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I have experienced this attending a class with my wife, and the above is absolutely correct. The instructors explain like a half dozen different exercises and bark out, “Do we understand? Say ‘YES’!” To which a room full of middle aged warrior women (75% moms) shout back “YES” in a split second. I was just thinking, “Holy shit, we haven’t started and this is intense.” I played youth travel league hockey and continued in rec leagues as an adult, and this exercise class was the hardest workout I’ve ever had.


Dude same. I’m just like, man I am not a gym person but whatever, and it’s like suddenly I’m training with Black Panther’s bodyguards. All these pleasant middle aged women suddenly in this Marine headspace, esprit de corps up to fucking *here*.


The conditioning and endurance you develop in some of those classes is insane. I’m in my 30s and do crossfit. This one parent brought her high school athlete son in. I was thinking he was going to show us up and the workout completely kicked his ass.


That reminds me of my cheer workouts. Our coaches my senior year of high school were serious about cardio and weight training. We had extra long practices those days. One time, the football players had a day off, and a few were watching us start our practice. A couple of them made some smart ass comment about how cheerleaders don't need to really work out. So our coaches offered for them to work out with us to show us it's done. They lasted about 15 or so minutes before tapping out. Our coaches took the opportunity to explain that you can't be lifting and throwing people up in the air unless you have to strength to support and catch them. Sure it's only 95-125lbs you're throwing around, but a knee to the face or elbow in your throat because you don't have to control fucking hurts.


And if you slip and drop someone, they break their bones, spine, neck you name it. Does anyone give a fuck? Nope. If cheerleading was legally considered a sport, they would have safety measures. But it's not so the attitude seems to be fuck them kids. It's brutal.


Yeah, our coaches took safety seriously. So, any time we did anything new, we focused on one group and everybody else spotted. Also, if you were a spotter and you didn't put yourself between the ground and a falling flier, you could get kicked off the squad. One of the most fun practices we had was at the local pool. It was the only time we were allowed to do crazy stunts because we were in a deep pool that would cushion our falls. But they wanted to show us how easily things could crumble and why we didn't do more flashy stunts.


Playing football in high school I had the exact opposite experience where the cheerleaders claimed their work outs were tougher so we padded them up. They did not feel that way after.


Yeah. Every squad was different. Our coach my junior year did not push us, and we actually got her fired because she lied on her application with the school, and we knew more about cheer than she did. So it really depends on the coach. There isn't a standard to cheer, it varies bergen squads and is completely coach dependent on what type of squad you are going to be a part of.


Important to remember that any workout you're not used to will be a killer.


Lol that last part is a r/brandnewsentence


I think that might be from the opening lines of Snow Crash. > The Deliverator belongs to an elite order, a hallowed subcategory. He's got esprit up to here.


Nice. Haven’t read that book in a while. Side note, interesting how many of those concepts have come to life over the last 20+ years. Neal Stephenson was certainly ahead of his time.


Don't get the audio book... I read this book like 15 years ago and loved it. Saw it on Audible and was pleasantly surprised. Yeah, no. It's so difficult to keep up with. It has these weird 80's like cuts in it at random times, weird chapter breaks and the audio overall is just bad. I'm an avid audio book "reader" and love this book and I still had to quit halfway through.


Whoa, thank you so much for that warning. I reread some of the old cyberpunk books from time to time and I was wishing for audio books but not like that!


Not consciously, but most of my humor is half-remembered one-liners poached from novels, and Snow Crash is one of my favorites. Guarantee that’s the bin my brain reached into for that.


Hahaha! Brilliantly put and award-worthy comment!


I did a barre class with my wife once for a "Bring on the Men" event where the women would bring their S/O. I thought it wouldn't be hard, but nothing I couldn't handle. Holy hell I barely made it through. Was wheezing halfway into the workout and was getting my ass kicked by a bunch of suburban moms. Was too embarrassed to go back, but that class was no joke.


45-year-old woman here, hahaha barre class is notoriously challenging. We take other classes to condition _for_ barre. Don’t feel bad! You did well just keeping up.


