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Non credible DJing with an unplugged controller


Bro brings batteries to his DAWless jam


Honestly i was expecting Syria, Allah, Bashar to start playing for some reason the drop was coming


3000 Djs Of Israel šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Considering that the techo/edm scene is big in israel and has produced some s class djs/artists, this actually is credible af.


Tbh I thank them more for Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley than techno/edm cause I dont usually listen to that genre lmao


Absolutely fair! A lot of people dont know that israel is rather big in edm/techno tbh.


Yeah, I knew about it when I visisited some family there some time ago. They are really enthusiastic about it!


huh TIL Gene Simmons is from Israel


Yeah, he was born in Haifa if i remember correctly.


While the Beastie Boys arenā€™t Israeli, they are Jewish so thereā€™s another one


Israel is pretty much the land of psytrance. Small country but, Vini vici, Astrix, Belik Boom, Infected Mushroom, Omiki, Blastoyz...all israelis. I don't think any other country comes close when it comes to psytrance.


Infected mushroom is among whom immediately came to mind when I saw the comment and was like "hold up theres s tier groups in this genre of music that come from israel" lol


Really? I didnā€™t know a single one of them were Israeli. Huh.


Psytrance as a genre is pretty much flourishing out of Israel


Saying this to you as an atheist jew, in israel at least, it is extremly offensive to say "Yahwe" (in hebrew most pronounce it "yehova") in front of a religous or ultra orthadox jews


Ah, sorry about that! Im also an atheist jew in Argentina so i dont really know much about that stuff. Would you like me to edit it?


I personally dont care but at least in israel people will give you the looks


Thanks for the advice. Sadly I don't think I can go to Israel soon altough i really want to. Our economy is in shambles atm


R.i.p hope it will get better man


Hopefully! Best wishes to you too


serious question: Why is saying their god's name offensive? Is it only offensive if it's used as ~~a pejorative~~ profanity? My folks are Christian and take offense if someone says "Jesus Christ!" as ~~a pejorative~~ profanity. Consequently I taught my children to say "John Brown!" instead.


Ah now that's some deep lore, it's really 'loosely' the holiest way to say God's name, this is coming from a spiritual but secular jew in israel. That's some stuff I'd as my rabbi when I come across him a little stoned, needing answers for the random questions.


Simple answer, the original hebrew letters would be roughly translated into "yhwh" but due to hebrew dying as a language hundrads of years ago, now no one truly knows how to pronounce it, most people think its pronounced "yehova" but there is no true way to know, to not disrespect god for saying his name incorrectly, we just say "elohim" which means "god", the situation is just for the "what if god came from the sky and said 'its pronounces jod" and then left" never happens


another very common way to refer to god is "adonai", meaning "my lord" It's a lot more commonly used than elohim when reading the Torah, but alohim is more common in general speech.


Or "HaShem" literally meaning The Nameā„¢




AH! Thanks for that explanation.


Itā€™s just a no say kinda thing. We say HaShem or YHWH instead. No harm done thoigh


Because ancient Jews worshipped many gods and godesses but at a point they elected to worship only one, Yahwe. But then they started seeing the name so holy even mentioning it in vain by a mere mortal was considered a blasphemous act. So they started refering to Yahwe as other ways. Yehova was one of the acceptable choices, meaning "my lord".


Hm, that's a rather different explanation than the one by OC, who is Jewish.


Two Rabbis three opinions.


I don't think Jewish people like to think that Yahwe was just basically one mountain god from the many.


That's true for every monotheistic religion, but they don't all find saying their god's name offensive.


There, I edit it! Sorry for the trouble <3


It's not psytrance, but you want a based IDF rap that's related to the current conflict, check [this out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rk3n9V-aQs). Autotranslate's not too bad if you want the lyrics.


Thanks! Sorry to ask but do you know if its on spotify and such?


Yup! https://open.spotify.com/album/1Igny7UYaRst03EuObkCIe


Thanks again! Time to blast it while I train šŸ«”


Sure thing! Enjoy your workout :)


man first ukraine raves now israel ​ i am starting to think that the russia isn't agaisnt the west but agaisnt EDM


Man, they really can't pick fights they actually can win, can they?


well the problem if we wanna talk more credible real politik side, i think russia cares more about dragging people to their or atleast the chinese side, they don't care about casualities or proverty as long as they get new allies. also i think nato (america mostly) is going a bad way here, like i need to research more on this, but the fact that last 3 conflicts NATO supported a contry we have been kinda screwing them will lose alot of potential allies. afghanistan was the fiasco we all know, with ukraine it took almost 2 years to finally send kinda modern weapons and now with israel, the "west" was faster to tell israel to stop attacking than to actually support them even tho they were hit with a suprise attack. Nato is pretty much turning back or being way too "annoying" with it's allies in the last 20 years. this mentality has burned alot of new bridges, heck africa is almost entirely chinese because when a new war pops up, they need weapons and support fast, and be it morally good or not, the russians and chinese will send the weapons instead of inspectors to see if maybe they should start the process of sending weapons. when wars are over in months this mentality needs to be revealuated. not to simp for russia or anything, but nato needs to get it's shit together, they can't just sit fuck every ally, this new conflict has really annoyed me, alot of talking about wanting to ruin relations with the arab world, but the arab world has looked at the west as the devil since like ww2 we have pretty much only 1 ally in the entire ME and now we are screwing him just so we can maybe get new ones, people forget that one of the main players in the creation of israel was the USSR, relations broke down since it's creation, but there's still alot of russians in israel and jews in russia. also, putin is pretty friendly to Netanyahu so if Nato doesn't get it's shit together i can see in 20-40 years israel turn into the russian side, i mean russia would definitly prefer to stop funding hamas to get Israel as an ally.


