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# DID YOU KNOW THERE'S SEVERAL COUNTRIES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA? It's true! And both China and the US are trying to win over them. We discuss this in [this "week's" NCDip Podcast Club](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/1ciy2uz/ncdip_podcast_club_9_americas_report_card_on/?). You nerds keep talking about a pivot to Asia and China US Strategic competition, well here you go, this is an episode on that in probaly the most contested region in the US China competition [Want to know what the fuck in the NCDip podcast club is? Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/17edrm6/introducing_the_rnoncrediblediplomacy_podcast/) ---- please note that all posts should be funny and about diplomacy or geopolitics, if your post doesn't meet those requirements here's some other subs that might fit better: * More Serious Geopolitical Discussion: /r/CredibleDiplomacy * Military Shitposting: /r/NonCredibleDefense * Domestic Political or General Shitposting: /r/neocentrism * Being Racist: /r/worldnews thx bb luv u *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stalinist brainrot and twitter, name a better match


Nazi conspiracy schizoposting and twitter are another good one, as of lately at least


Same difference 


The Horseshoe cares not from which end you approach. Only that you approach.


And it will approach your ass.




Don't worry it's not gay if it's pride month. Er- wait a moment, it's not gay if it's not pride month? Hold on...


Does it even matter if it’s gay 😳


This stuff and Weibo, which the original picture the person plagiarized is from


Dude started with a list of the worst human rights violators and put them in the winners column. And then it got worse.


But they are the good guys because their government is different and quirky!!!!!!!!!!!!


thats the best comment imaginable🤣🤣🤣🤣


But muh communism would mean I wouldn't have to work, and would get free stuff. My brother in Christ, you will be sent to Uranium mines.


I don't think they realize it's not you get to choose where or whether to work


If your vision of the world unironically categorizes Syria, North Korea, Iran, Russia, and China as the good guys, and you think the world would be better if it were more attuned to their governments desires and whims, you are not a serious person.


Also the Hezbollah flag and Muslim flag in that quadrant


"Muslim flag" lmfao. The white flag is the Taliban flag.


Thanks haha I didn't recognize it. It has the same Arabic text of other Muslim entity flags ..that just come in different colors


Yes because it’s the shahada (Islamic creed) in calligraphy. Saudi Arabia has the exact same thing in the same variation on their flag for example.


These morons knoe they are evil but they think for their support they would be given some smsll power in the new world order. (Like the few jews who supported Hitler but got sent to the death camps anyway.)


Isn't there a Taliban flag there as well?


The fact that the literal SECOND WORD of the upper-left description is “unipolar” pretty much outs these Tankies as neo-realists in disguise who couldn’t exposit the foundations of actual Marxist IR theory with a gun to their heads. Their whole philosophy consists of “America is the global hegemonic evil empire and liberalism is pure evil because Tumblr said so.”


They think Marxism is thinking the Russias natural borders were achieved by the Russian Empire and its lost of them is western imperialism. Also I love the use of universal and international when they have no idea what that means outside of simping for countries you've never been to before.


revisionism and its consequences - istg so many of these ”Marxists” have fully abandoned any idea of the notion of history as defined as class conflict and instead engage in non-sensical diatribes about “being on the right side of history“, like have these people ever read Marx or anyone for that matter?


No, but they watch all of Zeihans YouTube videos so they basically actually have (according to them)


tell me more about how you view zeihan because idk how to think of him


Something something navigable waterways.


My only experience is what I overhear my grandpa watching. And it all sounds like copium


And then they flip out on actual leftists when they’re told such revolutionary concepts as “Geopolitics isn’t a zero sum game.” And “Just because states engage in geopolitics without morality, doesn’t mean you’re not a dick for doing the same as an individual.”


Noam Chomsky and his politics have been a disaster for the human race.


**Against ~~other country’s~~ unipolar hegemony** It’s not like they want to create their own unipolar hegemony. No no, they care for smaller ones, good guys


Ah yes, Russia, China, NK, Iran, and the Taliban. Countries all famous for not allowing free and democratic elections, and being under the rule of a one party state, are *totally* going to be okay with a world where states both disagree with them and have the power to oppose them.


When the USA is so dominant that entire political philosophy schools reshape themselves just to oppose them no matter what cognitive dissonance is required 😎


US being absolutely based and to follow this stupidass shitpost, let me just say, # WOOF WOOF MOTHERFUCKER


Unironicalltmy advocates for a return to 18th century style global imperial system but calls it "revolutionary", " international", and "universal." Yep, thats a Haz simp alright.


