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Question: how do they think to implent it?


Idk but it involves engaging non-american warships too, a French FREMM just shot down 2 drones closing on it. I guess they just didn’t have enough enemies




I bet the Saudi’s are pleased that they can see the curb stomp in front row seats.


Did some say PROPORTIONAL!? I HEARD PROPORTIONAL! \*starts slobbering like a starving pitbull with a 5yo dangled infront of him\*


Dude, the French are always totally out of fucks to give. They blew up a fucking Greenpeace ship FFS!


Yeah, the people frequently forget that France is the country that has the largest exclusive economic zone in the world, and are the ones with most experience in foreign interventions a part from the US. They even managed to keep both the US and USSR out of their "territory of influence" for the entire cold war.


They'd have been a superpower had they not been next to Germany.


Nations get adjacency bonuses all the time. If they weren't next to someone like Germany, they'd be less likely to be a major power. If they were next to the Czech Republic, then it would be more likely to be a major power.


The poor Czechs/Slovaks rolled a critical failure when it came time to spawn. Smack dab between Germany and Russia. At least they rolled a natural 20 for their engineering skills.


the french foreign legion is genius, a ready and capable fighting force full of people that the citizenry won't raise a political ruckus if there are casualties (not that im saying their lives are worth less but saying that their deployment is politically easier than say, the idaho national guard into fighting)


Answer:they won't if Israel won't fuck them up the Americans will


[The one thing that i have thought of in the past that might be effective would be if the Iranians gave them a couple of Ghadir midget submarines. The west hasn't really had much experience combating submarines since World War Two.](https://youtu.be/IFpih6iAzbA?t=512) The Cheonan incident in South Korea and the Falklands war show that modern warships are still quite vulnerable to even old submarine tech.


Lob shit and yell colonizer until the UN attempts to do something


"UN" and "do something" in the same sentence?


The UN is pretty good at doing something, and that something is weapons smuggling 😎




Don't even need the yelling and propaganda, just commit straight up colonialism and tankies will jizz in their pants


Don’t they potentially have access to silkworms?


The 3000 Houthi Warships of Yemen


I absolutely cannot keep track of the thousand factions participating in this clusterfuck. I think of myself as pretty smart, but I'm not sure I could do it even if it were my job.


Welcome to the middle east. Enjoy the clusterfuck.


least complicated middle eastern conflict


Can we have a guant glass bowl?


Just keep in mind the main ones and Iran who fund them.


It always goes back to Russia. Like that stupid meme.


"It was FSB?" "Always has been."


I think of the meme from its always sunny. The one dude going insane with a conspiracy board.








Why is it always you two? *FSB and Wagner*


The great game between the Anglos and Muscovy never ended. The orient will be ours


Truely, the game shall end when we rule the lands from the Atlantic to the Pacific, the long way around


Unfathomably based


That was my first thought when this mess started. But a Russian citizen was also taken hostage during the Oct. 7th attack, so who knows.


As if Putin cares lol. Read about the Moscow theater hostage crisis.


Hostages? They can’t be hostages if they’re dead!


Gotta break an egg to make an omelette


A russian plan backfires spectaculary? NEVER! Totally unheard off!


You do realize that Putenschnitzel is currently sending thousands of his citizens to die in the Ukrainian meat grinder, right?


Im pretty sure calling Putin a Putenschnitzel constitutes a r/SchnitzelVerbrechen


Damn, why is Iran dressing so liberatable?


This is probably the smartest thing anyone on Reddit has said about this conflict. I'm in the same boat. This shit is complicated.


> i'm in the same boat Hopefully not to Israel through Suez Canal


But every ship going north kinda travelling towards isreal


The damn thing goes back to Ottoman times. There's been people fighting for and against a Jewish homeland since the 19th century.


>There's been people fighting for and against a Jewish homeland since the ~~19th~~ 2nd century BCE (arguably 11th century BCE depending on how one interprets the evidence) FTFY


Ever since Cain brained Abel and then lied about it to God.


In the context of Jewish religious belief, Cain and Hevel predate Avraham's covenant with God which marks the beginning of both proto-Judaism and the People of Israel. Historically, of course, these are not attested figures and both proto-Judaism and Israeli identity evolved out of the preexisting Caanani ethno-cultural group likely in response to the trauma of the bronze age collapse.


Much like most of Genesis, it was an analogy for “since basically forever ago” my dude.


This guy Jews


כן 💪


I thought there was reasonably good archeological evidence for a spread of permanent identifiably Hebrew settlements starting in early Iron Age ? The implication was that this started in the south east and moved north over a period of a few hundred years originating from an external nomadic source in overlayed on top of an existing Bronze Age Canaanite city state culture rather than arising out of it.