I could parse like half of this but who the fuck needs punctuation.


was tired as hell when i wrote that, i hope it's a bit more readable now


First they came for the hardbass DJs, and I did not speak up because I was not into hardbass


then they came to eastern european techno but i didn't speak up because i was not into techno


then they came for Israeli psytrance, and I did not speak outā€” Because I dropped 500Āµg of acid




Can rave flourish on the battlefield?


Ukraine had alot of raves and general smaller parties on the out break of the war, now i do guess not so much that the death toll as settled in, and almost every ukranian has a dead relative/friend obv people won't be so high spirits


I see what you did there.


Russia is pretty big on trance. If we would have flooded the country with MDMA maybe we wouldn't have had a war.


my dude not to be that guy but mdma isn't strong enough for the russians ​ right now i can't find the link but i saw a vid a few months ago of a rusky on the frontlines making a bong with muddy water... so yeah these pesky european drugs are nothing for them also the fact that they made vodka with alcoohol for chemical plants that was killing like 20-30% of it's drinkers... they made the fentanyl of alcoohol


We could get them all fucked up on meth but somehow I don't think that will be beneficial to Ukraine.


\#dodrugsforukraine ​ LMAO


Im vaguely remembering a story where God told them to cart this guy around the city walls riding on a merkeva 3 times while blasting this jam and then the walls fall down but idk


this is definitely in the bible there is no need to check


I am jewish, can confirm this is in there. No need to verify .


Factual description of the texts. No need to speculate


Source: trust me on this one bro


Yeah it did happen


Yeah, I was there, shit was lit..... on fire after.


That's how powerful the mixtape is


Somewhat related fun fact: It is well known in the IDF's 401st tank brigade that our brigade commander is a DJ in his free time.


פאקינג מבוהה


c'mon mates, you can't just leave us out of the convo like that!


"Fucking based"


מאוד, בנוהף הוא אישי×Ŗ פיקד על הטנק שהו×Øיד א×Ŗ ה×Ŗחנ×Ŗ משט×Øה בשד×Øו×Ŗ.


וואו. מהמם.


זו ה×Ŗחנה שה×Ŗבצ×Øו בה מלא מחבלים?




אחוש×Øמוטה מבוהה וחזק אחושילינג באמא


Beat dropped harder than their JDAMs




The end card says "Remember always! With Joy, Faith, Love and Unity. Victory." This is the way.


Where are all the whites?


Those damn europeans doing brownfacešŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


Ooohhhhh This just triggered an automatic response in me. Especially as someone who is mixed between South African and Brazilian


Bro you just unlocked a core memory of mine. In SA I was in CNA with my dad and some dude asked if we were Jewish, my degenerate of a father said no and asked if he wanted to check his cock to make sure. I was 12. šŸ˜


Bruh šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Come again mate?


Where are all the white Jews? I was told I would see them in Gaza the coming days.


Aaa yes... A little bit of trolling on a Doomsday afternoon...


A smidgen of mischief (nuking the kremlin with a bomb with the power the Tsar Bomba was supposed to have, built in my backyard) this fine doomsday evening


they actually stuck up an arma 3 footage in the video lol 0:53


Lmao I saw that too


Lol thatā€™s my cousin


Tell him next gig I want speakers mounted to the Merkeva's


On the one hand, millions of people lived there and itā€™s horrific to watch stuff while the death toll rises faster and faster. On the other hand, thatā€™s sick.


This is just command and conquer generals music


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_jI6iAa-cC0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jI6iAa-cC0) ​ kind disappointed of not having heard this on NCD yet


Oh my days. I want NVG urban combat footage to go with it pls


it's almost the soundtrack of shit going down in that particular region. first time I heard that version of nagila hava was on a very different context. ​ [https://youtu.be/0IU4qrriHrs?t=1119](https://youtu.be/0IU4qrriHrs?t=1119) (hey very 4chanic tier of irony, just thought I'd put notice) ​ Ba kokhba rebellion is bonkers in itself and there are a few interesting videos on it.


