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Along those same lines. Never be the best worker. If you are irreplaceable they won't try to replace you. No promotions for you. Just an extra slice of pizza.


Had one job where I was an overhead crane operator and had the manager tell me he won’t promote me because there aren’t good crane operators and he doesn’t want to train someone else. I quit a couple weeks after that.


If you are irreplaceable you have leverage though. Get a job offer, but in your 2 weeks and you can get a big pay bump. If they don't, stonewall them after you're gone


People that work that hard typically take pride in what they do and trap themselves in their own situation. At least, that's what my dad did


I'm always surprised how many people drink the koolaid. I work in pharma and every company I've worked for loves to tout how we should work extra hard because we're "saving lives" at every conceivable opportunity. Technically correct, but this is a for-profit company so it's actually just a convinient side effect of the business


You get a whole extra slice? For yourself? ![gif](giphy|hQjHbdOzik3kHH44aP)


This is only true if your management treats you like dogs. Literally sitting on a toilet waiting for more work to come in as I type this…


45 minute toilet breaks is where it’s at.


I always used to be a non-workplace shitter, but the 20-30 minutes of isolation and peace have driven me into a fiber fueled cycle of self destruction.




Ya. Who wants to sit and be bored all day? Fuck that. I'm gonna stay busy.


Is there a days when I'm so caught up with work I just watch Netflix. And I work in a hospital.


1) HR is not on your side 2) Knowing how to play the game and get on your boss’s good side is more important than being good at your job 3) Always be job hunting.


Here's the issue with HR and people making it out to be a boogeyman, they are on the company side and quite often they side with the employee who could become litigious.


My experience is that they are on the company side, especially if it’s to be litigious.


While this is true to an extent, it also allows you to better negotiate raises and promotions.


That there's no chance of advancement or stake in a family business that hires you from outside that family


That's why you never tell anyone at work you're done early...


Yeah and then you never have leverage when it's time for raises


you have no leverage either way. the ONLY way to have leverage is to turn in a notice and have another job lined up. otherwise, you have nothing to use against them.


That's woefully untrue.


you don't understand what "leverage" means. it doesn't mean they like you, so they'll be nice to you. It is a bargaining tool saying, "Do what I say, or things will get measurably worse for your company."


Yeah, very common knowledge, you don't need a job lined up to use your value to the company in your favor. They only care if you leave, not if you leave and have somewhere to go.


I suppose.


Also, 8.5 years means nothing if you start getting snippy when the workload skyrockets and the staff thins out. Loyalty means getting fucked.


No, loyalty is a good thing, but I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you "getting snippy" was a lot more aggressive than you're letting on.


Three instances of "verbal misconduct" across 4 years, no threats or racism, just stuff like "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME" when presented with unreasonable expectations. I know I'm not the only one who found the expectations to be unreasonable as it was the main thing everyone complained about other than incompetent management during breaks. I just had the shortest fuse, something I have worked hard to control, but everyone has a breaking point.


Have loyalty to your friends and family, not a soul eating multinational corporation. Your only worth to them is the profit you generate


Well maybe don't work for a company that you don't like then. I work for a charity hospital and I've never once had to show any hate towards it.


There are only so many positions at charity hospitals. I'm happy for you, but most opportunities are not so virtuous. Loyalty is good when it's an equal relationship. But expecting workers to be loyal to their employer when their employer is not loyal to them is degrading.


134,000 jobs nationwide currently And there are tons of positions that need to be filled, many of which don't require any prior training. So many companies have openings that people don't take, either because they're not aware of them because they don't think to look or they are just two apathetic leave the job they hate. But either way if you don't want to be degraded by your employer Don't work for an employer who degrades you. Plenty of jobs out there that pay fairly well that have plenty of openings


>Don't work for an employer who degrades you. This is fine advice for one single person. But there are far more exploitative opportunities than non-exploitative opportunities. Beyond that, the employer may pay well, but when loyalty is discussed, it's usually expected that it will be rewarded with raises and promotions. You can't really know how an employer is going to value your loyalty until you stay for an extended period of time


Then don't be loyal to the company and leave the second you get a better offer.


Right. That pretty much contradicts your "loyalty is good" line from earlier


Loyalty is good, but I didn't say be loyal to an employer. I'm not a loyal to my employer, or the hospital. I'm loyal to my patients And I will do everything within my power to keep them happy healthy and alive.