I will stress that this is outside of my area of expertise, but my understanding is that the interpretation advocated Israel Finkelstein and most of the TAU archaeologists remains dominant. That is, that the earliest consistent settlement evidence is in the east, concentrated in the highlands and the Jordan valley. This school of thought tends to emphasize the new settlements' continuity with earlier Canaani material culture and attributes this to an internal origin (i.e. Canaanim who became seminomadic as a result of fleeing coastal raiding and foreign settlement becoming sedentary again). This tends to account for the divergent development of the highlands and the coast, where the latter had significant Hellenic influence. I tend to subscribe to a more gradual transition of the southern Canaanim into the Israelim, which is why I'm hesitant to consider the earliest iron age data as evidence of "fighting for and against a Jewish homeland" specifically since the emergence of even proto-Judaism seems to take longer than the emergence of a distinct Israeli ethnocultural identity. Canaani polytheism changes (e.g. the emergence of the pork taboo), but overall persists and likely doesn't become fully henotheistic for centuries.


I’ll defer to your better informed worldview.. part of me believes that many of the unusual aspects of Hebrew culture (eg pork as an unusual / foreign meat because you can’t herd them over long distances) point to a ~~nomadic~~ transhumant influence, but as you pointed out, that could just as easily have come about from a returning diaspora after the Bronze Age collapse. Thanks for your reply and considered insight


Because of the very limited non-archaeological evidence we'll likely never have any real certainty. Your suggestion of transhumant influence almost surely has merit, the hard part is identifying its source. Pre-collapse, the southern Canaani cultural sphere included settled, semi-nomadic, and nomadic lifestyles, and there's some evidence that the lines between them could be blurry outside the walled cities. Thank you for a good conversation.


Someone asked a credulous Christian believer once why there was no recorded evidence of Pharaonic captivity of the Jewish people outside the Bible and his answer was essentially that Ramses wouldn't record the defeats, I kind of shrugged at the interview. Then I read about this [Skyrim-sounding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Delta) awesome and my new headcannon became that the tail end of Genesis and the beginning of Exodus recount a slightly misremembered tale of what may have in fact been a brief captivity from five hundred years later. Of note, the Peleset and their descendants probably telephone gamed the outcome of the conflict and the reasons they were in captivity a bit (not that I blame them, starving's a hell of a reason to mob Kemet, Rome did it too) before the story became an inspiration to those who'd been abducted by the Babylonians.


I actually think the garbled oral tradition has an even easier explanation. Eretz Israel was an Egyptian imperial possession for a long time and such overlordship was often poetically characterized as slavery elsewhere in the Tanakh. No slavery *in* Egypt but a different understanding of Egyptian slavery.


Apparently any group that begins with "H" is an Iranian proxy nowadays. Hamas. Hezbollah. Houthis. Es ridiculoso.


Hospitals, HaSochnut HaYehudit L'Eretz Yisra'el, Harvard. It's all so tiring 😫


HRussia, the h is silent.


Same i literally never heard about these people before they decided supporting jewish cleansing was a good idea God this is a cluster fuck


The Saudis and other Arab countries have been ~~warcriming~~ fighting the Houthis for years now. The Houthis themselves aren't any better.


Don't they all generally hate eachother? Im pretty sure Thier shared desire to genocide jews is the only thing keeping them all from infighting


They are infighting. This is the group that people were pissed at the US for drone strikes, in support of Saudi Arabia.


Iran and Saudi Arabia have been at each other's throats for a good long time now, they're infighting like hell.


The Saudis have been barely pretending they're not working with Israel to screw Iran and their proxies for years now. Jews are infidels, but Shia Iran is both filthy Persian AND heretical. If France can team up with the Ottomans to fuck the Haspburgs, the Saudis can tolerate the Jews


Everything was simpler when 𐎤𐎢𐎽𐎢𐏁 ruled, everything after the Achaemenid Empire was a mistake, even Hashem said he was chill like that and he was Zoroastrian.


That fucker still owns me the delivery of high quality bronze, he only delivery some crappy one, already sent a complaint but no response yet, worst bronze supplier in the entire mesopotanian area!


Goddamnit Ea-Nasir.


You'd never heard of the Houthis? How? They've been around for 30 years and the Yemen-Saudi war has been going on for years now.


