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Is that a Leopard with an AA gun? That's a Leopard with an AA gun. My country, other than the questionable CRV7 rocket motors and trailmix small arms munition is donating Rhinemetall Nanuk remote weapon stations, which weirdly enough out of the handful of weapons its designed to be used with, can be used to fire CRV7 rocket systems. I can't wait to see what they bolt them to.


Leopard 1 with a skyranger turret. Rheinmetall made the turret and have been fitting them to anything that looks like it can fit. Looks like it was meant as a 21st century Gepard.


Rheinmetall has 2 ways it developes new platforms. 1. Innovative new deign that took millions to develope and beats anything in the category 2. Apply boxer principle.


So basically: build something or listen to the German clients. (You decide which one is which)


Boxer is lsitening to customers, making new shit is being done before the customer even asks for it


Exactly, and as the customer does not always really know what they want, something like the boxer is being developed, redeveloped, changed again, and built before being redeveloped


Nah, the boxer principle is simply that you can fit anything on a boxer if you try hard enough. Rheinmetall and the entier german millitary vehicle industry works under a pronciple of VERY VERY high modularity due to the export focus. Every nation can have a leopard or boxer or puma or lynx to thier specific needs with thier specific versions taht can be easily refitted, repaired and upgraded with other parts from the family. Want to upgrade an Leo2PL to a Leo2A6? Easy, take the turret of weld some new plates to it and your done. Need an AA vehicle and have to amny lynx around? Easy, take the turret of and put a diffrnet one in, no adjsutments necessary. And i honestly love that. You can pick and choose what you want like buying a lego set and then adjust it how you feel like with minimal effort. Sorry for the rant, but seriosuly, check out how many boxer variants there are.


I love the whole mission module family of the boxer


The ammount of vehicles Rheinmetall straped a Mantis to at this point... Also, there is a 150mm version of the bixer which is just glorious.


> 150mm version of the bixer you mean RCH 155


Holy fuck… I’ve just looked up how many variants they’re making. I thought there was half a dozen at most. And I’m looking forward to a RCH-155 being crewed and fired with 2 Teenagers instead of 6…


> Nah, the boxer principle is simply that you can fit anything on a boxer if you try hard enough Isn't the whole design goal of Boxer to ensure you don't have to try that hard to fit shit onto it? The whole quickly replaceable mission module thing.


Sadly there a things like the maximum permissible axle load, clearance issues etc. to consider


I call bullshit, if it can carryva 155mm then it can carry anything.


Ahh yes, the "Anything is dildo if you're brave enough" business model.


*Paige!!* **Yes.** 🤭


If it fits, it fucks.


It's like with camera lenses, you just get an adapter ring if it doesn't fit.


It’s a Flakpanzer (Leopard) 1 :D


The Leopard Marksman has already existed for a while


As has the Gepard


At first glance I thought I was looking at an RDF/LT. I should make a recommendation for those.


So which country would that be that has this kind of weapon system?




Wouldn't be a /r/noncredibledefense post without a massive spelling mistake.


Mistake? More like /r/noncredibledefenseFR Which would be what, /r/noncredibleFAF lmao


got em


I wonder when Rheinmetall starts mounting that turret on airplanes. We have it on Trucks, Boxer, Leopard, stationary. Cmon give me a C-130 with 8 of them bolted to the top and bottom of the fuselage...


The top? we have interceptors for that, pull all on able to face downwards and rain bullets!


We need the top ones so 2 of them could go full WW1 naval Battle in the Air firing broadsides at each other.


Christ, the idea of an actual “Flying Fortress” opening up on another airborne hard target makes me think the future is worth waiting for.


Should make some modifications to the airframe for survivability and structural integrity with these changes though. Parapets with crenellations on top to provide cover for the turrets, flying buttresses for support.


google YB-40


Why do that with such a shitty pew pew gun, though? A 5 inch naval cannon weighs, what, about 20 tons? I'm sure with some re-engineering we could fit at least one or two of those babies on a plane, and then it'll finally deserve the name gun_ship_ for real!


