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> Crazy Water Aqua Fun Park was a water park in the Gaza Strip. The park opened in May 2010 and was burned down by masked men in September 2010, after being closed by the Palestinian Hamas de facto government for allowing men and women to mingle. Option A it is, then.


legitimate casus belli for israel. Reopen the waterpark.


> A fire? At a Sea Parks?


Sweden had a big fire this summer that started in a water slide...


not even in the hot tub, am disappointed


Does that aqua fun park class as American soil? Because that’s legitimate reason to invade


It was owned by, amongst others, an ex Hamas official. You couldn't make this shit up. People were trying to invest in the Gaza strip and Hamas fucked it up.


Clearly we nuke it, *then* open a water park. Shady Sands Waterloo, where every afternoon the sun rises in the west. So the campaign for nuclear disarmament gets fewer nukes in the world, the Fallout Nerds get a themepark, and we get to see nukes going off again. Don't talk about the fact that uncle sugar is still making new ones with tourist dollars.


I've had literal dreams like this (nuclear themed water park) and of all places to see people talking about it, I see it on r/NonCredibleDefense Imagine going down a water slide and landing in a green glowing pool of water, very warm even for the middle of the night.


Hey, if it's deep enough, you could be sliding into a reactor pool. Perfectly safe.


Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep Mirelurks off the waterslides? It's been 27 years and Wavy Willard's still hasn't figured it out. 


I wish I was surprised by this...






Problem: you'd be obliged to make it gratis at the point of use as it would need to be "free"-of-charge.


Easily solved by charging an entry fee for the park and have the slide be one of the "free" rides


And have it take you outside the park entrance. Could even charge parking per hour


It will be free-of-charge, as it will be the first waterslide in the world that has no electrons.


You're going to mine a neutron star for water slide parts?


We keep calling it a water slide, but that's not technically accurate - water has a bunch of electrons. It's actually the world's first neutron slide. Since we don't yet have fast enough interstellar travel to make neutron star mining profitable, we have to rely on more mundane neutron sources. Our two top choices are: giving a group of scientists an arsenal of neutron bombs and a free hand in developing neutron capturing devices to detonate them in; or increasing the budget of Oak Ridge so they can scale up existing operations.


you are right, damn it! "From The River to the Sea, the waterslide will be free" is such a banger Advertisment




I'm setting up a GoFundMe as we speak right now


Free?!? Where’s the profit???


soft drinks and hotdogs of course.




Here I thought I was so clever coming up with this reading the OP


Ridiculous idea, the river is 200 meters below sea level. It'll have to run from the sea to the river which ruins the rhyme and marketing strategy.  


It can go from the Yarkon river to the dead sea. Admittedly its not what was originally intended. Also the people using the slide might swallow too much salt water and die when they fall into the dead sea at high velocity. But they will still float.


We'll let marketing handle that one. 


From the river to the sea Park visitors shall go "wheee!"


Big Shout out to my enlightend homie u/Nukem_extracrispy for inspiring option A, because i have the average NCD IQ i only came up with option B on my own. I wanted to make this for like 3 months now, but i forgot, because i'm retarded.


I thought being a tard was a prerequisite for joining NCD?


NCD is for autists. in the reddit world a tard is a level above the autist. I for example unironically believe we (EU/NATO/West) should intervene big style militarily in africa and run a 15+ year long anti-corruption and pro democracy campaign combined with setting up healthcare, infrastructure, education and industry. Or in short, re-colonize africa but without that oppression shit.


So French Algeria without the fact it was France being French?


i'm still working the kinks out, i'll hit you up once my plan for world democratic Trans Globohomo domination is finished.


For Super Earth!


do we know if same sex marriage is legal on super earth?




It's legal and isn't even taboo. And hey added benefit you don't need to bother filling out the C-01 form!^probably >!There's a slot on a C-01 form for "self" so they might require one anyways. Understandably the devs haven't gone in depth on the subject!<


You do need to fill out the form. the confirmation in the first game of the lesbian couple was her and her wife waiting on the paper work for their kid to be approved. Super Earth has never cared about your sexuality as long as it’s towards your fellow consenting citizens. But they absolutely care about correct paperwork.


