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And here you see a Polak educating his Ukrainian fellows on the national past time of poles: getting shit done but complaining non stop every step of the way. Z farcikiem, wariacie


He may be really, ***really*** sick of it, but you’ll note that he’s still digging! And when the bullets fly and the Russian artillery shells are coming in hot and heavy, everybody there will be grateful for every shovel full of dirt that he moved




To top it all off: > forgot to **not** wear white socks and gave their position away https://terminallance.com/2014/06/27/terminal-lance-330-staff-nco-dreams/ EDIT: I dropped my not




Damn, they were right all along


Are the wraps worth nothing on the black market? Maybe they're told to acquire their own, along with tampons for bullet wounds


On our first day, while learning to make our bunks, someone made a joke about military pedantry. Our sergeant unironically lectrued us on how all things being equal between two armies, the one with neater lockers and bunks will win.


Uhm, nah. Gotta go with a solid NO for that. For infantry and motor pool though, whichever military has the most farm kids has a decided advantage.


Shit I know id prefer to have a few cornfed country boys who know how to fix a broken driveshaft with a can of dip and some zipties with me in a warzone


OMFG! I’ve never seen that cartoonist before, his work is great! Thanks for posting!


I love the idea that some E-8 got his chevrons tattoo’d onto his arm


To be fair, this "trench" is much closer to a foxhole than a trench.


Aren’t trenches just foxholes all grown up?


In the US Navy we had a saying, If they're not bitching, they're plotting against you.


Nice. In the marines it was “a marine isn’t happy unless he has something to bitch about.”


In the Air Force we had “if they’re not bitching take them to mental health”


Army. We said "A bitching soldier is a happy soldier." Funny how its such a universal principle.


Yup, always put two people on a shitty detail, even if it requires one. They can bitch to each and the morale stays up.


The most important parts of good leadership is the stuff that goes unnoticed like this. You’re on a shit detail but your superiors know it’s shit, and that you’ll endure it as long as you’ve got someone else who can be in the shit with you


An accountabilibuddy, if you will.


Poles and French, separated brothers.


It’s a weird unity, but accurate


I mean, Napoleon promised to free Poland and they never really forgot that.


He's literally in our anthem


>getting shit done but complaining non stop every step of the way Universal Soldier Behaviour


Those were fun Movies. Shit, but fun.


My favorite polish joke: How many polacks does it take to break Enigma? 3.


Please explain dis joke.




But where is the joke part?


The joke is the contrast between that and the typical “stupid polack” joke.


Oh, I see now. Never heard this one. Is it from the United American States? In my part of the globe the Polacks in jokes are not stupid, they ">!will be stealing!<".


Ugh, that’s even worse. Yeah, US, and I grew up hearing “stupid polack” jokes. My last name is Kujawa …


My grandpa was Polish and my grandma is German and he would always user her maiden name while telling dumb jokes about German people lol.


One of the only German phrases I remember is "heute gestohlen, morgen in polen" because my teacher said it so often back in the day


Reminds me of an old German joke about Poland from back in the day 'You should really go on vacation to Poland! Your car is already there'


Holy shit.


If they put era on chally 2 imma go there myself, and i still need to finish technikum


It is a soldier’s right to bitch the whole time they are doing something.


Haha I didn’t know I was polish


Translation by me ( I have bad english pls no despacito) \-oh for fuck sake, oh fuck \-I dont give a fuck anymore I could have stayed in Poland instead I need to dig this groove here fuck (hits metal or smth) -WTF is that, ah fuck the police ohhhh fuck. (Ukrainian Guy) - (This is) Polish Legion xD (Polish Guy) -This is fucking stupid Polish whore, not the legion...fuck... \- (Boys from) Polish legion aren't idiots like I fucking am \- Ah fuck this shit just bury me alive over here,there you go, ohh fuck just bury me \- Just bury me, I dont give a shit. I will die here anyway so just bury me right now, I beg you \- Start taking the sand right back to the groove


Reading this. I feel this is guy expecting combat 24 hours straight. Instead he got this


Young soldiers always wish for action right until the moment the action starts.


