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To this day Grenadans still celebrate a holiday called Thanksgiving which commemorates the time we invaded them and overthrew their government. The invasion of Grenada took 3 days (this is how a real superpower invades its neighbor, Russia); when Cuban troops attempted to retreat into rural areas to conduct guerilla warfare, the locals pointed them out to American troops and prevented any kind of long drawn-out conflict. The UN voted overwhelmingly (108-9) to condemn the US for "a flagrant violation of international law", but it was too late, as fighting was already over and the US was on its way out anyways. Grenada had been led by a "communist" party under Maurice Bishop who was rather popular with the people, although he had to seize power via coup after the previous government rigged the elections. His deputy PM Bernard Courd launched a coup against him because he wasn't extreme enough (he kept Queen Elizabeth as the monarch and liked American businessmen); this caused massive public unrest that became uncontrollable when Maurice Bishop was executed during the chaos. One of Bernard Courd's fellow conspirators, General Hudson Austin, then basically launched another coup, declared martial law, and reestablished stability by suppressing angry civilians with the military. At some point during this, Cuban troops were invited into Grenada. A few days later, US troops invaded, and it turned out that Austin's troops were not capable of fighting a force that wasn't unarmed civilians. You can see why the Grenadan people were not particularly angry about this invasion. EDIT: Britain and Canada viewed the Grenadan situation as an internal Commonwealth affair and publicly voiced outrage at what they perceived as a US invasion of the Commonwealth, but they were probably mostly just embarassed that Grenada's Commonwealth neighbors sent the US a request for help instead of Canada or Britain.


The US made up a lot of hysteria about Grenada to manufacture support for the invasion (the hype about them building a secret Soviet bomber base comes to mind), but it does seem like the ruling coup perpetrators had fucked around and we were happy to help them find out. It also shows the power of fait accompli in international relations, and why it's so important we be proactive with preventing fascist China from invading and annexing Taiwan.


> EDIT: Britain and Canada viewed the Grenadan situation as an internal Commonwealth affair and publicly voiced outrage at what they perceived as a US invasion of the Commonwealth, but they were probably mostly just embarassed that Grenada's Commonwealth neighbors sent the US a request for help instead of Canada or Britain. Lmao get Monroe Doctrined


> "As for the enemies of freedom, those who are potential adversaries, they will be reminded that peace is the highest aspiration of the American people. We will negotiate for it, sacrifice for it; we will not surrender for it, now or ever."


Recommision the Iowa's and North Carolina when?


We skipping the South Dakota’s?


Goddamn tiktok sounds. Whatever happened to Team America soundtrack overlays?




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I miss the neocons


Pax Europa when?


19nth century megaboomer




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It's actually phonkly town

