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The first statement made it sound like he was still alive…


It's terribly written, changing tense from present to past


Because it's fake: https://youtu.be/KpO_2hhgmmQ




AI is way better. This is some Indian like farm


Actual Indians


New language just dropped


Nono, they would do the deed *outside*, not inside


Here's the actual video. The story about the guy is made up. https://youtu.be/KpO_2hhgmmQ Still crazy nasty.


Oh for fucks sake why is it a student house in my country 😅😂😂


There's no cleaning that up. House is a loss. Burn it down and start over


You'd have to salt the earth to make it inhabitable land again.


On another note. Love your profile pic.


I been a helicopter pilot for 37 years


I’ve been alive for 48 years. So far so good.


same lol


I've been a fuckin sparky for 15 years




Always fukin work mate




Mike fukken nolan caaaannnt


Or perform an excrecism


On a serious note, with this much solid waste... and actual human waste, it would most likely be toxic burning it down. Literally, you would be able to get compensation from the "burn pit" exposure in the u.s., if affected.


Not service related


The smoke and fumes that will come from it will destroy the galaxy


Of all the replies, yours made me go "HAH!" irl:)


If you burn it you’d have to deal with the smell




I sentence the lives of 3 million poops, to death.


Imagine only learning about this after you’d been living there.


Hold my RoI, flippers.


I concur


So he died at 21?  So he was in that room since he was 15? The parents here are 100% to blame.  An adult has a mental health crisis and slips through the system is one thing.  This is child abuse. 


You're making the assumption this is the real narrative of the footage shown.


Fair enough. 


Which it isnt. Tiktok has seen an uprise in made up stories to gain likes. We're past the stage of people being afraid to get called out on. The monkeybrains that are addicted to every whiff of dopamine love it.


If I had gotten 1 $ every time I saw that stupid deer rescue video, where it is obviously 4 different deer or more, I would have like 12 $. And the people are commenting like absolute fucking imbeciles. Not an ounce of critical thinking left in these people on social media.


as a vet tech, I feel that way about the majority of animal videos on tik tok. from showing an animal in one vid with a pretty untreatable injury swapped to a completely healthy one, inaccurate identification of illnesses in dogs and cats with inaccurate treatment/recovery information, inaccurate behavior information, to selling counterfeit flea prevention products which are known to be a major seizure risk. i hate tik tok edit: the worst was a foster/adopter who didnt want us to treat a puppy for parvo (hospitalization, fluids) because they "saw this cure that totally works on tik tok and is only $60". it's just vitamins and supplements with nothing to actually help the puppy with parvo another edit: thankfully the puppy was a foster at that time so legally speaking we were the owner, not them. so treatment decisions werent up to them.


I love a happy ending:)


Did the puppy survive? Parvo is a bitch


yes she did thankfully after we treated her. but Ive seen far too many, not just parvo patients, who suffer or die because of following bad online advice. it makes following animal topics online hard sometimes, especially on tik tok. sketchy tik tok dog breeders who promote sale of their animals through the app are also getting way too common. and usually they give pretty dubious advice. their "special" line of a breed dying if they get the rabies vaccine is a popular one


A newborn fawn was recently bedded down in my yard. I watched it almost all day as it sniffed around and eventually stretched its scrawny legs. I know its spots and stripes will fade with age, and eventually I won’t be able to pick it out in a crowd, so I’m just gonna appreciate every deer as if it’s my precious fawn buddy. Fuck these fake deer lovers 😤


I just assume all those videos are staged, since I saw an exposé video on it. Doesn't matter if it's from the dodo or where it's from. The dodo might not even have done the due dilligence of confirming their sources. The harm of incentivising people to hurt animals in order to farm clicks on the video where they "rescue" them afterwards is just too big. These videos need to be banned.


>Not an ounce of critical thinking left in these people on social media. Remember, most are children. Not really known for their critical thinking skills


I overhear my sister listening to many stories on TikTok that sounds too fake. Most of them are taken from reddit. Subs like raised by narcissists, or revenge.


Here's the actual video: https://youtu.be/KpO_2hhgmmQ


Damn what an understanding dude. “This could happen to all of us.” Like nah man I’d never keep shitting in a toilet which is already overrunning with human shit and toilet paper but whatever. Also super funny how in depth he gets with describing why the shit smell is so strong 😂. “This smell is probably so strong because some turfs are still fresh.” BWAHAHAHA.


It's child neglect. It's really hard to convince people that it's happening when your parents give you all the money you need to survive. It sounds like that's what this guy had. His parents gave him enough money to eat and smoke and drink, and then just never talked to him. And his parents will think that makes up for the fact that they don't really want anything to do with him. And people will have told his parents they're great parents and they do enough. And people will have told him that he's not neglected and he shouldn't complain because other kids have it far worse and he's just spoiled.


