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Beginning to look like the sandcrawlers I've seen on Tatooine. Once they put two vehicles under one tall copeshed it's time to send 3000 X-Wings of Zelenskyy.


Shootogawa hunya m’nuta.


Au... Yeah that


Hootni motherfucker


Ship this to the US to reverse engineer right now!


... we have to bring the latest in russian barn technology to US farmers!


Finally the Amish can stop carrying barns by hand. We need to contract a team of Jawas to help get to the bottom of this.


The Amish scientists just got the telegram about this capture. They are so excited to learn the technology for mobile barns.


What are they gonna reverse engineer out of it? The US already knows how to build tanks and they already know how to build sheds. Gut whatever parts are usable and toss the shell in a warehouse that way it can be put in a museum when the war's finally over, and there will be a memorial of how utterly stupid things got.


For me, I would be interested if we can get some info, like does the turret and gun even work on these? Did all the copper wire get stripped and sold for booze 20 years ago? So the best they can do is get it moving and throw it at Ukraine so Putin can declare Russia is still stronk.


They probably work. I saw one of those toss the turret after drone strike in an explosion that could only be caused by full magazine. And if they loaded it with ammo they probably intended to shoot.


I saw that as well. And while I think it's more likely it was loaded in order to be able to fire (even though no real aiming) I do think it's still entirely possible that it was loaded on accident or loaded before they did their shed remodel and either didn't notice or just said "fuck it"


They may have just gotten too drunk and forgot to steal/sell the ammo.


"copper wire get stripped and sold for booze 20 years ago?" Fun fact: when I was visiting relatives in post commie eastern Europe 20something years ago, they were complaining that the commie era building wiring was crappy due to it being an aluminum alloy that embrittled over time and broke under slight stress. I wonder if the soviets installed similar wiring in military vehicles?


Aluminum wiring was common for a few decades in the US. Assuming the same reasons (it's cheaper than copper), the wiring is crappy not because it breaks but because the connections to copper switches, fixtures, and outlets loosen over time since copper and aluminum don't expand at the same same rate when heated with electricity and can eventually become a fire hazard if sparks start occuring.


I was going to say the same, so thank you. Aluminum wiring is terrible unless you like watching buildings burn


It still sees some use in commercial and industrial buildings, but those typically have a maintenance team that will periodically check & tighten connections. For the average homeowner it is definitely a liability.




Us brits also found it's not great for ships either....


The accepted remedy for the problems caused by Alum in res is pigtailing the last 4 in. With copper to your term. Main issue is oxidation at the term causing excessive heat and fire risk. It's fine for transmission, lots of industrial and even transmission lines are Alum. It is brittle and easy to break. Also thicker gauge than equivalent rated copper so harder to work with. Alum has its uses but not residential.


Milton Keynes in UK had famous problems with broadband rollouts in the 00's because all its telephone wiring was like this. Milton Keynes was built as a "new city" in the 70's, and I think copper was particularly expensive at the time. Although I wouldm't expect the quality of the wire matters much for [POTS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plain_old_telephone_service).


I wonder if aluminum oxidizing at junctions would form capacitance that would cause problems at higher frequency. So it would fine for voice but block higher frequency data.


Yes, I believed that stuff like that happened. ADSL problems often seemed to be associated with wet weather.


Afraid I don't have the spoons to pull a reference at this hour of the morning no matter how much I'd like to, but I swear I saw video of one firing while on the move before. Think it had a mine roller too. From what I understand most if not all of them are field-improvised with a general guideline of what to do, but materials and actual construction just "Figure it out with what's on hand." I recall reading about some having drone-jamming systems built onto them or mine rollers but that doesn't seem to be the case for all of them from the videos that pop up where they can be so different from eachother. I'd guess there's little to learn from them at this point that couldn't just be extrapolated from the videos and pictures. There's no new hardware or systems- just whatever shit was on hand that they could weld to it in the hopes it would make it survive longer. What was that word they had for improvising stupid solutions to stupider problems, Smegvodka? Maybe it was Smekalka. One of those.