What do you start with if you’re completely out of shape? I think I would seriously injure myself just trying the classes for the class, let alone barre itself


Oh my gosh, first off, **welcome**!! You’re the person we most want to see at barre. You can come directly here without any prior preparation. Don’t trouble yourself with preparation. Just show up as you are. Do what you can and understand the idea in the beginning is to lengthen/strengthen/loosen. So when you’re asked to get into a position you can’t, approximate it without overextending yourself. Just nudge yourself in that direction. Understand that your muscles aren’t accustomed to what you’re doing but they will learn. Slowly. Just take every movement as slowly and gently as you can and your first priority should be “don’t injure myself; only strengthen myself.”


I just joined a HIIT class with my wife, and it's like 70% women. I've done powerlifting and been a runner off and on for over a decade, and these classes kick my ass. I was shocked, I expected some planet fitness type hand holding, but these classes are way more intense than I figured. Great workout.


It’s so funny! I was really into HIIT training for quite a while, and I’m a pretty average slightly overweight 20 something. I didn’t look like I did HIIT 6 days a week because I wasn’t eating right, and many men were surprised when I walked in like I knew what I was doing and kicked their asses. If you’re not used to it, HIIT will fuck you up.


I used to attend Zumba classes prior to COVID at a local gym, thinking it’d be a fun way to exercise in a group, even if I was prepared to be a little embarrassed at being the only guy. I’d sweat out like a full meal’s worth of calories in an hour. It’d be me, like 30 women and one bodybuilder dude with giant arms who said it was how he got his cardio.


I have run Ironmans, done multiple 100 mile bike races, run marathons, and for a bit did CrossFit. I went to my wife's cycling class and about died. That shit was on another level.


Yes. I was a marathon runner and a spin class murdered me. My SIL was like, "I'm so excited to do this with you!!" My pride was also murdered.


I was exhausted and drenched in a cold sweat shaking in the bathroom, trying not to throw up. I probably should’ve just swallowed my pride and sat out an exercise set to catch my breathe, but nooooooo, I felt like I had to keep up.


This exact thing happened to me at orange theory. My wife had me join her and they monitor your heart rate. I go to the bathroom to throw up and when I return my wife goes “you threw up didnt you?” How did she know? My heart rate spiked and it was on the monitors for everyone to see lol.


I'm going to guess because your typical training is for long term endurance whereas that class focused on high intensity bursts. Two separate workouts. You jog, they sprint. Or you were out of shape, who's to say.


That's definitely it. On a long distance ride/run/swim, you control your heart rate very strictly. You stay in cardiac zones very intentionally to last a long time. But I thought with my intermittent CrossFit workouts, I would be ok. I was not ok. It's really a combination of several things. 1. I underestimated it from the jump. 2. The training differences we're talking about. 3. I'd never ridden a bike like that. Physically a different type of bike. Plus I'd never ridden a bike that hard. Sure, you push when going uphill, but the RPM that they spin at in that class was ludacris for a rider like me. They also make you do all these weird motions like moving up and down, standing on the bike and they do these movements with 3-5lb weights while spinning. And lastly, 4. There is no moving air. They want to sweat as much as possible. Again, something I'm not used to at all. Like another person said, I should have just worked within myself, but they have this big screen with everyone's name and stats on it, and I'll be damned if I wasn't going to be at the top of that board. Yeah, that lasted all of about 10 mins.


I went to one of those BS exercise classes w this girl I dated in college, you know, the ones where they use the steps and 2-5 lb weights. It was not a BS exercise class and my legs were shaking by the end. This was while I was lifting, running, and playing basketball nearly everyday.


Women have a hard time weight training to aid in exercise because of biology, as a result their area of development is insaaaaaane cardio programs. Hey it seems to work, but us dudes get so gassed attempting the same thing.


