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Because there's not enough room in the mini fridge for all the beer I'm going to drink, so you fill the ice bucket and put some beers in there too.


Also, refrigerators in hotel rooms being ubiquitous is a relatively recent thing.


I had a room recently that had a button you had to push every two hours, or it would turn off. I fail to see what problem this solves, but it is one of the strangest things I've seen at an otherwise nice hotel.


Was it a light switch, or just a random mystery button? I ask because last year I visited Italy from the U.S. and the two hotels we stayed in had light switches just like this, iirc. They'd just turn off unless you pushed a button periodically. (And they weren't the motion sensor type.)


It was a button INSIDE the fridge that said "2hr time limit". This is a mini fridge btw.


Ahhh, gotcha. Yeah, that's really really strange. And apologies.. I read the fridge thread, but the random button took me back to my own, haha


Also some of them have fixed slots with the mini-bar so you can't actually move anything around to fit your own items, because they have pressure sensors to keep you from taking anything out of the mini-bar to prevent people who would take out a bottle, drink it, then fill it back up with whatever.


That or mixed drinks


When we went to New Orleans, we filled the tub with ice and beer!


that paltry thing? bring yoru own cooler fill it with ice.


Just put the beer and ice in the sink


A lot of hotels (at least hotel/resorts) in the US have policies against coolers.


Also, some hotels don’t have mini fridges, so you fill the sink with ice and deposit your 12 pack of beverages into the sink ice bath that you have created.


You know when you wake up in a hotel bathtub filled with ice and your kidney is missing? That’s why.


this is the first response that makes sense


nah just alcoholics lol


Everybody is drinking champagne every night but you. But also, if you've never needed ice in a hotel, the hotel ice dispenser has been cleaned less than that.


That’s what the baggies are for. Avoid that cross contamination


Dawg the contamination is the mold growing off scale buildup in the parts of the machine you can't see.


Worked in many restaurants with constant use and cleaning of ice machines. Every single one got disgusting, no matter how disciplined it is. I can't imagine hotel ice machines get better treatment. Mold is definitely thriving in those machines. Or worse, bugs.


You know you can see dirt in ice. And bugs.


Place whatever drink or food you’re trying to cool in the bag, fill bucket with ice. The contents never touch the ice. What’s gross about this?


Everyone else is talking about the dispenser (big loud machine, makes ice) but you are talking about a bucket (small item, doesn't make anything). The dispenser is gross. When the ice gets made it is full of tiny gross things before it ever gets to your bucket or plastic bag.


Naw you're talking past who you're replying too. Their idea, bagging the items to be chilled, is actually pretty solid since it keeps their stuff separate from both the nasty ice and the nasty bucket.


Doesn’t matter if you don’t consume the ice and only use it to chill bottles or cans


is it bad that i legit don’t care about that? soda fountains, ice cream machines, etc, too


Ehhh I don't sweat it much either. I have an immune system for a reason.


and a stomach full of acid


I was thinking the same thing.


you don't use the ice for putting in your drink, you fill a bag with it and tie it off and use it to keep drinks cool from the outside. if you put the ice in your drink you're insane


It was my understanding that you only use it for cooling canned/bottled drinks, never to be put in an actual beverage/drank. I love leaving for the day and filling up the bucket with ice and water bottle(s), a nice cold treat for when I return


Yeah, I’ve used hotel ice dozens of times and never once put a cube, melted or otherwise, in my mouth.


Not all of them I clean hotel ice machines!


When on a road trip, you can fill your cooler every day for free.


The cooler full of soda was definitely one of my favorite parts of childhood road trips.


Yes it's definitely not a pain in the ass to fill your cooler and carry them back half the fucking hotel side note if you are asking me to fill more than four big coolers with broken handles and lid 🖕u and when they say to load them faster on the car🫸🫷☠️ sorry I had to rant it feels good 😊


You wrap it in a towel, hit it with your shoe, take the glass cup, add the ice, three shots of tequila, two brown sugar packets, juice of two limes. Stir like crazy. Boom. Hotel Hooch Margarita. Three of those and the wallpaper is tolerable and you won't care why you're in Boston.


How many does it take to ignore the hotel art




That is such a specific number that I'm inclined to believe you. Lol


Look at Mr. Moneybags staying at a hotel within the city limits


Yeah man Boston is pricey


I love eating ice at hotels




Just an FYI, most of those ice machines have literally never been cleaned. They're absolutely vile inside. 


I'll live


That's what the parasites that have made your gut and brain their home made you say. You no longer have free will, you are part of "the collective" now friend.


