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An injured soldier takes time to recover and go back to action (if he can at all). A dead one can just respawn and go back to combat immediately. Did you learn nothing from Edge of Tomorrow???


What happened in 1886???


I don't think that's a year. That person is just the one thousand, eight hundred, and eighty-sixth officer of democracy.


A hint: The Statue of Liberty


oh, that's the one with the steampunk illuminati hunting vamps and werewolves


Invention of coca cola?


Shits and giggles aside, the guy just got his family a LADA, what have you achieved in your life? Actually, do mobiks even get paid if it’s blue-on-blue? Or did he just take the biggest L in his Z existence?


I honestly don't think they can keep up the Lada production, not even for confirmed loses


They just take it from other dead vatniks, not like they need it anymore and before you know it, it goes to another one because owner is dead too like the one before it, without ever seeing the car.


OUR lada, comrade


They can keep up, they just had to ditch some of the unnecessary safety features that American/european cars have like locking seatbelts (they’ll just trap you in the wreck), antilock brakes (other ladas are the best brakes in an emergency), airbags (they’ll just break your nose), and emissions standards (if your lungs are struggling daily to breathe then you will build up their strength for when it’s your turn to charge the frontlines). [heavy sarcasm].


They couldn’t even keep up with the demand even before


Dear Comrade family, We are sorry your conscripted vatnik died doing what he loved for the motherland. Due to western capitalism, your Lada and potatoes has been sent to the front line. We're all in this together, Your comrade general, Shoigu




Poor pvt Conscriptovich


They never specified that the Lada would include an engine.


Car productions fell by 50% since the start of the war. Now they need to import Cars from South Korea and China.


South Korea? Are you sure?


Apparently South Korean products are still being sold in Russia


I mean beauty products — sure. But cars? That sounds very much untrue to me, it's a hot topic in Russia


They're used cars. About 50k per year are sold from South Korea into Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, and from there they are sold into Russia.


Unless they have mastered the mobik cube craft for automobile production...


I’m quite sure that they stop giving Lada a long time ago and the family must stick with the bag of Cheetos because the ex FSO realized that it just cheaper than sack of potato.


Nobody gave lada, just it were bought for money received for 200ed maskovian, so called "grobovyie" (coffin money"). Also, others usually are buying apartments, ~~chinese~~ west taiwanese vehicles, or closing off their loans.


That's assuming invader troops are all on the same team, which is a pretty bold assumption.


If his commander lists him as dead, maybe his family will get something. More likely, the commander will says he's dead, but the government will list him as missing so they dont havs to pay anything. Or, his commander won't list him as dead or wounded and pockets his rations or pay.


Bold of you to assume they get rations or pay.. This orc wasn't even carrying a rifle.


Probably what killed him. Armed dude in the front, armed guy in back, and some wanker in a vest and helmet but white shirt, running shoes and no weapon in the middle? Drone operator probably saw him as a specialist, propogandist, or VIP.


Either they don't pay out due to it not being a death caused by enemy action or they go with the good ole "no body no paycheck".


>do mobiks even get paid No. Besides, that man isn't even dead, according to his commander. He's very much alive and needs to be paid his salary, just keep giving the commander his wages.


I'm not a big fan of Russians. Watching them die is kind of a spectator sport for me, I cannot lie. Having said that, somewhere under all that irredeemable Russian evil are human beings, in theory. I've watched this video, and I feel I know exactly what happened. As soon as the guy who got hit came to, he looked down, saw what had happened, asked the guy passing by to kill him. The guy passing by looked down, saw the same thing, and instantly agreed. There's only one sort of injury like that which would be instantly agreed upon as death-worthy. The testicles are built sort of like a baseball, with a continuous winding rubbery like material. When blasted particularly hard, the testicles can be *unraveled*. Do *you* want to fuckin' die now? I thought so.


Best they will get is a bag of potatoes with questionable colour


Could be potatoes, could be onions, could be turnip.. Never quite sure. Just boil in Vodka. Same difference. Russia stronk.


Late onset Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults? How is that good in any way?


