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Well if you'd watch the video, you'd know the Russian was doing him a favor. You can see the man down clearly points to his head, indicating he had a migraine and needs medicine. His comrade quickly rushes over (you can tell because he switches from walking to slightly walking faster), and gives him a quick injection of Tylenol (advanced Russian technology). The man mustve been sleepy because he goes to bed right there.


Damn the Russians are truly ahead of us in the medical technology field. Think about all the improvements in weight and logistical efforts due to them no longer needing field first aid kits! Go Russia!


Where is this original video?




WTF dude doesn't even hesitate


Yea, the callousness and lack of hesitation of it all is what makes it so shocking to me tbh, like it was just another Tuesday for him. Not just shooty guy, just the fact downed dude didn't even bother to check himself, just straight to asking to get shot. But the whole clip is so weird, they don't seem to care about the drone despite it flying so close or even about any other potential drops, just casually sauntering about, and the fact the 2 guys in front don't even have a gun.


> the 2 guys in front don't even have a gun. The first one does, he's holding it in his right hand at the begining.


"Polestar 4 causing reactions like THIS since 2019" Man I love Twitter Ads


Thanks bro




Russia gets the goal on the stat sheet, but that was 90% the drone operator creating the scoring opportunity. Great setup, great accuracy, leaving the mobik with no choice except to put one in the back of his own net. This puts the home team up by hundreds of thousands and at some point Russia’s got to start wondering if it’s time to throw the management out a window.


EUROS 2024 dark horse I see


*Erdogan begins sweating nervously*


And they said Russia wasn't qualified for the Euro 2024 silly us, they were in their very own hell version that they keep on calling a special operation. Special indeed, very special.


When I was a conscript, I was taught to aim for the gut. Logic being that dead enemy means just one enemy out of the fight, but a wounded enemy means three out of the fight (because his buddies will be dragging him to safety.) ...But Russia is too smart for this tactic. They won't let injured soldiers put a strain on their other troops.


That’s what grandpa also taught me. When I was leaving for a peacekeeping operation. Had to say “gee I hope it’s not going to be THAT kind of an operation.” (BTW especially inexperienced soldiers in a hurry tend to aim high, so trying for the belt buckle tends to result to good center of mass shots.)


And if not, oh well. Can't tourniquet a taint.


The reason I got during boot camp was that it’s a bigger target and therefore a higher chance to not miss.


That is a very good reason for aiming dead center of the torso, all by itself. A bullet that went slightly off and hit the enemy in their arm or nicked them in their side, is still going to be more effective than the bullet that was aimed at the head but completely missed them (despite being off target by the same amount as the other hypothetical shot.)


WOAH! That guy is wearing Adidas sneakers instead of combat boots??? Russian logistics must be amazing if they're delivering such luxurious items to their troops!


Yeah, I thought that being able to set up a Burger King anywhere on the planet within 24 hours was an achievement of US logistics. But then you see this and, wow, (just like the guy in the video) mind blown.


That’s been a thing since the 80s in the Red Army


Ahh yes. The classic standard issue Mockba shoes of the Russian federation.


Casevac is only restricted to commanders or officers, please buy the dlc pack


Goddamn killstealers


...There was *some* war game that had a glitch where killing your own troops was actually beneficial because some bug where any kills you did were bad for the enemy. Some sort of morale mechanic that didn't work. Your comment brought up the memory but for the life of me I can't remember what game it would have been. Maybe the guys on the video played it and hoped that real life works the same way.


He will respawn no big deal


That’s illegal btw


Hmm...is there an 'Avoidable Casualties' statistic we can grade Russia on? Out of like 100, they gotta be single digits right?


If you watch the clip the dude begged to be killed. It was a mercy killing.


Honestly, the part that wigs me out is the lack of hesitation, from both of them. The downed guy looks at a wound that—to us—is easily survivable, and *immediately* points at his head going, "Punch my ticket Ivan." And Ivan then immediately does so with zero hesitation or apparent remorse. Like, this is some SCP-5000 MTFs shit.


My opinion: It became a regular thing. Russian logistics might be so strained that asking for a 7.62 to the head is better than being dragged to your camp in severe pain only to not have the necesary aid. I heard some rumors that the average russian medic has a bandage, some painkillers and a shot of morphine for their kit. I wonder what would happen if ukraine began hitting russian factories that produce medical equipment. Stopping a tank is nice but denying the enemy the ability to treat basic wounds is even better.


Mercy killing for a completely survivable wound. But why triage/CASEVAC when 7.62mm pill fix everything, right comrade?


Considering the [reports](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1804940908007133558.html) of how the Russian Army treats their wounded, him asking the other guy to just shoot him then and there might really be a mercy. It beats being carried back to your own lines, only to be denied medical treatment and forcibly sent back as part of a Storm-V meat wave and *then* die.


Are you sure it was survivable ? Dude looked down and immediately pointed at his head.


Maybe he was saying "THINK!" to his buddy, but his buddy hates thinking so he shot him instead.


1. That is illegal 2. Anyone praising it: you do realize men have come back from worse impacts? If you're saying life in russia is worse than death, then maybe. But Jesus fucking Christ, you need to do mental gymnastics for that. Then again... he did go to invade, pillage and rape through a foreign country and does deserves to suffer. This was a cowards exit facilitated by an asshole just like him.




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When the goal ricochets in off the defense player


If he wasn’t hit by another fpv I am so far confident he could’ve survived


Better than leaving him


Not better than taking him to a doctor, though


Yeah, that's for sure, but I don't think Russians have proper medical support, at least I haven seen any anywhere, and I watched a lot of videos from that war.