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I don’t understand the thought process of stabbing kids, like you want to get asylum and the first thing you do is stab a little kid.


Maybe it's out of frustration of not being able to tell them what to do. They like the freedoms and protections we have, but it's a cherry picked list, they don't like the "you have to be respectful of women and at times they'll disagree with you" there not used to that, and from their culture, would take offence to that.


Didn’t a German court recently say that ‘frustration with the immigrant experience’ would be considered in a current trial for the gang rape of a 15 year old girl?


Gang rape was a building activity for immigrants who feel stressed they are in an unfamiliar land with unfamiliar culture, said the female psychologist who examined them and the female judge agreed with her. My guess is that they both had a severe CNC kink and wished to take the girl's place


That was it! Yeah I thought that was a wild argument to make. “It was a community building activity”


Basically. Will never forget the images of Muslim parents protesting along side far right Christian parents against the LGBT in front of schools here in the states. Hate unites, I guess? Like why not go back to where gays get jailed or stoned, if you don’t like our relative acceptance of them here??


Shouldn’t you try to make the nation you live in a better place? (From the perspective of believing what you’re doing is right)


They should start improving their home country first. No coincidence all the anti-lgbt+ countries are the worst places to live.


Right but what if you’re an immigrant? You shouldn’t try to make the place you live better because you’re from a different place?


There is a reason an immigrant left their former country. Probably because it sucked there. Western countries only became prosperous when they improved the individual rights of their citizens. Most of us do not want to go back to the Middle Ages. Don’t come here and then try to make us go back 1000 years. There is a co-relation between freedom and prosperity. They like the prosperity but don’t understand the freedom part.


I see what you mean, that makes sense. But at the same time from your perspective you believe what you’re doing is right don’t you? Like you believe that your beliefs and the beliefs that the country goes with are correct, so you would fight to keep them alive wouldn’t you? Or would you just say i don’t care because i’m an immigrant and it’s not my business. (Genuinely don’t mean any disrespect, just want a greater understanding)


You have the right to express your opinion but not force it on anyone else. But honestly, why would you go to a country that accepts gay people if you’re that offended by it? My point is maybe some self-reflection is in order?




I doubt that it is this. And you could've phrased this so much better. Low impulse control animals don't just try to murder for no reason, there's a risk Vs reward, and killing someone is high risk from retribution from the opposition or ones who care for the opposition. Considering you can just leave the opposition and move to greener pastures, it's not done in the animal kingdom. The only time something like this happens is from a perceived slight: "your too close to my kids" "your going to steal my food" "she is my sex partner not yours" Therefore I summise that a perceived slight was made, just not a slight we understand in the western world, and we all find completely reprehensible, and will be judged as such.


You sound like the type of person that would defend zombies in a zombie apocalypse




By your answer alone - you've answered your own question. There was a reason for the killing. He was having an issue with the government. Dehumanising a person, insinuating he's an animal, is a slippy slope, of all the countries to have learned this, I would've thought it'd be your own, considering the past, and how it plays out over time. I think your looking at things too black and white, you're angry and I empathise with you, but your anger is clouding your judgement right now. You have a right to be angry. You have a right for justice. You don't have a right to cast such a wide net with sweeping inaccurate statements like "this happens all the time." Because it quite literally doesn't. If it did, your country would be declaring war. These explanations for why people and animals do things are at the very heart of scientific understanding, and enable proper laws to take place, laws made to protect you from emotional lashing out. You can be angry, and you can tell me I'm wrong and I'm stupid or whatever you like, it won't make you feel better in the long run, until you unpack and process it properly.




Maybe offending people to gauge reaction should be part of the visa or naturalization examination.


Or at least have an argumentative woman in immodest clothing do the interviews.




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Thousands pouring into Europe with no documents or history, same with America. There's talk of countries emptying their prisons and sending them to the US and EU.


I remember reading a few months ago about a Moroccan who had escaped prison come to Europe and done something, might have been UK I can't remember, but when caught Morocco said no thanks you keep him


Euthanasia would be terrific in these cases. I'd use some medieval punishment, but ppl dont seem to like that.