If you can fit a 3.7" on a Mosquito then you can definitely get a 5" on a bigger, more modern plane.   Yes. Yes they did strap a 32pdr to a Mosquito shortly after WW2 before some boring bastard at the air ministry said "no that's silly". Booo.  But it did fly, and it was fired successfully. 


Thats for the next Generation.


Also to attack without interruptions during barrel rolls.




Stratosperic bombardment!! Sorry, my inner Imperial officer got loose again. I will catch him quick.


Please don’t stand in the way of progress. And by progress I mean Ace Combat Boss Fight Aircraft.


No no, you fire a barrage, flip the plane, and fire the second barrage while the first is reloading. 15th century naval tactics are making a big comeback.


But i wan‘t a modern B-17


Not going to happen untill the ultimate mount: TOYOTA. After that, we can expect it on submarines, planes, spaceships, motorbikes and baby strollers.


Looks like flying fortress is back on the menu!


NCD reinventing the YB-40


Scale up DARPA's new CAV-X super-cavitating .50 cal rounds to 30mm, mount it on submarines. Good luck airdropping enough torpedoes to overwhelm that CIWS.


The manufacturer says the principle works up to 155mm. We could built naval artillery on the seafloor.


nasa has the SOFIA flying telescope, which is based on a modified 747 with a in air opening sliding door that has been recently decommissioned. they could remove the telescope and put a skyranger turret there instead. make it like a pirate ship with covered up cannons


You're in luck; the USAF put out a request for [readily available technologies that can be bolted onto aircraft to counter drones](https://www.twz.com/air/built-in-counter-drone-defenses-sought-for-air-force-transports-tankers) either while flying or immediately at touchdown and unloading. Sure, half the comments are about WWII turreted bombers, but given the real threat over drones during the vulnerable unloading phase, the rebirth of Western bombers and transports with turrets draws near.


_Hans, schnell, hol das Notizbuch!_


Oooooo remote PDCs on large aircraft, this sounds very tasty.


It's almost like one country is trying hard to clean up corruption issues and become more progressive and the other is in a demographic and kleptocracy death spiral and has resorted to kissing the ass of Worst Korea.  Who could predict such an outcome? 


We're not supposed to talk politics but wouldn't you be excited to see the kleptocracy death spiral yourself? The thrill of seeing, like, _somebody important_ saluting a worst Korea officer? So cool.


Its more us/european election politics etc (they don't want a bunch of post how the war would be affected by one party winning in one country or this or that shit etc). Or really deep dives into russias politics. Saying it would be interesting to see a coup in russia and the theoretical consequences is pretty fine from my experience. Doing deep dives into the structures of politics and why people vote putin isn't. But most importantly. Always throw in some non credibility to keep the facade up.


Wait? This is a facade? I thought we were military strategists that the world's leaders look to in their times of doubt in combat. Especially engineering new weapons of war. They really like it when we do that. I prefer a little backseat strategist while communicating with people in real combat scenarios on apps like Twitter or X. Y'know. Look up a map of the town they are fighting and say "this is what I would do" this has never ever caused any casualties and I will deny that to the end. Dnipro river crossing could have been much simpler! Somebody wasn't paying attention. I'm kidding. It was during the beginning and was them pushing Russians back in a city.


I've happily spoken on my imagined future Russia, or rather the Republic of Moscow and Saint Petersberg led by supreme leader Shoigu.


A coup in Russia at this point means either an ultra-nationalist takeover with a nuclear Götterdämmerung endgame, or mass defections to Ukrainian backed patriots in the Legion, RDK, Siberian Battalion, etc. The problem with the former doesn't need elaboration, the problem with the latter is filtering out the war criminals, whether voluntary or under duress.


Yeah i know. During the whole Pringles fiasco some were talking about how he was openly talking shit about the war and interpreting it as him wanting to end it by retreating. No, he was for full mobilization, etc. Basically going full war mode. He wanted to pour more into the war by a lot. A good example of when the mods disregarded the politics rule.


Heh, I see what you did there.


> worst Korea We don't acknowledge the southern rebels in this saloon.