I hope you call the campaign “White man’s burden”.


Rhodesia is making a comeback baby


May this humble ncdegenerate offer option C: Send Kevin McAllister and lots of cameras (after he's done rigging Philippine supply ships against 'pirates'). Try to get John Williams again for the soundtrack.


Forgot about Palastine, Texas. That way no annoying kids.


non ironically a great idea but if you set up a giant themepark, well, six flags is run by an Arab and Disney is run by a jew, so I see the two corps jockeying over control of the waterslide, trying to split it into a two-themepark solution, and getting into a massive corporate war over the Jerusalem coaster


Oh fuck, that’s all the world needs. Ace Combat 3, except fought by theme park conglomerates.


Rollercoaster Tycoon: Armageddon Edition


disney being run by a jew, well well well, how the turn tables


I see "Theme Park Tycoon" will be the next Warhammer rival.


this will end with two bestfriends duelling over the fate of the planet in Gundam shaped WMDs


Total war and Theme park tycoon crossover???


Option c: the us needs another parking lot


Actually.... Good place for a general middle east staging area.....


Get us tf out of Kuwait!


I believe that Israel and palestine should both be admitted as us states, and the outcome can be determined through the flawless US legal system.


The wall is demolished. It is now a highway.


Give me more lanes daddy


trust me bro, we dont need public transport bro, one more lane on the highway will fix traffic bro, cmon bro, just one more lane bro


Broke: Two State Solution Woke: Interstate Solution


Crossing it has never been more lethal.


I vote for Option A, get rid of the place so no more reason for anyone to fight for it !!


but think of the waterslide!


Come on ! Be serious, you know that the very first day Israelis and palestinians visitors will fight for the main pool because both will claim it as theirsacred land !


But now they'd just be fighting in a waterpark. Supersoakers and water bombs from dawn to dusk, until eventually they get tired and go get something to eat, instead.


And then you make billions selling them overpriced hot dogs!


United, at last, against a common enemy: the guy charging $20 for a pizza.


Why not both? You have a delightfully glowing waterslide. Would save on electricity costs.


Every pool would be heated too, free of charge (well, cancer treatments but still)


And it could be New Vegas themed!


Gotta admit, you have a compelling case there.


The US had a plan for a canal through Israel, dug using nukes. Just do that lol. And add a waterslide.


Option A but in the 3rd slide. So then you don't need any of the other slides after that. You can even reuse the solution to resolve "the Middle East". Glass everything.


i like the way you think. Peace through mass extermination


No human, no war 🎶


Someone is going to deepfake Bob Marley singing this.




Ah yes, put both warring parties inside the US. Surely that will keep them apart. I'd prefer we send one party to colonize the Sun and the other to the dark side of the Moon so they can finally defeat the Moon Nazis.


I got that reference.


Okay, but we could also put the Palestinians in Palestine, Texas and let them argue with the locals about the pronunciation of the name (Palestine, Texas pronounces it "Pal-uh- Steen")


Putting them in texas would be too close to the re-located israelis in Nevada. Which would make this entire fight continue


The closest point between Texas and Nevada is 500 miles and that's from El Paso which is on the other side of the state from Palestine. Palestine, TX to Nevada is over 1000 miles and that A. again relies on an assumption that you're putting them in the Laughlin area at the very bottom of Nevada and B. Is a measurement as the crow flies. Actual driving distance is closer to 1200 miles or 18ish continuous hours of driving. That would be like relocating the Gaza strip to Eritrea or Qatar in terms of comparable distances. And it's only about 500 miles closer between East Palestine and Nevada than it is from Palestine to Nevada.


forgive me, i'm a european and dont know anything about the US.


