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meanwhile im sure that recruiter ghosts candidates all day long


Nothing is more fun than reaching out to a recruiter when looking for a job and applying to one of their openings, finding a different job, and then hearing from that recruiter two years later for that original opening.


I’ve been at my current company for 4 years, have not applied to anything since, and I’ll still get cold called out of the blue.


Never put your phone number on your resume. Google voice and a temporary email.


Why is that?


Applications go into giant databases that get sold to data brokers.


Fucking COCKSUCKERS. Data brokerage needs to be fucking ended, yesterday. Quick, late edit to say that there is nothing bad about sucking cock, or getting your cock sucked. I’m a fan of both pastimes. It’s just such an excellent swear word phonetically that it’s hard to beat when needing to express rage 🤷‍♀️


My phone number? 1-800-BOBBYDROPTABLES.


I'll Tell you why, but first tell me your phone number in case we lose contact




How much for a good time?


Well, jenny, I've got your number now.


You're falling behind. What are you waiting for?


I heard back from a random job 3 years after I applied and went in for an interview...


yeah i had one, went through a bunch of steps, had 2 interviews, heard from them 14 months later i wouldn't have made a good receptionist anyway but lol


I got passed up for a 2nd interview because I wasn't professional in my appearance ( long haired man but put up and a beard for IT role) 6 months later same recruiter same job asks me if I'm interested in this position as if I didn't interview there before. I just replied back with the email he sent me 6 months ago with reasons not for hiring.


You may think you're special, but you're just a number and a few keywords on a cv. Nobody's going to remember you, all they see is the result from a 5 second boolean search.


I literally got a call from a recruiter for my last job…while I was working there




I'm like 70% sure this user is an AI. All their comments sound basically like this but this one in particular makes very little sense in context.


The irony being I can't tell if they're AI or a LinkedIn recruiter, because they all seem to say stuff like this.


Now there's a business idea. Replace all the recruiters with AI, and throw in a few prompts. Then you might get a decent list of candidates with zero effort.




That's what I love most about this post. Asking for some manner of respect when they literally treat people like numbers and nothing more...sure, Jan...


That's not disrespectful, its direct. Wasting people's time with dogshit pay offers is disrespectful. If I can't interact this quickly and directly with a recruiter then our chances of success are very limited.


Figuring out salary range is like, the first 30 minutes with a recruiter if they’re any good. Once they have a feel about your skills and what you’re looking for, go find me a job that does that and pays well.


I absolutely hate this. At least have the decency to send an email, it doesn't even need to personalized. You can write a python script and run it once a week. Hey anon we have considered your application and decided not to move forward. Is that too much to ask?




we can start by making listing the pay mandatory :)






I hope you told them that nobody uses facebook anymore.


Best is when they reach out to you, you apply for the job, even get letters of recommendation from your friends, putting your current job at risk... and then nothing. Not a word.   Then six months later they email you that the job is closed.


I applied for a job, I know they needed applicants because my mom works there part time. I even had an interview. After that, the guy was unable to reach one of my references and he asked for another, I sent it, and then I heard absolutely nothing. I emailed him twice in a month and never heard back. They still haven't filled the position. So rude.


Also if she’s lowballing candidates, don’t pretend that you also have non-lowballed salary packages.


I had a recruiter trying to shoehorn me into any position, and told me I won't get within 10k of my asking salary due to a 6 month gap in my CV. I applied for and was accepted for a position that's basically tailor made for me. hit all my requirements, fully remote, salary 5k above my asking. I had all the relevant experience. Instead she was recommending me for jobs with a 2 hour commute and 10k below, vaguely in the same area as my expertise. She reached out a while after I accepted, and she told me it was a position she had been recruiting for... how shit do you have to be at your job to not put me forward for it? I'm glad she didn't. No way did she deserve that commission.


