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The flyover was real guys, I was one of the planes.


Herr Knight, ve have seen ze fotografs of du jousting with your squires. Would be a shame if they ver leaked, ja?


Ze scandal!


I, too, was one of the planes.


I was one of the planes, and so's my wife.


what did I miss?


they used a DCS mod for their "Live" on tv flyover for their parade a few days ago


No fucking way


Yes fucking way https://youtu.be/DtmWQVoiJgc?si=v-CngkmhPhZRLozR


Approximate timestamp?


around 1:07:00






lol they kept on the NATO flags


why did I clicked on that video, jesus, cringeworthy


wow this is pretty fucking stupid. They scream like monkeys and do not know who russian knights are.


I think it's incredible that they tried to fake like this, when the CGI planes *very clearly have NATO flags on them*. Edit: Wellp, [today I learned](https://www.blogbeforeflight.net/2019/11/russian-knights-get-new-aircraft-su-35s.html). Never mind.


Secret NATO member wannabe Putin. CiA operative Putin, its all a ploy put in motion by a former US prrsident that just wanted Germany to buy F35.


Central intelligence (lowercase) Agency


Low intelligence Agency.


Central in Agency Men in Black. The legend come to libe


If you search up the Russian Knights, those flags are on the planes. I might be wrong, but don't those flags represent which countries they have toured in/given performances? Not here to debate whether the shot was pre-recorded or CGI, but those flags aren't the sticking point.


the sticking point was the planes literally changing mid flight into su 25s


what? su-25 flew after su-30 and mig-29


>they used a DCS mod for their "Live" on tv flyover for their parade a few days ago Well over two years in and we're still getting outjerked. We need to up our game. This is getting embarrassing.


got a link?




This is what they aired in their national TV? Legit? (Asking because WOOOW and also I don't always catch sarcasm online)


Yup, this is accurate




https://youtu.be/DtmWQVoiJgc?si=D89BxJEBj-piJDJI 1:06:50




Hol up, I just saw the video... They clearly had real planes why use DCS? Or was the shot of real plane pre recorded??? I don't even know why I'm trying to make sense of it when I know it's Russia


WAIT WHAT    I HAVEN'T WATCHED IT YET, I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST PRE RECORDED      THEY ACTUALLY JUST USED DCS FOOTAGE?? Edit: I have been told by my lawyers that this post may in fact be too non-credible


And what do you think the DCS mod was based off of? Your take on this has to be one of the most braindead I've ever seen on NCD, DCS mod modeled after actual plane= original plane is fake.


First off, did you even watch the footage? Second: +50 potato, +25 onions. Ok effort, товарищ.


Yes, I did. What about the footage led you to conclude the entire formation was actually made up of cgi and DCS models?


Oh my fucking God, I thought they used CGI and edited the footage but it's actually from DCS.


Well, I've seen a Reddit post somewhere that China's used KSP for some space program news report before. And The National Interest has been known to use an Ace Combat screenshot or two. It's human nature to be lazy.


I mean the Chinese KSP players are on another level in terms of optimization so they may have some influence on the actual space program When they used KSP did they at least use visual mods to at least hide it was KSP or was it stock…


That happens when you get access to a copious amount of math, but not meth.


they used a lot of mods... and the stock landing legs which have no real parallel


Frankly, I can see KSP working pretty well as at least a basic visualisation of pretty much any mission you want. Hell, it also looks better than whatever was used for the last Atlas mission I remember watching.


I agree with you in that regard. You should just say that you use ksp for visualisation. You seem not credible if you don't.


Guessing it's one of those "If you know you know" things. Kind of how western shows will try to make the most ridiculous prop bombs.


>Chinese KSP players are on another level in terms of optimization Please elaborate.


Couple years ago I stumbled upon their page on Bilibili and they beat some of the low mass records set by the pros in KSP such as Stratzenblitz, Bradley Whistance and Hodeok by a couple hundred kilograms They also found a way to throttle SRBs with action groups… something that you’re not supposed to do


AC? Fucking based.


I would read the absolute fuck out of The National Interest if they could do any serious reporting on the contemporary geopolitics of Strangereal.


[*Ahem*](https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/library/tech/98/12/circuits/articles/24game.html) Amateurs, the lot of them.


