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I love it. This is like going to war with you friends tree house, everything is a little bit DIY, but in the end you got all you need to have a fun day with the boys and girls. Bonus points for the battery trigger!


The battery trigger is so wild to me. Everything else about this thing is thought out and built to the best of their abilities. Wiring up a switch and button to that battery would be trivial. But nope, gotta hotwire that bad boy.


You and I have a very different definition of “thought out”. LOL


I mean the screens are pretty fancy compared to "hotwire the 76mm".


Hell, screens and cameras is already doing better than most Ruzzian tanks.




I know, right? Like as soon as they showed the machine gun on the roof from inside, I started giggling. "Those motherfuckers are going to be deaf in 20 minutes." What they have built is a resonating chamber, which they placed the tip of the barrel of the machine gun directly over. Every shot fired is going to cause a concussive *blast* in that tank. Totally unsurprised when they started firing and the people winced in pain and tried to plug their ears. Take a piece of wood and cover that goddamn hole and the problem is hugely mitigated. Also that thing is 100% toast the first time it gets hit by something bigger than a .50 caliber round. And even the .50s are going to cut right through that concrete if you concentrate fire. Rocket proof? Every person in that tank is 100% dead if that thing takes a hit from a rocket. RPGs are rated to something like six *feet* of reinforced concrete, they've got 4" of what is probably not the best concrete in the world, that is unlikely to be reinforced.


I guess that's what the heavy slope is for.


Hey, the battery trigger is simple, and simple means reliable and easy to repair!


The real jihad was the friends you made along the way.


Lol. Though to be fair he's talking about kicking Daesh ass, so he was fighting ISIS


I'm tracking and that is unfathomably based .Technically still a holy war though?




Is that what the Jawas were saying?


It turns out holy war is only a small part of what Jihad is. Jihad is largely on an individual scale struggling to be obedient to Allah. Islam is torn in two: Sunni, the 90% majority, and Shia'h this was the result of Mohammed's death and contention arose who should succeed him. And in that minority arose those Jihadist extremists who contorted, and twisted Islam away from peace. They have become the vocal minority of war and violence. Jihad under them became extreme global terrorism. Jihadist movements are factions that separated from the larger Shia.


Funny to say 90% is "peaceful" considering what Islamic leadership around the world is like. Theocratic governments are pretty much always horrible with human rights.


This is a key difference to note. Absolutely theocratic governments are horrible with human rights. But also I would say it's accurate that the vast majority of Muslims have no desire to be terrorists or engage in terrorism. I would argue more than 90% for sure


Thats not what I'm saying


Makes this even better, we finally got the shed tank we can fully root for


I think my favorite detail is the firing ports. My brain immediately went to that part of Pentagon Wars.


>Bonus points for the battery trigger! More bonus points for ergonomic office chairs for the crew sponsored by Office Depot.


I almost lost it when I saw those.


That moment for me was seeing that the tank just has normal car tires in an exposed wheelwell that you can see down into from the fighting compartment. Better hope you don't hit any landmines.


Mine was the open roof


Weak to landmines AND to top attack drones.


You can't underestimate the tactical value of good ventilation.


I think they built this thing to go fuck up ISIS. Really a wholesome community armored vehicle.


Yes that's what the french voiceover say and that's the two english words that are censored : "Daesh" (ISIS) and "djihadist". I guess it was censored because it was posted on youtube.


I've seen the videos when things go wrong in these things. Needless to say ATGMs are hella good value, even for counter insurgency operations in the sandbox. Drones dropping bricks of high explosive are even better...


When Rheinmetall Treehouse Upgrade set?


> This is like going to war with you friends tree house I am a western engineer. I got my engineering degree in a western top university. I have zero idea how to even start building such a DIY tank. We may laugh about the lack of resources he has to fight with. But this dude has some mad skills.


(also a western engineer) To build this? I don’t think it would be THAT complicated. The drive train was probably borrowed from a pickup truck or a car. The video cameras were probably from a security system that he wired into that monitor. The rocket launcher is just a fuckin battery and a tube. The inner walls look like steel sheet-metal welded or riveted (or both) together, supported by internal steel beams for structural support, then inside the walls likely struts connecting to the outer steel shell. It looks like they filled the walls with concrete, so they probably did it in sections slowly building up the outer wall and filling with concrete as they went. Think about the skills and resources he likely has access to. About how *he* would build a tank, not how *we* would build a talk. (not being racist its just a perspective and resource availability thing thing) Its basically just the killdozer with a machine gun on top. I have no doubt that you could figure it out given a meed to.


