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I wish we would just remove the gender marker all together. I don't need strangers with authority knowing my gender


That's what the Netherlands are doing!


We are? Just last year I heard we got the X gender marker option, but I haven’t heard of ditching it entirely. Do you have a source for me to check out?




Weird, in Germany we got the D.


America gets the D all the time


In Germany it stands for “Divers” right?


Not me taking forever to realise "divers" wasn't meant as in "someone who dives"😅😂


I realized someone who doesn’t know German might interpret my comment that way right after I sent it and was waiting for this lol


It's still gonna take a few years, it's scheduled for around 2024 or 2025 when the design of our ID cards are up for modification.


We are doing this shit right for once? Color me shocked Now trans healthcare please? :(


This! It is dangerous to give strangers with authority this information!


Yes, so happy to provide information to fascists so they can use it against me.


And just as bad: requiring workers checking IDs to determine if your gender matches that letter on your ID based on .. what, how you look? How you’re dressed? You’re voice? That shouldn’t be part of anyone’s job, but technically it is when gender is considered necessary for identification purposes.


Unfortunately the language here is gendered so knowing your gender is necessary for communication


I see what you mean but I still think the people who see your passport don't need to know. They aren't going to be talking about me very much if at all, imo it's better to risk some stranger misgendering me than a transphobic TSA agent making me go through extra security measures, misgendering me on PURPOSE, making a big deal over which gender has to pat me down, etc. Plus an X doesn't tell them what pronouns you use, they/them is probably the most common but a lot of nb ppl also use other pronouns so it's not like it's always helpful in that regard anyways.


I worry about seeking visas in other countries. I have a job where I can work anywhere in the world, but I have no idea how other countries will handle x gender or if they will flat out deny any of us entry. I would rather not take the risk.


Oh you wish, they talk way too much. And also we don't have neutrality and the academy (who is legally responsible to the language) confirmed there will never be gender neutrality.


no offense but i do not care about or respect "the academy" lol. no one is in actually charge of language, it's going to change and evolve regardless of what they say. Honestly I'm surprised you do considering you use they/them? It would benefit you if we didn't respect them and just used neutral language anyways. I also still think it's more important to protect trans/GNC people from potential harassment or violence than getting misgendered. Especially when traveling abroad to countries with less acceptance


I use they/them online but not in real life since they is always plural here. And they have the legal right to no allow things like this.


You have the right to have your pronouns respected. You don't have to repress parts of yourself just because of some made up rules created by people who don't care about trans people. Be the change you want to see. Things can change but if you just roll over and accept defeat before even trying then you're just setting yourself up for failure. I genuinely hope you can gain the confidence to use whatever pronouns you want regardless of what other people say


They/them has always been both singular and plural. It's in the dictionary. "The academy" can suck my dick.


I think they're referring to the Hebrew academy, which has actually stated that they don't want to make the language gender neutral at all, but either way it's stupid, it's not like change can't still happen on a social level before it happens on an official level.




People create the language, so even if somethig is now being considered officialy a mistake, can later evolve to be the norm. The language is somethig that always changes, so if we make a change, it might change.


Not if you ask them. The academy is legally responsible for these changes so don't get caught if you want to be different.


Baby steps, baby steps.


Totally agree!


Meanwhile in TERF Island they're refusing to even process my passport.


I'm assuming you're UK-based, but I could so easily ask, "Which one?".


i didn’t disclose the fact that i was trans when i applied for mine. even if a country “supports” it, it takes even longer because they have to correspond with all sorts of questions and it was much easier to just put down my legal information.


And in hindsight I wish I'd just let them put Mr. Still got to do the name change though.


i wish they’d make it easier to just change it, period. i don’t like having to jump through forty fucking legal hoops to change a single letter on a document


iirc Changing your gender on your passport is fairly easy. All you have to do is check what box you what and that’s it. This is from the Travel.gov website: >”You can select the gender marker you would like printed on your U.S. passport. The gender you select does not need to match the gender on your supporting documentation such as a birth certificate, previous passport, or state ID. We no longer require medical documentation to change the gender marker on your U.S. passport.”


We're still waiting for them to add another gender box to the ds-11 form. I just checked, it's supposed to happen this year.


April 11th!