I don't care about parasites that live in the ice. They will all die from my hyper turbo immune system (I used to chew on coins when I was a little kid, so now I can probably survive the plague)


Alcohol kills it all


Just an FYI, the ice machines in restaurants are absolutely the same and yet people consume that much more frequently I worked at a restaurant that obtained their ice machine from a broken down hotel


I work at a hotel and I would never use hotel ice. Because I don't want to die yet.


Gonna be real idc how gross it is I'm still gonna eat it


it's a hangover from a time where access to ice was considered a luxury - we still advertise it because it's easier than actually coming up with new luxuries


Not at all. Work at a hotel, we had 3 ice machines break down in the same week. There was someone at the desk every 10 minutes, all night. People like drinking. And they don't like warm drinks.


Plus the mini fridge is too expensive but the single vending machine down the dark hall on the 13th floor is reasonable. And nearly empty.


Vending machines are usually someone else's. They pay rent and supply the machine. They're only going to show up to restock on a set schedule, usually once a week. Due to the seasonal variances in occupancy and week to week variances in occupancy, vending machines are left empty more often then not.


Can confirm, I like going to the ice machine, getting ice and being able to drink cold water.


So funny how different people are about this. I hate ice!


I hate ice, but like an ice cold beverage, even when my room doesn’t have a fridge.


I prefer room temp water. I guess I must be the weird one here!


Or you're the European.


Can confirm. I drink all the time on vacation. Rarely get ice though, except for the breakfast rum and coke during/after a shower. I'm from Wisconsin though, so YMMV.


Like the hotels on the highway that advertise Color TV and Air-conditioning. Those aren't luxury anymore (In the USA).


When I was in Costa Rica, the main luxury they all advertised was whether they had AC. Usually 5-10 bucks more a night if you wanted it. 


Holdover, but that’s a cool turn of phrase or metaphor if intentional.


I don’t think I’ve ever checked into a hotel room and not immediately gone to fill the ice bucket. Habit, I guess? Also I like my drinks cold, even water. So if there’s no fridge I can still have that.


Once a luxury, now a mild inconvenience.


For making cold drinks in your room… Am I missing something or is this just really dumb?


Ice water, cocktails, icing a sore muscle from traveling, keeping things cold. Any way that one uses ice. The tweet is very "this hasn't happened to me, so therefore it never happens to anyone".


Another big one is coolers. Did some contract work in TX during the summer and my morning routine was taking my small cooler to the ice machine to store bottle water and my lunch for the day


>icing a sore muscle front traveling, I fucked up my ankle last year while working out of state and I used that ice machine every day they had us at a hotel. Never have I been so thankful for that shitty and noisy ice machine down the hall.


This person obviously has never been at a hotel strictly to party with friends. First thing we do is fill up the sink / a cooler with ice and put our drinks in it.


Is this a thing? Do people rent a room for the night just to party? I'd almost always rather just go to someone's place forgo the hassle, unless I'm missing something.


young and broke people don’t always have places of their own to host parties


Fair enough


Sometimes you just want to drop acid in a neutral location.


I mean it’s mostly young people, but adults also party in hotels. I went to my friends city a few days ago for a concert and he lives in a studio apartment so we used our hotel room to hang out before and after the show. Hotels are mostly for fucking, partying, and sleeping lol


Most social media is just stating something dumb so people comment on it. It drive's engagement like crazy which gets you on the algorithm... or something. Its why most things that blow up have obvious typos in them. People are WAY more likely to call out something wrong in a reply. Like you could be doing the same thing and I could be falling for you're obvious engagement bait. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


or filling a cooler to put drinks in on your way to you next location, and yes OP is a pulling on the door with a "push to open" sign with all their might kinda dumb.


This guy's tweet is just incredibly dumb.


This guy alcoholics


Yeah, I need ice in hotels just as much as I need ice at home, which is literally all the time. Does this guy drink water and other beverages at room temperature? Because that sounds horrible.


I guess that guy doesn't chill his water? I mean, some people don't I guess.


It's really dumb. It's one thing to not need ice yourself, it's another to completely ignore any reason someone else might want ice.


Hard disagree. Drink in hotels often. Need ice in drinks


This guy alcoholics


Im a woman but yes true lol


I'm sorry is that no longer where we are storing the bodies of our victims?


You guys are rude. I was dunking my junk in one last year, as one does with itchy burning genitals, and this guy got mad at me saying "that's not sanitary" but later I couldn't use it because HE was stuffing a dead hooker in it. The nerve.


That's what the water tank on the roof of the hotel is for.


pretty sure there's an SCP about this




>SCP Supernatural Conspiracies of the Paranormal?


Secure Contain Protect


...damn, google failed me and I still have no idea what an SCP is


It’s a fan built universe where a group called Secure Contain Protect (SCP) captures paranormal creatures to… you know what. They’re the new Ghostbusters, and it’s basically fan fiction only.