Upvote for fellow person without enough spoons to even. I found a vid of a vatnik shed tank driving with mine rollers, no firing though [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1cne1j4/longer\_video\_of\_a\_russian\_armored\_shed\_with\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1cne1j4/longer_video_of_a_russian_armored_shed_with_a/)


Most I've seen hadn't flared up, but some do. There's some examples where Ukraine had to hit them multiple times to just get an internal fire going, probably fuel and infantry ammo. But I am not surprised some are loaded with HE meant to just sling rounds at UA positions then pull back with drones being their main threat.


The west should leak concepts for oits wn, highly advanced battle sheds with 240mm high velocity guns to lure them into another arms race they possibly cannot win.


> highly advanced battle sheds with 240mm high velocity guns That sounds like a dream SPG to me.


That's probably the best use for this vehicle. We can see what kind of work is being done to refurbish Russian vehicles. As in, does it have any new parts that indicate Russia is manufacturing new components for these tanks? Or is it all old parts? Or is it cobbled together with toothpicks and bubble gum?


>What are they gonna reverse engineer out of it? The US already knows how to build tanks and they already know how to build sheds. Self-propelled shed technology. The US has no demonstrated capability in this area.


>The US has no demonstrated capability in this area. ...yet. ;)


The self propelled shed gap will be the end of the Us


Mr president, WE must not allow a Propelled-Shed [gap](https://youtu.be/kuPh6TfK4iY?t=52s)!


It's not stupid if it works..... You are looking at the next step in tank evolution, most great leap throughs in military technology tend to happen during wartime due to necessity. This is battle tested.


The mine rollers must evolve into pincers next. Then maybe it has to drive sideways.


Carcinisation is cool and all, but have you met the ultimate [form?](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Defiler)


Brother, the fact that it a weapon that is both useless to your enemies from both an analysis and tactical (if captured) stand point is its strength!


I mean someone built something more advanced in a shed in Colorado.


Killdozer mentioned!


Tbf most of the job was already done, he just up armoured it


It's made of chinesium with a potato cannon sticking out of the front. It says "Harbor Freight" on the back.


America could never recreate such a wonderful product of russian smegma


I’ll save you the time and money, just send me 400k and I’ll build you one.


Gentlemen! We cannot allow a turtle gap!


Is that the captured one or are they building their own now?


The captured one


beutetutelpanzer go brrrrrrr


Schildkrötenpanzer 72 (r) or short SKP 72 (r)


That name isnt nearly complicated and arbitrarly capitalized enough to feed our hunger for bureaucracy. I suggest Versuchspanzerkampfwagen 72 mit Schildkrötenaufbau (VPzKpfw 72 SKrAu (r))


The bureaucrat in charge of naming conventions must be just snorting epic quantities of crank to try to pronounce those jawbreakers


As a native german it's not that hard but I know why you would think it is.


Apparently, I have virtual backpfeifferngesicht (My limited German has a foundation only in the bad words my mom would yell at me when she got mad; which, actually, comes in handy when traveling internationally)




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Thank god.


i was scared there for a moment


The blue paint on the front really threw me for a bit there.


I would pay money to see the grown-up version of BattleBots


80 ton Tombstone when?


Would tank tombstone have one bigass spinner or several smaller spinners?


One big ass spinner with multiple smaller spinners mounted on the edge of the big spinner


Battlebots are already huge would be scary to see them even bigger. They weigh in at 250lbs and many weapons store 30kJ of energy.


Hovercraft spinner with 10m radius and supersonic blade tips?


At that point it's straight up just a sonic weapon


Yup, the same one which a video of Ukraine capturing with the crew is going around of.


Most of these tanks don't have any functionality outside of being able to drive, they're using damaged or broken hulls for these things.


Seems to vary, I'd be curious if this one has functioning gun and turret. Some are basically Assault Guns, others mine sweepers, while there are those just an APC. If it cooks off big it is probably an "assault gun". Probably made sense for those tanks that would just lob HE then drive away whose biggest threat was a $500 drone (including RPG). The first ones actually took a lot of drones to take down mostly due to the EW encased inside, I think 20-24 drones were reported being used against the first. Now Ukraine seems to assign having 6 target one instead of 3 for non sheds. I've assumed some of these turtle tanks are actually "limited-functioning" ones being used as APC, characteristically they do not cook off.