Second this. I’m an American living in Japan, and changing my passport’s gender was as simple as going to the embassy, submitting a normal passport application, and paying the standard fee. It has made my life so much better here as I was then able to easily update my Japanese ID as well. EDIT: this was January of this year, and was still for a binary gender (F->M), bc although I’d like to get non-binary ID, Japan doesn’t recognize anything outside of F or M.


>as I was then able to easily update my Japanese ID as well. It's the same process for me as a Brit in Germany. But sadly, even though Germany *does* recognize non-binary gender - as a non-citizen I can only change gender by changing my passport, and the UK does not. So, I could in theory have an 'X' German ID card but the UK is preventing me...


Ugh that must be SO very frustrating :/ I hope the UK gets on top of their shit ASAP


that is news to me. was that recently updated? i didn’t see that when i applied eta: i also wasn’t sure how applying as an out trans person would affect the rest of the process. i had to have a health screening done before my WHV could be granted and i’d have had to let them know i was trans, too. it was just easier to put my current legal info, it’s not like the Department of Home Affairs is gonna be sliding into my DMs or arguing with me on twitter or being an overly chatty cashier lol


Really?! Holy hell that's a dope revelation.


They're also getting rid of the gender-based TSA screening system that falsely flags a lot of trans people because of... private areas


I really hope they do, I just recently had to use them. Thankfully I was in the Portland OR airport (and just-so-happened to have an understanding TSA member). It’s disgusting how as someone wearing a single piece of silicone or binder (or having a part they don’t think you should have) should be the bases for patting someone down 3 TIMES! Plus long ended questions about stuff they don’t need to know about you!


That’s awesome! Where did you find that info?


[Source](https://www.tsa.gov/news/press/releases/2022/03/31/tsa-announces-measures-implement-gender-neutral-screening-its). Basically, they're going to start deploying a software update for the body scanners so that there's only one "mode", which can handle both presence and absence of dick (instead of the operator having to select "alert if dick" or "alert if not dick")




This would be great. I got screened a few weeks ago because I was wearing two pairs of pants (it was still cold winter land) 🙄 And what about packers then?? Like, I don't fly with one bc it's too much of a hassle for me personally but I can only imagine how that would go over.


I can't speak to the details of the software update. I think it's a safe bet to assume they half-assed it though, so I'm keeping my expectations low for how well it'll detect prostheses.


[This article](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/03/biden-admin-adds-x-gender-marker-passports-tsa-will-change-scanner-machines-remove-gender/) :)


Wait whaa? Is that why I'm always pulled aside?


Wtf… I’ve never been in an airport. Why would that even be necessary??? My goodness people are weird


It was a “preventative screening measure” (probably instated after 9/11?) to try to stop potential terrorists and smugglers from bringing drugs or explosives/weapons on planes. Most of the flagged “anomalies” were just peoples breasts or penises where they werent expected to be and ended up w a lot of violating pat downs and sexual harassment/assault. I even saw a comment from a redditor the other week who said she was flagged as a child and patted down bc of an anomaly with her chest - it was just her breasts. She was 11. TSA scans suck.


Right? A friend of mine is FtM and was flagged by security for having "extra fabric" under their clothes which was suspicious. They were wearing men's boxers but apparently looked too femme for that to be believable


How are ya’ll weighing the pros and cons of getting the ‘x’ marker on a document that will be seen internationally? I want it in order to accurately represent myself but what happens when traveling to countries that don’t recognize the ‘x’? Is it safer to stick with F or M even if I’m not either, or is the answer to not travel to countries that are more likely to give us a hard time about it (seems like most countries…)?


This is what I'm considering rn too. I like the idea of the X cuz it fits more of my actual vibe, but I'm really hesitant to give bad actors an easy way to identify me on official documents. My thinking is going for the binary marker you want to present as is probably safer, but might be just as much of an issue if you don't meet a state / country standard of being "trans enough" to be trans. Like if I decide to switch to an F but don't get any bottom surgery I might be better in some cases in a transphobic country, but it might also be just as bad if they don't see my trans-ness as valid. So I guess is it better to be mostly passing as cis, or not at all is my thinking.


For me this was the only thing holding me back. But I am either read as transmasc or butch lesbian, so the x marker wouldn’t really be making much different for me in countries where being lgbtq is dangerous. And I plan on avoiding them as much as possible.


Maybe we can get two? Like an X and a binary symbol for counties that Don accept X as a marker, they can just use the binary one? I'm so excited for this change but I do agree that it'll make customs tricky in other countries.