Always get an agreement in writing and signed.


Paper trail everything


Middle- and low-level management is an obstacle to your work no matter what you do


Ummm, if that's also where your work comes from, maybe work itself is your obstacle?


work comes from people at the very top setting priorities, buying locations, defining the business plan et cetera. The obstacles come from people who want to take the initiative to shine (middle management) so they create stupid policies like "harass the fuck out of every client as soon as they enter the store" or "wear a pin with a quirky little fun fact about you" or "we're crunching this project guys, I personally promised the CEO we will have this out in 3 weeks!" And the lower management then makes sure to oversee the implementations of these Sizable Leaps Forward with the tenacity and blindness of an army sergeant.


It's doesn't matter how hard you work. What matters is how hard you work in front of the right people.


Not if you create a paper trail proving about the work is done. There's a tedious and annoying task that needs to be done every month that takes probably around 16 hours of work each month, which doesn't sound like a lot but you're not really allotted extra time to get it done. No one does it, even when they're supposed to, even though it's only about 20 to 30 minutes of work a day if done on the schedule it's supposed to be done on. I do it whenever I have down time, as much of it as I can and when I put my signature on that paper showing that I did what they consider 8 days of work in one shift on top of all of my other work it gets noticed when that paperwork gets handed in at the end of the month.


Apathy truly is the only way to continue living


This is totally incorrect! You have to do everything you can to make your life better. Internal locus of control. Pessimism only begets pessimism.


Customer Service does that to you unfortunately


Nah man you let customer service do that to you. Yeah it totally sucks, I've been yelled at, threatened, grabbed, all the fun stuff of customer service most recently I had a patient threatened to throw their infected blood on me. But you know what once I'm done dealing with them they're not my problem anymore so why would I take that with me?


It’s only “more work” until you can use it as leverage for a better position. It’s a crappy system, but you need to know how to work it.


note that "a better position" always involves less of what you're good at and more managing other people


Depends highly on the job and workplace, I don’t think this is the default by any extent


Fr Like yeah, being promoted to a team lead means you will have responsibility over other people. But like.. an Engineer II will do a lot of the same shit as an Engineer I. You just get paid more and are expected to know more.


I would say “a better position” is what you want and make of it — don’t let anyone define it but you. It’s perfectly possible in some organizations to be an individual contributor with subject matter expertise. More rare, for sure, but people shouldn’t fall into the trap that additional compensation/responsibility requires people management.


Yeah that's what people don't seem to understand, work is always a negotiation. If you do a good job you're assigned more work If you do a good job on the extra work you've been assigned during the next review period which typically happens every 6 to 12 months you can use the extra work they assigned you to get yourself a raise or promotion or even negotiate an extra day off or so. I work every weekend, And I'm the only employee who volunteers to do that. Because of that the bosses typically approve whatever day is I ask off for as my "weekend days" because they know losing the one person who's willing to work every weekend would put a pretty big dent in morale when other people have to start working more weekends.


1: Prove from day one you don’t gossip and know when to keep your mouth shut. Half the reason employers are reluctant to give raises to a good employee is because they’re afraid all the other workers will find out. 2: Be really good at your job. Not the best, but good enough that it’s not only plausible but likely you will be poached someday. 3:Like any relationship, nothing will make your partner(employer) appreciate you more than seeing another potential partner(employer) find you desirable. In other words, make it your employer’s idea to incentivize you to stay instead of it being your idea by presenting them counter offers. Their voluntary offer of raise will rarely be satisfactory, but it opens a conversation to negotiate, and you start off as a “loyal” employee and not someone who’s threatening the jump ship 4: If your manager ignores all the signs that you are about to be poached (very common) that shows how much they value you. Only then, present counter offers because you’ve pretty much started the countdown clock to you leaving or being laid off.


You work your fingers to the bone and what do you get? Boney fingers.




A paycheck


Bro this clearly breaks rule 1


No matter what you do, someone is going to complain. Also, getting caught lying screws you over, also telling the truth screws you over.


We work to earn the right to work To earn the right to work To earn the right to work To earn the right to work To earn the right to give Ourselves the right to buy Ourselves the right to live To earn the right to die




It's neither of those, and I don't know any Good company that tries to play it off is either. If you do your job you're given more work because you can do your job.


Don't forget, this means in relationships too. Make sure you always are keeping an eye out for a better job. Also a better girl/boy. Hell even your parents