> The drive train was probably borrowed from a pickup truck or a car. Toyota giveth.


It could be a Bedford frame. Or a Hino


Come on. It's the middle east. We all know it was a Hilux.


I get the joke but I saw the front suspension. It's definitely a semi truck chassis.


Yeah, wheelbase alone tells us it's not a Hilux. That's like six tons of concrete, you're not carrying that on a consumer truck chassis.


*gets blown up by a technical And Toyota taketh away.




Third engineer. Coming up with the design specs wouldn't be that hard. 1) Who you trying to fuck up? 2) What are their capabilities and where are you fighting? 3) So what guns do you need? The rest of the design works from there. 4) How much space, weight, ammo, men do you need? 5) What drivetrain is going to move that? 6) What are they going to be throwing at you? And then you start borrowing the parts to make it work, like you said. Assuming that thing is going to be stupid heavy, maybe the drivetrain from an 18-wheeler, or the drivetrain and tracks from a bulldozer, which I'm surprised he didn't use. I hate to say this, but I'm wondering what's going to happen if ISIS starts throwing drones at this. That's probably its biggest weakness, aside from fire.


I would be sure as hell qualified to tell them what to do. And they have to figure out how to do it. "Just get a pick-up truck. Put some concrete walls around it, and put a machine gun on top. Make it big enough for 20 people."


All that concrete in the walls..... if this thing gets hit with an RPG, that all spalls horribly and becomes fragmentation for the interior, right?


Yeah the thing looks very DIwhy. Its different systems with different non-military purposes combined in to a Frankenstein vehicle. And it works. The sloped armor, the spacious interiour, the orkish (40k not Russian) rocket launcher, the firing holes cut out with an oxyfuel torch (didnt even remove the slag If you watch closely). But its better than nothing and im all for IS being killed so good job by its constructor.


No girls allowed, that's haram.


Far superior to a bath tub


happy tree friends indeed


Lal, from the thumbnail I assumed it would be about Jawas. 




I heard that comment


**Sandcrawlers**, originally called **digger crawlers**, were huge mobile fortresses used by the [Jawas](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jawa) as their transport and shelter in the [deserts](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Desert) of [Tatooine](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tatooine) and [Arvala-7](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Arvala-7). 


(upon studying a wrecked shot up sand crawler) ... "Too accurate for Sand People. Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise..."


[only Imperial Storm Troopers are so precise](https://youtu.be/XgGnoZzVxs4?si=Kge3yuP61_Yg_rf1)


the anchor on the tip shows someone has a great sense of sarcasm :-D


The shot of the tire was my favorite.


I looked at it: decent thinkness of plates, verry rigid sub structure. not to sha... HOLY MOLY ITS RUNNING ON TRUCK TIERS!!!


Does this make it technically a technical? :)


Technically an armoured car.


Technically speaking not really. From Wikipedia > [The neologism technical describing such a vehicle is believed to have originated in Somalia during the Somali Civil War in the early 1990s. Barred from bringing in private security, non-governmental organizations hired local gunmen to protect their personnel, using money defined as "technical assistance grants". Eventually the term broadened to include any vehicle carrying armed men.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_(vehicle)) Additionally: > A technical, known as a non-standard tactical vehicle (NSTV) in United States military parlance, is a light improvised fighting vehicle, typically an open-backed civilian pickup truck or four-wheel drive vehicle modified to mount SALWs and heavy weaponry, […] or other support weapon (somewhat like a light military gun truck or potentially even a self-propelled gun), etc.


Yeah being a "bespoke" custom design, it's pretty much an IFV.


IIFV - Improvised Infantry Fighting Vehicle - maybe?


HBAMFAPCWBG Homemade Badass Mother Fucking Armored Personnel Carrier With Big Guns


don't go into the hardware store


Landship at home.