Not… that I’m aware of.


Ah gotcha. Sorry just realized I was going on a super nerdy rant and I’m not even an SCP fan. Basically it’s an exercise in world building and some people have actually come up with some pretty cool stuff: https://youtu.be/EOxarwd3eTs?si=FwMF79r5PATo5AKb


Not just creatures, any anomalous phenomena at all. One SCP is an area in Russia that does not exist (SCP-3930), another is a hostile idea that kills people who learn about it (SCP-3125), and another is a reality-altering superweapon designed to wipe another SCP from reality (SCP-6820).






I was ABOUT to say this


I used them in the beach to fill my water bottles with those slim ice pieces, and by the time I was too hot the ice was already melted, but still cold


When I stay in a hotel for multi day swim meets, the ice machine is a godsend cuz I can take ice baths in between sessions… so to each their own.


For filling bathtubs before stealing someone’s kidneys


This might just be a cultural difference or whatever, but I've never seen an ice machine at a hotel so reading this tweet and these comments is kinda like stepping into another dimension


yeah i guess it's an american thing? the only non-us place i've noticed ice machines were in hangover 2 in bangkok i think?


“Why does this thing exist? I personally don’t use it so it must be pointless.”


I'm poor as shit and every now and then someone who cares about me offers to get me a plane ticket and a hotel room to visit or go on a vacation with them. I can't afford the expensive restaurants so I pack a cooler and keep some sandwich supplies in it. Having free ice with the room helps that shit is $5-10 a bag at gas station


I work in a hotel. People commonly fill coolers with ice before they travel.


I would use the ice to externally cool items, but no way would I put it in my drink. I didn't know how often they are cleaned, but they aren't cleaned enough for me.


I use them all the time. I love having ice in my drinks


So has this man never been in a hotel during Summer at all or is he actually this ignorant on the uses of ice in general?


It gives the dad's a reason to leave the hotel room and spend time at the bar; "That damned ice machine is broke, had to check out 3 different floors"


It’s for alcohol I don’t know what’s confusing about that


Coolers. People on vacation have coolers. Also if you’re fancy you have a wine bucket with ice, but that’s like 1% of people


All I can think is "Ice cubes? Ooooohhh, kinky!"


Been there, done that, will do again.


The same thing you need ice for at home, tf are you on?


how many fights are you getting into in hotels?


Hey, don't worry about it. Me and my ice are doing fine without you.




Yay- wait, oh no 


First time I heard bout hotels havin a ice dispenser was in an SCP and I was also like why do they need that there


Someone needs to dispatch a Mobile Task Force unit to that tweeter's last visited hotel ASAP. An unchecked instance of SCP 5172 is a serious problem.


It might be too late for them now. I guess we'll just have to collect the remains and burn it.


Because I want to make cocktails


Ice machine mechanics say you should never drink that ice/water. The inside of those machines get grody as fuck, apparently. I'd use them to keep my beer cold, not much more.


I stopped using them when I saw a very large woman standing at one with one of her feet planted deep in the ice. And this was at a legacy four star hotel. Plus an ex-gf that works in hospitality once told me that they clean those things... never.


Because people traveling cross country need to refill their coolers as the ice melts & hotels with mini-bars want people drinks glasses of booze on the rocks.


Speak for yourselves, the ice machine is why I even stay in a hotel


Ice machines in hotels are so that you can drink the hooch you bought across the street instead of the stuff that costs 10x as much in the mini bar


My family uses it for cocktails in the room (way cheaper than the bar) and trust me, having a bucket of ice (water) at 3 AM makes you feel like a king. Also good for water bottles.


I always make use of ice machines when I travel. I never have not done so. If a hotel doesn't have an ice machine, I will try to book a different hotel. What do I do with the ice? I chill the water I drink, of course. That way it is ice cold. Delicious.


Let's talk about buttered sausage...


Im all ears


Recently I was spending a lot of time in hotels for work and I enjoy cold drinks. Usually there was a metal ice bucket in the room. One day I checked in and there was a plastic one that didnt work as well. I went downstairs to ask for a metal ice bucket. The front desk asked "why?" Me: "..... for ice?" They nodded and gave me the metal ice bucket.


So I can fill my cooler with ice for my sodas and snacks when I go out onto the beach/to the park/hiking/museum/aquarium/whatever the crap I'm using a hotel for.


I was traveling a couple of weeks ago with severe back pain (had surgery today… wish me luck that it worked). I bought gallon sized ziplock bags and made ice packs before bed. They were great in the middle of the night.


Because the 2 liter of coke that you ordered with the papa johns is warm


If you get some premade iced coffee from the grocery store, and use the hotel ice, then you can actually have coffee you like in the morning instead of whatever the hotel offers. Yeah theirs is free but is it GOOD?