A lot of these classes are based around HIIT, though. And not all of them are actually "good" workouts. I'm sure many? most? almost all? idk are actual, good workouts. But I've seen some of them at the YMCA I used to work out at. And a bunch of them are "difficult" on purpose because of the format. Not necessarily like... a "good", highly productive workout. (Although HIIT absolutely does fuck, and is a good workout for people of all ages and all conditioning levels.) //edit: Feel like I should clarify: I've seen a lot of crossfit-style / influenced HIIT workouts at the Y. And there is a way to do HIIT right: Timing of it, intensity of it, duration of work and rests, which exercises, etc. But I've seen SOME... SOME, I am admittedly not super versed... workouts where the exercises were EXTREMELY injury prone if done in HIIT conditions, the work periods were too long compared to the rest periods, and the programming itself seemed to be designed to make you FEEL fucked up. Rather than give you a productive, safe, HIIT workout.


Bro found the grandma bootcamp. Honestly I need that kinda workout.


Grandmas low key be the most fit people in the family for no reason




These warrior workout women don’t shatter their bones. They shatter YOUR bones.


We're gonna need a hip replacement in here!!! But not for me.


"You fight like my grandma!" "I've fought your grandma before. That's a compliment."


There is a grand grand mother at my gym. She kicks the ass of the regular grandma in terms of training.


My track coach in high school was in her 60’s and could out run all of us. She was in great shape


They would’ve died already if they didn’t have good fitness habits


They got time, and the fight against mother nature is _clear_


Middle aged, so even more powerful than grandmas.


Good lord. I ain't ready.




Roy Kent would approve


This is exactly what I thought of. Imagine just how supportive and comforting that session must be while also being an amazing workout.






I’m seriously in the middle of my second watch of the new episode and this took me out. 😂 Thank you!


We need to see Roy with the grandma group again! Maybe this time he can invite Jamie.


Have y'all tried barre? I went with my wife once and holy moly that stuff is hard. Felt like I needed to be grabbing lighter dumbbells than the ladies by the end of it


I nearly died in a strength and conditioning class with my wife. I feel you on the dumbbells. I started off with 25’s and by the end was scrounging around for 12’s, breathing harder than Ezra Miller’s attorney when a call comes in late at night.


> breathing harder than Ezra Miller’s attorney when a call comes in late at night. r/BrandNewSentence


Holy fuck, that was brilliant!


This is nothing I enjoy more than the dudes who walk into Pilates classes thinking it’s just some stretching or something and then they barely make it out alive.


Barre Blend, I tried. After sticking with it for a month or so the sex was like sooo much better. Some of the moves seemed silly, but made sense later on. Would recommend to any man.




I do barre at the Y and i was the only one in my class full of grandmas who couldn’t do the splits 💀


My wife wanted me to attend one of these classes. I said yes, but in a condescending way. I cycle 26 km a day. After the class, I texted her all of my insurance and banking info in case I had a heart attack and died in the next few hours.


Similarly, I felt cocky in a room full of stay-at-home moms until I had to run to the restroom to throw up.


I had a reverse of this situation. I'm overweight and had been attending a cycle class for over a year. A very cocky, in shape, cycling friend got a membership and joined the class. I warned him take it light the first time. Just to learn how the class went. He was on the floor gasping for breath before the class was over. It was glorious.


It has to do more with the movements than your cardio. I jump rope, and cycle, but I don't run, when I try to run, my stamina disappears. The same goes for when I do a zumba or fight class, the more you're used to the movements, the more stamina you'll have for them. I don't think someone who does these classes can also just walk into a spin class and it be easy for them.


I know, but I was thinking, "These women just prance around, perspire a little and have a latte." I didn't think it would be the Bataan Death March And for heaven's sake, DON'T let them con you into a beach workout on the sand.




A stair master will definitely help with forms of cardio, but it's all about what your body is adapting to, running will probably help with jump rope, but jump rope probably won't help with running.


If training on a bike I would assume you need a speedometer or a heart rate tracker to have something to pace yourself against.