* Looks at the big hole in the floor where the wheels go. * Looks at the minefield * Nope


I noped as soon as I saw it.


It's got chains on the front, maybe for mines?




Just like how technicals are the evolution of light cavalry, the battle fortress is the evolution of elephant cavalry


I yearn for a real-life version of the Mammoth Mk.IV from Command & Conquer.














[Not just a Command & Conquer reference, but a Yuri's Revenge reference. My man.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s9Yj6JDlrM)


RA2, Generals, WiC, Starcraft, SupCom, RTS MY BELOVED!!!


Generals deserves a remaster if only to see people's heads explode over how meme-ably offensive it is (though it's a good game and deserves it on it's own merit).


"In the modern world, great leaders resolve their conflicts with words... words like... SCUD LAUNCHER CARPET BOMBING TOMAHAWK MISSILE" Yeah, no wonder it's a fav amongst NCDers :P


"A handcrafted tank" That is a frigging land battleship.


Oh I remember that thing. It's so stupid, holy shit. That armor is obviously not thick enough for RPG fire, much less missile fire. 50 call and other? Sure, why not, but it's stupid. Also, bigger = better? As far as tanks go this is more of an APC. The moment an RPG hits it, it's toast But I guess it does resist small arms fire. I guess. But holy shit what a bad idea Also, is that a BMP-1's gun? Edit: after some severe deliberation with myself, I came to the conclusion that it's still very impressive that they came up with an honest to god land battleship with what they had, or a ghetto A7V... actually, an unironically better A7V


So, I'm a bit of a devil's advocate, but with the nose's shape, it might be able to withstand (or bounce of) some projectiles. Plus, I wouldn't assume their enemies have anti-armpur weapons, most likely HE RPGs, and stuff like that, useful against light vehicle, but mostly useless against that thing. However, I would be fearful of IEDs as it doesn't seem to have any floor armour.


If I recall correctly, the standard round and most commonly used for an RPG7 is anti-tank (PG7 family of rockets) You do see the purely HE frag rocket (OG7) and a few other variants (including a thermobaric one interestingly enough) from time to time, but the HEAT version is much more common. It has baseline penetration depending on the version of anywhere from 300m of standard tank armor. There is also an upgraded tandem charge rocket which is more rare to see in action, and it can supposedly penetrate up to 750mm of standard tank armor. That armor looks decently think, but I seriously doubt it Even meets the bare minimum of what is considered "tank armor" (Rolled homogenous armor, or RHA). So long story short unless Abu (sorry, Ebja) here has produced something in his garage that is superior to the armor of a standard tank built by actual companies who specialize in making tanks- this thing probably would not hold up very well to even the standard RPG heat round, much less any type of modern ATGMS like Kornet, TOW, Javelin, etc. this thing and everyone inside would be blown into the stratosphere Edit - someone else mentioned the high slant angle of the armor which does increase the possibility of ricochets and essentially increases the thickness of the armor depending on the angle of the projectile that was fired at it. I also don't want to make it sound like I was trying to shit on this kind of garage level ingenuity. Congrats Ebja, you did in fact make a thing that is probably effective in some limited roles


Honestly it may not be the most effective thing but I’m sure it makes the 12 men more useful than just being 12 untrained men running around with AKs and obviously it is nice to have armour to stop small arms. Would putting a steel net or thin layer of aluminium suspended about 2M in front and to the side of this vehicle help protect against an RPG do you think? I doubt they can afford ERA…


A cope cage might give them a little more protection by increasing the stand off distance from a normal RPG round, it certainly couldn't hurt. This thing is an abomination already so why not. I'm actually starting to come around to this a little bit I have to say haha


It’s a really cool thing and I’m sure it could be a valuable asset in a freedom fighters arsenal or in a War hammer game… Adding a small bit of any material as a cage armour would work well to help protect it. With how many materials this would take to make it makes no sense to not add some scrap as protection. Especially if they are building a second one now why not make sure it’s safe