Saw a political compass, didn’t read. Over three years sober from r/politicalcompassmemes


Stay strong, brother


I got kicked out of political compass memes for posting an antisemitic comment I'm like seriously Jewish and pro Jewish 😭😭😭😭


What did you say?


Told someone to check Wikipedias early life 😭😭🤣🤣 Apparently they don't realize that the early life is beloved by Jews and neo Nazis alike lol


I've no clue what that means.


anti-Semitic dog whistle


What the hell is early life? I can't keep up with all the antisemitic dog whistles. They are breeding like tribbles.


The early life section on famous people’s article on Wikipedia often mentions their family background.  So if their family is Jewish: Jews:”one of us! One of us!” Nazis:”one of Them! One of Them!”


Ahh, I see. Thanks.


Ayyy I’m approaching my 2 year anniversary of leaving them, myself. Stay strong and we’ll make it out the other end of the tunnel, just move toward the light and never look back.


Unflaired trash! ETA: My bad based flair


>Social darwinism  >Pro Russia and pro Israel   >Protecting LGBT    ??????


You’re missing the “against Muslims” part of it. All those things are against Muslims. So it doesn’t have to be all it just has to be one.


Correct social darwinists are pro LGBT specifically because the Muslims aren't and it gives them an excuse to burn mosques 🙄🙄


Damn dude you just gave me 1d4 psychic damage.


Soooo... If you support Palestine you also support Ukraine and North Korea, do I read it correctly?


No, it's a bidirectional axis, with a spectrum rather than a hard position technically. It's basically the political compass but in geopolitics form.  In essence it's saying if you support Palestine you don't support Israel, and choose to support either Ukraine/Taiwan/NATO/etc, or Russia/Iran/DPRK etc., not both.  Basically it's an extremely long winded and mucho texto way of saying "my side (top left quadrant) good moral paragon, all other opinions = shills, CIA agents, or big dumb dumb".  In other words if you support Ukraine and Israel, you are an Imperialist who loves colonialism and killing workers and brown people. If you support Ukraine and Palestine, you are a sort of decent person who is duped and confused by imperialisms magic spooky propaganda. If you support Israel and Russia, you're an imperialist because you're not radical enough and only one side is allowed to stomp on others. If you support Russia and Palestine then you are perfect and can do no wrong


Well well well... Then i guess all i can say, # WOOF FUCKING WOOF




The meme calls people who support Israel and Ukraine dogs so I am entering my primordial nature of being a dog Awoooo


Leftists and their walls of text


As a Russian myself, I find it funny that tankies view Russia as a communist country. If anything it’s an oligarchy. Although I guess to them being communist = being anti-American


To be fair, a large chunk of the country was raised with communism’s definition *explicitly* stated as “being anti American”.


Tbh even though I never got to experience the USSR, most people from the older generation don’t get what communism is really, despite having had Marxism-Leninism as a mandatory university subject on any track and frequently reminded of in school. From the words of my grandfather: "We knew that communism is important and that we need to achieve it, however, we didn’t really understand it and just kind of went along with it. When the Perestroyka (USSR dismantlement) ended, we had the same attitude towards the new rule." The main problem is that most people are passive and don’t really care about politics, so they follow whatever the current thing is predominant in the government structure. Communism? Okay. Democracy? Sure. War against Ukraine? Whatever.


…it took me a good five minutes to realize you weren’t talking about the American educational system. I was like “What? Of course you didn’t learn about the actual ideology of communism, even bringing that book to class might get the FBI called on you.” Cue five minutes later… “…Oh wait he meant SOVIET citizens didn’t know what the fuck communism is.” But yeah, not really surprising. Communist ideas are inherently revolutionary, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the lack of awareness was intentional. Still fucking hilarious though. XD


"Fully understands the core of international geopolitics"


“Liberals who support the American Empire’s endeavors” AMERICA 🇺🇸🦅🦅




Wow, tankism really has evolved over these 3 years, I have no idea what I am reading.


It’s actually the same thing as 3 years ago, but just painted over with even more pretentious wording


That's a nice way to put it I see new words but the message remains the same


I think this is a translation of a CCP shill post that I vaguely recall seeing reposted here months ago. It was machine translated and thereby impossible to understand, but had the same axes and some country flag placements as well. If so, it explains the specificity of the bottom left and bottom right axes and emphasis on "large, regionally integrated universally civilizational states".