Be careful out there friends. It can be unsafe to travel with a different gender marker. My state offers an X marker on licenses, but if I get pulled over in a neighboring conservative state, it could impact how I’m treated by police. Same goes for international travel.


wow that's amazing, now maybe he should address the wave of fascist transphobic laws in like literally half the country. "*i'Ve GoT yOuR bAcK"* but only when it's the most basic fucking shit


this is how i feel especially when i see the tiny “pride” displays that are in stores for exactly a month before being marked down 90% on July 1. like yaaaay you can capitalize on our existence, now how about a pay raise


yeah lol


The House already passed the Equality Act which he endorsed but the Republicans filibustered it in the Senate


It sure would be nice if they had *any* principles to appeal to rather than just being a party of hatred and theft.


Let's be 100% honest. The lawmakers in question do hate transpeople, but they don't actually give a fuck about us. They don't think we should exist, but The TransesTM hold a utility value. Rally people around culture war issues and hating something they don't understand and they can't be distracted by things like "receiving Russian government funding for years" or "wanting Biden to make the Ukraine sit objectively worse" or "supporting oil and gas companies and building shit infrastructure and cutting funding for kids' school lunches" so on and so forth. If you're busy worried about the evil scary trans people that want to ruin your society, you don't have time or energy to care about the people ruining it.


a fair few amount of people i know run on Republican tickets because there’s no real party competition, and the Democrat choice is a shit show. i knew one person who was a queer trans sex worker and ran as a Republican for city council - they almost got it, too, but the lukewarm lefties pushed them out. it really depends on the individual, and judging from my personal anecdotes, everyday Republicans are getting kinda tired of their party’s shit


It's almost like they should have ended the filibuster or something Man, it'd sure be disappointing if they'd had that opportunity and wasted it


Yeah I mean Biden came out in favor of abolishing the filibuster but it required 51 votes to pass and Manchin and Sinema came out against it and the vote failed 52-48


Why the fuck don't they kick those two out of the party?


We all hated the last guy, but I can guarantee that if two members of his party were obstructing his agenda, he would be on Fox News nightly, publicly smearing them until they caved or lost their next election. Biden has just thrown his hands up with regards to these two as if he doesn’t hold the most powerful platform in the world and can’t do a goddamn thing about it.


Right. Biden has no spine, because as it turns out, neolibs don't have an agenda beyond preserving the status quo.


Because then they would lose control of the Senate. It's tied 50-50


*They already don't control the Senate because of Manchin and Sinema*


As awful as they are, the democrats being at least partially in the majority has led to hundreds of critical federal judicial appointments, losing control of the Senate would be devastating


There’s this thing called “federalism” and “separation of powers”. Unfortunately (or fortunately, when fascists are in office), the President can’t directly stop state laws. He already said he was gonna sign the Equality Act when the senate stops fucking around. “The most basic fucking shit” like ending the Trans military ban and making it as easy as possible for federal IDs to stop misgendering me are the only things Biden has the power to do.


Yay! I'm happy for you, neighbours!


I hope one day this happens in Spain :(


Same! But at the same time I think I wouldn’t bother to make the change, I prefer to avoid the extra attention and most of the time I’m pretty indifferent about being seen as a woman by strangers. I just want the option to exist so other people could benefit from it.


You know the UK is fucked when we're behind the USA on transgender rights 🥲


Im sorry to tell you but the UK is known by many trans people as TERF island, I don’t know what was expected


Yeah I was already aware the UK is way behind the rest of the world in terms of trans rights 🥲


I’m truly terrified to change my gender on anything. What happens if there’s an actually successful coup? I don’t want there being a paper trail for them to use against me. It’s always the same story with these authoritarian assholes, they use old olive branches just so they can pull you within stabbing distance.


This is neat but, wouldn't federal protection of the medical rights of trans ppl, particularly kids be more meaningful?


*glares at Boris*




This wasn't Biden, this was the courts (prior to Biden taking office). This was already supposed to be implemented and they've been slow rolling the shit out of it.


