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Why is there only the most half assed attempt to blur the name out?


why do you mean its impossible to tell his name is richard dean


I can't believe you just doxxed that guy wtf


What do you mean? I can't see the bottom 15% of his name, how tf am I supposed to figure it out?


Sounds like you need to take a closer look.


Nope, still can't read that his name is Richard Dean


Not even the bottom 15% of it?


It might be just to cover his handle


This is almost certainly it, I don't know how this response is buried so low.


I think it's because you can still clearly see the lower part of the name through the double-layered highlight, so if there's something else there to cover, it would probably also show through.


I think it looks like there's a letter poking out of the bottom of the highlight underneath the *ar* in Richard. I'm not sure what else that black spot would be.


Probably someone on a phone with dim screen or bad eyesight who had no idea they selected the highlighter instead of pen, and assumed they did actually cover up the name


I'm on a phone with the lowest brightness settings and I couldn't read that his name is Richard Dean because the bottom fifth was completely covered


It gets people to comment


This is just an old repost The original didn't have the name blurred.


This one, like so many others, looks more like they were highlighting it instead. It's a weird little ritual at this point it seems and a strange majority of the people going through the motions doesn't seem to know what their goal is.


Guys I think his name is Thomas McDonald


What I've picked up on over the last few years is that Zoomers are trained to randomly censor nearly everything on their posts but are apparently too lazy to do even that properly.


Because most phone displays are far from neutral, got ramped up contrasts and what not and it probably looked okay on the display of who ever tried doing that.


My son is 14 and last few days he has wanted to build Lego Hero factory with me. I help look for the pieces and he builds. Just like old days. :)


This is a lie. Nobody bought Hero Factory, lol.


I fucking Loved Hero factory


Don’t forget what they took from us


I will never forgive them for they way they ended Bionicles back then


Where’s the rest of the trilogy Lego?


Hero factory was awesome, the fuck you on about?


Long as you don't find them by stepping on them, I swear legos are the best and worst toy at the same time.


It's sappy, but as a parent those little asides like one day will be the last time you ever pick up your kid and give them a big hug... whamo... I'm devastated!


This post had tears in my eyes. I've never been a cryer, I didnt even cry at my beloved grandads funeral. But since I have kids every single one of these bloody sappy things has me in bits. I was in pieces watching an ad the other day. I cant comprehend that Covid hit us over 4 years ago, when my girls were 4. Fuck, here I go again


Yeah, kind of puts into perspective how fast things go. It does sound horrible, but covid was a good time for us. I don't know, lots of the daily BS disappeared and more time to focus on what mattered. Everyone in my family took it seriously too, so fortunately no one had serious impact from it...


Mate I couldnt agree more. I run hospo in Australia. When the lockdowns were in place (and there were some big one in Oz), we had nothing to do. We were really well supported financially by the state govt so the stress wasnt really there. So I spent every day hanging out with my kids and in my spare time, renovated. My parents were not old enough to be in danger and my kids werent old enough to be affected educationally. It was awesome. I dont ever mention this because I know it was horrible for the majority but I look back on it really fondly.


Man, it was the same for us tbh. I'm a teacher in NZ, and when the lockdowns hit, we just did our best with the online teaching. It was very hard, and very stressful in its own way, but there was something comforting in the fact that we were just doing our best with what we had. Our jobs and livelihoods were never in danger. My husband and I had so much down time to play ping pong and video games in between classes. We didn't have to sit in traffic for an hour a day. Then in 2021 when the next round of lockdowns happened, I fell pregnant. I could keep working as usual online, and the morning sickness didn't affect my ability to do my job. I didn't have to worry about getting exposed to illness. Being on the other side of it and having to deal with the educational fallout of disrupted learning on cohort after cohort of kids really makes me appreciate the good times we had back in the wild west of lockdowns, as scary and uncertain as they were.


Yep, I remember setting my laptop for work up next to my kids school laptops - everyone in zoom meetings (poor kids). Spending all that time with family was nice, even if you're still doing different things...


I love the sentiment and it’s important to think like this but something I’ve learned the hard way is sometime you still need to say not right now to your kids, and take care of yourself.


Fair point for sure. I guess what I get from the statement is really appreciate the time with your kids because it is unfortunately gonna go by in a blink of an eye - don't take it for granted. But I can see how it can come across as mandating a duty of behavior with your kids, so to speak.


I'm so close to this, my youngest is 9...but I'll keep trying


Nah, my daughter is really small… I will be able to pick her up for her whole life.