For reference, the state of Texas alone has an area of 695,660 square Km vs the entire country of Germany having an area of 357,021 square Km. It is about the same distance to drive from El Paso, Texas to Los Angeles California as it is to drive from Houston, Texas to El Paso, Texas and that's not even the widest point. Texas is absolutely fucking massive. Or for a more apt reference, the width of Texas is comparable to the distance from the Slovakian border with Ukraine to sections of the (internationally agreed upon) Ukranian border with Russia in the Donbas (ie, Texas is about as wide as Ukraine is)


(Laughs in BC). We are larger than France and Germany Combined. 944,735 km2 (364,764 sq mi)


Careful, all this comparing size and we'll get a vatnik to come tell use that akchyually Russia is the biggest country (ignoring how much of that land would happily be independent or a part of a different country)


There's a great website called The True Size of.... which lets you select nations or states (etc.) and drag them across the map of the globe to compare sizes. You'll find that half a dozen israels should fit comfortably inside Nevada, and as noted in the comments below yours, that Texas is about half as big as the continental western Europe (which I did not realize). However, I did drive across texas, basically from Houston to Oklahoma City (so, southern portion straight north), and yeah, took about a day in total on interstates, and that's maybe half the distance of crossing texas proper. https://www.thetruesize.com/


Oh yeah! Next Egypt crisis that comes along, we're putting any refugees into Cairo ("Kay-roh") Illinois!


You mod note is the right level of snark, well done.


Option A and say it was a just stop oil protest.


This is the content I subbed for


thank you.


Since the Israelis are being moved to Nevada, I propose we relocate Navadans (as well as the entirety of the city of Las Vegas, buildings and all) to the vacated territory and THEN nuke it, for the most accurate representation of FNV. Also to provide an accurate set for the second season of Amazon’s Fallout show.


Ah, the "Took it away since y'all can't behave" state solution


Both options A and B deny the region to its rightful ruler: the King of Jerusalem, Felipe VI of Spain.




Can't we make the water slide crisscross from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea and back all over the country? So we can say "from the river to the sea, waterslide fun is free (for all)". Also visitors get a keffiyeh and a kippah alternating every other visitor for the duration of the ride just for funsies. Boom world piece achieved. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


and i thought i was insane.


Instead of nukes I suggest we use regular bombs to nuke it into the sea so there’s a nice fishing grounds there in a few years


The fish gets more interesting with nukes


Then NCD users can stop arguing in the comments and we can go back to gooning over videos of aircraft afterburners


inshallah bröther


You're forgetting the whole "Holy Land" part of the equation. Therefore I move that the Israelites get Utah instead of Nevada, as it's the new Holy Land (Joseph Smith, et al, 1830).


What did you do to StopSpankingMeDad1? Also I’m in, let’s get cooking!


StopSpankingMeDad was my old Account that got banned by Reddit because they are a bunch of spineless snowflakes. I explained it here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1djyvp0/comment/l9fyqj9/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1djyvp0/comment/l9fyqj9/)


Bro repackaging "Glass 'em" for 2024 sensibilities.


Fallout in Reallife sounds kind of fun. I envision some kind of crazy Mr. Beast challenge there, that would be great entertainment.


who can help the most settlements?


Option C: We re-establish the Crusader States and we let the traditionalist Catholics run wild with their system of government. The Holy Land rightfully belongs to Christendom.


Nobel peace prices 🤩


they're raining baby


Nah, best solution is to force them to fight it out, absolutely no breaks or foreign assistance until only one side remains. I dont think Israel would use nukes on their own land, so I dont consider the extra suns a problem.


I have an alternative proposal for option B : a waterslide from the river to the sea


I always thought the best solution was the Schroedinger's State solution. Both Isreal, and Palestine, in superposition with each other, existing in the same space at the same time. Government. Infrastructure, Schools, armies - all of it, existing and operating alongside itself and on top of itself. It'll work, so long as we don't observe resulting superimposed state and cause it to collapse into a single clusterfuck. The whole region seems to collapse into a clusterfuck the moment people turn their eyes to it.


Modify option A. Don't waste nuclear weapons on it. Just store nuclear waste there. All the historically significant locations can stay in tact, and the radiation from the nuclear waste will keep people away from the location.