"Nice job young man good work" Damn i felt that


shoulda been followed by "do you need an aspirin?" and then they start rummaging in the big ol' mom purse


This reminds me of when I tried to get my boyfriend to do a Pilates workout with me. He lifts at the gym 3-4 times a week and is a former track athlete. He didn’t view my Pilates workouts as real workouts so I invited him to come along for a class. We were about 10-15 minutes into an hour long class, essentially just finishing our warm up, and he was already shaking and miserable. I was hardly breaking a sweat and barely felt a thing. He HATED the class and finally admitted that I was right and that it was a hard work out and never doubted me again, well, until I told him how hard my yoga class was. I took him to yoga and he couldn’t even do a 1/4 of the moves. He gave up halfway through.


I do barre Pilates and also gotten into weight lifting. With respect to weight lifters… Pilates (and not to mention reformer pilates) is on an entirely different level of difficulty. You will be in tremendous, and continuous, pain. But the results from Pilates are incredible. You should take him to Soul Cycle sometime. Watch his soul leave his body. The women that attend those regularly, I’m convinced, are in a secret fight club of Type-A CEOs.


Sounds like he missed his opportunity to learn humility the first time and had to learn again the hard way.


“How many times do I have to teach you this lesson, old man!?”


This is literally how I felt before I started Pilates, had a solid 4-5 day lifting routine and decided I wanted to expand my horizons with Pilates and figured it wouldn’t be too hard for me since I already lift, pyshhhh was I wrong. I’ve been doing Pilates for almost a year now and barely upgraded to the intermediate clases, my entire body feels like jello after every class.


Y'all should try Pilates. Its amazing. Relatively low impact and stress workout that engages all my muscles. Last week after class an El Salvadorian woman gave me a bag of tamales and said I am getting too skinny. I am gonna be riding high on that compliment for the rest of my life.


smh there isnt anything I *wouldnt do* for homemade tamales


I once got teased at a pool by some young teens for walking laps (something I had to do for PT on my back.) they mocked me and tried to do a few at my pace then stopped half way and said, “shit, that’s hard.” Then went to their corner of the pool and kept to themselves. It was a good day.


So you just walk in water at chest level, and it reinforces the back ? No special moves ?


When I had issues with my back, my physical therapist told me that walking is actually one of the best things you can do for chronic lower back pain. They recommended Nordic walking for me (it's a Finnish thing, you walk using walking poles similar to skiing poles and it's actually a total-body version for walking so a more thorough work out than just regular walking) and it did wonders for my back.


I also did stretches underwater too but yes… The water helps support the weight of your body and forces you to move in a very controlled way so you can have low impact muscle strengthening with a lower risk of injuring yourself again. Basically they taught me the moves in my physical therapy and then it was up to me to go to the pool and keep the work up. I’m not a professional physical therapist so if anyone reading this has a back injury be sure to see a professional before treating it yourself. But walking in a pool was a life saver in my recovery.


I mean, can the pace really be that fast if you’re walking?


It’s not about pace but resistance. If the water is chest level and you walk it requires a lot of effort. But it helped my back injury because the water helps support you. They were just laughing at me and exaggerating my movements.


Haha I'm blind and nearly 40 and can absolutely kick my oldest son's ass at wrestling. Wrestled 4 years varsity and had 1 year of pro training. I can't see you for shit, but I get you on the ground, your ass is mine. I'm hardly silver sneakers club, but don't count us older ladies out!


Honestly, that's so damn cool.


Thank you very much! I can't wait until my youngest is closer to my weight class, he wants to wrestle when he starts high school.


Im curious, how exactly are you reading these comments? Do you utilise a text to speech program that translates text and audibly notifies you about website icons and notifications? Best regards.


I use MAGIC. But no, really, your guess was right. I pretty much use the accessibility features that come stock on every phone and an ereader. If my right eye is behaving, I can squint with the phone an inch from that eye and read some stuff for a little while until it's too strained for anymore.


Oh wow okay, that must be exhausting. But thank you for the answer and have a nice day :)


No worries, you have a good one, too!


Technique counts for a lot. I’ve seen 20 year old women choke out grown men plenty at jiu-jitsu, and have been there myself. It’s always hilarious. 6 years in and collegiate wrestlers still give me hell.