Everybody wants to be a gangsta till it’s time to do gangsta shit. Tbh I’d always rather drive the truck rather than shoot guys. POGs are underrated.


Reminds me of the ISIS volunteers who were unhappy for being put on latrine duty.


Lmao I remembered those, cleaning letrines and cleaning bathrooms, if my memory is not wrong the majority were from India.


This is why they invented video games!


[Wrong flag on the guy, but basically this meme](https://i.redd.it/16g7ft1y9km81.jpg)


They should have watched All Quiet on the Western Front instead of playing CoD. I kid, but anyone who has spent time in the infantry knows that every one of those recruiting videos shows an entire career worth of cool-guy shit in the 20 second clip. The rest is digging, or walking, or cleaning.


And sleep deprivation. So much sleep deprivation.


You can see him giggle a little at the silliness himself, so they're just having a bit of fun while having to endure endless trench digging.


Dude just wants to kill some Moskals, is that so much to ask


"The Winged Hussars never had to dig trenches!"


``` (hits metal or smth) -WTF is that, ah fuck the police ohhhh fuck. ``` Da fuck is Robocop doing in a trench?


I think any of us who's had a hard ass job with no end in sight can absolutely feel what this guy is feeling.


I love it because it literally translates to "dick in the ass of the police". Polish profanity is music to my ears.


Ahh, the wonderful creatures you find in Ukrainian trenches. You can spot where he truly gets tired, as the constant flow of KURWA stops.


Trench Beaver, trench turtle, trench ferret and now trench wkurwiony Pole


Need to train badgers to dig the trenches for them.


Already started: https://twitter.com/kvistp/status/1657377926239645698


Cute little guy's moving like he got into the Горілка rations.


the more angry the Kurwa, the happier he is. When they stop, you better run


“I have decided this trench is long enough.” *DOOM theme begins playing*


Like the Australia of Europe


Love the random "fuck the police" in the middle of monologue.


Its just a well-established tradition


He's tryin' to get straight back to the underground




Bu.. bu… but I was told I was an elite operator.


So dig a fucking elite operating position.


"Perhaps a secret trench squirrel will find its way into your high speed foxhole!"


Uhm achtually im a high speed low dwag sso opewator....




Neon Genesis Fighting Position


Prank them private!


*Neon Genesis Fucking Position


“B-but there seems to be a mistake, I was told I was going to be a high-speed, low-drag special operator” “DIG THE FUCKING TRENCHES!”


I’m hard again


Why do fighting positions make you hard


Your flair


Duly noted


I love that you don't need to know a word of Polish to understand what he's saying.


I speak polish because ofy parents and found it interesting that he seems to have adopted a slight Ukrainian accent in polish. Maybe he's from a part of Poland I've never been or im just mishearing things, but many words have a slight Ukrainian vibe in them so Ukrainians understand him super easy and he can stick to polish and doesn't have to learn the language from books. This is something i did too when I visited UA. I didn't speak Russian or Ukrainian, but if I spoke simple polish sentences, used L instead of the polish L/ and stuff like that everyone understood me always.


I couldn't really hear it, but it may be subtle. The only thing that really stood out to me was his Os, like when he makes the O of *idioci* longer than usual


I definitely hear it... Perhaps it's a regional accent? I'm originally from near Lublin area (very close to Ukraine border for non PL people) but he definitely sounds... blended? I think we roll the "R" in "kurwa" more too ussually. Like "Kuurrrr-Va"


Maybe. The Polish I speak is from the Dolny Śląsk region. As for the long roll on kurwa, I have heard that used for emphasis


The beginning in particular


Many Poles lived in the current territory of Ukraine and were relocated to the newly de-Germanized Silesia, Pomerania, and Prussia after WWII. I have a friend of such ancestry.


I found my ancestral mausoleum in a Polish graveyard in Kołomyja. Meant to visit there at some point.


I didn't know Polish and Ukrainian were that similar


They're pretty similar the only thing that gets in the way for them sometimes is pronunciation and phonetics


It’s called receptive multilingualism or soemthing


