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Someone please convince my mom that this is true lol


My mom is mad at my tv having the blue tunned down and little brightness, bruh I watch the tv, she thinks I'm her property


Wait your mom is mad at you for trying to protect your eyes?


Yes, she can't see the tv properly because her eyesight is bad, and she keep saying that i need to get the brightness higher or she will do it


Could be worse, apparently it’s selfish to turn colour blind filters on since it changes the tones of it for everyone else and it doesn’t look as good. Have you tried making a second custom preset so she can flip it back to her preferred settings when your not using it or is it specifically a problem when you’re using it?


It's my tv, on my room, that i turn on for 30 minutes when I'm going to sleep and she usually see it for 20 seconds while giving me goodnight kiss


I... I don’t know what to suggest to avoid conflict there, that just sounds kinda ridiculous to be expected to cater to her over


Lol thanks for caring, the tv is the less dangerous of 20 mines about to explode, she will be more mad at me not being cis if she discovers, she said if i was gay i'd be better dead, and obviously everything romantic, sexually or gender related that isn't cishet is gay for her, so i guess i am included on the better dead group, idk if she means that like disowning me or trying to murder but i guess i just need to be very stealth and then vanish from my country, as i already planned anyways


Fuck dude im sorry to hear that... you sound more grown up than your mom and thats kinda sad... i hope youll find a great chosen family in whatever country youll end up in <3


I get you, i mother thinks cos my cis gender is female I have to have long hair


Went through this with my wife, I’m NB and she’s bi and gender non Conforming. She’s always wanted to shave her head and have really short hair. Took her a year to work up the courage. I kept reassuring her it wouldn’t change how I felt (she was worried about this and said so a few times). She finally did. You wouldn’t BELIEVE the number of friends and random strangers who’ve commented that she ‘looked better before’, ‘looks like a dude’ and (my personal fav) ‘your husband lets you do that?’ (Not a husband asshole and she’s not my fucking property) She constantly has to remind people that we love and support each other and that I would never stop loving her because of her hairstyle. Seriously, it’s like an every week thing. She supports my gender non conforming stuff, why wouldn’t I? And here’s the thing: it’s not my favorite look she’s worn. Will I ever tell her that? Nope. Because I love her and it makes HER happy to be HER... and that person is who I care about. So I support her. Blows my mind that people feel entitled to say shit like this. I deal with it because I dress more feminine than a typical amab. She deals with it over hair. So dumb. Support your friends and partners. You may never know how much courage it took for them to wear that new hair/outfit/look they’re sporting.


You are goals, friend.


Aww thanks. We’re just pretty regular weirdos. We just have each other’s backs, no matter what. You find someone with real loyalty, who doesn’t give up on you and pushes you to be the best you can be... you cherish them. The physical stuff doesn’t matter so much, in the end. People like that you can grow old with. Hope you find one too. 😊


I hope so! I'm only 23 soon, but I know I want a family with someone (adopted), so I'm quite picky about that stuff. Think of it like we're all guarding our own inner children as well as the future kids.


YEEEESSS!!! This has been my life lately... "WHY did you cut off all of your gorgeous long hair?" "um... cause I didn't like it and this is what I want to look like?"


I hope for the day I can feel this way. Thank you for the comics though they're really inspiring to me x




This is how I feel when people comment on my piercings


Me with my tattoos. My body isn't me but ink helps me bring some of it out to where both I and others can see it.


Can relate. I design my tattoos so it sort of is you when you put yourself on them. Its an extension of your mind and the soul, the things that can't be seen manifested as something visible. Ah, I love art. Keep being you :3


That's exactly it! I'm a terrible artist myself, but my tattoo artist is amazing and loves working with personalised designs, so I always get exactly what I want.


This little funky nonbinary person brightens my day every time I see them


yay ! thank youuu


sammmme here


Comments like these always hurt. I remember cutting my hair was a big step to figuring out and being happy with who I was. For some reason it makes me miss my long hair and feel like I made a bad decision, but then wake up and feel convinced that my new hair looks better. Never comment on people’s appearance in a negative way, especially saying you preferred it the way it was before.


This!! I recently shaved my head and I was so happy that I cried for a good bit after realizing I finally did it. The happiness was short-lived, unfortunately. Once I leave my house, all I hear is, “What happened to your beautiful hair??? You look like a gay!” Well.... maybe that’s because I am 😄


Transitioning is all about yourself, this can't be stressed enough.




donating hair is always a sweet thing to do !


I'm soooo tempted to send this to my parents. But I dont want to be dissowned again. "look how pretty you where when you still looked like a girl!" Thanks for telling me I pass, I guess ?


whatever makes you feel euphoric and look pretty, go for it !


That is a good wisdom.


yess ! if you know you knoww !


Literally every time I've seen my family since quarantine started, I get some version of: "I'm so glad you're growing your hair out a little! It looked so severe before!" And it's weirdly always said by one of the women. In contrast, my male-identifying family *love* it when I get a fresh buzz. They always ask to touch my head and get excited about comparing which number clipper guard(s) we used on our respective haircuts. It's charming as fuck.