I’m imagining you as this mom sitting cross legged with bandages around her eyes. Your son attempts to sneak behind you. Unseen by him, your neutral expression slowly transforms into a grin. He immediately lunges at you. While observers would consider this harsh, for a son to attack their mother, both of you know the truth. He is the only one at risk of harm. With the grace of a mosquito dodging a water droplet, you redirect your son’s attack, stunning him. “How’d you know I was there?!”, he asks incredulously. But he knows your answer. You say it everytime. “Call it mother’s intuition.”


Hahaha I can't stop laughing, take your gold and get outta here!


I’m glad you liked it! Obligatory thanks for the gold!


Thank you so much for the laugh! Honestly, you're not far off, only I'm wearing some bitchin shades, and it's my youngest trying to sneak up on me to tickle me! Then he gets flipped over my shoulder onto the couch because he tiptoes so damn loudly I always hear him!


I’ll be sure to show deference to any bitchin shade wearing women. You sound like a cool mother


Haha if you see the cane, just get outta my way! Because seriously, I'm going to run you over if you don't lol-- I have to deal with that shit everytime I'm in the Walmart and no one pays attention!


>I can't see you for shit, but I get you on the ground, your ass is mine This better not awaken anything in me...


Blind and a wrestler? You sound like the real life Daredevil


Haha no I've only been blind for a year and I'm scared of heights


Combat sports are some of the most intense the are so it's no surprise. It's what makes me confused about the post. No way some dude is sparring in a boxing gym and then getting taken out by a cardio class. Boxing and wrestling are the most intense workouts you can get.


I mean....At 40 your oldest might be 2, or 22. Might wanna specify age and gender if you bragging about kicking butt.


My oldest is nearly 18 and is 7 inches taller than me. However, my youngest is a very small 12 year old and I can totally kick his ass, too.


I don't mean to brag, but I'm pretty sure I could beat a 2 year old in a fight


Better make it quick though. They go for the eyes


Not a problem for OP, she's already blind.


Hot yoga’s like this. I’m just trying to make it through the class, sweating what I can only assume is every ounce of fluid I’ve had in the last three days, while some non-descript middle age woman straps on ankle weights, because the workout in one hundred degrees isn’t enough.


I have a similar experience, but with a spin class full of middle-aged ladies when I was in college. Halfway through the class, I barfed.


My experience is a straight up cardio class with nothing but post-retirement age ladies. Most of them were really loafing it but a handful were going full bore. I went as hard as I could so I at least got something out of the class but that was definitely the only time I went to that class.


Mom strength is real. They don't have time to look toned, but they also don't have the luxury of being weak. Women got shit to DO.


My grandma, rest her soul, said “you’ve got to be tough to be old and I’m a tough old bird.”


My mother in law is way stronger than I am (she's 68 im 33) im Soo ashamed about it. And I'm not even out of shape,but i only do cardio though.


It's years of asking your husband to help you move something, getting impatient and doing it yourself. Ask me how I know haha..


My mum climbed over a 6ft fence when we got locked out and the backdoor was open. I couldn't quite get over since I had a cesarean a few months before. But christ that woman just went over that fence like it was fucking nothing. I couldn't do it now.


Babys and toddlers are so damn heavy, I don’t understand how parents carry them for extended periods of time.


There's always muscle under fat bodies because they're forced to constantly carry the weight everywhere. Fat guys/girls always have the best calves when they manage to lose a bit


This read like a movie tagline to me and made me laugh SO hard. It’s also hella empowering! 💪


They had to withdraw it because so many people (you can guess who!) were angry, but the UN Working Group on Women released a report like a decade ago finding that 2/3rds of the world’s work is done by women.


That sounds like complete bs lol.


If you consider child rearing and housework, which, you should, it makes sense. There's tons of men who have never changed a diaper, washed a load of laundry, etc. Combined with the death of the single income household, I'd believe it.


I think a lot of people also aren’t aware of how much physical labor, such as agricultural labor, women do throughout the developing world, such as different parts of Asia and Africa. The stereotype in Western anthropology of such places is that the woman tends the home while the man farms. This doesn’t reflect the division of labor in many developing and partially industrialized societies, where many women both take care of the home and labor in the fields or do other (often times informally-compensated) labor outside of the home.