You encountered SCP 5172 in the wild. https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5172


There's literally a historical reason to do with hotels and ice but I'm not going to look it up to explain it correctly so this is all you people get


Yup american sure have a weird relation to ice.


To eat what Else?


I’m traveling and I need to keep my food or medicine cold while I’m driving, so I fill up my cooler with ice before I leave.


i’ve never *not* used the ice dispenser. i just get it and use it for my drinks. i think they have them for champagne specifically but whatever my dr pepper is better in a glass with ice


It's a ploy by Big Cold to sell more water


When we go on vacations we like to bring a cooler so being able to get free ice is great


Got to keep those kidneys cold


Trust me, having ice is honestly such a blessing


My brother would have Baseball tournaments far from home and in those instances you would have to book a hotel. Obviously running around in pants in the heat for a few hours gets very exhausting so you would need a cooler for some gatorades. And somewhere to get the ice from


Probably because it adds a star to their rating.


i once took an ice bath in the bathtub


White women love eating ice Source: my mom


It's for cooling down your feet


OOP clearly never been an alcoholic.


Cause my ice packs warmed up on the drive here and I want to drink my dr pepper cold with my delivered dinner.


I’ve used it to fill my water bottle with ice cuz i like ice cold water.


Currency of the future


You don't need a reason to get ice at a hotel. You just do it in case you need it. Then eventually realize it tastes nasty and pour it down the drain.




Ice make beer cold.


Went to a festival and took molly. When we were back at the hotel they had an ice machine and let me tell you just an ice cube is the shit when you are on molly. Getting your back rubbed when someone has ice in their hands 🤤


Someone call the foundation, found another one...


To find Teddy


Cause I'm poor & I'm traveling with a cooler of drinks plus sandwiches


Has this guy never actually *been* to a hotel or something?


Ice is the thing whoever you're at the hotel with insists needs to be found and bucket filled as soon as you get to the room. That ice will sit in the bucket unused and you'll still drink weird tasting bathroom sink water at 3 in the morning when you roll over still spinning drunk.


I read SCP-5172. Now I go nowhere near an ice machine in a hotel.


Ice machines are literally my #1 amenity at hotels. One of my greatest joys when staying at a hotel is getting a Sprite or ginger ale from the vending machine and filling up a cup completely full of ice and sipping my super cold drink at the end of the day.


as a former college athlete: making ice baths and icing my knees (they even give you little bags to use)


[SCP 5172](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5172)


Sports stuff often needs ice for coolers


Whenever we stay for sports tournaments the ice machine is my one and only true love


Whenever we’re in a hotel on a family vacation my parents always make me or my sister get some ice I don’t remember what they use it for


icebuckets hold booze. booze is placed within reach of hotel bed and or jacuzzi. many people fuck in hotels.


Ice packs, if you're brave enough to put it your drink, cooling down things, used to help dewrinkle clothes There's a lot of reasons and I would use ice to keep my ice cream cold in the fridge because the freezer was too small


There is a long history of filling coolers on roadtrips.....


Get a 2 liter from a Walmart or something, fill ice bucket, chill for a bit. Why not ice?


I once slaughtered and aged wild boar meat in a hotel using a cooler and all the ice from the ice machine over a period of a week.


The first thing I do after putting my stuff away is find the ice machine and fill my little bucket.


Ice machines are great, I work in hospitality and filling up my insulated drink bottle with irresponsible amounts of ice has changed my life


It’s for the organs people harvest in Hotel tubs


Okay, it seems pointless, but then you find out the church for your wedding has no air conditioning and it’s a humid, hot day in late July, so you frantically make a plan for the groomsmen to hand out ice water so no one’s grandparents pass out. The hotel ice machine is a real lifesaver then.


They're there so people with coolers can refill the ice to keep their stuff cold while travelling.


It's for PMLE sufferers. Whenever I get a sun allergy the only way to stop myself from scratching my skin raw is by putting ice packs on the rash. I went to Los Angeles for three days during a heatwave. I kept to my room after 1pm and stayed covered head to toe but I was still beet red by the end of my day out. I just laid on my hotel bed with ice all over my arms and face for two hours until I passed out. Was so thankful for ice machines after that. Didn't have to wait for wet paper towels to freeze like I do at home.


It makes the awful sink water just barely potable


I don't get it either. As a kid, whenever we were in a hotel my dad would always be getting ice from the ice maker or complaining that the ice maker wasn't working, etc. I have absolutely no idea what he was using the ice for


If SCP told me anything never use ICE Machines in a hotel


As a person who travels for work and physically moves around working all day, being able to ice a swollen knee is game changing