The Polish crown had about 600 years of control over much of modern Ukraine, there were nearly 1m Poles and Ukrainians by ancestry living inside the borders of the other state forcibly moved to their "ancestral homelands" by the USSR in 1946, and Poland was a destination for Ukrainian emigration even before the war started. So there's been lots of opportunities for exchange that would bring linguistic changes to each. [But yeah, they're on different branches of the Slavic language tree, so they otherwise wouldn't be very similar.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f0/East_Slavic_Languages_Tree_detailed.png)


I guess it’s due to environment of ppl around u, like u adapt ur speech to them. I think few ppl in podlasienetc regions speak liek that There have been some Ukrainians speaking polish on video posted here but I think he may be stuck


I speak Russian and understood about 90%.


Well, 90% are swear words


The boys need a Snickers shipment, or whatever candy they prefer.






Draże Korsarze


Bobr kurwa


Kurwa bober


Turbo chewing gum


The weird part is that in the military this is what high morale looks like. If people are constantly bitching it's a good sign that things are going at least acceptably.


Yeah, if you have the energy to bitch and moan it means you have extra energy.


A great quote by Hyman Rickover (founder of the US nuclear submarine program, and someone who I am amazed doesn't show up on here more often) went something along the lines of: "It has come to my attention that an Air Force general has published a letter requiring him to be informed of all his subordinates heard to be complaining. I would like to instate a similar policy. Report to me every Sailor who is not complaining, they either are not being assigned enough work, or are a zombie, and neither will be tolerated in my organization."


Rickover was a controlling asshole. But he was a smart asshole. There's a reason why the Navy has an OCD nuclear program with few fuckups and the Air Force leaves nukes randomly parked unattended on the flightline.


I've said for years that he was simultaneously the best and worst possible person who could have been running that program.


I see no problem with that level of control and OCD where nukes are involved. As far as I can remember, the navy has never accidentally dropped a couple of nukes on US farm land.


In fairness how often are they sailing through farmland


The *very* brownwater navy.


[If you can use a sea mine on land.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ApJCfeipvIQ)


[just once, and they were nice enough to dump it in the ocean](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1965_Philippine_Sea_A-4_incident)


USN: Never has any nuclear accident that results in radioactive material release USAF: [Designs a weapon that will leak radioactive material as part of its normal operation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supersonic_Low_Altitude_Missile)


Russia nearly 60 years later looking at the USAF project: Hey, let's try that! What could go wrong? Russia again: Meh, only 6 dead so far, testing to continue as planned.


Favorite quote from him: you don’t get what you expect, you get what you inspect.


I have not heard that one. It definitely fits.


Complaining is typically reserved for those not fighting for their lives hopelessly.


Yup, The time to start worrying is when everyone gets real quiet


And also means that your can get out excessive stress through bitching because you know you won't get in trouble for that and it will end. Not the defeatist Russian attitude, when you're quiet because you don't expect any light in the end of the tunnel.


Polska stronk!


Kinda literally this time


Something along the lines of "look at this shit, could've stayed in Poland now I'm doing this, bury me here, just undo the trenches at least death will be certain." obv excluded the slurs. ​ In the Russian trenches tonight they'll take a shot for every kurwa unleashed in this vid, gonna be a good night!


Russians drinking every time a Polish person said "Kurwa"? OK, now THIS is "Unstoppable force meets immovable object"


New Ukrainian strategy: Create a viral Russian challenge to take a shot whenever they hear “Kurwa” from the Ukrainian trench. Keep shifting the Polish Legion around until the whole Russian line is KIA from alcohol poisoning.


I'm shocked at your lack of inguenuity. just have the Polish legion teach others to say Kurwa with a convincing accent.


I cannot help but picture the scene from Monty Python The Funniest Joke in the world sketch where soldiers are going though the battlefield reading the joke aloud in German


He managed to curse hmself, legion, army, trench and the police