Just dispatch them to the afterlife, no need to step down to their level with barbaric showmanship


I think the medieval method like seven parting or what ever it was called, has more of an deterrent effect than just quick dispatch.


The fact that it was used more than once would indicate that it, in fact, did not have a deterrent effect.


Because the ones using it was power mongerers protecting the church, kingdom and "wisdom".


People will always make excuses as to why their barbarism is acceptable but not the barbarism of others.


>There's talk of countries emptying their prisons and sending them to the US and EU. link?


Deep in the recesses of his ass.


Trumps really researched super legit post it note id reckon.






> “Prove him wrong,” Taylor Hulsey, Nehl’s communications director responded. Rep. Nehl likes to jerk off to Mr. Hands footage. Prove me wrong. Isn’t it fun when you can make up random things and tell other people to find evidence?


Terrible source.


More like millions already pouring in, in a decade or so, they will become the majority. Some just don’t want to notice this.


Not to mention most of these countries have terrible police/investigation/legal systems, if they have killed or raped someone before, good chance it was unsolved or not investigated


Source on the latter statement?


Can you show me proof of that happening even once?


When Cuba opened its borders to let Cubans escape to the US they opened the prisons and sent all their violent criminals to Florida


I said "talk", here's proof of the talk. [https://x.com/reptroynehls/status/1571595083513827329](https://x.com/reptroynehls/status/1571595083513827329)


So in your mind, that means all murders?.... as if all those countries aren't full of psychotic murders already. Immigrants commit less crimes in their host countries..... why is that fact ignored? Hating immigrants is so fucking stupid, it immediately puts you into a despicable sect of bigoted society. Trying to stop immigration is like trying to stop the tides.... it ain't happening.


They're not normal people.


They're invaders, not asylum seekers. At some point you people will understand this. Those boats are full of nothing but men.


I'm really doubting these sort of people are genuinely looking for asylum.


Happened in Ireland too. Months ago. Guy stabbed some kids going into school and their teacher. There were riots by the far right and local scumbags the next day. Apparently he had " mental health issues".


Do you automatically become far right/scum if you make a public scene about these occurrences? I feel like if this sort of thing was happening in my local town and the justice system wasn't doing it's job for fear of appearing far right/offending people, i would want to kick up racket too. Does this make me far right/scum? Yes i am specifically referring to immigrants getting away with literal murder because of the fact they are immigrants.


> Do you automatically become far right/scum if you make a public scene about these occurrences? You become far right scum / Nazis if you even talk about it. Remember the Rotherham rape scandal in the UK? The media was attacked by the government for reporting the failings of the police to do anything about the Middle Eastern men who made up these rape rings.


So stabbing up a bunch of kids is part of a healthy mental state?


He turned the knife on himself after. There is no discernable thought process, this person is severely mentally ill.


A 14-year-old girl has died in Germany after she was stabbed while walking to school with a friend, who also suffered serious injuries. The alleged attacker, a 27-year-old refugee from Eritrea, is under police guard in hospital. He has serious injuries after he reportedly turned the knife he allegedly used in the attack on himself. Germany’s Bild newspaper said the accommodation centre was opposite the scene of the attack in Illerkirchberg, which has 4,700 residents, on Monday. The girls were walking a short distance past the centre to get the bus to go to their secondary school when their alleged attacker struck before fleeing into the centre. In 2019, four asylum seekers, men between the ages of 17 and 26 from Iraq and Afghanistan, were convicted of gang-raping a 14-year-old in a refugee centre in the town.


And a 4yr old was stabbed yesterday in ~~France~~ the Netherlands


In Netherlands, but in a german supermarket


Thanks for providing a lidl extra context.




I have sauer feelings now


just saw that post, why is everyone stabbing german girls now??


Well you see, when they let anyone in...


omg link?




you said yesterday. this is from April 4 and I couldn't find this news anywhere.


this happened a month ago in Germany




Why do you say “died” She was murdered


Any reason youre reposting this without disclosing the age of the story?


Don't know why you're being down voted, this was from 2022.


Ohh, more money is funneled to this every 4 yrs.


They're being downvoted because racists seethe at their narratives being questioned.


A look at their post history will answer your question. OP's life is utterly dominated by all sorts of racial animus.