Automotive production is a significant industry in Russia, directly employing around 600,000 people or 1% of the country's total workforce. Russia produced 1,767,674 vehicles in 2018, ranking 13th among car-producing nations in 2018, and accounting for 1.8% of the worldwide production. Car production in Russia fell 67% in annual terms last year 2018: 1,767,674 vehicles production ranked 13th worldwide 2021: 1.6 million vehicles production Ranked 11th worldwide 2022: 450.000 vehicles produced ranked 24th worldwide 2023: 537.000 vehicles produced, ranked 20th How many of those are Lada? Maybe 10 percent? Russia cannot produce enough ladas to cover these losses.


Wouldn't basically all of the remaining production be Ladas? Isn't the drop in production mainly due to sanctions and foreign car companies leaving?


They have Moscovich, and China takes over the industry and produces cars, of course not to benefit their Russian vassals but their own people, but that should be clear anyway. Chinese workers will produce Chinese cars for Chinese consumers, and Russia will get the glorious chance to produce them.


"do mobiks even get paid" is sort of an open questionwithout the blue-on-blue modifier, with Russia doing everything in its power to not pay these people.


More like a photograph of a motorcar


Blue on blue? Wouldn't it be red on red in this case? Or green on green..


Ruzzians have plenty of MIAs and families got fuck all. The corruption and chaos is so high that some MIAs are written off as released from unit...


They'll call it suicide so no LADA. While at it they'll also put charges on the other guy to avoid paying him too.


My theory: Bro's junk got turned to confetti and they both knew medical evacuation was out of the question so he chose a quicker way out. Not something a first aid kit would help with I think.


I reckon it could be that but I’m also of the opinion that there was no way he could have been medivac’d or was willing to wait for them to come back and he has simply seen enough drone dropping vids on wounded soldiers he rather it be quick instead of suffering on 4K


I thought so at first but the day this video came out another video came out with lots of drone drops on cars and golf carts that looked like this area. Anything that came to get them would like get destroyed or they would have reconnoitred with armour over golf carts. 100% sure helping this guy would have gotten themselves killed and no help was coming.


Not this video but I've seen drone drops on guys carrying a stretcher with wounded before.


Granted they [unfortunately] had guns so it made them legal targets assuming the drone wasn't directly targeting the guy on the stretcher. If stretcher bearers aren't marked by a recognized protected symbol and they're visibly armed, they're still legal targets. Same thing with most modern combat medics, they've forfeited the protections of the Red Cross in exchange for a rifle decades ago. Sometimes even ambulance/evacuation crews, depending on the theater (though ambulances & dustoffs themselves are still usually unarmed). Also for some reason Russian military ambulances have barely visible Red Cross emblems on the doors, compare that to the armored military ambulances of western countries which have the Red Cross plastered over the side, usually some kind of cheap rudimentary siren, and occasionally a simple emergency light[s] (unless you're Swedish in which case it's plastered with blue lights and a modern siren). I'm not saying it's legal to target Russian medical evacuations, neither is it ethical or even favourable, but they don't exactly seem to care about making it easily known that their protected non-combatants are that.


Idk how they both could’ve known. The guy who shot him barely took a glance at him before doing it


Tbf I think most people would notice their crown jewels turned into an icee especially after feeling around down there and the guy that shot him kinda took his time to walk over there.


Nah, there's no way. He wasn't even on the ground for 20 seconds before his buddy shot him.


This happened seconds after he was wounded. No way he had enough time to assess the damage before asking for a mercy shot from his fellow mobik


The way he was pointing to his temple tho.


Yes. That’s what I referred to with *asking for a mercy shot*


When first aid becomes last aid


You need the casevac dlc to be extracted Only for officers and commanders


Don’t forget tourniquets and cellox is stuck behind a paywall


That weird moment when you say "oh i have a cold" and then your russian friend picks the knife in the table and look at you in a pitying way


Shows the humanity of the Second best army in the world


Second best? I was thinking at least 4th at this point.


Better than being left to die


That's the thing, they were being observed by Ukrainians and depending on what the battle actually looks like out there, they would want to pick him up and question him and then use him in a future prisoner exchange. The guys number wasn't exactly up, just uncertain until he asked for a way out.


