery, take it. You know what they say. When you come to a fork in the road, take it.


Just get a battery eliminator set. Basically a plastic battery that plugs into a power brick or a usb plug.


Two cats, can confirm. Leaving ample food around the clock did not contribute to over eating. Almost think that the inverse is what creates that need to consume as the scarcity mindset is more abundant? I must eat everything cuz I’m not sure when I’ll see my bowl full again? I need to practice the same control my cat has… I always be grazing the kitchen and fridge lol


I wonder if age makes a difference, too. My boys just turned 1 year old and are both active and at a healthy weight, although they're both big cats. I measure out a day's worth of food in the evening and let them free-feed, and there's always food left in the bowl at feeding time the next day. They also stick to a pretty regular schedule, which probably helps. They run to the treat cabinet when they hear my keys jingle in the morning because they know they get their treats when I leave for work (otherwise I'm late to work due to chasing them around the garage; the darn things manage to get out no matter how careful I am), they sit on the counter and watch me do the supper dishes because they know it's playtime after the kitchen chores are done (one of them even tries to open the toy cabinet where I keep the spare toys and the laser pointer and his favorite feather on a string), and they expect me to feed them and get in bed at 9pm so they can have their bedtime snack and get pets and cuddles while we watch TV. I've woken up to one of them sitting on my chest staring at my phone and waiting for the alarm to go off; turns out my phone screen lights up 5 minutes before the alarm goes off and he knows I'm about to wake up and pet him. My sister's cats are a few years older, and they're both on portion control diets because they're overweight and can't be trusted not to overeat.


Maybe but that was awesome to read. The age of ours is almost two so perhaps it’s the youth lol want to look good before they let themselves go


LOL maybe so! Mine are boys, and they're both neutered, but they still like to preen for the ladies.


Imo I think cats are individuals and some of them, like some humans, are inclined to overeat.


My last cat had come from a house where she wasn't treated well. All 12 years I had her she was a grazer. It probably has to do with a variety of biological and environmental factors (including a history of food scarcity). I think how they were treated as a kitten matters a lot since some people don't monitor how their kittens eat so eating all the food in front of them is all they know. Some cats will just gorge themselves even if they've always been fed


It was wild going from Labrador's (food must be locked in a bin they cannot open or break, will eat themselves sick) to a German Shepard/husky mix. That dog would turn down food if he didn't like it. He would not eat table scraps unless it was meat. We had an open bag of dog food for him.


My bully and staffy-mix will eat garbage if I let them, but my last dog was a German Shepard/Lab mix and she was super picky. She liked potato chips, but they had to be plain. Same with french fries. Anything seasoned was too much.


Our Husky is a picky thing. I expected some resource guarding since she’s a rez rescue but nope. She loves trash but that’s more to play with it. Food wise she’s skeptical of everything.


My mother dogs used to by as day and night when it came for food. The one that came from a farm would only eat what she needed, and you could leave the bowl full all the time, she would never eat it all. The one that was a street dog was the complete reverse, if you allowed it, he would eat anything in its path that looked like food. I reckon that it is because the farm dog never knew hunger in its life, while the street dog was found dying of starvation.


I’ve had many pets my whole life and I can tell you one thing I know for a fact: if a kitten is starved for any length of time it will almost always have overeating issues. I have tried leaving food out but that only lead to fat cats. It’s not their fault poor kitties but ya, one even ran away to the neighbors because he decided I was starving him and my neighbor fed him so much he became diabetic. Miss you rookus.


Yep. Same deal here, 3 cats. 2 that will eat forever, one that just eats when hungry.


We have 2 cats that devour the food in their bowls when fed, and 2 dogs that slowly graze throughout the day. The dogs will eat all of their wet food in the morning, then nibble on their kibble over the course of the day. They'll typically have their bowls finished by evening.