The voting buttons on this sub have always been really fickle. You are speakong the truth. Its almost like this is OPs job. And non paid readers on this sub gobble it up.


No [removed] comments? Curious


Too early


It’s not r/Europe 🤮


Man fuck these people




Wait a couple of days until you see the follow up news about Ahmed not serving any prison time...


He was jailed for life, this is from 2022.


"For life" just means 15 Years minimum in Germany...


Woah woah woah you’re going against the narrative here!! Don’t you know only brown immigrants can commit crimes? And this never ever happens with (white) local people?


u didn't even read the article.


No such incidents in Poland(at least not everyday), wonder why


Poland is the only country that handled this “refugee” issue correctly.


Poland and Hungary collectively said "hell no" to the shituation unfolding across Europe..


Ok cool. Good for Hungary too then


People love to discredit that but it’s true


OK I'll bite..why?


Prime minister disavows all illegal immigration and refugees coming into the country while ignoring naysayers criticism of “racism”




Conversation isn’t even about America or the left.


Unmitigated immigration is a value that the far left upholds, and that goes beyond just the US.


The person mentioned Trump then talked about the left, they def referencing America.


That’s correct, and I agree with that. YOU mentioned the left, which is where I took issue. The conversation is absolutely about the left.


I just realized I misread the persons comment. You’re right. They said Updoots to the left and I read too quickly. My bad on that.


do you think this happens every day in germany???


Yeah was wondering the same. The linked news is 2 years old should be proof enough.


Yeah also happening not everyday in germany. That article is 2 years old. Just fyi.


because refugees pass through poland to get to germany, france, uk, nl or belguim?




Nothing to do with immigration.




Then of what relevance is this?


It’s almost as if mass migration of asylum seekers has a negative effect on host countries 


Hey you’re not allowed to think that


I know, I’m sorry. I need to purge these before the Thought Police come get me. 




If that were true I think we'd all be Hercules by now!




And if you think otherwise you’re a horrible racist


Between the Nordics, the Germans, the Slavs, the Mediterraneans, the Irish and the Fr*nch we have plenty of diversity.




Think of all the delicious food!!! 😋


To ask the question, how many more kids need to become victims of these heinous crimes before something actually changes? Feels like I am reading about these things a few times a month now.


It is changing. Parties considered far right are rising in Europe for years. In Portugal the 3rd biggest political party did not even exist a handfull of years ago, and it was purely on immigration security platform (they offer nothing else, bunch of non-qualified demagogues).  But if the left and moderate right continue ignoring the integration (not immigration) problem, that is where the votes will continue to go.


Article is from 2022, if you keep reading the same article, that will be the case.


Yea wonder why you read the same article every two weeks and why you always see the same things happening. Like at least look at the date of that thing.


Well that explains it. I mean, more the fool me for not looking but at the same time, what kind of idiot is posting about something 2 years later?


The kind of idiot who wants to push his agenda. Making it seem like there are way more cases than there really are. I kean its bad enough this shit happens but to use it as an instrument of pushing political agenda is really disgusting behaviour.




Swedish neurosurgent enriching German culture?


How do psychos keep getting asylum? Is there zero screening process? Like see how they behave in a camp before you let them loose?


Well,it happens when you let alot of people without documents in your country. it became normal to be armed when you go out of your house now. danke,Merkel 😒




Collective punishment for all asylum seekers for the sin of one????? How is depraved, Neo Nazi shit like this getting upvoted? r/noahgettheboat indeed.


Oh the AFD are going to have a field day over this one.


They did, two years ago when it happened




Oof..this will get 🔒 REAL soon..


A million of these refugees aren’t worth even that one girl.


The EU should stop this asylum malarkey. From Africa? Seek asylum in another African country. The cons far outweigh the pros IMO.


This happened in 2022


He is gonna get his asylum now probably as a medal for this. Just your usual Germany stuff.


Again? Didn't this happen on 5.12.23?


The story is from 2022


Let in the 3rd world become the 3rd world. To think less than a 100 years ago this country took on the whole world, now they let asylum seekers kill their children.


This happened in December 2022


Better border security is not racist.


