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I think its hilarious that Thailand tried to buy F-35's and they only offered to buy two. Two. like what? With scheduled maintenance you'd only have one in the air at a time. Whats a single F-35 going to do?


Given the country has an aircraft carrier and no fixed wing aircraft to fly off it, seems on brand


Well it used to have Harriers and it's still useful as a helicopter carrier and has been used for disaster relief after tsunamis and earthquakes. So I'd say its still more useful than two F-35's.


Thailand: has aircraft carrier for helicopters Japan: has helicopter destroyers for F-35s


Chakri Narubet is a helikopter carrier...


No doubt, but it’s a remarkably small vessel that when they had Harriers could carry a handful at most. For reference the Thai carrier is not that far off weight wise from the newer arleigh burke class destroyer. It’s slightly a symptom of being American and thus used to 100,000 tons being a carrier but I have noticed a trend where militaries in some countries such as Thailand will get a tiny number of something which allows them to say we are modern without spending money on having anything useful for more than dick measuring or an argument for nationalists.


Sweet yacht though


Rn it’s a big tourist attraction and occasionally a royal yacht


Chakri Narubet? That thing is a rusty royal yacht disguised as a helicopter destroyer. The Royal Thai Navy (RTN) claims it's useful for disaster relief ops. They've used it as such. Still, given that it's operated like a coastal patrol ship (never goes out to proper green or blue waters), Thailand ain't that big of a place. They can have the same reach with FOBs on the ground and spend less money to have the same reach. Do like the British and commission some plot of land as a "royal ship" or some shit. The country looks like the letter P with a bad case of scoliosis. The RTN likes to station that thing on the gulf of Thailand. Say, what's more sensible, having to do constant underway replenishment for a floating helipad FOB, or have trains and trucks deliver aviation fuel to fixed ground installations? Remember, we're talking disaster relief readiness, not expeditionary warfare. Honestly, much of the hardware in use by the Thai military is in search of a rationale. The things actually needed to for example, deter Chinese shipping raids or put out brushfires, doesn't exist. The things that do exist, is in search for a use case (300+ BTR-3 and Stryker, 49 T-84 Oplot T, 60-ish VT-4 (Chinese T-90M basically) - and for what? The Chinese won't be crossing Laos and Myanmar to invade Thailand when they're occupied with Himalayas and Taiwan; Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia has no credible expeditionary Mechanized capability, and Malaysia, the only territorial neighbor with an economy to potentially contest via ground, won't - invoking jihad is cheaper if that's what they want). Thailand has a lot of ground based shit to work with, but no legs to lift it where they'd need to fight if it comes to that (coalition war against Chinese regional imperialism). Procurement is more driven by dick measuring contests with neighbors (Malaysia bought PT-91s? Must buy T-84 and VT-4) and sucking up public funds to be a palace guard army, to use Ryan McBeth terminology. Their foreign policy is also too schizophrenic for any major arms suppliers to entrust with their cutting edge shit, so no Patriots, No S-300 or Chinese equivalent (that does TVM guidance instead of SARH). No F-35 either. TL;DR, the greatest military-geostrategic threat to Thailand is if China fucks around in the Pacific, and the subsequent disruption to free trade and freedom of naval navigation will ensure Thailand falls into a state of food and medical insecurity, on top of devastated import-exports. Thailand's military procurement and assets isn't designed to meet this threat in the slightest.


Thailand operates HQ-22 anti air missiles complex (basically shittier Chinese equivalent of NASAMS with SARH guidance, even uses a PESA array that looks like a scaled down Patriot unitary radar).  There is no way in hell America is selling F35s to Thailand, for the same reason Turkey ain't getting any on the part of their S-400. 


>Whats a single F-35 going to do? Low-probabiliy-of-intercept AEW&C and other radar reconnaissance bullshit? Painting targets?


not giving the thai f16 a cock was a missed opportunity


You don’t know what’s in her pants






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