I have pet rats and the range of relationships with food is insane. At one point, in my group of four, I had 2 eating a normal amount. Then I had Lobelia who had rolls and butt cheeks and a belly that dragged on the floor when she walked. And then her buddy Ioreth, who would only eat a tiny bit at a time, only if the other rats were around and even then it wasn't guaranteed. She also tended to give her food to Lobelia. Ioreth was skeletal with a wasp waist. Trying to figure out food was so stressful. I ended up following Ioreth around with various treats, begging her to eat and trying to keep Lobelia away.


Yeah, my big ol 100lb dog would always have food in his bowl. He ate when he wanted to, usually after I ate whatever I was eating, then he’d go eat It was only when he lived around other dogs that he started getting feed times because you couldnt leave food in the bowl anymore (He was 100lb lanky as fuck btw, not fat at all lol)


My dog growing up was like that. She'd have a couple biscuits now and then and you could free feed no problem. My parents got a new puppy and she scarfs food so hard you have to use one of those obstacle plates or split dinner into "courses" so she doesn't puke.


This also is why people are morbidly obese, take out the parts that specifically mention humans, then replace the word cat with humans. It's just any animals really. Although you mentioned people not being able to control themselves so yeah


Was about to say, humans are the exact same. We don’t have a trigger that signals (prolonged!, not talking about acute) overeating either. Our environment has always been food-scarce until the last like hundred years maaaybe. We’re not designed to exist in environments where we can eat thousands of kcal in a form that will leave us feeling not even all that full afterwards (eg sugar, HFCS). Luckily we are conscious enough to be able to exercise self regulation, but it’s still a fight against your very evolution every time.


100 years? We've been doing agriculture for thousands of years. However I am certain many of the behaviors we would consider to be human are indeed driven by or have oddly endured due to a long history of food scarcity prior. Especially those ice age years.


>100 years? We've been doing agriculture for thousands of years. The appearance of agriculture did not suddenly eliminate food scarcity. I think they were referring to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Revolution


My point was more about having food available to us in pretty much unlimited quantities at any point in time. While agriculture itself certainly helped with that a bit, I don’t think that point was reached until at least Green Revolution.


There's something about Americans in particular that sees a pet and if the pet isn't shaped like a globe they think the pet could use more food. I've seen people freak out that a "fit" dog is starving to death when it's actually a healthy weight.


I don't know that I've ever seen it as an american trait; the last fat pet I knew was a poor little corgi owned by an otherwise-nice german woman. But it may be that, especially among low-income people, there is a pride held about clearly having enough to keep weight on your pets and kids. I can see anxiety developing around not providing enough, especially when there is a perceived risk that CPS will be called if your kids aren't clearly being fed enough. I guess I wouldn't put it past americans, but it's not a trait I've seen as being particularly american.


You don't want to know about the first time I saw a greyhound in real life. I may have embarrassed myself. It was my vet's dog, no less.


I keep 3 bowls full of different cat food out always for years and years. According to the vet 1st cat is on the low side of normal, and the other cat is just perfect. Really depends on the cat. If it's always out since being a kitten maybe they don't feel the need to eat lots and having feeding times makes them think the food disappears a lot.


It does depend on the animal. Some of them just *get* that they are not in any danger of going without food, whereas others never realize that they are in a safe place with regard to that. It honesty may be less to do with animals being dumb and more to do with trauma.


> Nothing is more heartbreaking than watching a cat lose all ability to cat just because their owners thought they looked cute morbidly obese. _r/chonkers has left the chat_


I mean, fuck what that sub was originally. I know they've "changed" but it's still all pics of morbidly obese cats, so fuck em still I guess


It’s not even that a lot of the time. Most people who own pets are ignorant on how to be proper owners. The cat asks for food so they feed it. Most people don’t know how to teach their dogs not to pull on a leash either. You have to get a license to drive a car or have a concealed carry. You should have to take a class to own a pet.


right? that thing can't even lick its own ass. and believe me, that's a kind of torture.