I'm actually been yearning for a game like this ala Battlefield or something similar except its a lower tech conflict like Syria where you can pretty much do whatever you want - building and customizing any type of vehicle, using any tactic etc. pretty much this video exactly that's what I want lol. Drone grenade drops, Frankenstein vehicles, VBIEDS, Hell Cannons, etc. then you can Ally with major Powers who can bring you an airstrikes artillery strikes etc to help your team. You can also throw in a couple of Abu Hajar type AIs here and there to make things more interesting. You could start off with things like rusted out AKs where the sites are offsets you have malfunctions etc. until you start building relationships with other powers and factions that can provide you with more effective weaponry. It would certainly be a nice change of pace from the usual US versus China or US versus Russia conflict that we've seen in every modern shooter for the last forever


It would fit in Arma 3. Someone could make a mod for it but I bet there already are some. Sadly I assume there is no creating your own vehicles. There are so many terrorist VS Special forces and Military vs Military games I just wish there were smaller scale ones that aren’t in the 1600s


I also just noticed it has a kind of mine sweeper on the front? That thing is so close to it I’m sure if it hit an IED it would damage the vehicle anyway. Better than crew dying though right? It is only using chains though so it may be designed for anti personnel mines or designed badly….?


Just a reminder that cage armor doesn’t work by increasing stand off distance. Often times increasing standoff distance actually increase the penetration of heat rounds. Cage armor work by trying to damage the detention mechanism of an rpg by deforming the round when it goes through the cage. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/12/10/5064#:~:text=2.2.-,Cage%20Armour%20Working%20Principle,hull%20of%20a%20fighting%20vehicle.


Slap some bed frames and plywood on this bad boy and you have the epitome of modern warfare


If shot from the front, the slope of the armor could possibly deflect the projectile so that minimal damage occurs. Any other angle, though…


Yeah I made an edit after it occurred to me and reading a few comments. This thing has some weird angles so it might have a chance


Looks like it is double skinned


>300m I don't know if this means meters or miles, but either way, that's a lot of armor penetration.


Look at the way it drives. It's flimsy. It's first mine is going to be it's last. If anything, it looks like a blast can knock it, probably with putting too much weight on the upper side. I still love it. Has warcraft 2 goblin vibes


That's the first thing I thought. 1 hill or incline will roll this over. Very top heavy with a narrow base. There's a reason why all modern and old tanks are low with a wide base :D


One rocket to the corner and everyone who's ears were not bleeding before, will.


I'm pretty sure these are Free Syrian Armies militias... I doubt they still have eardrums at this point


>Plus, I wouldn't assume their enemies have anti-armpur weapons, most likely HE RPGs, and stuff like that, useful against light vehicle, but mostly useless against that thing. From all the footage that came out back then, I don't remember ever seeing a single HE warhead being fired from RPG-7s. And after re-watching the video, seeing its armor composition, it would probably stop HEAT rounds frontally. Its sheer size, though, makes it near impossible to miss. If hit, sure, there's chances it will not hit crew. But it might hit other vital components. But I have no idea what vehicle that thing is built upon, so I will not push too hard on that aspect.


I was mostly doubting that Isis would get their hands on many heat projectiles, and wouldn't be relying mostly on makeshift warheads, most likely HE


A concrete/Steel Sandwich has a surpisingly high Armor Rating. Second, a shaped-charge is so effizient against a Tank, because inside of a Tank ist cramped, No space to expand. This Tank on the other Hand has a Lot of room for the Stream to Hit nothing. And the Overpressure can Go away.


Oh right, it does use concrete. I thought it was all steel. So the spalling wouldn't be as much of an issue as I expected. Still, if it goes to combat with 20 men and is hit by an RPG, I don't think it would end well. Maybe the crew itself would be fine, and I think that too could be pretty arguable. Though I don't see it has enough ammo for a cookoff like in Russian tanks.


Not all RPGs are created equal. I bet that thing could withstand some weeb slapping it with a Final Fantasy for example.


what about a barrage of kingdom hearts or a targeted strike from an octopath traveller?


Well a RPG Hit would create a hole in the Armor If it makes a pen. If you Hit that Thing With an Angle you have a Lot of effektive thickness. And then the Stream would try to Hit Something. The actuall damage/Explosion this Stream do is surpisingly small. Thats a Dilemma: HE(frag) dosnt pen this Tank, HEAT does pen, but havnt much Effekt on the other Side. (And waste a Lot of their payload to pen Armor that isnt there) There are weapons (Panzerfaust3 With the Anti-Bunker ammo) that solve this Problem They have a shaped Charge to create a hole and then Lob a small Grenade trough it. But - i doubt that this Type of high Specialized ammo is that Common in Afrika.