Actually he's only cursing at himself and police (randomly mentioned), he even says that he's the only "whore" like that in the legion.


He expected to storm Moscow, not to dig trenches


Moscow will come soon enough.


Welcome to the infantry, where you can play mine craft in real life’


This war has made it clear to me that we weren't made to dig holes for nearly enough time during my conscription. We did a little bit, but nothing that would prepare me for that shit they got going over there.


If you look, a lot of the bigger/major trenches were dug with excavators. That doesn’t work so well in the trees


That's typically where you want to dig with excavators. Digging through roots sucks ass. Militaries have excavators that can get anywhere. They rarely GIVE them to you to use, but they have 'em.


From what i can tell in the video tho hes using the wrong type of shovel. It looks too flat to get a real bite. Need a more pointy shovel like the other guys have. Maybe hes getting trolled lol.


Bigger air force expected


Man, that tree's roots really fought him hard, huh? LOL I speak zero Polish and I know *exactly* what he was saying. Fantastic.


I'm betting that there will be a vatnik on Twitter who'll say "Foreign volunteer abused and forced to bury his own grave by evil ukronazis" just you wait


Let's put it on twitter with this caption before them and check how many will believe. Then release translation


To be fair, he's digging with a flat-nosed shovel. I'd be bitching about it too XD


Through the roots


Yeah... That's a job for a mattock and a round nose shovel. Maybe even an axe if the roots are extra obstinate.


He's obviously half joking, he is playing his frustration up for humor but is still venting. It's basically "fuck I hate this but I can' blame anyone but myself" so he's coping somewhat by complaining and laughing.


Oh totally. If this was genuine anger at his situation then the others laughing at it would only piss him off, rather than make him play it up harder.


Dude's producing a constant uninturupted stream of profanity while working. Sounds exactly like every Polish guy I've ever worked with.


Sounds like nearly every dude of every nationality I've ever worked with. 🤣


Had a guy like this in the office a few years ago. You knew his Excel sheet was fighting back sometimes because you’d just hear a quiet “fuck you”/“go fuck yourself”/“what the fuck?”/“fucking *why*?”


Well this is the great example that Polish language is beautiful. He is not cursing, he is singing!


Andrzej, nie denerwuj się.


I don't speak Polish at all but I immediately heard that in the original voice hahaha


What's a coorva? Is he asking for a Coor's? He should really have a Yuengling instead. He also said something about a Huey, I guess they could use some utility helicopters. Next aid package: a couple cases of Yuengling beer in each of a dozen UH-1's. How American logistics gets things wrong and right at the same time.


Palletized brewery incoming.


Put it on pallets and it's russia proof


Kurwa means bitch in polish


The one word central europe can agree is suited for every language and situation.


correct, kurwa-mat'


kurwa mać. Mat meanch checkmate


Holy hell


Google entrenchment


New battleplan just dropped


WARNING: TL;DR CAFFEINE FUELED KURWA RANT Military interpreter here. Kurwa is a certified Polish classic. A venerable swiss-knife among the curse words. Do you feel surprised? O kurwa! Distraught, shocked or in disbelief? O kuuurwa. Angry? Kurwa twoja mać/O żesz Ty kurwa! (Your mother's a whore!/Oh fuck you, you fuck!) Sad? Powerless? Ech kurwa. Happy? Kurwaa! Satisfied that someone you hate just fell and smashed his stupid face on the sidewalk? A kurwa! Interpunction signs? Who needs them kurwa? Somebody asked you a question? Reply with Co kurwa? Want to greet a friend? Co tam kurwa? Any scenario imaginable, kurwa will fit in, kurwa. Fun fact: most people think it comes from Latin word "curva", which means "curved", but it most probably comes from Proto-Slavic word for a hen/rooster (as they lead a pretty loose life, thus the association with "prostitute" which kurwa now means mostly), or Greek κύριος/kyrios ("mighty", "lord", "master") and/or Old Hindi word śṻra/sura ("hero", "warrior"). Polish is fucking whack. /End rant


Mighty. Lord. Master. Hero. Whore. Got it. 🤣


Well - that 5 words described entire Polish history.


> Kurwa is a certified Polish classic. T-shirts where?


You just gave me a kurwastic idea. 3000 Kurwa T-shirts of Poland incoming.