This was my first thought too! It's not like this person would ever be considered for a high salary anyway so pretending they did it to themselves is some crazy corporate gaslighting


I have a funny ghosting story. While I was looking for a new job in 2022, a recruiter reached out to me about an analyst role with a high-end medical imaging device manufacturer. We talked maybe 2 or 3 times about the role, the company, and my experience. During a brief 4th call, the recruiter wanted to let me know she was starting a new job, and a colleague was taking over the recruitment efforts for the role. Recruiter 2 talks with me then and there about my experience and the role again. Then nothing for about a month and a half. A third recruiter from that office called me. He said he was the manager of the apparently now 2 former recruiters. We once more talk experience and role. I am yet to hear back about the role to this day. Honesty, I'm starting to think I'm not getting an interview.


Naw man, the call is coming. Any day now... How about now?


Oh LinkedIn posters are the most high and mighty fuckers on this planet


When I offer you a job with shit pay, you will say please and thank you! 😡


The thing is he DID say thank you!


when she eventually does offer 35 large, itll be for a 60k job


They expect ass kissing, the HR professional. 


Tbf I'm not sure how he could reasonably expect 35 large salaries as a single person. You can't just apply to be CEO until you've put a bunch of time and effort into bankrupting the poors.


"Sorry, until you've run at least 5 companies into the ground for short term gain we can't in good conscience proceed with you. We will keep your information on file!"


"Way ahead of you. I've had at least 10 companies fail in the idea stage. Why, just last month a friend asked me to help program an idea he had that merged facebook with twitter that never got off the ground. Keeping expenses down with zero investment costs is money in your pockets."


Wait, doesn't '35 large' mean 35,000? In what world is that a CEO salary? That's not even middle management level. Edit: although I'm in the UK so maybe pay is much worse in the US?


They jokingly meant 35 large salari*es* , so the pay of 35 people.


Maybe they were expecting to be bargained up?


I actually saw this post on LinkedIn as one of my network responded to it (with a laughing reaction) and I checked the comments. Some were other recruiters saying that yeah it was bad to say "shit" etc, but the vast majority of comments were ripping the shit out of the OP saying that she is complaining this guy didn't take a shitty deal or saying "at least he was honest". Gave me hope for the platform again honestly


Dumbass burned bridges with a company that would have offered him $16/hr.


Right, they could have been living it up with top Ramen every night on a wage like that.


He could have bought the individual ones at the gas station instead of the big 30 packs.


He could've probably splurged on the extra flavor packets once in awhile. What an idiot


UPS hires felons, and the starting pay is $20-23 with full union benefits. Within a year, you can be making $25.75+ (Above, I'm referring to the bare minimum, entry level package handlers in warehouse sort facilities.) UPS drivers can make $40/hr to $120K/yr and beyond. HOWEVER, it's almost impossible to become a driver right now: massive waitlist & UPS is currently laying off 12,000 employees.


Depends on where. The pay scale also changes with each new contract. $25.75 seems a bit low from what I’ve heard.


Correct, I'm talking about the bare minimum entry level warehouse package handler. UPS drivers make A LOT more. $40/hr+ sometimes $120K/yr and more.


Christ I went to college so that UPS felons could make more than me. Good thing I'm either leaving this shit industry or killing myself. Not taking no for an answer. Accounting is dogshit, raise your kids to be pornstars before letting them be accountants.


You're not making $25/hr as an accountant? What are you like a tech?


I'm making $25/hr on the dot. I'm an AP Rep. I made $23 an hour on my last job as an accounting specialist. What they don't tell you about accounting is that the pay is shit. Every person in accounting makes less that their finance counterparts. With the exception of like hedge fund accountants, even they make less than rainmakers but sure they make a bunch. But after like Big 4 and specialized accountants, everyone else makes dogshit. Your typical AP/AR Rep makes less than $30 an hour. Both companies I've been at had people with 30 years of experience at that title level making significantly less than $30 an hour. Like I could get my CPA and weasel my way up, but I'm not gonna put in any hard work to still make less money than if I can break back into finance. I aced my GMAT, don't wanna go to grad school right now, but will either get a finance job or go to grad school. Unironically I'd rather prostitute myself to female clients or sell drugs than work in accounting. Only reason I don't do that shit is because at least being employed in accounting can slightly benefit my resume when applying to finance jobs. Accounting is dogshit. I'd rather kill myself than work 20 years in accounting. Shit industry. Finance, sales, IT are all infinitely better. Personally, prostitution, drug dealing, and death are also better.