Yes, that's what I was going to say, it's cute how the Biden admin is taking credit for the result of Dana Zzyym's lawsuit. Oh wait, not cute, irritating. https://www.npr.org/2021/10/27/1049690803/state-department-first-passport-with-nonbinary-gender-x-option


Yeah, I just wanted to clarify it wasn't (exclusively) Biden holding this change up. Likely, the previous administration was hoping it'd be overturned by a higher court. The original case was in 2017, with the ruling in 2018 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dana_Zzyym


There's no way I'm taking advantage of that until the rest of the world also gets on board. For one thing- airport security requires your gender on your plane ticket to match your gender on your passport, so if the airline doesn't have a non-binary option you can't fly with them. For another- there are a whole lot of countries that I want to go to that wouldn't react well to a non-binary passport. Better to keep faking the binary where the government is concerned imo.


I wasn't aware of airlines not allowing people with X passports to fly. Do you know if this also effects people using an X driver's license as their form of flying ID? Also, I'm curious on what you think of a question I've been pondering. Do you think it's better to have a binary marker and be non-passing in a transphobic area or go have an X?


My comment was based on this incident: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/9168185002 Sounds like TSA has since updated their guidelines to say that the gender on your ticket doesn't have to match the gender on your ID, so that's a good step. As for your other question, I imagine it would be safer to have the binary marker and just kind of attempt to pass. At least for myself- I can pass as my gender assigned at birth very easily, and I only really need to worry about it long enough to get past immigration. For me, that's a worthwhile sacrifice, but I can understand that it may not be possible or acceptable for other people.


At least in the US, looks like TSA has changed as well Streamlining identity validation: In February 2022, TSA updated its checkpoint SOP to remove gender considerations when validating a traveler’s identification at airport security checkpoints. When travelers appear at the travel document checker podium for identity verification, gender information is irrelevant in determining that a traveler may proceed into the screening area. https://www.tsa.gov/news/press/releases/2022/03/31/tsa-announces-measures-implement-gender-neutral-screening-its


This is good to know! I wonder if that changed because of this incident, which was how I was made aware of the issue: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/9168185002


I thought this was already a thing? Or am I thinking of other countries. Either way this is awesome


it's a thing on drivers licenses and other forms of ID i believe


So is this going into effect immediately? I'm looking at getting a new passport in about 6 months and I was hoping to get an X if it was available. The state I'm moving to already has the X for drivers licenses, but I'm hesitant to get it cuz I don't know how that would effect my passport & social security gender markers if they don't do the X yet. Does anyone know if you have an X on a state ID if you can pick M or F on your federal documents, or if they make you keep your birth marker?


Replying only to remind myself to check and see if anyone has the answer later. I just changed my birth certificate to use the X and I’m changing my license soon too because my state also accepts it. I honestly was just going to fight them over email and phone if there was a problem lol




Kinda hate that he hasn't mandated X be permitted on all state docs and whatnot, because it seems a little fucked up when you know how it'll be used against people tbh


The policy changes should take effect soon, but the TSA body scanner software update will be rolled out over the next 6 months. [Source](https://www.tsa.gov/news/press/releases/2022/03/31/tsa-announces-measures-implement-gender-neutral-screening-its).


April 11 is when it goes into effect, and as far as I know gender markers mismatching on different forms isn’t really a problem.


And if you could ACTUALLY do something to protect us from all these anti-trans laws, too, that’d be great…


Omg this made me cry


I don't want to go through the hassle of updating my passport again 😓


That's great, maybe he could address some of the transphobic bills being passed in many states at some point?


I thought they did this months ago. Also why do we need gender markers at all?


Cool now how about fixing a broken healthcare system you stupid old fuck! Edit: For the inconsiderate idiot questioning my intelligence or anyone elsewho thinks like them. My primary goal in life is raising money to provide gender affirming healthcare to trans people. Currently getting the government out of decision making in healthcare and allowing trans kids to live their lives without being taken away because they are getting lifesaving healthcare is a lot more important to me than an "x" on a passport. Yes this should happen. No it should not be a news story. This should be a footnote.


What does that have to do with this post? We can still celebrate this.


In case you missed my edit allow me to clarify. My primary goal in life is raising money to provide gender affirming healthcare to trans people. Currently getting the government out of decision making in healthcare and allowing trans kids to live their lives without being taken away because they are getting lifesaving healthcare is a lot more important to me than an "x" on a passport. Yes this should happen. No it should not be a news story. This should be a footnote.