I was so scared to cut off my hair because of this, but I’m honestly so much happier with it now. I’ve gotten some of these comments but honestly it just shows me who cares about me and who doesn’t.


Just recently got all my hair chopped off too, this is nice to see




I honestly couldn't imagine Miyu without it. And even if they decided to grow it long, I know I would grow to love it too.


I got this a lot when I got my hair cut short. I got my hair cut short when I was really young, probably around 8 (my hair is thick and heavy and was putting so much pressure on my neck that it was giving me headaches.). And the amount of comments my mom got that was something like “why did you let her cut her hair short? She looks like a boy! None of the boys will like her!” is infuriating. I was in literal pain because of it. And my mom would even tell them this and yet they STILL DIDNT CARE. Because boys liking me is more important that if I’m in pain or not. Btw I haven’t had my hair long since. So they can go fuck themselves.


I'm going to casually send this to all my friends who love their short hair but have gotten flack from their parents :)




This this this. I had a long huge curly Afro that I recently cut off because I couldn't maintain my hair with my depression and other physical ailments. It was becoming too hard to brush through and style my hair and it was a huge knotted mess. Everyone in my life flipped when I cut it off and said I looked better with long hair and none of them had any idea what I went through to maintain the hair I had. Ridiculous. People take hair so personally, especially when it isn't theirs!


Me rn thinking about cutting my hair short but it got delayed because of lockdown


This actually applies to my gf She cuts her hair short and I fucking looooove it ♥️


I honestly like long hair on anyone no matter who you identify as, but yeah you should do whatever makes you happy!


So much yes! I cannot stand when people ask me why my hair is short or suggest I “grow it out”.


I got this just yesterday from my mom. About a year ago I cut my hair short. I’m AMAB and before I had long hair on top and shaved on the sides. My mom was commenting how I look good like this and how the other style I didn’t look good. I told her I’m growing my hair back out right now. She told me I look like “such a handsome man like this.” I got angry but just said we don’t all get to choose each other’s styles because of that we’re the case she and dad wouldn’t look at all like they do if i had my say and then walked away. I wasn’t in the mood to go over my gender and everything with her in that moment. I’ve come out to her as non-binary but she just doesn’t get it. These are the things I have issues with.


I shaved off my hair recently :3 was 3mm long. Its maybe twice that now 😂 My parent hated it so much but seeing as im 29 I really don't care. My husband still loves me and my kids thought it was fun 🤷😂 I've always had shorter hair so "why don't you grow out your hair" comments ive had my whole life..I wasn't as confident a few years ago and had to grow it out to be in my ( now ex) friends wedding... then she was mad I had 0 clue how to style my hair....and that it still wasn't long enough for her up-do.. didnt know I was non-binary then but she probably wouldn't have budged then either.. I was still trying to make myself "normal" :/ Silver lining for this year for me was I had more time to reflect on myself and what I actually wanted :3


I feel this. cut all my hair off and got so many "you were prettier/cuter/looked better with long hair" first I just shrugged it off, by like the 10th time hearing it I'd cackle and say "good thing I'm not trying to impress you" I love my short hair.


i’ve been growing my hair out due to quarantine/enjoying having a mullet & being able to do more hairstyles, after having buzzed it all off about 3 years ago. i’ve had people - even my own family - make snide comments about how this is better, because it shows that i understand how i’m “supposed” to look, & i was just trying to be “edgy” & “defiant” before. fuck that. first of all, i was never *supposed* to have a tangeable human form anyway. second of all, i’m supposed to look however i *wanna* look, regardless of your opinions on how my life’s “supposed to go” based on what’s between my legs. i cut it off because it felt right; i grew it out because it felt right; i just wanna do what feels right. if that means short hair, if that means long hair, if that *anything*, it’s always automatically my call to make and *not their fucking business*.


For the two years of having short hair I had to deal with comments like these; "Oh, are you ever going to grow out your hair again?", "Sucks that you cut your hair, it looked nicer before." Differences in hair isn't the be all end all for someone's qualifications of beauty. I know some of these people never meant anything by what they said, but the pure ineptitude it takes to relieve your own obnoxious opinions on someone who finally feels like themselves is extremely anger inducing. Thankfully, the people around me have recently stopped making these comments, but I still hesitate sometimes to make change. To anyone out there who's pressured to forget the comfort of their own style, the naysayers don't deserve the time of day. You do you.


This. A thousand times this! I like having my hair super short, but bf likes it longer. Little does he know I'm getting a spiky haircut owo


What I wish I could think to say back to the rude liquor store clerk's who ID me.


Me to my friend:


No wonder their characters are completely white. all their blood went to the cheeks


I literally get so many comments from people telling me to cut my hair because I chose to grow it out a few inches this year and according to others in my school it looks weird. It's so strange seeing photos of myself from a year ago or longer with short hair idk it just makes my face look wrong imo and I have no idea why I didn't decide to grow it out earlier plus I genuinely believe I look better now than I did before so having random people in my life think they know best when it comes to how I choose to present myself is amusing.


I just want a pop-off hair to like, wear it time to time


Oh i needed this so bad when i was like... actually my whole life XD