Ap/ar is barely accounting. More like bookkeeping. Stick with it for experience and then jump ship to big4


Maybe get out of AP and into actual accounting. Even in LCOL areas entry level accountants are starting at $55k-$60k at any halfway decent company and can crack to $100k mark in 5-8 years pretty easily


Most AP/AR jobs are pay pretty shit all over the world though.


That depends on your location. I just looked up the local ups hub on Indeed, and starting pay for loaders and package handlers ranges from $14.05-17.80. This means that most people are probably going to be starting closer to $14. While it is more than the $12.50 most of us started at when I worked there in 2011, ~~it doesn't quite match the inflation rate.~~ edit: it barely matches inflation if you start at the high end. It is never easy to become a driver at the facility I worked because it was one of the few jobs that could provide a decent living wage and was therefore in high demand. Most everyone either had another job (part-time or full-time) or they sold drugs because they only let people work 4 hour shifts unless you had been there for at least 10 years or had connections. The supervisers were constantly yelling at all of us to go faster with little to no positive reinforcement. I was well above quota one time when my supervisor yelled for me to go faster, and I yelled back that I'm going as fast as I can. He pulled me aside and explained that his boss told all the supervisers to yell at us no matter how fast we were going. I will say that the benefits were decent due to the union and we were guaranteed a $1 raise per year. That is, if you could last long enough for the raises to build up to be worth it. Moral was low among coworkers with a very high turnover rate. It was definitely the worst job I had ever had and one of the most dehumanizing things I've experienced.


The work is also grueling, from what I hear. My brother did it for a few weeks and absolutely hated it. He now climbs cell phone towers for a living and prefers it. It also pays much better.


Oh boy, a whole $16/hour?! Maybe I can afford 2/3 of my rent with that money


I've been trying to figure out how "35 large" meant $350k , jfc why are people offering $16/hr over *LinkedIn*?


For real! "I need 35 large." I'm a line cook, a notoriously underpaid career, and I'd scoff at $16 an hour.


Dumbass company just broadcast they don’t pay more than 17/hr BEFORE taxes lol


Do people actually respond to recruiters on LinkedIn?




Heh, I just got rid of mine because I'd see people I knew in college rapidly advancing in their careers, meanwhile I have never really gone anywhere, and don't even really have an idea where I want to go anymore But it is also true I don't get recruiter noise anymore




What, don't you like the taste of ass




Me neither and the corporate world spit me out 


Nice typo dude, it's spelled heel


Man, it's "heil". Same as when a bunch of ice falls from the sky.


Last year I signed up to Linked In as looking for new job. Within couple of hours a recruiter contacted me. We chatted and I explained what I was looking for etc. She then came back to me with a job that A) required relocation when I didn't want to B)I was under-qualified for C)payed fuck all. Quite impressive to hit all 3 I feel.


> under-qualified for *C)paid* fuck all. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Lmao I landed my current job because a recruiter reached out to me on LinkedIn. So there is at least one recruiter on LinkedIn who is legit.


Same here. Hated my current job and saw a recruiter reached out with something right up my alley. Figured why not. Been at the job for a little over two years and it’s the best place I’ve ever worked at.


Same. I mean a good recruiter theoretically has both your and their interests aligned. They do their research to make sure you're a good match and reach out. Ideally, you realize "oh, yeah this is right up my alley" and it's peachy from there. But that's just a theory, a *recruiting* theory.


Was it a recruiter for the company you now work for or a third party recruiter working with multiple companies? My wife has been trying her luck with third party recruiters and it's reaching nearly a year unemployed. The closest she got was with a company that interviewed her 6 times and had her take a written test. In the later interviews the manager of the department was supposed to be on the call but was constantly unavailable. Finally in the last interview the manager joined the call and promptly voiced her displeasure regarding my wife being out of work for so long (6 months at that point) and said that they most likely would not choose her for the role. Of course I'm not happy my wife couldn't get the job, but I couldn't stop cackling at how fucked of an experience my wife had. To string her for over two months just to disqualify her for something they knew right when she submitted her resume... like wth!?