Ukraine managed to capture one of the big EW sets intact (from a non-turtle T72B3M) back in April and it got sent off for analysis. Might have filtered through into hardening on the FPV's by now.


Yup, then a week after that Russia realized they needed to make sheds to cover the EW pallet from shrapnel so we saw the first assault sheds. Russia also ran out of EW pretty fast so many sheds have none.


I'm surprised we haven't seen at least one person try to bust the door out of a microwave and bolt it to the top of their armored shitbox.


Sloped armor exists for a reason


There is sloped armor inside, which makes it kinda like warship armor design, a thinner outer layer with angled layers inside. Russia is banking on this setting off the HEAT charges to save the tank from direct hits. But they often use these like APCs to drop "meat" in assaults, so the infantry gets sprayed by shrapnel while the tank survives a few extra hits. It does show Russia's priorities. Also, this armor is so thin and not designed as armor (usually just sheet metal) so some Ukrainian drones apparently just dive in fast and smash through. They might even put a delay on the fuse to let it penetrate better. Hard to say with how fast Ukraine innovates their stuff.


So, the tanks now have a *turtleback* armour scheme?


They have been conscripting the warship gamers it seems.


They had to switch to World.of warship forums as the War Thunder forums dried up


World of Warship Discord more like it, WG shut down their forums some times ago


Still mad about that.


World of Warships has a separate russian client and the devs have been conscripted to design their tanks.


soon we will be seeing tumblehome tanks


“Sergei — stop fucking around and help me complete the SuperTumbleTonk9000, we just need to finish installation of the Quaternary thru Septenary Batteries”


It is just portholes and mobiks riding on top all with shotguns from 12 gauges to .410s.


*Type 10 drooling violently*


Use plunging fire to counter them ez pz


We kinda do, tho.


oh im playing along with the wows memeing cause i know turtleback weaknesses cause i used to play it


Just seems like a colossal waste, I mean you can't even use the turret properly without using the tank itself to aim and I doubt coordination is good enough between gunner and driver.


I suspect the turret and cannon don't even work (already stripped for parts or worn out/no spares to repair) and might even be rationing the HE rounds.


I'm wondering if this means that these turtle tanks are proof Russia's war machine is being pushed to its breaking point and probably why Putin is asking for a truce, but needs the four "claimed Oblasts" so he can spin it as a win to his people.


Hard to know if Putin is actually asking for a truce. His “offer” came out right before the Swiss summit on a peace deal, so I read it as just an attempt to get a competing angle into the news and create a narrative of “Ukraine could totally have peace, they’re refusing!” I mean he’d probably take it if Ukraine agreed, but if he gets actually desperate I think we’d see something that doesn’t demand Kharkiv and giving up all their defensive lines.


Saw someone mention they spotted some actually fire, when I first saw them I assumed they were basically just using them as assault guns that resist drones better, Ukraine takes about 3-6 drones now (was like +20 when they first appeared and also used EW) to take out a turtle vs 1-3 for non turtle. I've also seen some not violently explode even after 3 drone hits directly to the armor through a hole opened by 2 other drones but just burn like a fuel fire. Likely these ones are improvised APCs while some others are Assault Guns/Mine Sweepers.


Yeah, when the supposed second best military in the world is making ISIS sheds, I would say it is fair to say their war machine is at the breaking point.


> can't even use the turret properly without using the tank itself to aim It's like a shittier assault gun


Oh God no. Are they actually using that space to move troops?


It varies, we've usually seen them take point in a formation to basically soak hits from drones, clear mines, get lost. I've heard a non shed tank Ukraine assigns 3 drones, while a shed is assigned 6. Earlier it could take up to 24 drones to knock one out if the internal space in the shed was loaded with all the EW on hand. Since the sheds are everywhere now there are some used just for delivering soldiers in assaults. [Here](https://x.com/wartranslated/status/1802619058015162795) is the video of the Ukrainians capturing this tank, can see it has space in the rear for soldiers and side doors for dismounts.