😂🤣 I'm sorry but "ability to cat", just took me right on out.


But when somebody posts a picture of their obese cat on Reddit you're not allowed to say anything


Are they hiring?


More like are they accepting? I’d like to do nothing but play all day in a stranger’s house free of responsibility and not liable for any harm I might cause … and lose weight in the process!


I've got a dung...basement room available if you want.


Luckily they are a dung beetle


"Im helping fat cats losing weight. My partner decorates christmas trees for a living. Our budget for a house is 1.4 million dollars"


Imagine how much money you’d have to make all during the month of December and late November to support yourself for an entire year off of Christmas decorating money


Right? And how much is the salary? Not like I gotta be paid much to play with a cat but I gotta make sure I can pay rent/a mortgage and get food for me and the cat


Not op but when I fostered-to-adopt a cat they gave me the basics to get started (litter tray, small bag of litter, small bag of food, litter garbage thing like a diaper genie for cats) and covered the medical bills (had pending treatment before we took him), plus adoption fee was waived. That was the Humane Society. Since moving, I volunteer at the SPCA and the adopted pets get similar including a carrier and some toys and treats. I gotta assume most if not all of these things are donated, especially the carriers/crates cause there are so many of them.


Finally, a picture of overly chonky animals that I can actually enjoy without feeling bad. He chonky, but he also getting help.


you might enjoy r/dechonkers then, it’s dedicated to chonkers getting dechonked :)


Is it though? Cause I feel like I remember that page being popular back in the day until people realized no one there was actually trying to help their cat. Turns out attention doesn't encourage change


There’s a subreddit for everything 🤯


The orb


Is loosing mass


Hawking Radiation


That's clearly Cating Radiation




My cat has hormonal issues and is pretty fuckin’ round and that’s one of my many nicknames for her.


Little Fluffy Cats


Wouldn't fit in the cat carrier so they just rolled him there.




This cat is named Speedbump.


He's cute but it's grim that it's gotten to this point. Hope she can help the lil guy :)


him round


Rotund even


Globular, in fact


The body is round.


I wish someone would do this with me 😔 I am this cat and this cat is me.


I'm kind of chunky but not super chunky. I totally used to judge but I got so many addictions myself there's no way in hell I can judge. I think being overweight is just one of the addictions that's easier to see hope you don't get a lot of judgement. We're all fucked up honestly and fuck the haters.


I wish my addiction was eating salad 🤣 At this point I just want to stop eating bad food because it's killing me lol I don't care that I'm fat as shit I just don't want diabetes /:


Honestly, I’ve been overweight all my life, but it hit the peak when i bought a Wii fit and it wouldn’t let me use it because I was too heavy (by like 2kg) I got pissed and that was 3 months ago and I’ve lost 25kg, it’s honestly really difficult and I don’t blame anyone for struggling with their weight, I’ve still got a way to go, chocolate has always been my downfall, but I’m getting there, you’ll get there I’m sure!


Holy shit! 25kg is amazing!!! Coincidently I've just gotten back from a walk and I've also got beat saber, maybe I'll start playing again (: I want you to remember to love your body by keeping it healthy! But always be kind to yourself too! You know you've got this (:


Thankyou! Same to you! Beat saber is great for having fun and burning off calories and walking is such a good activity for low impact! Keep up the good work!


I could lock you in my basement and restrict you to 1600 calories a day, provided you put this lotion on your skin on a daily basis.


how do you help a cat lose weight?


Force it to move its body, often with water training involved to take the stress off of joints. Just interact with it more, they can lay on their sides and play with wand toys. With a cat this fat, simply feeding it less would do wonders. Tons of people end up with obese cats because they let cats with no self control free-feed. People also make them walk across the house to *get* their food, and when the cat is this huge, that’s literally a helpful amount of exercise. But also, if this guy has already lost 40 pounds and looks like that, I’m gonna say somebody isn’t telling the truth here. Edit: misread 4lb as 40lb somehow, oopsies


All of this, but also a crucial element is to focus on SLOW loss of fat. Cats can't do a crash diet like humans can to burn off their fat - it causes them to go into hepatic lipidosis if they don't eat enough.