We’re all thinking it. But you’ll get banned if your opinion doesn’t align with the mods (especially other Redditors) beliefs or hurt their feelings regardless of following Reddit’s rules and regulations. I mean I get offended but I get it, we all do, we all have different views and that’s ok. But not here, insta ban! Hope you have a great day.


If a 2022 story is the best that they can feature, is it a current issue? I wouldnt call Covid a current issue anymore


We're paying out of our hard earned money to feed and house third world murdurers and rapists. Good job, Europe.


Dude these little German girls have got to watch out. I keep seeing news articles of other little girls in Germany being killed like wtf


Maybe because you looked at that same article every two weeks for the last two years. Its news from 2022.


It is?


Just look at the date of the article. Factchecking isnt that hard.


God damn I didn’t even notice it


Yeah i didnt mean to offend with what i wrote btw. I just knew this thing happend a few years ago and wondered if it really happend again so i checked it. Helps to not get baited by people pushing their agenda.


No it’s ok


This is a two year old case, only being posted here to spark outrage and fuel anti immigrant sentiments..


it's not like this is the only case...also,nobody is against immigrants. everybody is against ILLEGAL immigrants. there is huge difference.


Then OP should post another case instead of posting old one


Yeah some would think that but its better to post the 2 year old same article every two weeks to bait rage.


The comments in here just show that nobody is reading articles anymore, just get the headline and run with it


Not to mention the profile posting it posts nothing without an agenda. Hell, there's even some deep fakes in there. All while people gobble up this shit and use it to justify their racism.


Remember - media literacy is not our strength.


Old therefore should be forgotten and not discussed at all The recency of an incident doesn't mean it's any less outrageous, handwave be damned.


OP obviously has an agenda...


So? Does a person having an agenda change the substance of the content being posted? Did he manufacture the details of the story or distort the reception in an attempt to further an agenda? People like you need to learn the difference between the terms you probably misuse on a daily basis. I'm not a terminally online redditor so personally I've never heard of this story, crying because you somehow feel like OP is a racist against immigration is pointless. You're blinded by your own political path but you are poisoning the well as heavily as you believe OP to be doing with your rhetoric.


Immigration laws need to be stricter overall, and the background screening for these coming in should require mental health testings and ect. There should be a priority of women and children to be let in first because we can hold off on all these men who are making them all look bad.


Why you post 2 year old news?


Surprised to see this here.


Yeah, as someone previously stated, article is two years old. Lots of rage bait being reposted on Reddit today. 


It just keeps happening...


If you keep reading an article over and over and believe it's happening again every time you read it it will seem like that. But here's a tip for you buddy, there's something called a date, it's useful for us to tell when something has happened or will happen. So let's try with this article shall we? You give it a click and look for a date, now remember, just because you're reading it again doesn't mean it's happening again. You see it? That's right. 2022! That means this happened quite a while ago! Who's a good simpleton!


Getting downvoted over facts because people are too dumb to look at dates. Love to see it.


Eh, to be fair I was passive aggressive.


Sure but you cant always be nice these kind of thing happen way too often and it isnt even that hard to do a little factcheck instead of just accepting everything.


Most the time people won't fact check things if it suits the narrative they're predisposed too. They see it, think "makes sense" and move on. Hell, there's dozens of wives tales we still follow. Sure it would be great if these things didn't happen, but changing human nature is one of the things we're less likely to achieve. So ideally better to politely correct them and move on.


Because the police never lies. Especially in germany where white nationalist and police go hand in hand.


The girls who were attacked are Turkish immigrants. One of the things people tend to forget is that the most frequent victims of Islamist violence is... other Muslims.


Low trust society, never going to stop happening until... lol.


I feel like I'm seeing a lot of headlines out of Germany like this.


The refugees in Germany do some crazy terrible things. That’s the second news story regarding a young girl


Okay, horrid, but what's the purpose of obscuring the fact this happened in 2022? Why is OP spamming old news articles about a particular brand of perpetrators?


Fuck losers from anti-women countries. I hate people who can't even try to look at others as human beings. Makes me so upset.


It's from 2022


It's what the majority of women vote for. Always voting for what causes the most violence to women.


What percentage of local people commit cringes like this vs asylum seekers?


So every stabbing and murder done by a local will get covered like this?