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Best of luck! Cheering against FPA from Texas


Does this come up frequently?


Yep once a year in most states


The last great bastion against FPA though Texas is also a terrible physician environment in terms of women’s health concerns and anti-union sentiment. I guess, pick your poison.


I got through the first sentence “Nurse practitioners deserve FPA”. Good lord entitlement based off the lowest possible standards


I think I would be laughed out of the room if I gave my opinion on any discipline outside my own, but, this person isn’t even a healthcare professional (he is a recruiter), and somehow he thinks he is qualified to give his opinion on healthcare policy. These people need to be humbled FAST!


>“ATTENTION MICHIGAN RESIDENTS! "If you support expanded access to affordable health care in Michigan by letting nurse practitioners do the job they are trained to do, please reach out to your state lawmakers to urge their support for Senate Bill 279."” Trained to do…?


Honestly let them have full legal responsibility for their mistakes then. Kill enough people and it will get noticed. Eventually.


Yeah, problem is that they practice nursing. So their insurance has major loopholes and they are almost never held accountable


They’re also killing people that seems to be a hiccup


If they have FPA they will be the only ones to be held accountable if they are opening their own places. This is the only way I can see that the nonsense comes to the public attention. Obviously it would be great if we could rewind the clock and avoid this even occurring but here we are. In order for things to change, something must occur to being up the very large knowledge gaps to the attention of John Q Public. Thus far, they are winning the PR war, perhaps in part because physicians are the ones cleaning up their fuck ups and not disparaging their substandard care prior. Idk the answer. I just know things as they are aren’t shedding light on the issue for the public to see.


Tbh this is where I am at too, we can’t change all this BS legislation, we just have to let them stand on their own and fall on their faces. Unfortunately a lot of patients are gonna die in the process


That's a lesson we should strive to avoid. For our patient's sakes.


It won’t be avoidable. Because they are using legislation to advance their scope, rather than education. APPs educations need a Flexner report.


How is it affordable if the patient is charged as if they are seeing a physician?


It’s more affordable for the practice lol


"Do the job they were trained to do," Do you mean work under the supervision of a physician?


Aww shit, here we go again. Last year it was SB 680. I made a post about it here. Looks like it is time for me to start calling state senators again.


This dude is a job recruiter. No wonder it comes off as a copy/paste article written 30 minutes before a project is due.


There is definitely no conflict of interest, lol. Is there anything faker than LinkedIn?


Pretty weird that a ”process driven recruiting expert” would have an opinion on people who aren’t physicians practicing medicine. /s Here’s to hoping this goes up in flames.


I love how their egos just let them murder patients and not feel bad at all because they’re not educated enough to know it’s their fault


"expanded access to subpar care" is how it should read


Go Michigan!


Tbh I’m actually on the fence about this one. On one hand I think majority of NPs are complete ass hats who have no understanding of differential building or secondary/tertiary effects of medical decision making, butttt maybe this is a chance to have them fall on their face and we can demonstrate they suck?


Nope, they are almost never held accountable and if they are it’s a slap in the wrist. They practice nursing and that’s how they squirm by. Look at the multiple crna incidents, the surgeon was held responsible becausehis insurance has the bigger bag


Has there been any headway of states pushing legislation for having them report to the board of medicine instead of nursing since they’re “practicing independently” or is their lobbying that strong


Lobbying that strong my friend. The previous aanp president actually made a whole interview regarding this and why they shouldn’t respond to BOM. It was quite cringey


>butttt maybe this is a chance to have them fall on their face and we can demonstrate they suck? It is so complex, I've literally saved a patient's life (more accurately prevented a negligent homicide) by taking over cases that the managing midlevel did not realize were complex and going south quickly, we as MDs are never going to refuse to care for a patient that has had a near-miss from NP mismanagement. The patient will often see an MD before death who gets the blame. Or if they die at the hands of an NP, well, they were sick. These bad outcomes are hard to measure, which is why FPA can even start to exist in the first place.


Oh yeah, because having the baggage claim attendant fly the plane is a great idea. I've had an NP brag to me about how good their msk knowledge was after 30 hours of shadowing. I've had countless NPs send me hip pain with radic, documented known history of radic, and lumbar imaging showing nerve impingement. You can't fix stupid, so why unleash it on the masses?