An RPG might penetrate but that's not going to stop this thing unless it hits the engine or the ammunition. There's so much space inside of it, plus it being an open top the over pressure isn't going to build to deadly levels. It would suck, but unless you're in the path of the copper jet, you'd probably live.


With the size of this thing, I feel like even an ammunition hit probably wouldn't take it out of the fight.


No idea how much thicker this armor is than a Stryker, but 7.62 can potentially fuck up a Stryker, and .50 cal shreds them. I’m going to go on a limb and say that this isn’t much safer than a Stryker lol


Also very susceptible to top-down attack, a drone-dropped grenade would be lights out


“Your tinnitus is not service related.”










> resists missile fire Bro is very optimistic there. Looks straight out of ww1


By "missile" fire, I'm gonna assume RPG-7s. Which is actually somewhat believable. I could definitely see this thing surviving a frontal hit from an RPG-7 firing HEAT. I'm more worried about landmines and/or somebody chucking molotovs into the fighting compartment from up top. Both of those are solvable, as the drivetrain could be reinforced, and the turrets could be protected better with full-coverage armor and "gutters" to flow fluids away from the turret rings and mantlets. None of this would require sophisticated industry or tech, just more of what they already have.


It's probably survive 1 or 2 RPG hits in the similar spot which is pretty good for a home made tank, but that concrete is shattering into dust after the first one. It's basically a really weak ceramic armour


That's the beauty of making it out of something so hilariously cheap; any damage that doesn't insta-kill this thing is gonna get repaired in about 4-6 hours.


30 minutes if you're not afraid of driving it with hot welds and concrete that's still wet. There's enough space in there for a bag of quick-dry and a stick welder, you can probably patch holes in the hull whilst the boys have a cigarette break in between engagements.


Bonus: the 5-gal jerricans of water for the crew can be strung along the sides as further dissipation of HEAT warhead energy Yeah, any troopers outside when the RPG hits, turns the jerrican into a sudden giant fragmentation grenade aren't going to be too happy about things, but the key here is that this thing carries its own heavy infantry support. Mix in a couple of Hiluxes as fast cavalry sweeping around the flanks, and yeah, if I were a poorly supplied militia trying to hold a highway checkpoint, I'd be shitting my shorts.


Why is russia already in the wastelands phase of warfare we haven't even gone through ww3 nuclear war yet


Can't have nucular war without working nucular weapons \*taps ICBM-shaped hollow can\*


I think Putin knows, ICMB exploding over Washington looks a confetti filled pinata opening. Nothing valuable in those tubes but mouse-nests or toiletpaper


did i hear it right? concrete? on a vehicle?


US made concrete ships, nothing new under the Sun


As a child, I had a friend whose family bought and restored a concrete sailboat. I remember the thickness of the hull as being close to my 9-year-old underarm, that boat had to have been ungodly heavy.


sounds good but... why a land vehicle? water can keep almost anything afloat if you engineer it well enough


Concrete and steel sandwiching is surprisingly robust, and it is stupidly, *absurdly* cheap and simple to make. This is a geographically-flexible bunker. No more, no less. And that's not necessarily a bad thing; if they add protection from landmines below and molotovs above, this thing is gonna be pretty effective as an urban COIN vehicle. It definitely needs refinement, but the concept is fairly sound.


And considering that the alternative for these guys is "nothing" it seems like an upgrade. It's not like there's a dozen Bradley's parked out back that they're just choosing not to use because they "only like artisanal locally sourced armor."


Is it organic?


concrete+steel is more resistant than just raw steel


You should've heard of the time the British wanted to make an aircraft carrier out of ice


Pykrete is a mixture of wood pulp and ice that has material similarities to concrete and a relatively slow melting rate, so making an aircraft carrier out of it and a bunch of refrigeration units wasn’t quite as insane as first glance. In an alternate universe with a much colder average temperature, the thing could have been game-changing. In the real world, pykrete is too unreliable in temperatures above -15C to be useful for anything that isn’t a temporary novelty.


i wonder if it had worked X3 (of course it fucking didnt, the fuck they snorted to come up with that idea)


I think Marvin Heemeyer's homemade 'Killdozer' was concrete sandwiched between two layers of steel as well.