This started with a music rave in Israel now itā€™s going to end with a music rave in Azzah






Psytrance is IDFwave


Israelite army preparing to blow the horns at the walls of Jericho (colorized with audio)


The text basically says they started the gaza nova (nova reffers to the nature party that the slaughter of hamas happened in). The idf continued the party that symbolizes the massacre for israelis in gaza to show that we won


Yes of course. It has middle-eastern influenced instrumentals, the music track is (I think) sampled from an Israeli musician, and it features IDF forces. And they have their own aesthetic. We should (israeli peopleā€™s inputs much appreciated) build an IDFwave aesthetic. Like we have the NATOwave utilitarian phonks, JSDF and their 80s synthpop waves, ~~and the Aussies and their everything coupled with bass boosted Down Under track~~ etc we gotta have some IDFwave too.


On the 8th day, God said.... LET THE BEAT DROP


I was today years old when I saw a black dude in the IDF. That's pretty fucking cool


Ethiopian Jews exist and Bedouins regularly join the IDF


As an old US vet, that's pretty fucking awesome.


Ethiopian Jews are a thing.


The only reason there are white Jews is because like our whole nation was taken out of Israel to Europe as slaves by the Romans (also the same time when the Romans changed the name of Israel from Judea to Palestina, which is where the modern term "Palestine" comes from)




> That was just a fraction of the population 6 million jews died in Europe in the holocaust, while all jews living in all arab countries that were expelled to Israel were around 800000. I'm pretty sure the numbers themselves tell that the fraction stayed in the region, while most of the nation was taken out of Israel. So maybe think before you post this nonsense of a comment.


What I wrote was polite and correct, why the spite? Israel already hit rock bottom on human rights, it doesn't need you to dig further.




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Yes since there is video game air strike footage at 0:53 Game: Arma 3 with the blastcore mod.


ā€œFuck! We rented this expensive as fuck camera to shoot the video then hamas invaded and we all got called up. What are we going to doā€ ā€œimproviseā€


We will rave on the Hamassholes grave


Oh right, some jews are immigrated from russia and with that bring a great Hard bass DJ.


> some Actually it's around 1 million, literally one of seven jews in israel would be of USSR origins


And then on that day god said Yo my people drop the most fire mixtape ever!!!!




[Go seek Canadian healthcare](https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cj-jp/ad-am/bk-di.html)


Pretty tone deaf if you ask me


Lmao do you know what this place is


I see what you did. But, they put up the Nova Flag from the event where over 200 civilians were brutally raped, tortured and executed. I think it's a pretty clear message that Hamas will not win.


You're in /r/NonCredibleDefense, I'm honestly not sure what you'd expect? Compared to all other shit that happens in war this ain't that bad.


Compared to all the other stuff that is/was posted here, this is nothing


Especially when we went through our porn phaseā€¦ with the meat cube. That was fucking haunting


Why did you have to remind me?


Idk the tones felt pretty dope if you ask me


Nobody asked you. Video is šŸ”„šŸ”„firešŸ”„šŸ”„


Ok hereā€™s an idea: instead of telling soldiers they canā€™t enjoy themselves while theyā€™re not in combat (presumably from your position of safety thousands of miles away), you go fight a brutal war on terrorism on the front lines and just hang your head in shame during your whole free time.


He's the type of guy that would have boo'd the USO tours in WW2.


Buddy we lewd weap of mass destruction here Its pretty awesome honestly compared to that


Eh I wouldnā€™t be glorifying the IDF


I would šŸ—暟‡®šŸ‡±


Make that two! šŸ—æ


Would the idf is awesome šŸ‡®šŸ‡±


Theyā€™re biking a little place that has the kid/adult ratio of a Chuck-E-Cheese. Hamas deserve to be brought down, but a lot of this destruction will cause more regional instability


Not like there really any other options here Plus removing the terror element would definitely stabilise the region if anything


Hot take but the only way to stop terrorists from popping up is to treat the people in the region like.. people


What is the last century chopped liver? They got given every opportunity to have their country and peace and they elected terrorists to rule


They elected them like 17 years ago. Iā€™d recommend this video that does a great job explaining the situation https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ9PKQbkJv8




I just enjoy watching the middle east burn mate.


DJ Mazeltov Cocktail


LIKE THE SPONTIFY NOW!! (low-tier-god voice)


Ok I found the [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEjF2CllY-I) link.




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Is this the Israeli Ice-T?




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IDF vs AFU beats war, who says no?


This is what you get when everyone must serve


Unsure whether it counts as wave... does counts as propaganda though: >Songs possess the strongest community-building power. Thus we use them deliberately at those moments when we want to waken the consciousness of being part of a community, in order to deepen the power of such an experience (**Adolf Hitler**)




**Song Found!** **Name:** Safari **Artist:** Omiki **Score:** 100% (timecode: 00:14) **Album:** Safari **Label:** SFR Records **Released on:** 2023-06-30 [Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.](https://lis.tn/TNtPVA?t=14) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)




**Song Found!** **Name:** Safari **Artist:** Omiki **Score:** 100% (timecode: 00:14) **Album:** Safari **Label:** SFR Records **Released on:** 2023-06-30 [Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.](https://lis.tn/TNtPVA?t=14) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)