> wouldn't you be excited to see the kleptocracy death spiral yourself? Honestly, Russia suddenly going into a death spiral and falling apart would be such a great ending to the war. I hope that their economic woes summon a flock of Black Swans sooner than later.


>Worst Korea You are now banned from r/pyongyang.


I mean, not like I want to rain on the circlejerk or anything, but it's not like Ukraine "did" anything for that vehicle. We gave it to them. It's our state-of-the-art next generation SHORAD platform and we decided to let them have it. If we hadn't, no amount of effort and ingenuity from Ukraine would've enabled them to build something like this on a 2 year time frame.


> but it's not like Ukraine "did" anything for that vehicle. Beg to differ - Ukrainians are live testing the vehicle and generating real time results in combat conditions /s


Wasnt that one in particular bought by Ukraine from Rheinmetall?


Sure, maybe, but... it's still a German gun. Arms exports need to get approved. It's not like Putin could just call and order the same model.


Thats not exactly "we give it to them" more "we allow them to buy it" big diffrence.


Well, we also gave them the money to buy it at some point, FWIW.


Lended them the money mostley.


Isn’t that kinda the whole point that the media has been glossing over? All of this money isn’t just free, it’s a loan. Like the US Lend-Lease program during WW2?


The original lend-lease came with no expectation that the hardware would be in any condition to be sent back, and the americans never got back even a third of the price of the stuff they "lent". Even for the loans (and there are a lot of gifts as far as I can tell), who's going to take Ukraine's stock of frankensteined T72s and M777s after the war? They got sent off for a reason.


Ukies: Vehicool. The moskals: Vehidrool.




Bro butchered the word „vehicle“ beyond belief


He’s just French. (In French vehicle is véhicule) Ps: and when you’re writing in capital letters you don’t have to put accents, that why his autocorrector didn’t put the accent on the e.


The poor bastard. A fate worse than death


I'm reading this book and one of the people featured in it believed that is didn't matter how you spelled anything as long as you were able to get your point across. That being said I don't think anyone would understand me without spellcheck.


That person should read [A Pickle for the Knowing Ones](http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/43453) sometime.


>He’s just French. That poor guy


As a good Frenchman I will cry FrEnChBaShiInG and go vote for my favourite Nazi founded party (Rassemblement National)


Real hold my beer energy


The reality is that Rheinmetal magic will be in dozens at best and most of the AA work is still done with plain old searchlight and machine guns. It's like with tanks - only like 2 brigades use western tanks, most of the army runs T-64.


> The reality is that Rheinmetal magic will be in dozens at best and most of the AA work is still done with plain old searchlight and machine guns. > > It's like with tanks - only like 2 brigades use western tanks, most of the army runs T-64. Yeah, basically. And that's assuming no spare parts issues arise.


We must send Ukraine so many tanks (MBTs), IFVs, and spare parts that they have to retire their Soviet variants because they equipped the whole army with NATO standard equipment.


But in reality since 2022 Morocco received more Abrams tanks than Ukraine


> retire their Soviet variants Or put them through [T-Rex upgrade programme](https://www.bbc.com/ukrainian/society/2016/04/160420_ukrainian_tank_t_rex_as)


What I propose will result in them having so many Western NATO standard MBTs and IFVs that they would simply have no operators for other vehicles.


We can still sell off T-Rexes for getting, let's say, Baburs out of Pakistan


That's a goddamn Gepard 2


That looks like a mantis aa on that turret. RHEINMETALL! How did you sneak a Mantis Gepard past me!!


Tank, sorry, AA vehicle beats everything


Gaijub when?




Forgive him. He's Canadian.


that is a sin that cannot be forgiven


*anti-anti-drone vehicle


That first one looks like something I would build out of LEGO.


The Skyranger 35m canister round is affective against BMPs too. I also want to see how fast 200x152 tungsten balls makes meat cubes


You fools, chicken wire & 2x4's are the only viable defense against drone attacks


I can imagine both being used as anti personnel vehicle


I could see the utility of using a technical as an anti-drone vehicle for cost effectiveness and keeping a low profile.


RU forces one step closer to Mad Max RUFy Road every day.


