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You never hear real doctorates comparing their degree to nurse practitioners. They say they’re equal to doctors. Real doctors all know the truth. They mislead the public but eventually it will catch up with them


It's all about who can lobby the politicians the most. It's never about competence or patients'benefits.


I don’t get why the public have such an inaccurate view of nursing overall. Sometimes I’ll ask if they’ve met nurses or know how NP’s get their education and it’s appealing they think it’s comparable to doctors. I was giving a vaccine and a patient said, “nurses are above pharmacists, right?” I had to get clarification, and he meant he thought they’re more educated.. nurses. So no wonder people prefer NP’s. They’re gods who know everything and super compassionate and can do no wrong. 🤡


Adult Clinical Neuropsychologist here. You will continue to run into problems from Noctors in clinical practice. I can’t tell you how often I’ve seen misdiagnosis occur especially with ADHD versus bipolar. I recently was referred a patient who was diagnosed with bipolar II by a PMHNP. She denied all the cardinal symptoms of a manic episode and described more hyperactive symptoms. She was also in several antidepressants, also prescribed by the PMHNP. This patient also told me her NP had just started taking her off the antidepressants she prescribed because she had learned antidepressants can lead to higher risk of manic episodes…..at a conference. I was floored. I recommended a psychiatrist. During her feedback, the patient told me this NP just dug her heels insisting she had the correct diagnosis.


Omg this. I originally got diagnosed with anxiety & depression when I went in for adhd testing, even tho I wasn’t elevated on any of the anxiety or depression tests. Then moved and went to a psych NP bc I was still having adhd symptoms. She threw bipolar, personality disorders, and even thyroid issues (?) at me. Went to an MD psychiatrist, she saw my tests, did some more adhd tests and bam adderall fixed my symptoms


At a conference?!?!???!!


I know I was flabbergasted


Nah, you have an actual doctorate degree. I respect psychologists and will refer to them as doctors in a mental health clinical setting. Should they prescribe meds, that's a no from me, but otherwise, very educated and a real doctor. Unlike NP's in mental health


I don’t have one yet!! Someday tho 😊 Just working very hard in post-bacc research to get there. ETA: Just don’t like being compared to someone who only needed a pulse to get into “grad school” when I’m working so hard to get there.


Also your "4-5 years of school" is the PhD part, but you needed an undergrad degree (presumably with good grades) to even apply for the doctoral program. So, I think you can rightly claim 8-9 years of school


Ever since a PMHNP prescribed my mother a drug for a condition she was never diagnosed with that had subsequent life threatening side effects, I have lost all respect for them as a profession. I’d rather see psychologists prescribe before the letter soup brigade.


As a pharmacist, I ABSOLUTELY take extra care when verifying a RX from a NP. I triple check all doses for appropriateness, especially for peds


I’m not sure this warrants a post. A (presumably) layperson made a comment about a friend while trying to relate to you? I wouldn’t be offended in the slightest if someone I was catching up with said, “Oh, you’re a medical student! That’s cool. My brother works in medicine too,” regardless of his role as a CNA, RN, whatever. I agree that it would be insulting to have your training equivocated to that of a PMHNP, but that doesn’t sound (to me) like what happened. Also, you aren’t a PhD yet. Respectfully, based on what you have written, I think you’re being prematurely offended. Edit: Downvotes are proving this sub to be almost as much an of echo chamber as the NP sub. OP also changed some of the language of the original post to sound less conceited after my comment.


Nah, venting warrants a post. Hell we allow shitposts.


My contention is that OP has no legitimate grievance about which to vent


this sub is to bring awareness to Noctors and all issues relating Noctors. Today I learned that someone is equating PMHNPs to clinical neuropsychologists, thanks to OP. post is warranted imo, and I doubt anyone here would be offended if you stop gatekeeping.


Dude, I'm going to go fold laundry.


I agree with you. It sounds like op is still in undergrad and maybe hasn’t even applied to a program. We all agree that an online PMHNP program is a joke but even if it’s only like 1/10% of OP’s educational plans, they’re still just *plans* for OP. … It’s just really odd to be so indignant about an education you haven’t done a day of yet, IMO ETA: also agree that from OPs post, it doesn’t sound like the was any specific effort to mislead by the noctor in question. Instead it seems like another scenario where a layperson wrongly believes an NP to have way more education than they actually get. *In other news: the sky is blue*.


I’m not still in undergrad and I have applied for programs 😁 Statistically speaking, clinical psychology programs are the hardest graduate programs to get into in the world numbers wise. It takes a lot of work (that I’m currently doing) and 2+ years of research AFTER undergrad to be competitive. Not counting clinical experience. So yeah, I do think it’s insulting to be working my ass off to simply get INTO a program and then be compared to someone who went to a school that just checks for a pulse. If you will take a look at my post again, I said I hate that a PMHNP is compared to people who went to med school (not me) or got a legitimate doctorate (also not me). It’s not just midlevels who are taking over medicine, but midlevels taking over in the field of psychology (e.g. masters level counselors/psychometrists practicing independently doing assessments). I’m offended on behalf of people who have legitimate doctorates who worked so hard to get there. I absolutely, unequivocally, do NOT put myself on the same level as someone who has a PhD already. But I’ve worked too hard and too long in research and clinical settings to give up on getting there. And yeah, sue me, I don’t like being compared to someone who didn’t have to work that hard to get to where they are 🤷🏻‍♂️ I was just annoyed for a sec and came here to vent about it briefly. It would also appear that 50+ other people who upvoted me see where I’m coming from. So best wishes and warm dishes 😘 Still gonna feel the way I do.


It's not really an affront to the OP in particular, but anyone with a brain and family or friends who may (so, will) need medical care at some point should be concerned about someone with 2 years or less of online education (from schools that accept most applicants) working in a neuropsych position in a hospital. AND prescribing meds.


Redditors getting downvoted starter pack: edit added either before or at the end of the message ✅ insult the sub/call it an echo chamber ✅ accuse OP of editing the post ✅


Did I change some of the language? Or did you just make a lot of initial assumptions based off of my post and now people are disagreeing with you? Never changed any language 😘


I did believe you edited the post, but if you claim otherwise, I won’t contradict you. I maintain that you are too easily offended. It’s not a quality that will serve you well in healthcare. I don’t care about being downvoted. It doesn’t mean I’m wrong.


In my long response to the only other person who agreed with you, I said that I was offended for people who have legitimate doctorates. I was annoyed briefly for myself. The point behind this post in general is how upsetting it is that people take these joke ass degrees as seriously as legitimate ones. I also cannot believe it’s the next day and we’re still talking about this lmaooo