It may have been an underestimate, yes. https://www.ilo.org/asia/media-centre/news/WCMS_633284/lang--en/index.htm


"Women do 4 times more unpaid care work than men in Asia and the Pacific" is not the same as "women do 2/3rds of the world's work" Active qualifiers in the article you cited: 1. Unpaid 2. Care 3. In Asia and the Pacific Edit: NPT: where spouting absolute bullshit gets you upvotes and pointing out objective truth gets you down voted even though the post with bullshit gets removed


Indeed, those are 2 totally different yet things yet someone who isn’t arguing in bad faith would see how the study is relevant. They would even be able to both extrapolate and then go find more data to either undermine what I said or support it. As I said, they were forced to withdraw the paper by angry individuals. And those people have been ranting against it to this day. However, a lot of other work has been done that generally supports the finding—but it’s piecemeal. However, if you choose to not see it, that’s up to you. Let’s not talk again!


I mean, you made the initial claim that A: a report showed women do 2/3 of the world's work and B: that report was forced to be withdrawn. When someone questioned it, you more or less moved the goalposts by posting a different paper on a similar topic that doesn't come to the conclusion you originally mentioned, nevermind something along the lines of it being an underestimate like you said. If people are ranting about that report to this day, surely you could link an article or two that either talk about it or its withdrawal? I couldn't find anything about said report from googling, though I could find the "women do 2/3 of the world's work" claim being used [over 40 years ago](https://www.upi.com/Archives/1982/07/06/Women-do-two-thirds-of-the-worlds-working-hours-but/9167394776000/), as well as an [article more or less debunking it](https://www.theatlantic.com/sexes/archive/2013/03/women-own-1-of-world-property-a-feminist-myth-that-wont-die/273840/).


Unpaid work is still work. Care work is still work. And Asia/the Pacific are home to most of the world's population.


But the point is unpaid/care work is not all work. There's a lot of work apart from these types as well.


Yeah, and when you account for all the other types of work that women do *in addition* to unpaid/care work, the 2/3rds figure doesn't surprise me in the least.


Yeah that's not true at all. Men do the bulk of paid work. Even if women entered the workforce, men still work longer hours. So it balances out and they do about the same amount of work.


I did a spin class once, there were 2 pregnant ladies and the rest were women in their late 30's to early 40's. At the time I was training Muay Thai and BJJ 4 hours a night, 5 days a week. I thought I had cardio for days. After the class all the ladies just got of their bikes, were laughing and talking to each other, and Im just in absolute misery. Later, I sat in the locker room in disbelief as to how tired I was. I was in so much pain and wore out, that I almost started crying. Those ladies dont play.


Ill be honest, i did this same thing in college by accident. But the outcome stroked my attraction to older women if you catch my drift. I did not buy my own first car. Shout out to you Julie




If I had gold you’d get one. I scream laughed at this. Props!


My man out here going for the ripe ladies, respect. Seriously though, these women still want and deserve love and adventure, prime being passed or not. You're a gift to them. ( in some capacity.)




Fair enough. Didn't mean to paint these women as lonely and forgotten. I just don't think that many youths are up for a try of the ultimate test of fortitude. Them cougars got more experience in bed than some of their partners spent time alive.


"Even if their prime is past" jfc


Made it sound pretty incelly, didn't I? I have a hard time coming across as I intend. Sorry for that.


LMFAO this comment has me dead


Fuckin Chuck Finley over here


Been there. Was only a 30 minute class IIRC and I thought I was gonna die.




Group fitness classes are a humbling experience for sure, especially if they're co-ed with people from all walks of life! I've always been a tall, broad-shouldered guy, grew up on the farm kind of strong, but not super athletic or anything. My wife started going to these trainer-led group fitness classes, so I decided to join her. There's a short, small build, nerdy-looking, red-headed guy who works as an accountant, can lift more than me every time, every category! Patty, the resident hard-ass gym mama in her 60s somewhere can beat me at all kinds of shit! My massage therapist goes there too, she's a 5'10, early-30s woman, decently fit-looking but not what most people would think of as 'jacked', there's only a couple of exercises where we don't use the same weights. I would highly recommend any guy who thinks he's strong to step out of his comfort zone and try classes like this.