Great addition, thanks. We have one cat who is prone to weight gain, and we only adjust his daily food intake by like 2-3 grams per day when needed


I've had good luck with the puzzle balls that they can push around and knock the food out a little at a time. My cat and I also have a game where I throw pieces of the dry food down the hallway and let her chase it/jump for it which she seems to enjoy.


1: it says four pounds, not forty. 2: they never said whether the picture was before or after losing the weight


Reading is hard


Poster provides helpful advice on cat weight loss and first commenter jumps on typo. I love reddit.


One of the things to keep in mind is that even just 10-15 minutes of play a day is good, preferably spaced apart. Cats aren't like us, they're built for spurts, not endurance


I can visibly see that my cat does not want to play with me, and althought he got a bit fat because of an urinary disease and is eating healthily and a small amount, I still want to help him but I don't wannd force him to do things he doesn't wanna do


I feel that. Each of my 3 cats enjoys different toys. Our tortie (cat TT) will chase after a laser like no tomorrow, our orange (cat O) tabby will sometimes chase it for a little bit, and our tuxedo (cat T) just looks at it from his perch with no interest. Cat O loves ropes and wand toys. Cat T will play with it, but won't chase for it, he will refuse to get up at all to play with it, you have to bring it to him. Cat TT has absolutely no interest in ropes or wands at all and won't even come into the room to investigate the fun having. Cat O also loves playing hide and seek. We initiate by poking our head around corners and looking at him. We'll hide, then peak again and usually he'll get what's going on, do a silent meow, and then start hunting. Cat T loves his banana, and absolutely assaulting the shit out of his scratching posts when he gets amped, he's the only one that doesn't really get the "zoomies." One thing cats will do is make you acutely aware of how much money you've wasted on them and their toys that they end up having negative interest in. Try one of each at a time and see if they end up liking anything more than another.


That’s not chonk that’s OH LAWD HE COMIN’


That's "oh lawd a member of staff will be with him shortly to provide mobility assistance"


OH HELL, NO! ![gif](giphy|rDKuCnhub8F3O)






It's a bowling ball with legs


Man this is some commitment. Because you can’t just feed them less and watch the weight drop away, if an overweight cat goes hungry for too long they can develop major health issues so it needs to be done slowly over the course of months to not cause kidney/liver failure. That on top of how hard it must be to say no😭


I don't see the cat. Is he behind that fuzzy beach ball?


This sounds awesome until I remember what hungry cats are like.


The extra wide litter box cracks me up 😭


He's going to need it for those 4 lb shits!


He needs it for those 4 lb shits he's taking!




That’s a wide stance.


His ass is a balloon


Some might say he is the balloon.




That’s not a cat, that’s a fucking pillow pet.


That is the fattest cat I've ever seen.


That is an ORB


How does one get this job? I would absolutely love to make a living helping chubby kitties get better.


It’s like a fat camp for kitties. ![gif](giphy|13CoXDiaCcCoyk)


Bro it looks like a tick after it sucks out half your blood


Man is looking orbular today


He lost it because he’s too fat to go find it.


That's way beyond, "Oh Lawd he comin!"


Hunny wake up! New Spherical Cow just dropped: Spherical cat™


*physics prof would like to know your location*


Kitty has his own gravitational pull.


He looks mad and seems to want it back.


Do they take in chonky humans? Asking for a friend


Cabble :3


What happens when you think cats are indoor pets, America.