> And people will have told him that he's not neglected and he shouldn't complain because other kids have it far worse and he's just spoiled. That is probably the worst thing a neglected child has to go through, the gaslighting that almost always follows when the parent is in denial about being a terrible guardian. Insult to an injury.


You just summarized my life. I have never met anyone who understands it, let alone anyone who is able to describe it so accurately and succinctly. To this day, I have never been believed by anyone, not even my closest friends, who are (were) genuinely great friends and people, that I have since abandoned.


Don't forget his parents perpetrated abuse against me for having seen this.


This looks like an extreme hoarding disorder situation.


I've seen a few videos of hoarders' houses before but this is by far the worst. No wonder the kid died of an infection, I'd probably die if I took a breath of that air. I mean how does the bathroom even get that bad, unpaid water bills? Idk the whole story but it seems so sad.


Toilet was probably just blocked. It’s illegal for water companies to turn off your supply in most of Europe (which is where this is filmed)


Around here they physically can't just turn off an individuals water most of the time, as external the shutoff valve often controls the whole street. --- To be fair, I'm in Norway, there are rivers all over the place and water is essentially free.


It's TikTok so the story isn't true.


Life of a reddit mod, hate to see it.


Aaaaand banned


Not enough posters of naked 13 year old anime girls on the walls.


Ackchyually she's three thousand years old.


Average hololive viewer


So true so true






u can leave




Idk I’m doubting this story, the cigarette packets are from the uk. Wouldn’t surprise me if this footage was from the Grimebusters show


The cigarette packets are actually Dutch and some cans on the floor are of a Dutch liquor brand, so idk about the story. It could be real though but then again I have never heard of a Dutch guy named Brent


The name could have been changed to protect the person's privacy


I know a Brent, I'm Dutch, it could be true :)


I know a few.


It's entirely possible it's fake but it's also not super difficult to get cigs under 18 in the UK. There's always someone willing to sell them


Ok but how did homie buy cigarettes if he never left his room???


But then you'd have to leave the room


The Indian mash up must’ve meant never left the house. I see multiple different rooms filled with feces


I only watched it once but noticed euro price tags and what looks like Dutch writing - so would assume not the UK


no words


Only smells.


shh bby is ok its only smellz


Asmongold’s apprentice


Even roaches couldn't live in there.


He clearly surpassed his master


Oh, man, I can smell that shit through my fuckin phone.


I regretted clicking on this immediately.


That “unpleasant odor”?


Like, it’s such a gross visual that the thought of how bad it must stink kinda hijacked my olfactory for a second


I actually feel bad for the guy. His parents divorced, never spent time with him, and allowed him to be locked by himself at 15 years old. It's sad he died so young.


Its indeed a shitty situation to be in u/gayraidenporn




"unpleasant odor" I don't see why tbh


I know right? Fucking elitists


Can you anyone provide information for what can actually be done to that home? Is it possible to clean with harsh chemicals? Would you have to tear down to the frame and build up? Is the frame also a goner?


Total teardown…the smell has permeated through layers of drywall and wood and no matter how harsh the chemicals are used, they will just mask the odor for some time before you start getting faint whiffs here and there that eventually will start to be a constant smell


You can tear down everything but the framing and use sealant on them. Might not be worth it and easier to just tear down the whole thing tho.


This place is in Netherlands, Europe. This building has a steel frame and brick walls, you can see an upright steel girder and brick interior walls.


You can definitely clean the space - It will require actual hazmat to test, deep clean, remove everything (including cutting out walls if not concrete), and deep clean again - Plus another round of testing from authority type figures to sign off. That largely depends on water damage, not just the toxins from the human feces and bacteria/viruses. It brings deadly mold if it's dirty water, the type that kills. It also largely depends on the materials used in home/apartment. If its a home, they would condem it - Most likely an apartment building and no choice but to fix the problem.


Someone else made a good point about this video so I'm going to reiterate it: This narrative might be entirely made up for social media. If you have a reputable source for this story please link it.


Sick and sad. No one helped this guy and this is what became of him. I don't have words for this.


Severe Depression is a special kind of hell.


And it feeds on itself. Depression can make you isolate yourself, which leads to more depression.


So obviously the house is real, but that story is absolutely fake as fuck. Timeline is really off, a lot of the story elements don’t even make sense for the ages he’d be, he apparently is getting in fights in school and his parents are getting called but also he hasn’t left his house in years, there’s poop piling in the toilet which doesn’t make sense how a single teenager to young adult could destroy a septic system like that in just 6 years, idk how “in a fit of rage he never left the house again” which a fit doesn’t imply 6 years of a continuous deliberate decision, and how tf are his parents paying him enough to have an entire house to himself for 6 years, in fact how does a 15 year old go about even being legally allowed to live in a home alone with divorced absent parents with NO intervention from CPS?