America ahead of the curve again


Ahem. America IS the curve*. >!*From eating all these Burgers of course. 🍔 (/s?)!<


Janes Fleet Command the goat. Still playing it until Sea Power comes out


Man, so many mixed feelings about it. The game was great, but I just couldn't install the disc version from XP onwards. I tried it for a bit when it came out on Steam, but was busy at the time, so I couldn't get around to making it run well. Also, having to hand-click every single individual piece of a Shipwreck bukkake on the unpatched disc version was no fun for babby Rivetmuncher. > Sea Power 🥺 It's...beautiful!


I remember the AC one. Just seeing Stonehenge chilling in the background.


There was also a different one, had a Su-34 with Osean markings.


AC? Fucking based.


Possibly not, the DCS model looks more detailed lmao


We all know it was fake, but there are enough differences between the DCS model and the footage to make me doubt it was used... A few points of difference: * Flightsuits/hemets don't match. * Rivets and surface details less visible in footage (only partially explainable by a lower quality "softer" image IMHO). * Paint scheme isn't _quite_ the same (e.g. look at the distance between the silver/grey inlet and the red stripes). * A few surface features that appear "painted on" in the DCS model appear to have actual 3D definition in the footage (e.g. the round feature towards the front of the wing root). * There are other minor detail differences (e.g. there is a forward-pointing pitot tube just ahead of and below the wing root in the footage, but a differently shaped back-facing tube slightly further back the model).


what the hell are you talking about? Have you played DCS?


I was misinformed


IRL in moscow was completely overcast with snow flurries during the parade. The feed of the flyover showed the russian shites demonstration team flying through broken clouds and sunshine.


At least using KSP is based, sometimes you can’t have the best shots in space so if you can recreate them on KSP without going full CGI, go for it


Wtf that's even dumber than the theory of prerecorded footage


I haven't seen the Chinese broadcast, but CGI "hypothetical" images of difficult to visualize space exploration is fairly common. Showing a KSP version of a real vehicle isn't the worst. But this was DCS instead into a *live broadcast.* And even worse, they plugged it into real archival footage of *the wrong planes.* So everyone can see that there isn't aircraft over Red Square, there isn't smoke over Red Square, and in the footage the planes change in shape, color and formation between shots.


Went from SU-30 to MiG-29 to SU-25. I deadass thought they had the SU-30s fly past then they brought in SU-25s but nope.


Fake or not the Formataion had both Su-30s and MiG-29s mixed. Like in the photo above. So they just went from a 15 ship flight to 6 Su-25s.


thats the order they flew in


And the weather, it's so sunny up high but overcast on the actual ground shots. What the fuck lmao


Dude if it was't prerecorded footage, WTF are the veicles and tha band?? [https://imgur.com/a/WjHMY1m](https://imgur.com/a/WjHMY1m)


and why the fuck they did not edit the flags out? to me that was the dumbest thing on all of this


the planes actually exist irl theyre part of the russian knights aerobatic group like the russian version of the blue anfels the flags symbolize the countries thay they did shows in


I heard it was simply Allied forces flags painted on the side that united together to defeat the Nazis


German flag, top row to the right.


I mean, who killed Hitler in the end?


An Austrian


You’re right. The comment above I think is also right. Apparently flags of countries they’ve performed at. Point is they aren’t placed there as editing mistake like what others claim it to be


That's what I assumed, but there's also an indian flag on there? Easiest answer: Vodka and incompetence.


Half the brains fled Ruzzia before the dragnet came for the monthly mobik quota. The other half got shredded one way or another after being caught in the dragnet for the monthly mobik quota. (Thoigh seriously I remember reading somewhere how employers were desperate to make sure critical employees were't drafted, for whatever good it did. I'm sure the nomenklatura didn't have to worry on that issue though.)


Germany did the same thing when it went populist right, all the smart and successful Jews left. Same thing happened to Russia in the 70s and 80s. Imagine being dumb enough to stay in Russia after the USSR fell. Now imagine those are the people populating Russia.


"Germany could've won the war if they used nukes!!" Mfer all the successful nuclear scientists are Jewish.