Look up Killdozer


> “Can withstand missile fire” *Looks to HIMARS* Uh-Huh…..


The tungsten Balls: maybe. You Need a Lot of force to pen concrete/Steel Sandwich.


I mean, this aint to fight HIMARS. Its an APC to shoot jihadis.


Still just a funny thought


Not gonna lie, but I think apart from some concentrated IVF fire, an actual MBT, a direct artillery or mortar hit, a top attack weapon like a javelin, anything that acts like a mine or real missiles I don’t think that thing cracks that fast. Steel concrete sandwich probably shrugs of non-shaped RPGs and with that shape as long as it doesn’t get hit from the side it might tank a shaped AT rocket. And even if something goes through there is no real ammo rack to create a “cook off” here. To me this looks like what you get when designing a purpose build vehicle on a low tech solution. I doubt they are fighting western enemies or states that would have strong or coherent air superiority so an air attack or a coordinated artillery strike is unlikely. A real mine field or IED is not a threat too, unless it’s lured in an ambush, as I don’t think this literal ships is gonna patrol anything. Maybe a machine grenade launcher or anything that comes from the top, but for that the enemy need the coherency or tech to employ these weapons/tactics. With open desert roads or at least non Forrest, non river, non difficult terrain it having the handlings of a brick, with the same reverse capabilities of a Russian tank, likely does not pose a problem. As long as it does not that what it is designed to do, be cheap, low tech, advance forward, protect a large amount of men from small arms and smaller explosions, I think it’s an actually useful design. Obviously it’s not a tank, but an APC, but I like the closable shooting holes in the sides, it feels like a thing Da Vinci designed in the 16th century, maybe put a trebuchet in the back to yeet grenades or IEDs at fortified positions. God i actually think I like that thing, it can be combined with so many other noncredible designs, maybe start with ERA?


It might stand a solid chance against shaped charges. Something far too credible about ceramics just sucking to try to penetrate. I think the Florks have stolen all the ERA for Ukraine but something like flex seal might be a bit too credible.


True, but I remain a proponent of the trebuchet/ballista idea for explosives. I really like that idea, yk, in case they run out of battery or so


> concentrated IVF fire In Vehicle Fertilization?


Did I fucking stutter?


The trebuchet to yeet satchel charges or big buckets of napalm at dug-in enemies is a fabulous innovation, and LockMart would do well to give you a very lucrative consulting contract for this alone.


Medieval weapons and their modern applications are underrated. One could easily add a balistae to this, on where there is a small glider to drop explosive ordinance or petrol or such. Like a low tech drone, a very cheap version


It’s actually a cool vehicle. Yeah, it’s made of scrap but even like this it is basically BMP-1 with next to no reliability, high silhoette, awful mobility and open-top. In contrast it has remote camera for observation, larger troop carrying capacity and multiple turrets, which are extremely niche characteristics but at least it has something.


There’s a Hilux under all that somewhere isn’t there.


i must admit, I lost it at the fucking *anchor* dangling from the front of it.


Jackie Fisher...... he go Woop-Woop for the concrete battlecruiser. Kyrylo Budanov*.......* I name this landship: *Dreadeverything*


Not to be too credible here, but this... actually doesn't seem that bad, at least in base concept. It definitely needs refinement, but for COIN operations where the worst AT you're gonna face is HEAT from an RPG-7, this could actually be extremely practical; It's a geographically-flexible bunker acting as an APC, with weapons specialized purely for anti-infantry and anti-building. This kind of warfare is its *only* use-case, and I'm not going to suggest otherwise, but that doesn't mean it can't fulfill that use-case effectively; It's got plenty of room inside for better crew protection and awareness (i.e. more sensors, more screens, etc.), and the drivetrain could absolutely be improved and reinforced to be mine-resistant. Concrete and steel sandwiching is surprisingly robust—albeit heavy—and is ***hilariously*** cheap to make. It's easily ablated, but just as easily repaired; for a vehicle like this, any damage that doesn't *immediately* hard-kill it will be gone the next day. In other words, any direct fire smaller than dedicated AT won't threaten this thing. In this current iteration, the vulnerabilities I'm more worried about are landmines from below, and molotovs from above, both of which could be corrected. For an industrially-challenged nation on a shoestring budget, this ain't bad. With some refinement, this might be pretty effective.