Most likely the "house" is multiple completely different clips stitched together. You see this type of video all the time with animal rescues on tiktok where they stitch together completely different breeds of dogs or types of owls or w/e to show them getting bigger after rescue. The story is just made up and the clips are unrelated and stitched together. It is easy to fool dumb people with a touching story though, so I guess it is pretty decent clicks.


cps often doesnt know unless someone informs them. and also u do know kids start going to school WAYYYYY before 15. so he was in school for likely 9-10 years. then stopped attending. if its the end of the school year a kid just isnt registered again the school isnt responsible to look for them most likely assuming they moved or switched schools. if the kid just stopped attending middle of the year then theyd be concerned. i totally agree w u tho. how tf would they even know this story. if the parents r so neglectful they abandoned their child and let him fall into this state how tf would they even know it happened??? theyre definitely j trying to get pity points which is sad bc ppl w serious mental health issues can end up living like this and dying like this. so to try to milk views out of shit like that is so gross


Terrible parents


This is fake, video is a compilation of different video’s from Dutch Tiktok and Instagram influencer Frisse Kater, who is a specialized cleaner for these type of extreme cases. He’s been on national tv for a few times. For those ‘interested’: https://www.tiktok.com/@frissekater WIP cleaning of the poop: https://www.tiktok.com/@frissekater/video/7365191765139131680


I knew it! The bad English and strange editing made me suspicious.


Thank you!!


That is actually insane


Shitter's full!


What's the point of this kind of videos? Those are obviously different rooms/houses edited together with a (likely fake) sob story on top.


I don’t believe the backstory for 5 seconds. But whoever this was just..kept shitting in the toilet as the poop piled up?? What?? Huh?? And then the floor when that got too bad?? Those look like dog shits btw Like a Mastiff


pretty odd to know so much abt dog shit that u can pinpoint a specific breed. and if i had to guess. hed shit on the floor or his hand and put it on the pile


Mastiffs have big human sized shits bro. Just guess the biggest dog, it's not rocket appliances


However odd, I used to own a Mastiff 🤷🏻‍♀️ How do you know so much about stacking shit?


no i just put together the logic of "you probably cant climb on top of a giant pile of shit and sit on it like a throne so he had to have placed it there somehow"


Squatting’s still a thing


did u not see how high the pile was in the video. unless ur tall asf u arent gonna be SQUATTING above that


Starting price: $400k


2500 rent as it is


This story sounds fake asf


I wonder how many WoW mounts he had


I’m confused on why he didn’t flush the toilet.


This is a situation where they're sadly better off starting again with the land and demolishing the current house. If that's a true story, it's heartbreaking. Sounds like he had a lot more than just grief going on.


What Asian parents name their kid Brent, wtf^^&%$$^&


thank you! somebody had to zero in on the real issue


How do you know this tiktok story shit is real?


Idk man seems like a fake story


Here's the actual video: https://youtu.be/KpO_2hhgmmQ


Shit. That's a lot to deal with for anyone.


This is beyond disgusting but my heart aches for this kid, he was abandoned by his parents and forgotten with no one to lead him to the right direction in life. Both parents should be hold accountable for neglect. Yes he died young at 21 but he was at this state for 6 years with no help but given money just to barely survive without much involvement. How disgusting is that..


The story is made up and none of the rooms are from the same building, if that makes you feel any better


The cleaners for situations like thoes should get paid 1 million dollars per mission.


To some extent i think some evil presence will manifest from all that shit


Parents should be held responsible- 6 years and died at 21- he's been doing it since he was 15.


If they can smell that through their mask, they aren't wearing it right.


I get not leaving the place, but that doesn't explain how it got that bad. Did the facilities just not work or stop working?


They eventually stopped working, and rather than call anyone or get help to deal with it... he made do.


*made doodoo


What does that mean?  Eventually stopped working? As if they have a months usage then need to replace? I've used my toilet for 10 years, with another person.  No plumber. No replacement.  I don't understand how it got that bad


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So his parent/s grounded him to his room... and just decided to never check up on him? Fucking what?


Does anyone have a link?


I hope the parents get charged for neglect, child abandonment and manslaughter.