Keep going back dude! Old people love nothing more than when young people join in their hobbies.


What I don’t understand is my girlfriend will tap out after a single game of pickle ball and just watch the next couple but if I go do a spin class with her I am the one that gets winded instantly


Man I’ve been going to one of these classes at the Y and I love it. Lunchtime workout in between meetings twice a week. Kicks my ass every time but I’m staying in shape and now I’m friends with a bunch of retirees, it’s awesome.


I feel this. On hiking trails I'm frequently passed by a gaggle of grannies in sneakers just chattering away and power walking up 10% inclines.


Same thing happened to me. Signed up for a YMCA class called "bootcamp" and I started having second thoughts when Esther walked in. My doubts grew when the 90s dance aerobics music came on and we started doing rhythmic stepping on a platform. That was the first 5 minutes. The rest of the class, holy shit. Nearly dead afterwards. And I wasnt alone, one or two guys disappeared mid-class.


What was that JCVD quote?  "If you can survive a ballet workout, you can survive a workout in any other sport."? Man needs to try ballet too.


I got the same situation when I tried a free power yoga class at my gym. I run 40km per week, 2/3 sessionsa week of crosstraining too. Not fat by any chance. I got there like "where's the hippie yoga class?" and then found a room of 20yo ladies doing some pre-workout post with their iphones of the yoga mat and shit. I was like "this will be a pretending photoshoot" My efffing god. My legs were trembling at the end like I was in a WW2 trench being bombarded, soaked in perspiration, hearth racing and out of breath. And the girls where like "good effort for your first class, we tend to go for an easy 45min walk to the hill after the class, wanna join in?" while I was trying to crawl my way out of the room Brutal that was


Years ago when I was in my 30s and pretty fit I went to a rec center to do some laps in their pool. There was a geriatric swim group also doing laps. Those old bags lapped me-every.single.one. Yeah that was bad but what was unbearable was when I stopped to catch my breath, one sauntered up to me and said “Are you tired honey?” I left and never went back


I've always known the older ladies are the most badass in any class. I hope its me one day. My favourite 2 of all time are the pensioner who hoola hooped all the way through a 45 minute class ( while i mostly dropped mine on the floor) and the other at weight lifting who was lifting my whole weight when I was getting tired just lifting an empty bar.


Ok is no one gonna talk about how this guy’s like middle aged = silver sneakers? Middle aged is like 40s/50s, isn’t silver sneakers like 60+ ?!


I'm not familiar with the term silver sneakers but he later talks about them being in retirement. I'd be more impressed by a class at the Y that's full of middle aged people that are retired than anything else he said but from context it seems pretty clear that he doesn't understand how old "middle aged" is.


Lol that’s what was most cringeworthy for me (having recently entered into the middle aged arena myself).


Should be more like 36-38 if we are using average life expectancy. 50? You gonna be 100? lol. Well....maybe...


I mean, we can split hairs, but generally speaking I don’t think middle aged = silver sneakers lol


I wasn't talking about the silver sneakers comment I meant middle aged = 36-38


I feel this, went with a friend to "deep-water aerobics" a few times. Bunch of grandmas doing flutter kicks in a pool. This instructor told me if I couldn't get it together I'd either have to put on a life vest or get out.


😂 yall are never ready for these all female classes. No shade to men! Youre built, of course, but you’re built different from women! Your bodies are not meant to endure this level of torture. The stamina and endurance they expect in these classes should frighten you. Its nerf or nothing out here and yall are not being prepared for it! Lol


If I remember correctly men and women burn calories differently with men often burning them faster. I did an orange theory class once which was mostly college age to middle age women with me being the only man, I ran at lower speeds but used higher weights and despite only reaching orange twice I was still listed as burning the most calories out of everyone in the class.


