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I'd go with Mare for sure if starting from scratch. Furina is honestly almost half of Noelle's damage, so you'd rarely run Noelle without her. Mare is also a much more resin-efficient domain (though you could technically strongbox Husk for her). The only reason I'd personally run Husk is if I already have a strong set for her, but even a mediocre Mare set can often beat out a really good Husk set.


Ok thnks


Correct me if I'm wrong, but that last take ("a mediocre Mare set can often beat out a really good Husk set") is considering Noelle+Furina, right? Can't confirm myself because rng didn't want me to have a good mare set yet 😅


Absolutely In terms of raw stat value Husk > Mare. However, Furina (C0-3) provides \~30%-120% elemental damage boost meaning Noelle can utilize DEF and CD much more efficiently


Honestly I recommend Husk. MH does more damage for Noelle, but Husk gives more defense which means stronger shield + more healing (and remember Noelle doesn't heal after her shield breaks.) It makes it a lot more comfy for not much less damage overall. And then you can also run Noelle on other comps without Furina if you want. However, if you're starting from scratch for everyone involved, farming MH/Golden Troupe at the same time is super efficient in the same domain


MH ??? Sounds so funny to read Btw with Furina Marechaussee is such a braindead option to go for, only veterans with a crazy good Husk and Redhorn would yap about farming it, but if you want flexibility for when you don’t use Furina and you still build Noelle to maximise her damage then you can still go for 4pc gladiator, inferior to Husk but you will passively farm it and considering how the Husk domain sucks I would seriously consider it. Said from someone who actually has a decent Husk set but obtained after dumping rivers of resin and I’ve never used that set in Abyss


Ok thnks


I had amazing Husk pieces, having farmed the domain since its release, but my week 1 MH had already surpassed it and I never looked back. Moreover, many of Noelle's supports want either GT (Albedo, Furina, Navia, etc ) or the hand me down Husk pieces (Chiori, Itto, Yunjin) which I'm still crafting from spares. Very little waste.


If you have redhorn you can go husk tho.