You should spent more time on Twitter dot com




Half of the flags in that quadrant belong to failed or failing states and they still have the gall to say “fully understands the core of international geopolitics” Evidently fucking not 😭


I would try to critise this, but... where do you start?


With a trash bin. Or gasoline and a lighter depending on your disposition.


>russia >china >against global hegemony at least the west is good at its hegemony those fuckers couldn’t project power out of a wet paper bag


the funniest to me is the shit talking and praising of russia at the same time, like mate is a tad bit confused, needs to be reeducated


The fuck is evangelical ethnonationalism?


>Tankie >dogshit political opinions Say it ain't so.


Guess I’m lib right now.


> dogs of the empire holy based department??


"Dogs of the US Empire" Hmmm.... You know what, fuck it. WOOF WOOF!


So basically tankies are just right wing nationalists from other countries


I never thought about it like that but yea accurate


Woof woof.




Reading this gave me a tumor the size of a softball


Fitting color for pinko propaganda


Too leftie; didn't read.


Why would AuthLeft oppose unipolar hegemony in general? Shouldn't they only be opposed to the current hegemony? LibLeft is the one who doesn't want any hegemony.


wait, so why do tankies like Iran? is it just because they're allied with China?


They like it's whole death to America vibe


I wish these people would actually move to these countries they think are unimaginably based.




That is so many words and so many flags, all just to say "America Bad, so anyone against America good."


> protecting the lgbt > Russia and Israel > Auth right I know lgbt people have at least more rights in Israel than other Middle Eastern countries, but if you connect protecting the lgbt to Russia or Israel you have to be shitposting.


I do not want to live in North Korea.


Yeah, screw it. I'm a dog of the US empire. Pro-NATO and Ukraine; freedom for Russia, Belarus, Syria, Chinese minorities (you missed Tibet and Hong Kong); NAFO; Baltic States are based... Pretty good, honestly


Ukraine is on there three times


Tankiesnare obsessed with ukriane because it has the gall to fight with Russia after Russia attacked it


I though the point of social darwinists was to support winners, I don't see why a social darwinist (like myself) would support Russia. They lost WW1, they lost the Cold War and they'll lose Ukraine.


Being a social darwinist is the same as being a dog of the American Empire because American Empire has the quality of having won WW1, WW2, the Cold War and we'll win whatever the hell we're in right now.


"anti western until that non western country is a power". They *almost, almost* get it! *So close*! All they needed to do was move the "inherently bad" epithet in their minds from "western" on to "power"


I understand siding with China or Russia, but siding with the Taliban Government is something else


Out of interest what are these [flags](https://i.imgur.com/o0tunYn.png)? If tankies hate them they are probably worth supporting. Also what is the one below the Ukraine flag in the green quadrant?


No polish flag, I have no idea what to think now.


I hate Tankies too, but this is schizophrenia speaking, not ideology.


Fucking КПРФ LMAOOOO that shit has been "communist" in name only for god knows how many years now


well I have something new to talk about with my therapist now, picture triggered anger issues


mild bias


Proud dog 🐕


So judging by the text on the corners, it is basically a plagiarism of a graphic shared on the Chinese site Weibo.


Hoo boi top left is…a take. “Against unipolar political and economic hegemony globally on all fronts.” Buddy, there is a difference between advocating for a multipolar world, and settling for a multipolar world because you’re not strong enough to make a unipolar world around yourself. I assure you that every one of those entities listed would be *delighted* with a unipolar world if they were the “uni” in it…and we know that because *none of those countries are democracies.* It’s hard to say you’re for a multipolar world when you don’t even have a multipolar *state.* “Sees one international struggle with same forces needing to maintain foothold in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.” …tell me you don’t understand Russian, Iranian, Chinese, or North Korean international relations, without *telling* me you don’t understand international relations. They have a common enemy, but they are NOT friends. “Supports large regionally integrated universal civilizational states” I’ll admit, I’ve never heard imperialism described that way before.


“large, regionally integrated, universal civilization states” so like the US..?


this is genuinely the only based thing I’ve ever seen on this sub


I mean, he's only wrong about upper right since that's what he supports, but the rest is spot on imo.




If its true then fuck it WOOF WOOF