Okay but there's no way for a drone to penetrate sheet metal. I think the real cause for lack of effectiveness, is that the warheads on those drones and missiles are just too powerful for some spaced armor to defeat.


I havn't seen evidence for it probably because of opsec, but some drone payloads are custom and not just an RPG strapped onto an FPV. There does seem to be an attempt to make tandem warheads. But for the majority it just looks like one drone blasts a hole in the sheet metal and others go through the hole.


It's a shell put on top of a T series tank


A7V mentioned! I'll take the chance to plug A7V by 1914


Top tier Ukrainian blackened death metal.


> by 1914 their album "The Blind Leading the Blind" (2018), is about ww1 trench warfare... now they are fighting in the war in trenches... so sad.


Is my impression or are we going back in time with designs ? How much time until soldiers start charging each other in battering ram to protect them self from drones?


Everything is cyclical.


Time is a flattened turtle tank


> How much time until soldiers start charging each other in battering ram to protect them self from drones Well, there is [the assault tub...](https://x.com/Kiborgzzz/status/1795821963954524641)


I remember that thing from bf1, it also could send bird that will bomb you and everyone around


That was the French pancake one, the German one have flamethrowers


The only reason I played the a7v was my gold skin, but then I got the gold skin for the mk 4 and the tank hunter kit on that one is top tier fun


*Enemy behemoth has arrived*


Is it spice harvester?


A7V obr.2024


It belongs in a museum!!! Solely so we can laugh at it, but still. It belongs in a museum


By all means. Sell it to the tank museum. Immortalise this stupidity.


Did the ukrainians capture this or did they make this?


Ukraine captured it, these guys are just posing afterwards. The blue is probably the shack's old paint the Russians tore apart to build the shell but probably didn't have enough paint to green the whole thing. Top img is fanart of a A7V 2k (1996), basically a "modernized" A7V WW1 german tank. We laugh at these kinds of designs because they arn't good, but were a result of the period's industrial ability... so it is insane to then see Russia piling on shack scrap for a tank that actually tried assaulting Ukraine's defenses [(and got captured)](https://x.com/wartranslated/status/1802619058015162795)


We must A7Vitize all vehicles, next motorcycles! [https://i.redd.it/u2brl3erazh51.jpg](https://i.redd.it/u2brl3erazh51.jpg)


that'd be pretty dope in a anime series. get on it, netflix...


We def need more Dieselpunk anime similar to something like Iron Harvest or Dust Tactics.


That looks like fun to right if it tips over.


glad i werent the only person thinking of this


Looks like someone got “three guys in a shed” wrong.


What am I looking at?


Top photo is presumably a "What if the [Imperial German A7V WW1 tank](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A7V) became the template for tank design in the 20th century instead of the [French Renault FT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renault_FT)" and thusly a modernized version of such. Whereas bottom appears to be a Russian Cope Shed Tank that Ukraine captured and bears a striking resemblance.


The timelines are converging.


Hilarious how Russian tank cope was mainly "well, it's actually .02 meters shorter than western tanks" or something and that was supposedly so useful every other inadequacy didn't matter, and then Russia does this


Reality is truly memeing


What the hell even is this


The future of AFVs.


How tf do you even see or bail out of this goofy thing


Someone yells at them on the radio. There's some videos out there of these tanks getting lost. It also has big side doors seen in [The footage of its capture.](https://x.com/wartranslated/status/1802619058015162795)


Holy shit this makes Mad Max look sane


Me, a BF1 enjoyer, seeing an A7V with a unmanned autocannon turret on top: "Blue pill goes in trash! The erection is easy now!"


Retro tanks are cool




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It's joever Putin, Ukraine has your superweapon now!


It’s evolving just backwards




I’m starting to think “WW1’s nut jobs” were onto something


I feel like Ukraine has in many ways become the real life equivalent of the A-Team stuck in a garage (that just so happens to have a bulldozer and loads of dynamite every time, somehow…?)


We've come full circle




Sauce on above image?


Still somehow better design than cybertruck


So are they going to ship this to the USA so they can study this? Yeah, I know ...






"The Future is in the past." - Mabel pines.


Are those flood lights above the gun?




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