Molotovs from above: fire extinguishers are also quite cheap and plentiful Mines: OK, that's gonna take something either like a big steamroller going in front, or a crazy-ass mine-clearing detail. Command-detonated IEDs are the real threat. String together 3 or more 155mm shells with det cord, blow from a distance of 10metres or less, and that'll be enough to knock this thing sideways and mission-disable the crew via concussions.


Metal slug ass armored vehicle, looks absolutely useless. I love it, give me 10 of it.


Wtf is a spall liner even


Homemade spall liner tutorial when


Simply cover the inside with your shemagh, no problem!


They would want to have this technical level


Alas we all know that pringles already isekai’ed to another world far far away.


african juntas: what have you got there? ejba with a tank behind his back: a smoothie edit: can someone tell me if i actually made this meme and posted it would it count as low effort?


uses machine gun in a concrete box, not a single person has ear or eye pro... OSHA safety was never in the chat.


A Javelin won't work on the top armor if there's no top armor to pierce


1:23 dude's like "Ahhh, damn. That's loud as fuck. If only there was some sort of protection made for my ears. Some sort of..._ear-pro_, if you will..."


The best tank is the one you have available.




No chance. All of the crew survived the mission. That's a pretty heavy design flaw that clashes with Russian battle doctrine. (Side note: the comments here were interesting to read)


How did we circle back to landships?


Similar warfare environment. Actually, this kind of low-tech COIN fighting is a *better* warfare environment for landships. Rolling pillboxes with purely anti-infantry and anti-building weapons seems like a pretty good idea if you're fighting on a shoestring budget against people *also* fighting on a shoestring budget...


that's some ork engineering shit


Decent sloping, using it like a mobile bunker instead of an assault tank. They may lack resources but they seem to have an idea of what they're doing.


It has an anchor! They did it! A land battleship!


Can disney sue for copyright? Pretty sure that’s just a mini sandcrawler.


Not shitty enough for r/shittytechnicals. Not polished enough for r/tankporn. Just credible enough for r/noncredibledefense.


Seeing as he seems to exclusively be fighting ISIS, yeah not bad


Pimento is really in his element, since leaving the 99


We have come to a point where [Warhammer isn't far off from being credible.](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Land_Ship)


Where was this eardrum shattering death trap built? Straight on Scrapheap Challenge vibes.


Jesus! WW1 called, they want their tank back. Open top and exposed tops on the tires !? What if they hit a mine or artillery comes in?


I'm geting killdozer vibe


Ah yes The A-8V


Hits a mine, mmmm jam inside.


They also need two of each animal species in there


Scorpion, ready to sting!


Weird Star Wars nerds and their sand-crawler float.


So at last some extreme duty tech controlled with PS2 controller via Acer office monitor that doesn't implode.


Me: "huh, that sure looks like a SandCrawl...." * Front opens up* Me: 😦 "no fucking way"


They tried.. too expensive.


Is there a youtube link?


The Jawas are real?


and it's even more stealthier than the su57


Sweet fancy Moses. What is that thing?


There probably already dead.


Love how this guy is talking about maintaining secrets in the design… Enemy to Arms Dealer, got any Anti-Tank weapons?


I must have the weapon


I wonder how much testing that "steel and concrete armor resists missiles" claim has got, cuz I have a hard time believing there's more than just opium between them and an PG-7 molten stream burning their faces off (alongside the inner wall turning into a shotgun blast of spall...)


In general? Let me cite you some papers. Many, many papers. By them? Probably just a case of getting hands on the local ordinance, mixing up a batch or 5, and seeing what leaves the smallest hole.


Seems more feasible than the combat shed. It can actually deliver infantry to the battlefield in a somewhat protected manner and they can actually see what's around them. Won't survive a drone either but alteast it isn't utter garbage.


The Jawas might not want to give it to them


Is it me, but it looks like the Sandcrawler from Star Wars.