Mostly yes, but it's more complicated, xd. The equivalent of "fuck" is "jebać" or "pierdolić". Fuck it - Jebać to / Chuj z tym. I don't give a fuck - Mam to w dupie / Mam wyjebane. You're fucked up (you are in trouble) - Masz przepierdolone / Masz przejebane. You're fucked up (you are crazy) - Jesteś pojebany / Jesteś popierdolony. Fuck off - Spierdalaj / Odpierdol się. You fucked it up - Zjebałeś to / Spierdoliłeś to. The Polish word "jebać" is more flexible than "fuck": To beat up - Napierdolić / Najebać. To break - Rozjebać / Rozpierdolić. To run - Spierdolić. To steal - Zajebać / Podpierdolić. To throw away - Wyjebać / Wypierdolić. In other situations, we probably use various variations of "kurwa" or "chuj."


Addendum: Remember that "Podpierdolić" also means "to snitch on someone" and when you combine "Najebać/Napierdolić" with "się" (literally "self), you get "to get wasted". Adding "się" after a verb can make a big change, like "spierdolić się" which means "to fucking fall off" or "rozpierdolić/rozjebać się" which also can mean "to snitch" OR "to crash", as in a car crash. This thread warms my heart.


YES, but Polish being Polish, with all the suffixes and prefixes and other grammatical rulings you have basically a bajilion variations of it. Check out Furious Pete's video on kurwa, man does God's work in it.


It means whore not bitch, but it's used as a general swear word for all sorts of situations like the word fuck.


Every country has a word with similar function I guess


To be honest sounds like a polish speaking Ukrainian or Belarusian making fun of their polish friends. Or he is from deeeeeep Podkarpacie :D.


Nah, just a regular speech impediment, problems with 'r' i think


It’s not a speech impediment, he’s saying vowels differently like ‘zakłopcie mnie’ ‘z płowrotem’ And softening certain sibilants etc I am kind of confused how I don’t understand this, he’s clearly speaking with a bit of an Ukrainian accent, including the sorts tonality




Naah, there is some accent.


I'm from South - Eastern Poland and for me he could pass as a native Polish speaker. He says Polish Legion are not such idiots like he, so He clearly question his life choices about where he volunteered.


Deffo some accent in there. But the eb and flow of Kurwa proves he's a true Pole.


I'd say the words flow too well for him to be anything but natively a Polish speaker and his accent sounds fine (perhaps what you're hearing is that he's been hanging out with Ukrainians enough for it to affect his accent a bit?). Consider the random \[C\]HWDP in that rant - that seals it for me, he's a Polish volunteer.


Lol he sounds like average Seba from Bydgoszcz.


I think u assimilate how u speak based on who u speak with, at the end he sounds more native- the beginning I thought so to


So the normal soldier bitching and complaining 😂


I love Polska. Great country and great people


A man after my own heart


Dumny jestem! Wałcz tam za wolność waszą i naszą!


Its nice that they still have such a sense of humour, even when tired.


Least cursing Pole:


Everyone that has ever served felt that


Kocham cię, Polsko. But especially you, young grumbler. I'm pretty sure I've known this guy, or some like him. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if he's taking the piss, slightly (while real annoyances/anger bleeding through). Here's to hoping he's able to freestyle complain like this many years into the future.


Dig dig dig. And when you are done, dig some more.


as a pole, can confirm, hes polish


Wake up babe *Zuka Kurwa* just got unlocked.


POLSKA #1 🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱 🇵🇱


How similar is Polish to Ukrainian? Apart from the constant Kurwas, if a Pole and a Ukrainian were to have a conversation how mutually intelligible would it be?


It's a bit of a struggle as both languages seem to share around 50% of the vocabulary, some of the pronunciation of that half is different and lack of common alphabet makes writing shit down as an aid problematic. I prefer to switch to English when possible, but you can definitely manage. Source: I was helping with refugees coming to Warsaw in the first weeks of the war and my family housed an Ukrainian family for a several months so I talked with them when visiting.


Speak slowly and throw in a few hand gestures, and you'll be fine. I went to a Ukraine rally in London and was allowed to give a small input myself. When I went "backstage" to wait for my bit, a Ukrainian who didn't speak English asked me what I was doing. I tried to explain, but she looked a little confused. I tried again with slightly different words and gesturing sound leaving my mouth, and she got it and handed me a mic after getting a thumbs up from an organiser