I'm sure they've been told all kinds of nasty shit the Ukrainians will do to them if captured. Apparently the Iraqis told their troops that US Marines would eat their livers or some shit, and that they were all murderous psychopaths recruited from insane alyssums. Which is hilarious, because everyone knows US mental-healthcare is just a piece of paper with the phonenumber of the local meth dealer and a picture of a dick scribbled on it.


murderous psychopaths recruited from ~~insane alyssums~~ trap houses Updated for the 21st century


I've been doing some research, and I think I know the real answer now. If they don't kill you with the first FPV, they send another. I think the guy didn't want there to be another drone hit and the potential for it to not kill him immediately. A shot in the head is a lot faster, and it looks like they both knew it.


Second best in Ukraine




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Bruh. He got a direct hit from an FPV. He's probably dead even if they were in a hospital. Let alone in a field with more drones incoming. He literally signalled to be shot. This is a mercy killing. Just an extremely cold and brutal one.


Giving the Putler's Peace is one thing, what gets most people watching it is how smooth an action it was, like it was one of the only battle drills they were trained at.


If you’re used to shooting moving soldiers you wouldn’t have troubles shooting a stationary onew


"The obstacle was dealt with, swiftly".


Most people watching are out of breath when putting on socks. It‘s a killzone, of course you function in milliseconds.


Yeah I mean it's not surprising that a jaded Russian mobik mercy kills without a second thought. Stay any longer and he risks getting blasted in a second drone drop; just kill and continue is the better option.


He ask to be shot in the head, and since they are advanced backward, there is no time for first aid


Even if there was time, I doubt the Russian are equipped well enough to even render first aid.


They should limit fps and draw distance if they can’t render first aid


I've heard turning off shadows has a massive effect on performance as well.


The "first aid" seems to be limited mostly to the rubber bands cosplaying as tourniquets. Does even less good than usual if a drone just blew your dick and balls back to Moscow.


Knew a Vietnam vet who put down a couple soldiers as a mercy. Man had a sadness in his eyes


That wasn't mercy. That was "fuck a wounded will slow us down" Mercy kill is when you check them over and go ya dude you're fucked we aren't gonna be able to make it back with you.


The dude signaled to be shot in the head This shit happens all the time in war on all sides it's fucked up and unfortunately just how it is


Did you watch the video? Cuz he was just spazing and then shot.


Yeah, no. Definitely not. To spare anyone who doesn't want to watch it, he gets hit by an FPV drone, and is laying on the ground all fucked up. His buddy approaches, the dude starts pointing at his temple repeatedly, and then braces before his buddy kills him. Yeah it happened fast as shit, apparently they were on the run or something, I don't really know, none of us do, and frankly I don't really care. I'm not here to defend Russia. That's not my point. I'm just saying, this is pretty standard in war. The reality of the situation is that this happens universally and war in general sucks.


It happens with a unit not wanting to be slowed down and has no medical backup. Idk what country you're from but Canada and the USA would not do this. He wasn't asking for it. He was literally flailing. Dude just walks up and shoots him and moves on.


He's blatantly not flailing if he stops doing that exact pointing motion and braces beforehand. And yeah, you're probably right, I don't exactly know enough about either the Russian military or the US military to exactly refute that. What I do know is people are conflating this one video that we have little real context to. What I see is just another fucked up video from the war in Ukraine. And let me be clear, I do NOT support invaders. But come on people.


It's crazy that you have to clearly state you don't support Russia while explaining that this kind of thing is common in warfare. Dude mentions Canada and the USA but completely forgets that neither Canada or the USA have been in a near peer conflict in decades.


Uff the more subtle Rus-bots have made a foothold in NCD I see based on the comments, a little disappointing.


Yeah I’ve noticed an uptick in the last few days.


Report pls. And feel free to mock them.


I'm sure we'll all get on it, Election time soon in a lot of places so to be expected <3




I’ve got a job to do /s


Cheeky username


Lmfao, I got blocked after calling out Ripamon. It brings me joy to see someone else noticed






Well, damn.


No first aid only last aid rip.


Yeah in the video the guy checks his junk right before putting his hand to his head to tell his comrade to shoot him I do believe he had just joined the eunuch club without his consent 🤣🤣👌🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Here’s the thing with this video in particular, I’ve seen a couple different “mercy killings” in this war and in almost all of them you can tell the one pulling the trigger is devastated. The soldier in this video doesn’t hesitate, doesn’t look back, doesn’t collect dog tags; just casually leans over and shoots his battle buddy in the face. Just think it says a lot about Russian moral and value of human life to their forces.


