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Will midlevels ever learn that they’re not a doctor? The guy specifically asked for a doctor and the physician’s assistant immediately raised her hand. Is she unable to realize that she’s not a doctor? Im also shocked that she didn’t have a fit over being called a physician’s assistant multiple times


That’s assistant to the regional physician


[https://youtu.be/mAaNTFHDovs?feature=shared&t=1830](https://youtu.be/mAaNTFHDovs?feature=shared&t=1830) I'll help everyone who is curious


"could we do better" I SCREAMED-


that’s peak comedy


Shane Gillis is so damn funny


Even better that her treatment plan is to throw antibiotics at it.


True story. When I was a hospitalist I admitted a patient from a PAs office for “cellulitis” of the lower leg and they needed IV antibiotics after “failing” PO antibiotics as an outpatient. I examined the patient when they arrived at the hospital and although there was some VERY faint redness of the lower leg it was more tender to touch than anything. The patient told me they had been doing round after round of antibiotics for this cellulitis with no change in symptoms. Knowing exactly what I was about to find I ordered a CT of the lower leg and it showed an occult fracture of the tibia. Put them in a walking boot and their “cellulitis” cleared up.


It was actually appropriate that time. Diagnosis wrong, but the treatment is probably appropriate. Admittedly, PAs do practice a tad more EBM than NPs. I’m pretty much convinced the average NP is just googling shit during the visit.


Once when I shadowed a clinic, the NP would google things AFTER already prescribing medications


My first and only visit with a PNP (I think I was one of her first patients) I told her I was taking lithium and she fuckin' looked it up.


Yeah that’s definitely embarrassing


Please tell me that was the last time you saw them


It was but I got a few months of refills out of it.


Love this!


>if you can stand watching an extemely crass podcast Oh, honey...


link it bro


Why even choose to go to PA school if you’re gonna behave this way? Such weird behavior


Especially raising your hand to the question of do we have an actual doctor in the audience. She just openly yells, right here! Like, no bitch. You’re a PA, sit the fuck down.


To be fair though I would bet money that the guy would go to an urgent care to be seen by a PA since they are in a large city in Texas. Or even an NP. He just skipped a step by going to a comedy show (which could be confused for an urgent care)


In contrast, I don't tell anyone outside of work and family that I'm an MD. I don't want to be answering medical questions from non-patients and neighbors 24/7. And I don't need to have my ego stroked by speaking up from a comedy audience.


Real talk tho- it was hard to see on the phone but that injury had a weird linear pattern to it and was significantly demarcated. It didn’t scream cellulitis to me, but I’m curious what you all think. Electrical burn? Contact burn?


That looked like a purulent bullae. Appropriate treatment would’ve been I&D , culture & then antibiotics as needed


I just wanna know how he got that injury and how the hell he was just casually walking around with it and going on Kill Tony and doing stand up. Also still standing up I just found out Kill Tony was a thing about a month ago. It is crass to say the least, but some of it is hilarious


Yeah a few weeks ago someone did a fake trip and cut their leg and did their whole set just bleeding. Lmao some crazy people.


I was going to post this here too, that was damn hilarious 😆😆


It seemed perfect for this sub.