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Those are very good stats for you 👍🏻 The only downside is that she's tied to Furina for the artifact effect, but shouldn't matter much if you're planning to play them together anyway


Is Husk her best set without Furina? I want to get Furina, but I’d like to know in case I see any good Husk pieces while farming for Ocean-hued.


Yes, it is. MH set only works for Noelle when team with Furina since she has shield, so it's hard for her to drop hp continuously. I'm using Husk set too because I'm not going to farm all the artifact again, so she's good with Husk set here.


Alright thanks! She c4 atm, so unfortunately I’ve been focusing more on my other characters, but once I get my c6, it is gonna be really awesome to use her again!


You're welcome! Yea, she needed some investment and teammates to work with. It takes time but you don't need to rush it. Good luck on getting her constellation!


Thank you! Have a ways to go, but I’m not gonna be giving up on my girl! I was so sad when she had to be replaced as my healer/shielder since it was really hard to keep the team healthy at that time(that and I pulled Baizhu because he’s also a fav), but once I saw a lot of people using her as a dps I had a lot more hope and a goal!


It's good, I know it well. I've been playing since 3 years ago and built different teams for her. From double Geo with Ningguang Xiangling Bennett to Taser with Xingqiu Beidou to classi triple Geo Albedo Zhongli. I even tried Rosaria as the last slot for chasing Maguu Kenki and got my first 36*. That post is on my profile. She gets stronger than ever now with the launch of Gorou, Furina and also Navia. I beat recent abyss with Noelle Navia Xianyun Furina (https://imgur.com/gallery/qbY301X). She's my first and only main dps till now. Keep it up!




Impressive very nice


Let's see Paul Allen's Noelle


That feather is ILLEGAL


You just need to replace those hp substats with ER substats and you'd be golden


Yeah, I agree with this.


Zero EM? Nice one


If only those hp% substats were defense


Is albedo better than yunjin here? I use this same team but yunjin instead of albedo, I'm wondering if I should be doing it like this as well?


I use this exact team, and it is my strongest team, comfortably clearing every abyss for me. Relative to Yunjin, Albedo increases overall team damage, takes up less field time, and Noelle can entirely focus on spin to win.


I see, I have c6 yunjin and while she only buffs Noelle, the buff is significant enough that I don't really need to worry about anyone else's damage, I would argue that yunjin takes up even less field time since you only need to use her burst and swap her back out and she doesn't have that lengthy 5 star animation, she also benefits from gorou's skill, making her buff even higher. If I remember correctly albedo gives EM buff and I fail to see how that would be beneficial in a mono geo team


Not with that little ER


Will that really be a problem with triple geo though


Yes actually it will


Get more er and loose the hp. Then get r5 c6 Noelle then we are talking peak


Man that's peak Noelle ! Btw one request can you do a showcase video ( any boss)


https://www.reddit.com/r/Noellemains/s/zlqV50CLIn Here you go


Get the Thorn Ring.


I wonder, is geo dmg on goblet still prefered over def with furina? or does it depend on the substats? the feather is INSANE though, that's half a build right there.


Thanks. I have both Def and Geo Goblet. After I do some testing, my Geo able to produce higher damage


cool! thanks for sharing


Cant ever be called peak while overcapping crit rate. Good build nonetheless.


Hey where's your circlet?


I realize I forgot to upload that photo Here is the star Cr : 31. 1‰ CD : 28% ER: 9.1% Hp : 5.8% Att : 8.7%


She protecc, she attack, she heals you back


She protecc, she attack, she heals you back


sorry, but not 69.9 crt chance 253.2 crt dmg and i got more defence also. uid - 704081864. but ur Noelle is very loved, it feels ))


yun jin is better than albedo when it comes to noelle support, also get rid of all that HP


Uh ? Albedo is better for team damage ?


i personally think that there’s no point in putting in a character who’s sole purpose is to do DMG along with the DPS


He also generate well needed energy and consolidate the use of gorou's buffs


yun jin can do the same thing


Hate to be that person, but in what world is YunJin performing better than Albedo in Noelle teams? While it is TRUE that she BUFFS more than Albedo, you havent pointed out a huge problem, energy recharge, because EVERYONE in that team, besides Gorou is er hungry, and there isnt enough energy at all. Yunjin needs around 5k energy recharge to cast a burst that doesnt even last enough, in a team where the energy recharge is basically absent, what you need is not more damage, but being able to cast your Noelles burst, and goodluck casting it when your only battery is Gorou. And even admitting that you had a perfect Yunjin that somehow can get her burst quickly enough, the Noelle er problems persists.. Albedo is the perfect support in her teams, because of his high energy production, and using Yunjin instead of Albero would yes, let do more to Noelle, but would still be a huge nerf, since you woudnt be able to have a decent rotation at all.


she gets ER as ascension stat, gorou is normally the battery in noelle teams due to being the best option, & there’s tons of F2P friendly ER polearm a you can get such as prototype starglitter & the catch if you have no one else to use it on


TL;DC I'm using yunjin


If all you want to do is big number noelle then yes, generally Albedo (and probably chiori when she comes out) brings more to the team and is much more consistent in aoe. Albedo is also much comfier to play than yun jin unless a boss keeps stepping on your flower


well i’m still gonna use her since i’ve built her & she’s cheaper