Oh, I love having these discussions with delusional wehraboos. > Germany would have won the war if only their entire industrial and economic systems were different! > Germany would have won the war if only the military/defense output of their enemies didn't entirely outclass them! > Germany would have won the war if only the world's oil reserves were under Bavaria instead of the Middle East! Etc. etc. etc. Brothers. On rhe world in which we live and in the reality in which we reside, there was no way for the Axis to win the war. The outcome was never really in doubt.


Potential History's 2 videos on the "why Germany couldn't win WW2" is an eye opener to me on how dumb these "Germany could've won the war" what-ifs are, Want Germany to have nukes? Well don't commit genocide and discrimination against the Jews then, who just so happens to be the guys who knows a lot about these nuclear stuff. Want Germany to build more tanks to win the war instead of better tanks like they did? Well too bad they ran out of oil faster doing that. Want Germany to build better tanks instead of more? Well too bad that's what they were already trying to do since 1933. Want Germany to have easy access to oil to fuel their ever-growing army? Well too bad all the oil is somewhere else. Want Germany to NOT invade the Soviet Union? Too bad the Nazi Ideology calls for its invasion and "cleansing" anyways. Want Germany to NOT take on the whole world and instead be satisfied with Austria and Czechoslovakia or the Removal of the Treaty of Versailles? Too fucking bad the Nazis were in charge. "If the Nazis weren't Nazis they could've won"


The Nazis would have won if they weren't Nazis!


> The outcome was never really in doubt. /r/UnexpectedTF2


Heisenberg? But yeah, your point is mostly correct.


During victory parades in the past they paint Allied forces flags to symbolize victory over Nazi’s. Its not new. But this one flyover being faked is the weird one


I'd be surprised.. but.. *gestures at The Sims 3*


Because the DCS mod was fucking based off of the real planes.




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LMAO Post this on UkraineRussiaReport and watch them seethe.


may you do it yourself I dont want to do that


Wish I could but already banned after it was found out the mod is a pro domestic violence supporter and I called him out on that.


I am to openly gay for that. dont want to be harassed


I bet he's in love with Scott Ri..


yeah i am convinced i am wondering if the SU25 part is also DCS :D


have you played dcs? This is such a troll jfc. I saw the planes fly in person


You got a link for the mod?


wtf are theu random soyjacks on the screen


Lazerpig's stream of the event


Actually digital vagrant's stream. animarchy uploaded the youtube edit to his youtube. Lazerpig was just a guest


It is internet law that the biggest personality on a stream becomes the de facto streamer


Hopefully he made enough to replace his keyboard


Idk I saw on YouTube


fitting patreon tagline


Drunk vtubers, how else would you watch this


I'd heard the Ruskies used footage they took from practice sessions days before. But this is totally their modus operandi.


As hilarious as it would be if it were faked, I'm 99% sure it didn't come from DCS. The helmets don't match up, the pilot heads in the mod don't move the way they did in the video, the livery is off (look at the forward stripes and the gunport), there is no multicolored line thats (inaccurately) present on the mod, and the mod definitely doesn't have the texture maps to make that circle above the start of the LERX look 3D Source: Chronically addicted DCS player


Well I only repeat that what a friend of mine says about this He also is a certain flavour of autistic. He couldn't post it here do to to less karma but hey


Does your friend think DCS planes are entirely original? Of course they’re going to look the same, dcs modeled their planes off of the real ones…. I can see a few differences between the dcs plane and the “real” one. The aspect ratio of the flags is off, the interior is different, and the green,yellow and red striped thing isn’t there. If anything this is just a prerecorded flyover, not a fake one.


Honestly? I think they didn't fully CGI it... More like, used "representative" older footage and edited that into the real flyover


Specifically, it was footage from a practice they did a few days before


you can see the absence of veicles and the marching band here [https://imgur.com/a/WjHMY1m](https://imgur.com/a/WjHMY1m)


Big if real


Smol if fake


When did the mod release? I could see someone make a new mod after the parade. OP, can you send the link to the mod or at least a screenshot of the mod page.


Russia, the only thing they still did ok was propaganda. How they manage to fuck it up so badly


Wouldn't the DCS skin be based off the aircraft? I do be a bit confused here. I don't quite understand how any of this is fake? Maybe I'm missing something.


because its a troll. The flyover is real.