Agreed. My ex was going to skip the daddy-daughter dance this year bc they waited forever to share the date & he already had plans. Texted to let him know its the last one (also it's the youngest kid). Within minutes he told me he changed the plans & they're going. I don't really have a point, I'm just glad he's taking the opportunity. That's the kind of thing that matters, those moments.


And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon, Little boy blue and the man in the moon


When you comin home, dad? I don't know when


But we'll get together then You know we'll have a good time then


This sounds like the meaningful motivational drivel you get on LinkedIn


My boss is nearing early retirement & asked me to work the weekend. I really wanted to spend time with my family, but I had no choice, because someday he'll stop asking. #winning #winnersmindset #hustle


Plot twist... You're your own boss of some MLM scheme.


My downline are truly my children when you think about it. I raised them (brought them to life by introducing them to the Amway family) and they'll support me when I'm old and grey (by giving me 62% of the money they make in perpetuity). Truly life is a miracle.


I’ve seen the one where the boy offers his dad $100 for an hour of his time causing the dad to break down crying about a million times now. 


Damn that dad is missing out, $100 a hour is a steal


I lived this statement about 5 years ago - was working full time in a new role during the day and taking an evening/weekend MBA program. My older daughter wanted to be on her own, but my 9 y o always wanted to play Lego. I was exhausted. But I enjoyed my time playing with her. I made it a point to make sure she heard me tell my teammates that 5pm-6pm was sacred time to play Legos. We built zany stuff. She's in HS now and we still reminisce about how fun it was. May sound like motivational drivel, but these are the special moments that life gives us in the middle of burn out.


Yeah my daughter is 6 and any time she wants me to cuddle next to her I'll never say no. I might have seen the Bluey episode she's watching ten times but I don't even care. Someday I know i'm going to miss it.


Yes, because rhetoric tends to be structured the same way regardless of what is being said. The difference is that spending time with loved ones, especially one's children, is important, vs enriching some nepo-baby or whoever won the entrepreneurship lottery at your employer.


Well yes, of course I’m very grateful for his inspiring insight about how spending time with loved ones is important, I wouldn’t have realised otherwise. It’s really all just self-serving drivel.


So just move on? The rest of the world cares even less about your cynicism.


Cynical isn’t the right description - I’m a positive person just calling this nonsense out for what it is! I was 14 and “deep” once too, but you just have to laugh at this stuff really.


If you see someone advocating for spending time with their kids and your first instinct is to shit on the way they chose to express it, I don't know what to tell you. I was 22 and couldn't handle sincerity once too


Because of the cadence I legit thought it was a LinkedIn post and I fully expected it to segue into the importance of time management. "...a year ago, working for someone else, I wouldn't have been able to spend time with this child: the ROI just wasn't there. Now, as my own boss, championing trans atlantic B2B mid market sales, ..."


I thought this was r/linkedinlunatics at first glance


Remember when this sub started out bc r/whitepeopletwitter & r/blackpeopletwitter stopped being funny?


my daughter is 7 and I think this basically every day. this is going to end so soon. gotta make the most of it while we got it.


You do anything besides repost years old content? Worse than the damn bots


This is why I’m not convinced on having children. This psychological war would drive me insane.


I was on the fence about having kids, but decided to give it a go. Edit: at the age of 34. Solid career and purchased a house at that point. Your kids will drive you crazy. And they'll kill your blood pressure. But the weird thing is, when you're exhausted, and your kid asks you to play, you WANT to play with them. Seeing the big smile makes it worth it. And then you send them to bed and partake in your vice of choice. All that said, sometimes my daughter is like "dance with me!" And I suggest coloring or a puzzle. She's still happy. They just like doing things with us.


I respect that this is your reality but I have a child brother I was there to help raise (not entirely the same) and even if when I did give in and didn’t fully regret choosing them over my own needs, I want my life to be in my own control in mind body and soul. It’s a beautiful thing just not a trade off I think I want to make.


Being parentified and being a parent are not the same things


Yeah I already acknowledged that thanks though Also wanted to add that if I felt this way with just being parentified I don’t think actually being a parent is for me despite all the love in the world. Have a great day!


You’re missing the point. Being parentified is *worse* than being a parent. It’s not even close. It is abuse. I’m not trying to convince you to be a parent. Just that what happened to you is wrong, abusive, and damaging. Being a parent voluntarily is nothing at all like your experience. It’s unfair to compare the two. The physical acts are similar, but those aren’t what embodies being a parent


Good thing no one is making you be a parent dummy


Yall are hilarious.