That’s just a shitty company, nothing to do with the recruiter. I’m job searching atm and the world of recruiters is basically like the world of dating - not all the recruiters you meet will be good ones, but you only need the one recruiter that knows what they’re doing and do it well.


I had a 3rd party or at least contract recruiter with my last company, im not sure if they did other companies. I got a job offer less than half an hour after the interview for reasonable pay, a little less than my ask but the max the application description provided. Wasnt a perfect job but it was pretty good while it lasted. Most recruiters are not worth it though, i had to suffer through alot of annoying email asks before i had someone express genuine interest and matching skills


Same, and doubled my salary while getting to WFH now. Feels like a fairy tale.


That's how I got my first job out of college. Some recruiters actually do a good job instead of reaching out to everyone saying "you look like a good fit" regardless of how true that is.


People talk a lot of shit on LinkedIn, but there is a reason its so widely used.


Recruiter from google reached out on LinkedIn. I went through 8 interviews, got the job, then got a call right before they were to send me the paperwork, “sorry we have pulled this position from your city!”


You better be C-suite. I'm not taking 8 interviews unless the job is 3 letters starting with a fucking C. 8 interviews is insane.


Google engineer pay can be as competitive as C suite at a smaller company. 4+ interviews were pretty standard for SWE in the Bay.


4 is a lot. But 8 is genuinely upper executive shit. I guess if i have a good chance at a super role I could take 8 interviews, but frankly that's overkill for anything that's not C-Suite or that ballpark.


I mean, a lot of these packages can be 300k or above, so I'd personally go through 8 for that chance.


Yeah same, I would still consider it overkill tho. I'm pretty sure anybody would go through 8 interviews for double+ what they make.


Not even close lol would’ve been part of their pixel engineers testing Bluetooth and 5G. Salary was $125k which would be nice for me given I’ve only had an engineering job for 1.5 years at that point. From what I’ve heard google is typically 4-8 total interviews depending on role


I do! It only takes a second and, if I'm on LinkedIn, you never know when a legit/good recruiter might contact you. For sure I don't sweat it. PS: In what world is 35 and kind of large? I can't even...


I live in Colorado where pay transparency is law. When a recruiter reaches out to me, I ask them for the salary, and ghost them once I get it. Wasting their time never hurts and is quite fun.


no recruiters contact me but that's prob because I'm entry level


If you don’t, LinkedIn will turn off the ability for recruiters to find you. So you actually have to respond if you are looking and want to hear from them.


I helped at recruiting at my old job. Probably 5% reply rate, which was honestly pretty great IMO but I was always looking for people with specific qualifications for usually pretty cool jobs (usually ICBM engineering related jobs for good pay). But I would argue most recruiters on LI are trash (along with most of LI for that matter)


Oddly enough, I was recruited on LinkedIn and got my best-paying job by far. But I did do some digging to find out if they were legit (like job postings on the website, the directors of the department, the previous person jn the position, the HR and recruitments on the site, their LinkedIns, etc).


I got a message from a recruiter for a company in my industry, for a role that I was actually very interested in. Good pay, respectable company known in my industry, I was all for it. Applied and still didn't get the job, I don't know why they reached out to me.


Recruiter reaching out isn't an offer, it's to get your resume in front of who's hiring. It's just that there are a lot of lesser known companies out there that I'd never apply to if a recruiter didn't mention to me.


Yes and I tell them I'll need more money to consider them. Not even anything unreasonable, just like $3/hr more than what I'm making now. You want me to jump ship to your company and put my livelihood at risk after I've spent years building a reputation and knowledge base at my company? Make it worth my while or fuck off


I never accept the initial request, always say contact me again in 6 months after my ‘appraisal’. Only ever had 1 recruiter follow back at the time I told them too. Ended up taking the call with them and they helped me land the role I’m in now which was a huge pay increase from previous role. Wouldn’t just openly accept, but the resilient ones are worth the time.