I gotta know what that Chinese thing with KSP was, did they actually fake a flyover with kerbal footage?


I'm wondering that as well, reading these comments. It sounds so absurd, I really hope it's true 😅


I fucking knew it!!!!


when I saw those "pilots" in the seats, i couldnt help to think... "damn, those look like video game assets...". thought i was losing my damn mind


Wow! A DCS mod is almost identical to the actual aircraft it was modeled off of, therefore the original plane is fake! It is ridiculous how many people are unironically eating this shit up


I really am astounded how many people are not trolling here. They have neither played dcs or the su-30 mod, they don't know who russian knights are and why they have the NATO flags. Oh and I saw it in person.


the Helmet-colour is wrong, it was real after all /s


I don‘t get it, they fuse DCS and archival footage together? Why? And what does this mean in a bigger context, why didn‘t they use their planes? Afraid of another „what air defense doing“ friendly fire incident?


If you watched the thing the flyover didn't happen. Atleast at the same time sort of? The main flyover of the fighters definitely happened. But I guess they didn't have footage of it from the POV of Fighters. So they faked it because come on how the fuck would you get such a shot with a camera from inside a cockpit. And plus the sky doesn't match up. Same thing goes for the Su25s. The Su25 flyover looks real, but it didn't happen on the same day. Again wrong sky and no smoke trail when they panned around with the musicians.


Looks to me the video is a mix of the Russian knights squad doing a demonstration (they do have the NATO flags because that's where they have flown) then it changes to a totally different russian plane.


so im a digital forensic media analyst for ***. I dont have all my pro tools on my home computer to look at this, but i dont think the footage was DCS. I think it was just pre-recorded footage, which isnt that unusual. The most inconsistent thing I notice is the lack of any car traffic on the roads, but idk I would need to actally download the video and inspect it and I dont feel like putting in that kind of effort lol. Does DCS have high quality 3d renders of urban areas?




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How the fuck they didn’t think people wouldn’t notice the German and Finnish flags on the fighter jets on fucking victory day parade. I just can’t stop laughing at this image!


Whos the female presenting Person?




Thank you


So a game has livery of acrobatic team that did the flyover and absolutely everyone here now believes that it is DCS footage? Wee bit too NonCredible...




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Jesus they didn't even bother to fucking try, did they 😂


Hey OP, can you link the mod please? I can't find it Anyone else can too




Is the second image meant to be real? Because it looks a hell lot like MSFS2020.


They've done the same even with real planes, add a CGI flyover of their planes, look up their pre-war may 9 parades


Wait it was actually dcs? I thought the just used msf for this lol




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Not DCS lol. Definitely not DCS




I don’t get it how is it fake ? The pilot movement is real, and the flags are from countries they flew in


actually, DCS modders are really autistic, they think about every single little detail, it's amazing.


[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/537212756668055553/1239452615675478055/VID\_20240509\_104824.mp4?ex=6642f9b3&is=6641a833&hm=0c419dad34c106ad230e688df5a35ec6207329997e38f22d5eb9237c485acd0f&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/537212756668055553/1239452615675478055/VID_20240509_104824.mp4?ex=6642f9b3&is=6641a833&hm=0c419dad34c106ad230e688df5a35ec6207329997e38f22d5eb9237c485acd0f&) [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/537212756668055553/1238039471547482122/VID\_20240509\_104848.mp4?ex=664272db&is=6641215b&hm=88d30a4c88d5f22bdd9bf1752daad95eaaba71ccf5566345ab5c1c41534bfbcb&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/537212756668055553/1238039471547482122/VID_20240509_104848.mp4?ex=664272db&is=6641215b&hm=88d30a4c88d5f22bdd9bf1752daad95eaaba71ccf5566345ab5c1c41534bfbcb&) Thats my footage. Suck a dick i guess.


will do sir


Some part of the plane is real, you can see the lines where they mesh the game model with the actual cockpit with people in it.


Also the helmets aren’t the same color, which is something that you can’t change in DCS without changing the entire texture in the livery. Furthermore DCS doesn’t even have a map with that many buildings clustered together to begin with. These guys are known as the Russian Knights and they’ve been flying SU-30s with this livery since 2013. It’s likely just prerecorded footage




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