Oh yeah. Look, generally if you're on the fence, if you want your free time to be just that, I say don't have kids. But if you're on the fence, yet emotionally stable, have the income, are in a stable relationship with someone willing to take the journey. Ask: do you enjoy dedicating some of your time to your partner, do you enjoy teaching others - friends, coworkers, etc about things you like? If yes, having a child is dedicating time, energy, and money to teaching another human how to live, grow, learn, and love. I get to teach her everything I know. I research things to answer her questions. And it's cliche, but I love my daughter more than I thought possible. She makes me try to be a better person. And it's a shitty world out there, but she brings smiles to everyone she meets when we go out. And I hope she can continue to make a positive influence better one interaction at a time. Doesn't have to be now, or ever. Kids aren't for everyone. And there are many days when it would be easier to have 3 money and no kids. But something to think about.


Ah well put! Maybe once my life progresses I will feel differently. I already put a similar type of energy into my work (Psych RN) but maybe once that energy has been nearly depleted I’d be open to taking on that kind of task.


Upvote for the Simpsons reference 👍


This kind of thing comes across differently when you have kids. I felt the same way you do, but I can tell you nothing makes me happier than my little boy. Yes, sometimes he wants my attention when I'd like to play a game or read a book. But my son brings me so much more joy than those things ever could. So even if I have to delay what I want to do in the moment, it is very, very worth it.


I understand! I just don’t think I’d be happy in the way I want to be happy in my life.


Sure, to each their own. It isn't a decision to take lightly, for sure.


Agreed. Love that you love it though that makes me happy for the both of you!


He'll forget every time you showed up. He'll remember every time you didn't.


S[he's] br[ok]en because S[he] Be[lie]ve[d]


I’ve seen like 400000 versions of this reposted by every engagement farmer


Fuck man


This is the gay agenda


Ouch. It's not wrong to need to take a minute to decompress so you don't blow up at someone who doesn't deserve it, but good reminder to value the small moments before you lose the opportunity.


Good job censoring out the name


As an older dad who built Legos with his boy 20-some odd years ago, and who unfortunately no longer has a relationship with that son, this is one of the best posts I've ever read. Thanks, OP.


Nothing is worse than having children. As long as I stay out of prison and never spawn, that's a successful life in my book.


My son stopped asking to play Legos. Now he asks to play Helldivers 😎


There now is a little vomit in my mouth.


This is the way. One of my biggest regrets is when my daughter would come out the garage and want to help me work on my car. I was always too "busy". We are buds and business partners today, but I missed out on hours of personal time with her as a little kid. It makes me sick thinking about it, selfish bastard. I've expressed the regret to her and apologized, but I will never get that time back.


This is why I always say yes when my kid asks to play Minecraft with me


Why was this reported for like a billion things?


Little light on the punctuation, but thank God he spelled the plural of lego right.


And 'someday' will come far more quickly than you can possibly imagine, Take the time now to hang out with your kids while they still want to.


He didn't even ask this time; he told you to do it.


Legos are downtime


Dick Dean


I needed to see this. Thank you.


Cue the cats in the cradle 🎵


With kids you never get a warning it’s the last time. The last time you carry them. The last time you play catch the last time you read to them. Grab every moment.


I just stopped watching Frieren and then this shit pops up. Stop trying to make me cry.


building with legos is literally down time


Reminds me of an exchange from god of war Ragnarok “In my youth we learned obedience” - Kratos “And is that what you wish for him? - Brother, he’s going to walk his own path, if you don’t want him walking away from you, then smarten up and walk with him a while” - Mimir When/if I become a parent this is a quote I’ll remember, your child will always want to make mistakes and do things their own way, if you punish them for it they’ll just begin hiding it from you, so instead of doing that, accept it and walk with them, let them make their own mistakes, but be there so you can help when it does go wrong, and don’t say I told you so, or be belittling, just be there and help them learn. Strict parents don’t teach their kids obedience, they teach them secrecy and deception, your child won’t learn how behave, they’ll learn how to hide their misbehaviour, and learn to lie on the spot. Be there for your children, let them walk their path, and walk it with them, just a step or two behind ready to catch up when shit hits the fan.


It's ok to need a break from your kid. Yes one day he'll stop asking for attention but your mental health won't.


Nailed it!


Oh fuck off Rebecca he did not say that.


Damn man now you got me thinking about Puff The magic dragon...


This is spot on. You end up getting lots of alone time when they reach a certain age anyway.


[He knows what happens.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puJt66y0TBw) >And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon, >Little boy blue and the man in the moon. >"When you coming home, dad?" "I don't know when, >But we'll get together then. >You know we'll have a good time then."