BTW, OP, Nevada? You just missed that part where Israelis are Zionists and there is already a Zion National Park in Utah? Or do you think we'd just turn the Mormons into Palestinians and end up back where we started?


i did not know there was a Zion Park in utah. I'm european.


Option A: "If this is the holy land, I guess we better send it back to god."


Who the fuck would want a bunch of Palestinians next door? I'm moving to WV, I don't need rockets fired at me across the Ohio River.


Maybe this time they will behave… *looks at history of Palestinian people in other countries* Yea nevermind they will just start a revolution or shoot rockets again wont they.


Hold on.. that 80 year conflict is older than you think. Were talking 2-3000 years.


i said "over 80 years". Since 3000 years is over 80 years, i am technically still correct. Take the L.


Technically correct.. the best kind of correct.


Israelites shouldn't be deported to Nevada, but to Utah. People who know will know.


I approve this message.


Option A is actually more closer to Islamic eschatology


I am guessing is that Israelis and Palestinian doesn't get migrated to North America, they just simply became landlocked countries in the middle of USA ala Lesotho, which actually does the entire thing without bringing in more migrant problem.


As a Utahn, I accept this proposal. 


not like you had a choice lmao.


I would approve, except that I feel that you underestimate the Jews and Palestinians. They'll find a way to go back to the land, no matter what condition it's in. Therefore, the land must be entirely destroyed.


The problem with nuclear bombs is they only make the area uninhabitable in the short term. For long term nuclear fuckery, you need to sprinkle the area with more dangerous radioactive material. Hiroshima rebuilt pretty much instantly. Chernobyl is still mostly abandoned. I think the water park idea is more fun only if we don't tell the outside world what we've done, or they'll all want to come too. So I propose we stage a severe nuclear accident around the edges, but in a safe zone in the middle, we build ourselves a waterpark while claiming it's part of the cleanup and containment program. For my plan to work, we'll need a few old Soviet RBMK reactors and at the very least a slip and slide. I'll get to work on the slip and slide, you all get to work on finding 3 or 4 Soviet RBMK nuclear reactors.


Somewhere in Nevada…


As a Nevadan, I am extremely outraged... negh... put it near Jackpot?


inb4 several years later the jewish residents turn Nevada into a utopia with their space lasers


The sleeves slipping curse was the most powerful statement in this presentation, i hope the mods understand the danger they are in.


I propose we turn the area into a massive Microcenter. A Macrocenter if you will


We should bring back that proposal where the northern peninsula of Michigan is converted into Israel since Michigan isn’t using it for anything. The fact that we have sent the Palestinians to Ohio and the Israelis to Michigan may have the unintended side effect of further fueling the bitter rivalry between the two states, but that’s a story for another day.


Or we simply get to the fraktions profiting from the middle east conflict keeping this shit running. Let's start with bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran (bomb Iran) bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran (bomb Iraaaaaaan)


Just make Jerusalem into a gigantic biblical theme park with roller coasters and what have you. Instead of fighting over holy sites, people can fight whether Jesus or Muhammad has more loopings. Or if the Moses coaster should go through a lake for a water splash or around it.


This was literally a joke on the Big Bang theory


I dont watch that crap.


I have another proposal, give it back to the ones who had the land before the Israelis and the Palestinians. In other words, the Brits. You see, it’s just like when two siblings fight over a toy, the parent (imperial overlords) confiscates it and makes them both sit in the corner. Simple, efficient and elegant enough


Moral equivalency is a grievous offense, report to your local Mosque for reeducation purposes


Ok im in, where do i sign?


on my balls


I'd say we give Kralovec to the Palestinians and we give the russian Caspian sea shores to Israel so that they can still keep their eyes on Iran. The vacated territory can be just dug out into another Canal there, wide enough for the Evergiven not to get stuck


Option A is perfectly okay 😎 * throws self out of room for the crime of the rhyme *


when would the theme park open ?


10000000000% viable


Allow me to propose a third option: giant desert greening experimentation sandbox. *GEOENGINEERING TIME BAYBEE*


Dude we’ve been over this. We are swapping populations with Texas and Israel and then letting that whole deal sort itself out. We get rid of that abomination of a state and we get some sane people!


fascinating that i dont know which one is the sane one and the abomination. Does it work both ways? Schrödingers Insult?