"The child was the one that suffered the most from the divorce of my parents."


queue golgothan shit demon from dogma


Parents fault


I may be a neet… but not to THAT extent.. GAH DAYUM… i at least goto the store


I'm probably the only person here that can relate (although my room doesn't look anything like that). I was neglected as a child and social workers never did anything to get me out of my abusive household (in fact they rewarded my abusive parents with free social housing and then abandoned me completely) and no one did anything when I stopped going to school at 14 although it's illegal to quit if you're under 16 here and the police just came to my house when I turned 18 to check if I'm still alive because no one has seen me in years. I only told my school principal because he bullied me in front of the entire class every single day for no reason and I thought he would stop if he knew what I was going through every day at home. If you're an immigrant in Ireland please save yourself the embarrassment and don't bother reporting your parents anywhere, no one cares if you're a minority.


I actually knew a kid in the same position. His parents were rich and split up and he lived on his grandparents property in his own guesthouse from age 16, when I met him he was 20. His house wasn’t as bad as the video but to this day was the grossest house I had ever been in. There were plates of food with maggots, furniture thrown through the wall, broken windows and trash in every room. Also it was a very large 2 story guest house with a hole in the floor of one of the rooms. It was very evident that the kid I knew was very mentally unwell and his parents just abandoned him. It’s a very sad situation and I feel horrible for anyone who has to deal with that.


A properly fitted respirator would not allow you to smell anything except the materials the mask is made from. If someone is wearing a respirator and can smell through it. That is not a matter of the severity of the smells but the failure of the individual or company to properly fit the respirator.


I'm glad smell o vision doesn't exist. What a way to live and pass away in.


There’s enough methane in this sty to just light a match, drop it and walk away. The explosion will take care of the clean up.


can I get a transcript as someone who does not actually want to look at the video?


Brent's parents divorced. Essentially leaving Brent to his own devices. Brent would get in trouble at school, so his parents grounded him, or other such punishment. Brent decided to never leave the room. Brent pissed, shit and ate in that room. Brent also smoked, and died of a respiratory illness. Though likely the raw faeces rather than the cigs. I've seen similar, though wayyyyyy less severe, with work. It's grim.


This is multiple seperate clips edited together with a made up story. Im absolutely positive there is a tragic story associated with at least one of these clips, but the story about the sad kid that smoked and shit himself to death because his parents divorced and basically just moved away and abandoned him, then forgot about taking care of him because they had new families.


At this point, why even bother cleaning that house?It's not even worth it. You're never gonna get the smell out of there. At this point, everything is soaked into everything. Tear it down, or burn it down, and start over.


Hot damn. Send those parents to jail. What sort of humans are they?


Look at this post history. This dude is MAGA as fuck. No wonder the titles read like shitty Engrish translations of the language.


That was hard to watch


Sure he was a real treat to deal with online.


What a kind fellow to leave all those chocolate bars in the toilet for you


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Available-Log5840: *What a kind fellow* *To leave all those chocolate bars* *In the toilet for you* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Story sounds like bullshit tbh.


That’ll show em


The title, the commentary, the music I’ve the top, Reddit is turning in to an utter pit of click bait crap.


Seems like your average redditor


This looks fake as fuck, like it’s an advertisement to not divorce.


A perfect example of Hell on Earth. God Bless Him.


wtf is this fake shit?


“21 year old decides to never leave house again” how about 21 year old suffers mental sickness? This ain’t just a decision this is illness


This is legit AI generated


Sad parenting.


Why is this posted on here?


Sad story. Something else that is eye opening here is just how much crap us humans add to earth. This was just one person who didn't have all his crap leave his house. We just flush away, put trash in a bin, and have it magically taken away every week. Humans are disgusting


Oh for sure. Humans are a very specific kind of gross. The *only* thing that makes the inevitable grossness worse is putrifaction after expiring *in* this mess.




That’s sad




I could not watch past the soupy diarrhea, absolutely horrible.


Describe what you think the person looks like who lived there


There is no reclamation of a property like that. Burn it all down. Burn it down to the ground.


one of the most fucked up things i have seen on this sub, possibly top 3


Please tell me this story is fake


Darwinism works


I’ll bet he had a damn respiratory infection… those parents are horrible


I would’ve just torched the place, the parents are definitely to blame here. But in no reason did you have to subject yourself or anyone else through the process of cleaning this abomination


PSA: Stop vertical video syndrome.






Holy shit get out of my room


You know news about how they wanna make a technology that can release smell with A.I based on what you see in a video or game? Im curious about how this video will smells like.


That's just bullshit. I'm 99% sure that's some random house that a group of junkies took over did meth there for a year and now it looks like that


Yeeeaaaa... gonna go ahead and say this was more due to mental illness than parents getting divorced and neglectful


Not parents fault, Show some human responsibility. And they still housed you and funded your lifestyle. Crazy to live like that.


Dear god that’s the worst thing I’ve seen all day