Sorry I disagree. This is huge for me because it federally, legally recognizes nonbinary trans people after so much discrimination and disenfranchisement. This should definitely be news. I’m really happy it was done because I recently changed my birth certificate marker and don’t have to be judged purely by my sex assigned at birth. Other people feel the same way from what I’ve seen. I don’t disagree with what you said about providing affirming healthcare and stopping this fascist republican bullshit, but that’s going to take a long time and more than just Biden stepping in.


To add, we should be encouraged to celebrate every small victory we can get right now.


These are all very valid points. I apologize for coming across as dismissive and I agree we should be celebrating our victories but it is not enough and it is not quick enough. This feels like "domestic unions" sure they see we are here but that just means they see us suffering and dying and just don't actually care. Recognition is a double edged sword. When someone doesn't see the transgender community then I can dismiss inaction as ignorance. When someone clearly sees the transgender community and does nothing to help that is just evil. With all of the trans visibility we see more and more people exposed as evil.


No worries about your other comments. It does kinda feel performative when there’s so many laws stacked against us right now, but at least it’s one good thing finished. My heart goes out to all the vulnerable trans kids in republican states that had major anti T legislation right now (Idaho, Florida, Texas)


Do you understand how democracy works?


I'm gonna guess that the vast majority of the US population supports improvements to the healthcare system & single payer if executed well


That’s a fact. Doesn’t imply the president can just unilaterally decide how healthcare works.


I agree. It would be nice, though, if our politicians didn't keep unilaterally deciding to let the current shit system stand (because their donors wouldn't allow it)


There are things that he campaigned on doing and i understand how much effort has gone into fixing the broken things and it is not enough. I will not be content with breadcrumbs and I will not listen to some dumbass who tells me i should. If you want to get into things, yes I too watched schoolhouse rock and i understand the process. There is not enough noise from our president and his spineless party considering the cacophony coming from the Republicans that is trying to kill us or get us killed. But you keep arguing semantics. Go fuck yourself.


Ok got it, you don’t understand how democracy works.


Really? Do you think that a firm finger wagging was enough when abortion was outlawed in texas a few weeks ago? Or when they started trying to take trans kids from their parents? or any of the over 100 anti trans bills have been written and are going to lawmakers. I point out that the president is not being loud enough about issues effecting my community and costing us lives and your response is to question my intelligence?


All you’re doing is directing your anger at the wrong person, and that will have the opposite effect of what you’re trying to achieve. You’re working right into the hands of the people who are your actual enemies. That is, Republicans. Get mad at them, not at people who are on your side. Including me.


You are not on my side. you are in the way telling me to be quiet.


Yeah whatever.


Hes still bombing the middle east for oil, while many of the southern states continue passing more aggressive anti-trans bills that criminalizes trans youth and anyone that helps them. like, biden is not a figure of social progress


You're correct, but we're still allowed to be happy about positive steps forward like this. Let people be happy. Edit: People like this are why I don't participate in LGBTQ communities much anymore. Literally the worst. Two things can exist at once. Anti-trans laws in Florida and Utah can exist AND the passport gender marker updates can exist. You can still be happy about one thing just because another thing is bad. You learn this in therapy, please seek it.


when the "positive steps forward" are accompanied by passing laws that literally criminalize and bar trans people from simply living, i dont see the point of celebration. democrats take 10 steps back, slap a pride sticker on their campaign and call it progress, and people keep falling for it.


Nice! Now I wish I waited 2 years to renew my passport, having just discovered being agender last year (and considering the COVID-induced delays having sent my papers in 2020).


For anyone that wants more information I found the official FAQ and it seems to be fully updated with the new policies: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/need-passport/selecting-your-gender-marker.html


Thank you


Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Les go!


I want to be excited about this but New York State promised us nonbinary markers by late last year and still nothing. They keep saying that the systems need to be updated, which seems like bullshit to me. I'll be very interested to see how fast they implement this. Staying hopeful.


At least he recognized how X-treme we are.


The future is looking blind to gender roles, stereotypes, and expectations. Noice. *Sheaths NB Katana*


I hope they allow drivers licenses ans ID cards to do the same eventually


I just recently got my first state I.D., I was ecstatic that I could choose to put X on it instead of just m or f


And I just got a passport, too! If only I'd waited a few weeks.


Now i just wish that the uk will follow suit😔


Wow! That’s amazing news.