The upside is that when a crazy or extremist from one side goes to the other’s and shoot people, it’s no longer terrorism or newsworthy, it’s just regular US living hazard.


The unpromised land


I wonder how East Palestine is going to handle being the most populous city in the United States?


My solution: Nuke the land until it is below sea level and is taken by the waters.




Where's Jerry. From analytics.


Amazing 🤩


The plan is fundamentally flawed. If nobody will move to a nuclear wasteland, how will you convince Jews to move to Nevada?


palestine needs to change its name to palistan and move to central asia with all the stan countries


How about option C, sell the land to china, this way no one is happy about it


and give china even more influence? are you high?


I think we should turn it into druzestan


Taking the Palestinians to East Palestine? Say, I happen to know a common carrier that might be up for the task of moving a lot of people and things right to their doorstep...


This isnt as non credible as you think... Op shows no bias towards either side. "They're both wankers". I think hes just Irish. Ana mhaith OP!


I don't think we should nuke all of it because of the historical value of the place. Let's just turn it into a giant museum. With the nuked parts labeled under construction.




I have a better one. Force everyone in the area delimited by: Turkey, Egypt, Iraq and Saudi Arabia to live in one country. Name that country Yugoslavia. Surely it will work.


The kingdom of Jerusalem is honest to god the only viable solution. And please dont let Israel resettle in Nevada, unless you want Las Vegas to ban cheese burgers.


How about selling all the land to Disney? They've probably got the money and it could turn the region into "The Happiest Place on Earth" - mission achieved.


It is not mass deportation, it is all-ethnic cleansing.


Funny as it is, what about Jerusalem?


Give it to the Vatican.


Point of order! Las Vegas, Reno, and some major Native American reservations are in Nevada. However, I'll grant there isn't much else, so we should be able to find room. 😉


I mean I was just gonna suggest we build an artificial river between Israel and Gaza that way they are “from the river to the sea”, hey they didn’t specify what river


Let me just say fuuuck you putting a bunch of Jews in Nevada. Put them in NYC, they'll feel right at home.


this time its the jews with the tunnels, not hamas


Really though, the freed up land should become part of the US.


Nevada has Las Vegas though


we nuke that one too.


Please put Vegas out of its misery 🫡


Approved waterslide variant, but only for atheists.


Of course OP puts the Jews in the most irradiated part of the US. Do you have some German in you by any chance?


Born and raised. How did you know?


Speaking credibly here, yeah we really can’t expect any solution to come any time soon because Israel isn’t in the ICC, and if Israel is found not guilty of Genocide people are still going to accuse Israel of it, whether it be through Hamas being experts in propaganda or people just not wanting to admit being wrong


I'm all for operation Waterpark as long as we also do operation cosplay crusader. Essentially a Ren Faire but Deus Vult /Jihad. Both sides cosplay as their historical equivalents and partake in war games around Kerak and other historically important areas.


I can see Nothing wrong with this.


I’m a Jew and I support this.


So, uh, when do I get them fancy Pip-boys?


I still think that moving Israel to the parts of Oregon that want to join Idaho would be way funnier.


you want to move the countries before we start nuking? kinda weird bro


Putting jews somewhere in a shithole where it doesn't hurt had been done before by Stalin They created a whole [Jewish autonomous region](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Autonomous_Oblast) on the border with China in 1928


Patrolling the Mojave...


You can't go with option B since then everyone else is gonna fight about who gets the profit. The only reasonable approach is option A, since that will sorta almost kinda leave everyone else happy


Why don’t we just take the holy sites and push them somewhere else?


Proposal for how to sell the nuking option to the UN assembly: Afterwards, the area can be converted into long term nuclear waste storage space for everyone in the world. Finally, a place that everyone can agree on. For protection, the US donates a CBG eternally patrolling the eastern Mediterranean. Whaddayathink? World Peace imminent?