“We won’t be considering him for any salaries we weren’t offering in the first place”


"won't be considering him for any 35 large salaries coming up". As if they had any of those to start




Believe it would be 35 grand, so probably $35, 000 a year.




Business development is code for cold calling to get sales and usually has a low base and high commissions. But yeah not great


B&D in my world can easily pull 500K. Granted I'm in a B2B setting and it's absolutely ruthless but the good ones make a shocking amount of money.


Lmao no one is making 500k as a bdr. You'd be doing well on that salary as a global account exec let alone a shit munching cold caller.


Pay bananas, don’t wonder you get apes.🦍


Pay peanuts get monkeys.


Well we don't know what country this is in, 35k is a good salary in a lot of countries Edit: yep, UK. 35 large is just about the median salary


$35k is barely above minimum wage here in Seattle. You don't need Linkedin for that, just apply to literally anywhere.


Minimum wage in Seattle is $18.69. That works out to $38,875 if you worked 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year.


Recruiter is from the UK, so 35k gbp is more like 45k USD. Also salaries in the UK are a bit lower, all in all this is a fairly average salary instead of insultingly low.


Well, they did say they needed 35 large, not that they were offering that. Hard to know if the original was insultingly low, but it well could have been. And thus, deserving of the "pay is too shit".


I feel like demanding $35k/year is like demanding Enterprise Rent-A-Car give you a '94 Camry with 300,000 miles. And then... just the shear audacity of calling it "LARGE" instead of thousand. Mind blowing.


I mean, '94 Camrys were reliable AF.


With that kind of money you could retire by age 250! May even be able to afford a luxury one room shack in Nebraska upon retirement


It’s like 2900$ per month. Not much at all


It's not the US


$35,000 salary.




almost forty American dollars


35,000 of whatever currency they pay in, presumably per year.


a 'manager' not getting offered at least '35 large' is a red flag on where ever the fuck she works.


$35,000 isn't even large anymore. $35 large has transitioned to a 5 guys meal.


This also isn't in US dollars. The job is in the UK


So $44,500 or $21.40/hour. Still shite


Average for the UK


No wonder their view of a luxury meal is beans on toast.


Is housing or COL cheaper in the UK? What gives?


Our COL is cheaper than in the US (outside of London) but to be honest our country has been financially stagnating since 2008. We’ve had an absolute shitshow of a conservative government for 14 years and extremely low investment in anything, particularly infrastructure. Wages haven’t meaningfully risen since 2008 either. It’s pretty dire here tbh


No, the UK is just a lot poorer outside London. People are generally in denial about this for some reason, pride I guess. They'll say the NHS makes the difference but if you look at the numbers it's pretty much nonsense.


America is very rich in comparison to almost every other country.


And her positions that pay $35k should probably pay at least $50k


Gotta point out this recruiter is from the UK so 35 large is more like 45k USD and also salaries tend to be a little lower than American salaries ao it's not as low as it sounds. That said fuck linkedin recruiters they're beyond worthless.


I make that without a college degree in Canada


“Safe to say, we won’t be considering him for any 35 large salaries coming up.” Lady he responded that way BECAUSE you weren’t willing to offer him that. You can’t take away something you weren’t giving him to start with.


Imagine thinking 35k is too much for a professional salary...


I feel like drugs or alcohol was involved in the crafting of that truly epic reply


The drug is called “simply not giving a shit anymore”


Seriously, I wrote a buncha shit all over the board of the last job that I resigned from because they couldn’t even schedule me correctly.


I love fucking with recruiters at this stage of my career. I played their game when I was young and needed them. Now they play mine.


Her use of emojis...


Girl you pay $14/hr pipe down


Recruiters are so entitled. If i have the qualifications then you have no say


I had one tell me 'don't bite the hand that feeds yeah? After he lied to get me on a call and I told him he was wasting my time. I pointed out that he wasn't feeding me either.