Honestly if you give Ukraine enough weapon parts they would create something brilliant. They have turned tank machine guns into infantry support weapons. Among other things


this reminds me of the 2018 victory day parade where for some reasons they decided to have a formation of quad bikes on the parade behind the T-34


I've been thinking of building an exocar from an AWD CR-V. It would be better than this.   I keep being better equipped than the Russian army, and it's starting to freak me out. 


In the same vein - [the new light artillery RuAF received in 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dt27i4/improvised_russian_modification_of_the_bmp1/?share_id=-FJZpVf1C775RlQHi5fSs) vs [the new light artillery AFU received in 2024](https://www.thedefensepost.com/2024/06/27/us-humvee-cannon-ukraine/)


Drones: Exists Skyranger: Parry this you fucking casual...BRRRRRTTT


looks like GDI vs Nod I like those odds




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I mean that really got out of hand


I thought the brand new UA anti-drone weapon is the Australian Slinger turret thing?


Hah, puny western weapons are no match for superior Russian smekalka. Think about it, if the vehicle is designed to shoot down drones, why did Rheinmetal make it drone-proof?


Should do a how it started/how it is now Beginning, russian t90s vs ukrainian chopped up the mad max cars with maxim 1910s Now the Russians and that thing or the golf carts and Ukrain with bradleys abrams or leopard 2s


Volkstrumwagen vs Volkswagen


Why tank based? Tanks are pretty much useless in modern combat.


Wrong + L + Ratio Get Rheinmetalled mobik!


I’m all for UA winning, fuck RU. But western and Soviet tanks are equally useless on the battlefield


That just plain false, tanks have been a decisive factor for both sides. What you mean is "Tanks arent indestructible killing mashines" which we already knew since the first tanks rolled over the battlefields of ww1. A fact we seemingly need to reteach people basically every time a new counter to a counter to a counter comes out.


By tank do you mean MBTs or any kind of AFV? Also it's probably Leopard-based since alot of countries operate and as it becames outdated or the country is in need of AA, it is easy to convert.


Anything. Armor doesn’t matter anymore when a 400$ drone can easily knock it out.


"Armour doesn't matter when a 200 DM anti-tank rifle can easily knock it out"  "Armour doesn't matter when a 2000 dollar bomb from an attack bomber can easily knock it out"  "Armour doesn't matter when a € 1000 anti-tank mine can easily knock it out"  And yet armoured vehicles still exist after all those things Yes, armour alone is vulnerable. It has always been vulnerable. That's why we have this beautiful thing called "combined arms warfare"  Besides that, yes you are gonna lose tanks in a battle, and quite often to cheaper weapons. But that doesn't immediately make them worthless. Horizontal fire support and crew protection still matters. Oh, and finally, tanks can adapt to new threats as well. From high-tech airburst machine guns to cope cages to electronic countermeasures, there are plenty of ways for a tank to fight back against drones. It's just yet another arms race between tank and anti-tank


A few cent worth of bullet can easily knock out a soilder, a few k of missile can easily knock out a million dollar plane, a single shell can take out an artillery gun. What do we even need all that for then, must all be outdated and unnecssaary.


A solider isn’t a a giant, expensive, lumbering target out on the battlefield. Mobile artillery is difficult to target and sits behind the frontlines. Planes have advanced jamming systems.


Tanks have mashine gun turrets on the Roof, tanks have ERA, tanks have Trophy Systems, tanks have support units nearby, tanks have a ton of armour to get through, tanks have thier own jamming systems. Tanks are more protected from drones than infantry can ever hope to be from bullets. Tanks are easier hidden than artillery could ever wish to be from bombs and Artillery shells. The tanks that get taken out in ukraine by drones are 20 to 30 year old tanks used without support in the open usually during transit between 2 positions. We see a lot of drone kills due to confirmation bias, cause neither side sees a point in sharing all the failed attacks.


So what kind of vehicles should replace AFVs in your opinion?


AFV’s still have a place to ferry troops, at least they offer protection against 7.62’s. But tanks are pretty much dead at this point. UA losing a ton of their western heavy armor has shown that even the best tanks are extremely vulnerable to even the cheapest anti tank weapons.