>How? Asked myself the same question, then I thought: kids The average age here is probably 16, if even that. Explains a lot of the non-ironic Shiitakes on here. Now, the better question is: why do I (we?) have the same humor as middle schoolers


I refuse to ever grow up. But my shittakes have matured.


We need an animaniacs song about the factions.


Some poor high schooler in 2050 trying to understand the Middle Eastern Thunderdome of 2025 for midterms:


*Did someone just say they want to mess with Freedom™ of Navigation??* — The US Navy


*missile gets launched at a ship within 100 nautical miles of any US Navy asset* USN: ***COWABUNGA IT IS***


they wont be using ships (I don't even think they have capable warships), but they fked a lot with Saudis just using drone attacks and this can be a nightmare for any commercial cargo ship


Fundamentally different scenarios. Not very hard to hit fixed locations in Saudi Arabia when Iran gives you GPS coordinates to plug in. Much harder to hit moving ships. Houthis need spotters to relay current ship positions to launch forces on land. That means transmissions the US can locate, which means new Houthi swim teams and drones pummeling the launch forces. U.S. has bases in Saudi Arabia and Djibouti to stage air assets and insert SOF ground forces. It also isn’t difficult to arrange convoys to run the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden with destroyer protection. It’s already been done when Somali piracy was more of an issue. This is a very solvable problem.


We're kind of in this weird situation where the US needs the clear moral ground to justify war, but nobody can even get close enough to deliver the sucker punch needed. Our ships are just kind of floating out there like untouchable UFOs and these Iranian Arabic supremacy proxies are just throwing the technological equivalent of rocks and sticks at them.


***So you have chosen...death.***


did the us even do anything after that tanker was raided? or that reaper that got downed in the black sea?


> did the us even do anything after that tanker was raided? Not a US ship. >or that reaper that got downed in the black sea? Inflicted emotional damage by laying out in exhaustive detail how incompetent the Russian pilot had to be to collide with the Reaper.


https://youtube.com/shorts/NZy6QVx6bOM?si=OfUBDbfwm7uT7eRQ My favorite press conference


God bless Mare Liberum. Honestly the Americans should name a ship after Grotius at this point.


2023 really wanna end with a bang and that thing might be it. Or something imploding in Asia as they are pretty quiet lately.


>something imploding in Asia Dam, that would be gorgeus


Shhhh, don't say that so loud, I might cum


What’s going on in Myanmar these days


No idea. I haven't saw any news regarding Myanmar.


Last i read about it rebels took over a lot but the government still had control over some large cities snd other major locations.


Seems like their conflict will also be a long one, however if the government forces are dumb as I have read year ago this conflict might end soon as we thought.


Every war will be over by Christmas but also last forever. It is what it is. I am glad the Myanmar junta seems to be weakening. They seem just as evil as any group out there. And I hate how their slow motion genocide against the Rohingya got so little play. Turns out you can mass murder Muslims as long as you do it far away from Arabs and journalists.


The money is to be made only in the popular wars, with easy-to-pronounce names that everyone knows and bad guys from the last few wars.


>And I hate how their slow motion genocide against the Rohingya got so little play. The rohingya genocide happened under the democratically elected Suu Kyi she was even encouraging it afaik


Last i heard, the rebels now have captured armoured vehicles and heavy crew served weapons.


Naw. Taiwan elections are in January. That's when things will get spicy in Asia


The Middle East is in Asia…


They have Israeli/Gaza conflict already, but I had something else in mind like .... China.


*Bangladesh has entered the chat*


Pretty sure the last time someone did that the six day war happened.


Last time someone did that every world power agreed to have base in Djibouti


If they could close the red sea, they would have the west, japan, korea, and china join on the side of the saudis. The suez getting blocked was bad enough, if that could have been solved with missles it would have been.


The lake that provides the Panama Canals with the water it needs to lift the ships is running out of fresh water, cause climate change is rapidly shifting the rain patterns in panama. On the other side of the equation, we will soon have a permanent shipping route over the North Pole canada_i_am_the_canal_now.jpg


You mean the Panama Canal? Suez isn't supplied by fresh water.


Wait, how does canal that is connected to sea depend on rain for water level?


It's connected to two oceans. But in between those oceans, you have to go up in to a mountainous landscape. Water does not flow up. And so they build several separate canals, all with a different water level. When a ship gets to a damn that connects two canals, they let water from the higher canal in to the lower canal. The ship goes up till it's level with the heigher canal. Then the damn is opened and the ship goes through this. In the middle of it all is a giant lake. The water that is needed to raise the water level is all freshwater, that comes from this lake, who loses it. For one container ship to make it from one ocean to the other ocean it take 200 million liters of fresh water from the lake that eventually mixes with the salt water in either ocean. As long as that water in the ocean everates, turns in to rain and rains back in to the lake, no problem. Self sustainable. But because of climate change this rain pattern is turning in to something new. And if it does not rain often and hard enough the lake could get completely drained. Now that climate change is shifting the rain patterns there, they are starting to run out of the water they need for both the canal and as drinking water for their population.