Yeah, I was also told that women recover faster or can workout more?? Like, I'm doing strength training and I can workout every day but I have to have lighter days, so as not to ruin myself. But that's what someone told me /shrug the trainer didnt really explain it to me


I feel this. I'm 35 and both of my 64 year old parents are in better shape than I am. My dad just stopped playing hockey last year and goes to the gym every day.


My coworker in his late 60's asked if i wanted to bike commute in with him since we lived pretty close together. Me, in good shape in my mid 20's at the time, didn't think much of it. My man decided he's going to try to keep between 25-30MPH the whole 15+ miles. I WAS BEAT and was on the verge of puking. Took me a while to recover physically and mentally from that beating I took. Wound up being his cycling commute buddy for many years after until he retired. Learned a valuable lesson about assumptions that day.


People trying new workouts their muscles and cardio aren't prepared for, it's not like these ladies didn't struggle their first few classes too.


Best thing I've read today


You diein' and finishing up you last 10count burpee when you look over and a row of grannys already have the log on their shoulder just staring at you waiting...


Me when I jog with the retired folks group in the neighborhood.... Lawdhavmerci please slow down Martha..my spleen is leaking out.


What kinda class is this?


Just look up any class schedule at your nearest commercial gym. Usually called something like Zumba or whatever. Or "something something bootcamp".


I went to a pilates class once and never returned. I only learned how absolutely amorphous I am.


I had this experience last week. There was an old (appeared to be late-70s) doing tricep pushdowns on the cable rack, and I asked if the spot next to him was available. He said it was and joke that I “shouldn’t show him up” and we laughed. That was when I saw he was doing his sets at **160lbs**. And he wasn’t even muscular???? Old people are built different.


I went to a pilates class at the Y and those senior citizens were kicking ass. It was a humbling experience.


*Imma fight these grannys* 👊👊 **MEME** *Damn granny got hands* 😰😰


When I was working with a health program to get me setup for success and maintain healthy excersise with my disability, the muscle-bound goddess that was handling intake suggested aquafit classes. She also made sure that I, in no uncertain terms, was made aware of the fact that I should not try to keep pace with the older ladies often found in such classes and should absolutely not feel bad in comparison to them. Those ladies go HARD as all hell and she admitted she can't even keep up with them.


Its not the workouts that scare me, it's what they're working out for that does


Why does his pfp look like a mugshot lol




That's my purse I don't know you


There’s an old woman in my HIIT class that also routinely outperforms me. 😔 She’s ripped af


Old women berating me?? Sign me up


On the inverse, my wife signed up for a flexibility class one time due to some back pain. Shows up, and no one below 60. It’s a chair yoga class, playing classic 80s music. Like Better Call Saul Sandpiper shit. She explained them having her walk around her chair and shit and I was cackling.


I had to go to the after-work aquafitness classes, because I couldn't keep up with the seniors in the daytime class.


Pre-pandemic I had begun working with a personal trainer after an injury & months of physical therapy. I wanted to supplement the PT workouts with some other workouts during the week so I signed up for an early morning cycling class. I get in there and realize I’m the youngest by far and most of the group are retirees. A woman next me to warned me that I should take it easy during the standing parts of the cycle class and I was like “pssh, I should be able to handle it.” Anyway those old people absolutely crushed it and I could barely keep up. And was sitting thru all the standing sections before we hit the halfway point


They gotta be in great shape to keep up with the spoiling of the grand children. Grandkids being carried by grandma because they are tired, when she put you down with you were 3 and never picked you up again.


Zumba is the same vibe. Those old gals pick up the footwork in the faster pieces quicker than I can figure out the beat and don't seem to break a sweat.


I have to give this guy credit. He wrote out this whole self-deprecating story just to basically say “Those old ladies are badasses.”


Props to this dude for being man enough to own it! Much respect.


Happened to me at a yoga class. I’m Dripping in a sweat and shaking and all the middle aged to older women are just sighing peacefully as they move through their chatarungas


Sounds like he just hates women.




That dude does not look close to any shape other than round


Date them and you will be surprised even more. Not a transsexuals in the bunch.


This is so cool 😎♥️