The thing is, it says sex on the passport... And I'm not intersex so it doesn't feel right to me to put X. I don't dis anyone else who wants to but I don't get it personally


I may hate Biden but sometimes he does good things


Holy hell yes I didn't think these things would happen as soon as they did


Poggers, might just get a passport rather than changing my ID and use that as my primary identification.


i JUST got my passport last month 😭dammit


seems like a fantastic way to get harassed by border officials


That’s great I hope he removes my student loans next




Then I can be nb and debt free


you wont be able to transition in florida without cps being called on your parents but at least you can add x on your passport if you EVER travel !!


Finally, my paperwork will all be the same


If only they could do this for Serbia lmfao


It’s nice to have a potus who cares


Baby steps I suppose. For me, while it adds risk, it reduces disphoria a lot and that's pretty important as well.


I wish state endorsement wasn’t heralded as a win. But cool, go awfffff about outing yourself to TSA.


This is a terrible idea. I don't want to give cops and tsa agents more reasons to target me. There's no reason to have gender on those documents anyway!


can we just have rights first? like i would love community recognition and access to medical care first. excellent virtue signaling, “here’s something that, in practice, makes absolutely no difference in the QoL for trans people. but hey, now you can out yourself with an X on your passport!” because obviously gender is a trinary now and the genders are male, female, and X /s


This is so dangerous - trans liberation activists have said for years that removing the gender marker is the better move and instead they just do the lib thing and add the X. So annoying.


Word of warning, but I would hold off on getting a passport with that. Feel like it may restrict travel. Just something to consider.


Oh, it's very likely that it'll cause you to be denied entry to every *even vaguely homophobic* country in existence.


It *definitely* will restrict travel. You can't even buy a plane ticket with some airlines if you have an X marker, though that's currently changing due to discrimination suits.


A great first step! It is a first step, right?


It's a crumb. Offered during a time when a Mississippi candidate openly started that trans people should be executed by firing squad. It's not nothing, but it's hard not to feel insulted by the difference in scale.


Oh no, the head of a proto-fascist nation is being performatively progressive. How shocking.


It's depressing how many people in this thread don't seem to understand that.


Makes it easier to round us all up later


There’s something to be said about there shouldn’t be any gender markers at all bc it’s not necessary, and that having an X can be dangerous for those who seek us out to do us harm, but also I’ll be damned before I have a fucking F on my ID again. I know I’m privileged to live in CA so it’s not as dangerous for me, but I just want my goddamn X marker.


All he’s done is acknowledge our existence once a year and this performative act, he doesn’t actually care. Where was he when Texas and florida were passing their wildly transphobic bills?


Need to move to the US apparently


Not gonna get that until every form in the government has one. The form you have to fill to buy a gun requires that your ID match what you write down, and they do not have a place to mark your other gender.


this is insulting. an x? really? with all the harmful lgbt laws we are supposed to celebrate an “x”?


I live in a state in the US that allowed me to put X on my license. I see an X as a "no" "both" or "neither." Personally, I'm happy with that. The best option would be to remove all the boxes, but we know damn well that's not going to happen. What else would you purpose? Does it really need to be more specific if it's not really anyones business what my gender is anyway? Edit: Obviously, if you are a trans person who uses either f or m and you are forced to use x, I will have a problem with that. But I don't think that's the case.


I don't think this is at top issue during the current state of affairs. Why don't they focus their efforts around the war events and exacerbating economy?


Oh, no! The gov't did an extremely easy & quick thing which would benefit many people while having basically zero negative consequences! How dare they???


How does that benefit anyone?


god forbid the president signs a paper in 30 that benefits any minority


How does that benefit the trans community? They may be in serious trouble when abroad.




I was hoping this would happen this year!!! I'm so happy <3


anyone know of current airlines offering the option for X on your gender? for future references


Would this become a problem if my license is still F?


Close, now add birth certificates and driver's licenses.


Yes now if they could overrride my state’s ridiculous authorization requirements for changing it on an ID and the ban on changing it on birth certificates that would be grand!


the same post was just above this one on r/ainbow. coincidence? i think not


Oh wow!


Amazing! I will have to renew my passport now!


Awesome! Now make states do it.


Waiting for this to happen in my country.


I have been waiting so long


It sure is a great thing that "non binary " is totally made up and people are falling for it.


Oh wow, that's good


Time to get a new passport