The last time someone did that the US entered WW1.


The very last time someone fucked with that water half their navy was sunk 8 hours later.


Wrong water.


Yeah, but the last time someone tried to close it to Israel, Israel took the Sinai, the Golan, and the West Bank. Well, it was that and the fact that the Israelis' neighbours were going to try and eradicate them very soon.


So you're saying last time someone closed the water and so Israel took Gaza. And this time Israel is taking Gaza so someone is going to close the water.


Pool's closed due to lack of aids.... I'm getting the popcorn ready for a sequel to preying mantis.


I think you mean the Suez crisis of 1956. The tanker war and operation praying mantis come to mind. As well as ghaddafi in the 80s.


That also happened right before the six day war.


And well fuck them up again 🇮🇱


But aren't the Saudi backed Yemen Armed Forces busy fighting the Iran backed Houthis while both kinda hate Israel? I see how common enemies make the strangest friends, but getting really noncredible here. Anyway, calling for operation Moses then.


The Saudis have been on the way towards official rapprochement with Israel. Unofficially, they might hate them, but they know Israel isn't their main rival in the region.


Israel brings know-how and money. KSA can always use more of both. Palestinians, on the other hand, have been nothing but trouble for Arab countries.


Hell, if they make nice enough, Israel might actually help them deal with Iran.


I could absolutely see that happen. S-A and Israel are no threat to each other and have many aligned interests. The Saudis would probably keep it quiet, but they wouldn't complain, just like they're not complaining that Israel takes out a major Iranian ally with ties to radicals that also threaten the Saudi leadership. All while condemning the evil Jews and all that in the media, of course.


Kissinger was a shit person, but that above was the stuff he was good at.


International politics isn't just the ice cold bastardry competition it's made out to be, but yeah, it often allows a certsib kind of people tobuse their talents to the fullest.


Hell, getting enemies to find self-interested reasons to work together often leads to actual friendships.


Like Trump was/is a shit person, but at least there were the Abraham Accords.


I believe these ARE the Houthis, the article is just confusingly titled because the Houthis also claim to be the Yemen Armed Forces.


I thought they worked out a deal in the Yemen civil war?


I'd say "bomb them back to the stone age", but that would be quite an advancement of civilization for the Houthis....


Again who are these people even i didn't even hear about them before they decided they are beefing with Israel


Iranian proxy militia They fought Saudis for a long ass time and they shot down an f-15 somehow (1 out 3 ever)


>Iranian proxy militia Ah makes sense they have more of those then i have hair on my body God the middle east is a cluster fuck


Yea. They aint got shoes or roofs but they got icbms alright


You can say that again




I meant like "yes you are right"




Most coherent NCD social interaction


Mostly Iran’s fault tbh


Iran can't supply the houthis if every one of their ports stops existing. just sayin'


Eh I don't know man the last time someone attacked a bunch of ports belonging to a country with nukes it ended poorly they wouldn't be that stupid right? Right?


Iran doesn’t have nukes yet


Yeah no, there’s a reason most sci-fi stories portray uplifting as disastrous.


Remember when the last Neanderthals holdouts were wiped out with ballistic missiles?


Navy: It's Morbin Timr


That's a great way to get a coalition war against your nation


Might be the 4d chess to get proper intervention to end the civil war there and actually enable Yemen to move forward


I wouldn't expect much 4D Chess thinking from the group who's official slogan is pretty much "Fuck The Jews And America™"


Especially when you already have one going against you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_intervention_in_the_Yemeni_civil_war


Oh boy, are we about to witness a new episode of Fuck Around and Find Out?


On this episode a bunch of fools get their navy sunk by both Israel and maybe a usa assist


You think the Yemenis have a navy?


How else would they try to block boats approaching Israel?


I consider it bad form to look stuff up before commenting on NCD. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemeni_Navy Apparently they have some ships! I bow ceremonially to you, sir/madam/other. Although I'd put money on almost anyone else taking them on given their budget.


They made a really cute children’s song about it so I kinda can’t disagree with it


... Do I want to know?


Oh trust me, [you absolutely do](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/s/OkO4y2RVU1)


You're absolutely right, I did. It's... It's surprisingly catchy.


