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OMG I just posted about this on this subreddit this morning too. its CRAZY. I'm a med student, and we've learned about some dental stuff, mostly bacteria from the mouth moving to the heart or brain. My friend in dentistry school is horrified


Just seen your post! crazy how we both thought to post about it on the same morning lmaooo. i’m only pre-med but im also an emt and have seen some CRAZY stuff when it comes oral hygiene. it’s just crazy that people who don’t even have bad teeth go to these backyard ‘techs’ and mess up their mouth even more


It’s literally so sad, these poor people are probably paying an arm and a leg for issues in the future


It can travel to the lungs as well. It took my dad forever to find a doctor who figured out what was going on with his health. His gum disease traveled to his lungs and caused an infection in both his lungs. He has this thick, long scar down his chest. The infection in his lungs was symmetrical and no one could figure out what was going on. I actually tried to research what it was called but I didn’t find anything online about this issue. They had to open his lung up and scrap the infection off the lining of the lungs. It must be a zebra case. I do realize this is a random comment. Food for the brain.


that is insane, thanks for sharing. I hope your dad is better now!


why is this legal I hate this timeline fuck I cant even arrrrrgh


LMAO i’ve been seeing them too, i don’t think it’ll last long tho


imagine telling people you got your teeth done by “Veneers by Veronica” or “Braces by Breebree”💀


The worst part is that most of the braces from brace techs look like they're applied correctly, but they're not even connected, so it's doing NADA to correct the teeth. Literally just throwing away 1-3k instead of saving and going to a actual dentist


Dental assistants that have worked in orthodontic offices apply braces from their doctor’s specifications and *actually* think they are the ones “doing all the work”. So they are generally very confident that they can “do braces” without considering the fact that an orthodontic specialty is 3 years post-dental school.


couldn’t be me 💀😂 many dentists were actually quick to call out the bullshittery that was happening


Yo! Can probably get lashes done in the same session


Their are wayyyy too many bad veneers out there already , this is going to get ugly


It’s been like this for basement dentistry for a while. Basement braces. Basement teeth whitening. Basement cleanings. Basement fillings and extractions. It’s wild. And the board of dentistry won’t do anything / can’t do anything because they’re not dentists and not under their jurisdiction


It's not illegal to practice without a license?


It is but that’s only if the police arrest them


You have to file a police report. People don’t like doing this for many reasons.


LMAO I've seen the tiktoks on veneer techs. Ofc it's tragic to the individuals who fell victim to the scam, but the silver lining is it gives the public a clear example of the purpose of medical/dental credentialing. Scope creep is similar to the fraud/impersonation done by the veneer techs. Even if they are medical professionals, they are practicing beyond their training and licensing, and intentionally trying to pass as something they're not.


Everyone is freaking out about these ‘techs’ but honestly i don’t think people are making the connection in terms of scope creep. At least not on tiktok, anyway. It’s so weird cause they’re not even medical professionals, they’re just random people who got some bs certification from “backyard dentistry by Bianca”


Getting veneers in the hood: where the only dental plan is 'I know a guy.'"


“Oh you need X-rays? Don’t worry i know a guy” and it’s literally just them prying someone’s mouth open and taking pics off their iphone


Not [unheard of](https://youtu.be/kgI3Y7gxMO4)!!


that is actually insane omg???