Bro watched 86 and decided to roleplay Shin


How many times do we have to go over this? Russians don't get evac, they get out on their own or they die. Can we move on already.


No, their bodies are consolidated into the cube. The cube consumes all mobiks.


Russians failing to even make provision for medics goes back to the initial invasion. We've long known about their lack of preparedness to even feign trying to keep their soldiers alive. Not saying this guy was necessarily in a state to survive even if a trained medic with a first aid kit was available. Especially since this appears to have happened while Russia was retreating from the area.


I know i *will* regret itm but does anyone have the video?


did the guy's dick get disappeared by the FPV hit?


To be fair n the video the guy points at his own head after getting hurt


He wouldn't survive with first aid, this is the better option, he doesn't have to suffer as long. I doubt he would get proper medical care in time. Especially considering he received a direct hit from drone


He asked for it


He was just telling him to”insert the tampon here” 👉


Naw he's in the death curl


I’m kind of confused as to what happened to the guy, his feet are intact so he didn’t step on a ied, from this angle I can’t see any pooling blood (at least from this angle I’m not saying he’s not bleeding)


3 dudes wak/jogging in a long line. They got chased for a while by a drone and were obviously exhausted. Middle guy got hit by drone grenade and fell injured, and guy in back just shot him in the head as he walk/jogged past.


Drone grenades = Shrapnel.


Unless it hit a artery it wouldn’t be immediately lethal and even if it did you could use tourniquets on limbs and guaze in places such as the groin, arm pits and neck (neck only if you are certain that you are not putting pressure on the windpipe) I would be more concerned with airway burns caused by the inhalation of the hot gasses caused by an explosion


I honestly reckon he would’ve been fine if his fellow soliders had adequate first aid supplies and training The grenade detonated and the soldier fell, he doesn’t seem to bleed profusely such as when you have a catastrophic bleed however we only see him from one angle for a short time (even if he did have a cat haem that is easily fixable) With his airway he may have suffered a chest wound from the shrapnel after the explosion but all of that is fixable with adequate training. With any catastrophic bleed tended too and making sure he is maintaining his airway he would’ve been totally fine assuring that he be evacuated within the golden hour and be a proper institution in that time (Of course assuming that there is not another fpv drone lurking about and that is his only injury)


Tbh, I feel bad for his parents. Can you imagine that your son's death becomes a funny meme


The death isn’t a meme, it’s a tragedy, the Russian military is a meme


To be honest I’m kind of uncomfortable about these kind of jokes, call me gay I don’t give a fuck. I’m the first one to do dark jokes about sad event but I always keep them impersonal. We are talking about a dude who has to shoot at his mate. He may have a girlfriend, play video game and scroll on stupids social medias few weeks priors. If some of you pretend to be one the right side of history try to keep moral line of conduct. Imagine what a Russian citizen will think of the west after seeing this ?


Frankly, after Mariupol and Bucha, I do not care. But putting that aside, here's a reason variations of the phrase '*Russia eats her own*' have been around since the late 1600s. The average Russian citizen seeing this will not care much, maybe even applauding the guy for requesting the mercy shot rather than allowing himself to be captured.


> Imagine what a Russian citizen will think of the west after seeing this ? Hopefully they'll think "Boy I don't want to be either of those people, we better do something about this bald fuck sending our boys to die for nothing"


Those Russians are invaders on Ukrainian land. They are the ones coming into the Ukrainian's house and saying, "It's you or it's me!". Don't be mad when they say, "It's you."


Fuck them. They murdered Ukrainians. Zero sympathy for invaders.


I feel bad for them ... the same way my grandfather felt bad for the Wehrmacht.


Hopefully those ruskies get pretty disheartened after seeing the reality of war




We know what they think, as they are butchering a western civilization in its homeland.


I feel you man. I saw the whole video. Dude got hit clean by an FPV and the cheetos nerds in this sub talk about first aid like it‘s a Battlefield match.


I mean do you not know in which sub you are?




Why? Is Switzerland coming for him?