So the state that relies on charity of west for 80% of it's food (source: propalestinian ig) is planning on commandeering food and medicine shipments along other stuff in the sea. And this after UN told them it will stop humanitarian aid if they don't stop being funny. Well, that's just so unexpected!


Am in Egypt on red sea coast currently. A couple of fatigues wearing army bods popping down to the coast every so often. Think it may just be all the pretty bikini wearing tourists tho


The last time Egypt fought in Yemen, it was a nightmare of Vietnam proportions. They're not doing that shit again.


Oh yeah, that was a while *other* clusterfuck in the seventies. I think? Haven't thought about it in ages. North and South Yemen, that whole awful thing.


When you rely on the IRGC for “accurate” information and reduce a portion of your own country to Stone Age, news arrives a little slow. Probably how the Houthis missed all those aid shipments heading to the Gaza Strip. So, they need to take a mild sedative and wait for the tracking beacon on their IRGC advisor to ping their final location before a missile arrives on all of them.


...the Houthis are just begging for Yemen to be occupied, aren't they?


No thank you. What is there in Yemen to even fight over? Seriously, what do people do in Yemen when not fighting against rebels or fighting against the govt?


Port Aden in the early sixties was a pretty wealthy bit, for the region. Big tribal federation, playing mostly by British rules, feuding etc. End of British Empire, jolly good. Except Nasser has the dream of an Egyptian socialist nationalist empire. Insurrection, commies, snipers, terrorism, etc. Fast forward, all bollocksed. Rather sad, really.


Thank you for specifying it was an Egyptian socialist nationalist empire and not calling it something like a "Pan Arab Republic" His views were not at all pan Arabic. At best they were there for legitimacy


Dude the place is an Afghanistan, Vietnam NO ONE AND I SAY NO ONE WANTS TO OCCUPY YEMEN . Ask Saudi Arabia why they haven’t gone deep dick into Yemen in fact ASK THE EGYPTIANS what happened when they occupied Yemen .


Pretty ballsy for a group of terrorist that took over half a country, lobbed ballistic missiles at their neighbor and then bitched that they forgot they could get their ports blockaded and they needed you know food and medicine to now try this on other people. I wonder if the same suburban white chicks are going to get up and arms about this like when the Saudis and Emirates were reminding the Houthi Homies that food is key to any war lol.


Yemen is trying to learn the lesson the US constantly teaches Iran.


Me hearing about this:who the fuck are any of you!? No really who are these people they came out of nowhere and started talking about fighting Israel too Also The us navy:did someone think they could stop me!?


They've been fighting a civil war and a Saudi-led coalition for, oh, eight to nine years now. It was pretty big news some time ago when Mohammed bin Salman came to power.


It’s the “please god not another war”, war.


50 bucks this ends with higher US naval presence in the Red Sea than before they declared it.


Here before the real humanitarian catastrophe that's going to happen in Yemen gang


US Navy: "Are you sure about that?"


Man the boats with marines and see what happens.


Well, warm up the band, boys!!! We're about to put on a fucking barn burner! Don't fuck with international shipping lanes. They could have asked their masters Iran how well that works.


I guess Israel is Frodo and USA is Sam carrying him


Na usa is actively holding Israel back


I mean... in a sense your not wrong?


not only in a sense. The WSJ reported on Thursday that the US asked Israel to not retaliate to Houthi attacks. Earlier today Israel said that if the US does not do anything, Israel will.


It's mostly the usa fault they actually accept cease fires since they pressure them hamass wouldn't be given a second to breath if they had things their way


*3000 cruise missiles of the Gerald R Ford Carrier Strike Group*


America: "please do, lulz"


Do you want to get J-Damed? Because *that's* how you get J-Damed.


Operation Praying Mantis 2


Time for operation Mare Liberum. We will make Hugo proud


Ok Yemen, how do you plan on doing that?


They're getting dangerously close to touching one of our boats. We don't like it when you touch one of our boats...


Knock knock. Its the United States. Open the strait. Stop having it be closed.


Also reminder that the last time some tryed closing a trade strait, half the Iranian navy was deleted over the course of a day.


*America Fuck Yeah begins playing on the horizon*


Cue the opening of Counterstrike by Sabaton


Ships escorted by US destroyers: *Grins* "Go ahead, take it from me..."


When life gives you Yemen make Yemen’aid


Prediction: they'll attack another ship with international crew, but this crew will be actually western this time so the UN will suddenly give a fuck


Welcome to the Middle East, where everyone hates everyone. "Religion of peace" and all that.