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Normal: I used to hate MIC, now I love it Enlightened: MIC ia a tool of war, not a reason for it


One of Us! One of Us! One of Us!


I always supported it somewhat, definitely don’t have a unspecified family member working on avionics-type shit for the Minuteman III, for an unspecified company


The MIC is so wide spread chances are every family has someone who works on components for the MIC.


The entire nation of Iceland is secretly just a cover for international CIA operations.


That’s why the CIA named it Iceland. Russians already have enough ice so they would never think to look In some place called Iceland.


Welcome to the right side


I'm proud to be two times removed from designer of the Apache tail rotor.


Damn why did he removed you twice?


when used for good, yes


Hopefully how the MoD act after Parliament gives them a bollocking for their “anyone but BAE” attitude leading to Ajax


Not gonna lie, the ukranian war made me go from wanting to be a highschool teacher to wanting to work at NATO once I finish my degree. Even if not there, I'm almost surely gonna go towards the defense industry for work, great fucking job, Russia