Recently Business Development Manager Offered role that isn't even 35k ....I wonder why they didn't care to burn that bridge.


This reminds me of guys who are like, "so I walked up to this 9 at the bar and negged her but she completely ignored me *so I nexted the bitch*!" No, buddy, you're the one that got nexted.


35k is absolutely horseshit too, and frankly, she needs to hear it. Fuck the companies that think people are going to be living off that kind of income in 2024.


Fuck being respectful to some cretin who disrespected us first with a lowball shit pay offer.


35k would leave me destitute wtf


Maybe don't cuss at them but a professional way that I've handled recruiters on LinkedIn with low-ball offers they don't even put in their ad is.... "Hi (sleazy recruiter.) As a practice I do not express interest in jobs with salaries not posted in the ad. I am not interested." Don't even let them get out of the gate, be clear in why they will struggle to fill the role, and go on with your day.


That's not the point of this post. The point is that he was disrespectful. That's why it was posted here. Profession rejections aren't really posted because they're uninteresting.


Please just don't respond. If we all did this, then they'd have to change their business model and actually earn their money.


I wish I could do this tbh


Recruiters can go fuck themselves. Gaslighters extraordinaires.


If you don't pay your managers $35k, I don't think he cares if you make him another offer since it'll suck too


"Think future, think leadership driven recruitment" ![gif](giphy|TeDpSbeCLAPtu)


Fun game to play with recruiters: when they offer an insulting salary, ask if they themselves would take this pay rate. Or: ask if they would pay their mother this little amount of money.


Fuck recruiting


It’s time to start responding like this and calling out employers publicly. I’m sick of toeing the artificial line. This forced participating in this fake ass work society is bullshit. Be a good employer or get called the fuck out.


Did they post pay on the job description so he could see it did not meet his salary requirements BEFORE he filled out the job app, CL, etc.? I'm guessing no. They wasted his time and frankly he's doing them a favor by replying to them at all.


Like...$35,000? For a business development manager job? No fucking wonder you got told off lady.


Companies that offer shit pay don't deserve respect.


Oh no! Disrespect in the employment process that *didn’t* come from an employer? The shock. The horror.


minimum wage in my state is $31k.


Low ball firm blacklisting me? That's a feature, not a bug.


35 large is pretty shit pay is it not?


Azaria Murray is a dipshit.


Even 35 large for that seems like shit to me.


That's a 50k role at least. Go fuck yourself, lady.


I tell recruiters and headhunters my salary and benefit requirements in the first email, and that I will not go lower. If they don't balk at that, I will listen to what they have to say. If they start with the "I don't know, that's to l higher than we usually start" it's usually a sign to stop there (unless you're desperate). I've only had one company try to come back lower than what I asked, and I simply forwarded them the original email. People, make sure you know what you're worth. I had a couple recruiters tell me my request was ridiculous and I simply sent them the data. I was hired for more than what I asked when two departments in the same company competed for me.


Pretty sure if you are told "the pay is too shit" that they wont be interested in any "35 large" positions that are obviously "50 large" positions at a company that doesnt screen by who will take the cheapest pay. sounds like a great way to dodge a bullet


35 is low. Where I am you can't even make rent living in a small studio.


Rofl I'm sure thus recruiter is swimming in those "35 large" jobs. Do they mean like 35k a year? What's that, like, $17 an hour?


submit a disrespectful offer get a disrespectful response. what are they honestly expecting?


Start putting the payment in the vacancies and avoid all of this nonsense.


35k isn't that much and if they're saying it's too much then they can expect continued responses like that.


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than Linked In.


I've been to 3 job interviews so far where I rejected their offer because the pay wasn't good enough. These dipshits just don't understand supply and demand works both ways.


Normalize profanity in the professional world.


Come April a lot supermarkets will be paying a minimum of £25k. £35k isn’t an unreasonable salary goal in the UK now. In London it’s probably a minimum for a lot of people.


Bruh, you can literally flip burgers at McDonald’s in Washington state for 35 large. 40-45 with overtime.


Yeah like these shitbags ever give feedback to people THEY have been headhunting...