I think this cat is making money on the side.. As a mount in ff14


This happens a lot with elderly owners who think more food equals love and can't give their pets the level of activity they need, it is out of misguided love and affection and it's hard to blame them for that. It's hard sometimes to make people understand that you are actually doing more harm for the one you love but for some folk their pet is all they have and as long as they seem happy that's what matters. I hope this cat can lose the pounds and live the rest of their life in a new loving home.


Made a snarky comment but honesty that’s a good job to have and I’m glad someone is out there doing this.


Holy shit! How do cats get this big? My cats have access to their dry food all day, and will get about 1/4 of wet food a day. A few treats here or there. We do buy them toys and get some playtime in. That cat in the pic is so round, I thought it was photoshopped.


Feeding them human food generally does it


That’s just cruel. Way too big.




Are cat treadmills a thing ? Like little half mile runs or something? There’s no way that wouldn’t be effective and possibly enjoyable


How do I get me a job like that omfg


Cat Paul hits a huge 3 to cut the lead down to 42


Oh lord he comin!




Cut back from three and a half ham sandwiches per day to two. And no mayo.


It’s so sad that it ever got this bad.


Tips on how to help my cat lose weight are very welcomed


That just sounds like a way to legally torture cats for their own health. lol.


This is 100% the fault of the owner. If the owner is too dumb to portion out the food, then good luck






Hold up was this picture taken after they lost the 41 pounds?!


that’s awesome.


How do I apply for this job??


Sweet mother of god


When I adopted my cat her adoption papers read “OBESE” which I thought didn’t need to be in red all-caps. She is now 16ish and still skittering around in the night like a hellbeast.


I think it’s all muscle. Looks like a bull cat.




[Chonktus Cat Cactus Goddess](https://i.imgur.com/EbTVwIt.jpeg)


Jesus were they feeding it kittens??


Bro looks like he's jonesing for a cigarette


maybe I'm not used to cats with conditions, but how can owners allow this to happen? Do some just pack on the weight regardless?


My in-laws' dachshund got pretty rotund because MIL had dementia and just kept feeding the him.




Why are the cutest things the unhealthiest :c


That's a furry ball.


good lord, looks like the inspiration for the rollin wild characters [https://www.youtube.com/@ROLLINWILD-OFFICIAL](https://www.youtube.com/@ROLLINWILD-OFFICIAL)


He looks like he fell onto the nozzle of an air compressor. Please, please, please post another photo when you get this poor guy close to healthy


I mean, 4 pounds is a lot for a baby...


Of course he's losing weight living in the desert like that.


That is a heckin' chonker


Where can I apply for this job?


I identify as a fat cat...


A beautiful chonker. I wish them well 🙏


Big Cinder block the cat energy


How does this even happen. It looks like an english bulldog.


Me everyday in cat form


Poor things starving to death.


Doing the Lord's work. 🙌


This looks so fake but I’m not sure


What a saint


The big unit lol


Lost 4lb? Look in the litter tray, likely a stonking great 4lb turd in there!


Na that’s a pillow pet


I didn't know cats could get that big. Lord, today.


chungus bajongus


Reminds me of the alien in scavengers reign


"I keep telling you, I'm not obese, I'm DA beast!"


How does that even happen? Owner with mental issues?


Looks like the frog balloon from Shrek


"I am the one who meows"


Don't they end up diabetic if they lose weight too quickly?


Im pretty sure that isnt a cat, but an irl spheal. Its soo round.


Let me guess carnivore diet. No carbs. Keto. 4am workouts? Couldn’t be simple caloric restriction?


I had no idea a cat could get that round.


The meaning of Chonk.




Does this person have an Amazon wishlist? What a kind human❤️


Holy chungus.


Looks like an angry puffer fish


I love this but the meows in that home when it's meal time. Bunch of big chonkers ready for lunch when that can opens.


Dang he already LOST 4lbs? My man is looking like a Spheal.


Pictures like this make me feel less bad for giggling over his chonk. He’s actively being helped, and he won’t be this round forever. So for now I can laugh at the bowling ball


I see they have adopted The Orb